Dutch roses are not a name for a separate species, but for plants belonging to the world-recognized breeding capital. It is there that the latest methods are used and the most persistent and beautiful varieties are displayed. Such roses are most often sold in markets and in stores, because they are decorative and can stand in a flowerpot for a long time without losing their attractiveness and freshness.

Dutch roses: a description of popular varieties

The external characteristics of Dutch roses are known to almost everyone: these are neat small-sized buds, delicate and luxurious flowers, a sturdy stem with dense green foliage and a huge variety of shades, which allows you to choose a variety for any request.

The most popular varieties of Dutch roses:

  • El Toro This hybrid tea rose is very resistant to sudden changes in temperature and does not require special care. Terry flowers of a soft red shade are very fragrant, and their diameter exceeds 9 cm. The height of the stems is 60-80 cm.
  • Grand Prix - a hybrid tea rose. One of the best-selling varieties of Dutch scarlet roses. The bush is upright, about 150 cm high. Terry flowers of a dark burgundy shade with a pleasant aroma reach a diameter of up to 11 cm. Often used to design compositions. It tolerates frosts up to -15 ° C.
  • Ilios. This variety can often be found in personal plots. Flowers have a bright yellow tint (like the peel of a lemon). The shape of the buds is classic. The aroma is strong. Stem height - 50-80 cm.
  • Avalanche is a tea-hybrid rose with a delicate aroma of caramel 60-90 cm high. White flowers at the base of the buds have a delicate green tint that smoothly turns into a dazzling whiteness.These roses easily tolerate transportation and retain their decorative appearance for a long time. They are resistant to powdery mildew. Bloom throughout the growing season.
  • Red Naomi. It features a unique shape of flowers. Dark velvet petals form lush flowers. The variety is resistant to diseases and weather changes.

Each has its own preferences for the choice of varieties.

Prerequisites for growing flowers

Dutch roses are unusual flowers, but they require scrupulous care, and not everyone can grow them in their flower beds without the appropriate knowledge.

How to choose the right site

These roses are very sensitive to heat. Their roots are little adapted to low temperatures, so they select a sunny area, protected from strong drafts. In the shade, roses do not grow well.

Basic soil requirements

The soil should be nutritious, well-drained, water-absorbing (absorb and retain water well). Before planting, it is advisable to prepare the soil, make a drainage, make the necessary fertilizers. Planting mixture consists of garden soil, rotted humus and peat in a ratio of 2: 0.5: 1.

Planting Dutch roses in open ground

Important! You should plan the site in advance so that the bushes grow freely. This will reduce the level of disease, and increase the convenience of care.

Planting young seedlings is recommended in the spring, after the earth has completely warmed up. It is spring planting that guarantees the best survival rate.

The procedure looks like this:

  1. Prepare wells 30 cm deep and 50 cm wide.
  2. Remove damaged and dried shoots and roots.
  3. Before planting, it is recommended to soak the seedlings in water so that they are well saturated with moisture. Time can vary from a few hours to a day.
  4. Plant plants.

After that, the seedlings are provided with the most comfortable conditions for growth and development.

Rose Care Features

Flower care includes such events:

  • timely top dressing with purchased fertilizers or infusion of rotted manure;
  • regular watering with summer water in the morning or evening, while drops should not fall on buds or flowers;
  • pruning in spring and autumn for better flowering, rejuvenation and high-quality formation of bushes;
  • providing shelter for the winter (you can use spruce branches, sawdust, non-woven covering material);
  • the use of drugs for the prevention of diseases and pest control.

For preventive spraying, the following products are used: Topaz, Aktara, Fundazol, Fitoverm.

Methods of propagation of flowers

It is easiest to grow these flowers from seedlings that are already ready for planting, however, the price for them is quite high, so many prefer the method of cuttings.

Dutch roses can be grown from flowers used in bouquets and compositions. But keep in mind that only specimens from local greenhouses are suitable for cuttings, since imported flowers are chemically treated for painless transportation and better preservation.

It is best to propagate the rose in autumn cuttings.

Semi-lignified stems are suitable for planting; they are cut into parts with at least 4 buds. They are soaked in a special solution for root formation and then planted in a prepared substrate with sand, peat, ash and fertilizers, placed at an angle. All seedlings are covered with glass containers or bottles cut in half. So they hibernate before the onset of heat. In the spring, shelter is taken away and further taken care of by young seedlings.

How to grow Dutch roses in a greenhouse

These flowers prefer warmth, so they are most comfortable in a greenhouse. If the greenhouse is heated, they are grown all year round.

Greenhouse Requirements:

  • sufficient height;
  • open space;
  • plenty of light;
  • drip irrigation;
  • good ventilation.

Strict control over temperature and humidity is also required. Even the slightest negligence in this can lead to losses.

After landing, you must adhere to such recommendations:

  • maintain the temperature at +6 ° C for 10 days;
  • then every 10 days to increase the indicators by 2-3 ° C (maximum temperature should not exceed +12 ° C);
  • increase watering;
  • when buds appear, raise the temperature to +22 ° C;
  • when the color appears on the buds, lower the temperature to +18 ° C. This will protect the roses from premature blooming.

Everything is important here. Good care is the key to successful flower growing. Under optimal conditions, about 100 units of flowers can be collected from 1 square meter.

Growing Dutch roses is not an easy task, but feasible. And the grown flowers will delight with their elegance and beauty.