Every person at least once in his life felt the burning of his right ear, a sign is known to many, but what does it matter? Signs in the cultural heritage of the peoples of the world play a significant role. For millennia, man has sought to convince himself that in this way he is preparing to meet future events fully armed.
Material Content:
- 1 The right ear burns - interpretation of signs
- 2 Why the right ear burns in the morning, in the evening
- 3 Significance of signs depending on the day of the week
- 4 Why the right ear burns in women, men
- 5 The right ear burns: popular beliefs
- 6 Decoding signs from a medical point of view
- 7 Burns and itches
- 8 What to do with physiology if it causes discomfort?
The right ear burns - interpretation of signs
Signs and superstitions are the adaptive behavior of people who seek to give meaning to the world around them. Research at Harvard University has shown that belief in omens extends life. People who “read” the negative and positive information encoded in them, internally prepared for upcoming events, carefully considered their actions and were ready for failure in advance. This prevents the negative effects of stress on the psyche and health.
From the point of view of dualism, the right side is perceived as positive, and the left side is negative. This separation has been known since ancient Egypt, continued in biblical tradition and continues today. Therefore, the right ear means the perception of information positive for the individual.
Sign in the interpretation of the Europeans
In European nations, when the right ear burns, it means that someone remembers a person with positive, gratitude or wants to contact him to communicate good news.
There is another interpretation of the signs. The right ear is connected with loved ones. And ears burn when a person is being discussed.Consequently, the right ear burns if it is scolded by close people - relatives, friends.
There is another meaning - the right ear burns when a person has not fulfilled his promise and vis-a-vis recalls this. The more intense the sensation of “heat”, the stronger the emotions experienced by the speaker.
Interpretation of the ancient Slavs
Our ancestors believed that the right ear burns if:
- a person feels a magical attack - they try to cast a spell on him;
- higher powers send a warning of impending temptation;
- someone wants to provide important news;
- during secret negotiations - this is a signal that someone is eavesdropping, including using magic tricks.
When, along with the right ear, the heat covers the cheek, then the subject of interest thinks about the person - a boy or girl in love.
Interpretation from different nations of the world
The ears of different peoples are a significant symbolic part of the body. The ancients believed that the ear “hears” the word of the creator, captures the breath of life and is able to sense the energy of the word, regardless of distance. In ancient Egyptians, the right ear captures the "breath of life", and the left ear captures the "breath of death." In Eastern spiritual practices, the right side is connected with the masculine principle. Therefore, in many esoteric teachings, a burning right ear signals that there are problems with the male gender. In Taoist practices, a burning right ear signals an overabundance of sexual energy.
The auricle resembles a female genital organ. There is a belief. What if the right ear burns in a man, then he is full of sexual energy and is ready for procreation. If a woman feels a fever, then she is ready to conceive and safely endure, easy to give birth.
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Beliefs of the ancients
In ancient Egypt, ears symbolized a connection with the future. The flashed right ear foreshadowed the approach of cardinal changes in life. Such a signal warned that it was necessary to carefully “read” the signs and pray to the gods for a favorable resolution of events.
The ancient Greeks associated their ears with the "voice of the gods." If the right ear burned, then the gods favorably perceive this person, patronize him and protect him. If the ear burns and a ringing is heard in it, then you need to prepare for the divine "message" - to pay attention to others, perhaps the friendship and disposition of someone will bring good luck and help in the future.
For the Romans, a burning right ear signaled that changes related to family life were coming and that in order for them to be good, one had to make an offering to Lara, the family deities responsible for the home.
It is interesting:what does the left ear itch
Sign in the Middle Ages
The gloomy Middle Ages evaluated this sign differently. Ears symbolized a connection with the devil. It was through them that Satan whispered words that seduced Eve. Therefore, medieval theologians called the heat in the right ear “the breath of the Devil”.
An eloquent image of the right ear pierced by an arrow and a knife, with demons pulling inward human figures on the right wing of the triptych of Jerome Bosch “Garden of Earthly Delights”. A knife with the image of the letter “M” is a retribution for sins, and the symbol denotes the name of the Antichrist, which according to medieval notions should begin with this letter.
Why the right ear burns in the morning, in the evening
Why the right ear burns - understandably. But the time when this happens is also important.
In esoterics, the time of day has its own meaning:
- morning is the time for decision-making; it is not without reason that there is a saying: “Morning is wiser than evening”;
- daytime is associated with work - making a profit, career growth;
- evening is a time of romantic relationships, meetings, flirting, dates;
- night is peace, comprehension based on past experience and the signals received during the day.
If the right ear burns in the morning, then you should look at the situation with the "cold head", discarding emotions. Perhaps a wise decision will come today.
Daytime “fire” reports on the possibility of unexpected financial income, favorable career changes.Only you should act with patience and a smile. Negativity can change a good future.
Why the right ear burns in the evening clear from the meaning of the time of day. You should expect to meet a nice person and maybe meet your only one. It is worth listening to yourself, your feelings and acting carefully so as not to frighten away fate.
