The benefits and harms of bitter chocolate over the years cause endless debate among doctors and nutritionists, because for many this product is a favorite treat from childhood. Some say that he is able to spoil his teeth and increase weight. Others consider it to be a real medicine, while others simply enjoy the taste without thinking about anything. Let's try to figure out what is hidden behind the bright packaging of a bar of dark chocolate and whether it really is so harmful.
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Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of dark chocolate
The composition of dark chocolate is rich in vitamins and minerals that can have a positive effect on the body.
- Vitamin E is primarily a positive effect on the female body. It is able to maintain the natural beauty and youth of the skin.
- Vitamin B helps the thyroid gland function. In addition, it accompanies the production of red blood cells and has a positive effect on vision.
- Nicotinic acid cleanses and dilates blood vessels, eliminates the formation of cholesterol plaques.
- Magnesium improves memory, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.
- Iron acts as the prevention of anemia.
- Theobromine improves biochemical processes and speeds up metabolism.
- Caffeine activates the breakdown of fats.
100 grams of chocolate contains 540 kcal. The ratio of fats / proteins / carbohydrates is 35.4 / 6.2 / 48.2.
Health benefits
The beneficial properties of dark chocolate for the body have been proven by more than one generation.
They are mainly manifested in the following:
- Being a natural antidepressant, chocolate can slow down the aging of the body.
- Eating a small piece of dark chocolate daily helps prevent heart attacks and strokes.
- The product improves blood flow.
- Satisfies hunger.
- It is the prevention of cholesterol plaques and, as a consequence, blood clots.
- Strengthens the vascular system.
- Increases immunity.
- Chocolate is an energy source that helps increase stamina.
- Helps to recover after strong physical exertion.
- Normalizes blood pressure.
- It has anti-inflammatory effect.
- It alleviates sore throats and also helps in the treatment of prolonged coughing.
- Contributes to the normalization of the psychoemotional state.
- Helps improve memory and activates the brain.
- Serves as a prophylaxis of ulcerative processes.
Many doctors say that there is a certain benefit of dark chocolate for women, and especially pregnant women. The product stops hair loss, strengthens nails. They say that if you regularly eat dark chocolate, you can give birth to a stress-resistant baby.
Dark chocolate is also good for men. It works as an aphrodisiac and is able to increase potency.
Please note that the higher the percentage of cocoa beans in chocolate, the higher its benefits. A high-quality product contains 72% of this ingredient, but at the same time its indicator should be at least 55%. The amount of cocoa butter should be about 30%.
Diabetes Benefits
Unlike white and milk chocolate, black is allowed for use in type 2 diabetes. The main thing is to know the measure and not to overdo it with the quantity.
Useful properties are as follows:
- saturates the body with polyphenols;
- ascorutin strengthens blood vessels, reduces their fragility;
- due to the use of dark chocolate in the body of a diabetic, lipoproteins are formed, which have a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism;
- the product lowers blood pressure;
- increases insulin sensitivity;
- enriches with iron;
- promotes rapid saturation of the body due to the high percentage of protein;
- saturates the body with antioxidants, thanks to the flavonoids that make up the composition.
Cooking Application
In cooking, dark chocolate can be used as an independent dessert. In addition, it can be used as an additional ingredient in many dishes. Special sauces are prepared on the basis of dark chocolate, and some of them can be added to sweet and unsweetened dishes.
A bar of dark chocolate can serve as the basis for the cream. And the product often serves as an original decoration of various culinary masterpieces.
Use in cosmetology
Recently, cosmetic products, which include chocolate, are increasingly gaining market share.
- The salons offer a variety of wellness programs, which are based on creams and mousses with chocolate.
- Chocolate products are included in a comprehensive anti-aging program.
- Hot chocolate is added to the bathroom, used for massage procedures, masks and balms based on it are rubbed into the skin.
- Some salons offer a course of chocolate therapy, which is designed for the skin.
In addition to the healing effect, chocolate improves mood and overall well-being. As a result of therapy, the skin becomes velvety, sometimes pigmentation even disappears. Chocolate-based masks smooth wrinkles and help heal small wounds and eczema. And cocoa butter is able to combat dry skin.
Is it possible to lose weight by eating dark chocolate
Have you ever thought that dark chocolate can get rid of extra pounds?
Today there is a chocolate diet with strict requirements. The menu includes sugar-free coffee, but with milk, still water and a bar of your favorite chocolate.
Reviews of such a diet are contradictory, since it has contraindications. Such nutrition can have a negative effect on the body, in particular on the stomach and liver, and cause hypertension.
Despite the fact that dark chocolate is lacking milk and the amount of sugar is minimal, it is not considered the best ingredient for weight adjustment. It has sedative properties and is allowed in small amounts even on the strictest diets. But it is better that the daily norm for an adult does not exceed 30 grams, and for children after 5 years it should be reduced to 20 grams.
Contraindications and possible harm
Despite the fact that dark chocolate has practically no restrictions, it is still not worth abusing it.
- Regular consumption of the product in large quantities can be addictive. This feature is due to the fact that chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine. Once in the body, substances act like marijuana. In order to achieve this effect, you need to eat a large amount of product.
- Caffeine can also have a tonic effect, so chocolate is best for those who have trouble sleeping.
- Well, and, of course, do not forget about allergic reactions.
Among other things, a treat in large quantities leads to a set of extra pounds. Therefore, when using bitter chocolate, do not forget to stop on time.