The heat at night signals that the events of the past day require evaluation, rethinking in the light of their own experience.
Significance of signs depending on the day of the week
All days of the week have different meanings in terms of astrology, esotericism, cultural traditions and beliefs. Therefore, one can come across various interpretations of signs.
The most common interpretation is as follows:
- Monday: in the morning - secret envious people discuss you; day or evening - expect a conflict, a serious quarrel.
- Tuesday - wait for parting. It can be temporary (departure of a loved one on a business trip, on a trip) or mean a break with a loved one or beloved. The heat of a lonely person means that they slander him.
- Wednesday - get ready for an important meeting.
- Thursday - good news will come.
- Friday - a romantic meeting is expected.
- Saturday is probably bad news. If the ear burns in the afternoon or evening, then you can not worry - it is empty.
- Sunday - wait for recognition of your success, receiving material encouragement.
If some interpretation does not suit you can always find a more pleasant, causing a positive attitude. Signs can be taken seriously, looking closely at the signs and prompts, or you can easily and cheerfully. We are the creators of our destiny, and even the most unpleasant signs can be turned in our favor.
Why the right ear burns in women, men
A woman is feelings, emotions. They tend to exaggerate the significance of events. A man is more “down to earth”; relations for him are important not only in the family, but also in society.
The “fire” of the right ear has different meanings for men and women:
Day of the week | Sign Values | |
for women | for men | |
Monday | a scandal with a loved one or a quarrel with a loved one | employer scandal |
Tuesday | conflict leading to severance or dismissal | conflict with the beautiful "half" |
Wednesday | a pleasant meeting with a man, possibly with a future life partner | nice meeting. The object can be not only a beautiful stranger, but also an old close friend or an important business partner |
Thursday | good news or surprise | good news from wife, lover or partners |
Friday | date, romance | financial incentives, superiors praise, career take-off |
Saturday | nasty little things | unpleasant problems that will be difficult to deal with |
Sunday | receive a nice gift | receiving a large amount that can be spent on long-desired goals |
In eastern esoteric practice, the left side is yang, and the right side is yin. The Yin side corresponds to a cold, dark, feminine beginning. Therefore, for a man, a flaming right ear was a bad omen.
The right ear burns: popular beliefs
In addition to the above explanations, in popular beliefs, a flaming right ear means a change in weather, or rather, rain. Japanese sailors avoided going out to sea on such a day, because the flaming right ear foreshadowed the weather. The stronger the feeling of heat, the stronger the revelry of the elements. Among the peoples of the north, omen indicates severe frosts. Eskimos verify this sign with the behavior of dogs, if they confirm it, then the hunter will never leave his camp.
People still say that the right ear burns when the truth is told about a person. If this happened before an important event, then it is advised to utter three conspiracy words: “The right ear burns, the right business promises. Protect and help, Lord! ”
Decoding signs from a medical point of view
For pragmatists and skeptics, the reddened right ear also carries certain information, but not of mystical, but of medical significance.
The human ear is not only an organ of hearing, but also part of the thermoregulation system. The auricle is densely penetrated by capillaries that are located next to the surface, so a sharp change in external or internal temperature makes our ears blaze.
Ears begin to glow with intense mental stress. To perform tasks, the brain needs nutrition, oxygen supply. This is ensured by the flow of blood to the head. Not only ears, but also cheeks begin to blush.
In addition, a similar reaction is observed when:
- high blood pressure;
- "Surge" of adrenaline;
- injury or frostbite, burns;
- inflammatory process (otitis media) or abscess;
- emotional shock;
- an allergic reaction;
- problems with blood vessels and nervous system;
- menopause during the "hot flashes";
- fever with high fever.
Psychologists have their own explanation for this phenomenon. The famous police instructor Janine Driver, who has been teaching FBI detectives and agents for a long time to understand body language, states in her book “You talk more about yourself than you think” that when a person lies, he feels itching or fever in his right ear. A liar begins to fidget, rub or scratch his ear, which is what he claims to be.
Burns and itches
If the right ear burns and itches, then this means that a person will soon become the initiator of a quarrel.
From a medical point of view, itching in the ears can cause:
- dermatitis;
- allergy to metal earrings or other allergens;
- seborrhea;
- eczema;
- psoriasis;
- sulfuric plugs;
- ear mite.
If a flaming ear and itching cause severe discomfort and last a considerable period of time, you should consult an ENT doctor.
What to do with physiology if it causes discomfort?
If flaming ears are a symptom of pathology, then you should consult a specialist and undergo an examination. Running diseases of the ears can lead to hearing loss or deafness. The redness caused by emotions can be learned to control with the help of auto-training, meditation, relaxation. You can reduce the temperature of the auricle by applying a cloth moistened with cold water.
A burning right ear is a signal of fate, higher powers or a medical symptom. Regardless of what a person believes in mysticism or science, one should pay attention to the “fire” and react accordingly. Our body often gives signals that should not be ignored.