Salmon fish is very successful in cooking and usually takes one of the main places of the festive and everyday menu. Practical tips, subtleties and little things of a good kitchen will help you learn how to cook char. Any housewife, having got acquainted with the culinary recipes of fish dishes, will receive a pleasant praise: "Tasty!"

What is the best way to cook fish?

Many dishes are prepared from char, it can be fried, cooked, salted, baked. It can be cooked whole or as a filet. The cutting technology is very simple and does not depend on the size of the fish. The first thing to do is to wash it well under running water, then remove the entrails, gills and fins. The tail and head are left at will.

The main advantage of the product, which does not spoil the mood of the hostesses, is that the Kamchatka Golets does not have large scales, therefore, it is not necessary to clean its upper cover. Cutting the carcass into two halves, removing the vertebral bone, get 2 fillets with skin from one pulp, which can be prepared in the most elementary way.

The fish will turn out tasty, tender and retain healthy vitamins, if you follow simple cooking rules, these are:

  • fry the fish in large quantities of oil for no more than 5 minutes, in a moderately heated pan;
  • bake only in foil or parchment paper, preserving its juice and aroma;
  • when salting do not use spices;
  • boil in large pieces, dipping them in boiling salt water with the addition of dill or parsley;
  • use only enameled and clay dishes, cast iron skillet.

At home, if you want to learn how to cook fish in different ways, everyone can do it. Using different ingredients, you can give it a unique taste and aroma. The main thing is to know the three basic rules that are suitable for cooking any fish. Before you eat the product, he must be in water, oil and wine.

Grilling Golts in a pan is delicious and satisfying


To char, cooked in a pan, was tender, juicy with a crispy crust, to begin with, you must go through all the main stages of its preparation: thawing, cleaning, butchering, removing water odor. For cooking, fillet with skin is usually used.

After making several cuts on the skin and lightly dipping the fillet in flour, fry it from different sides for 5 minutes in a large amount of hot oil, over medium heat. The main thing here is not to overexpose the fish in a pan so that it does not turn out to be dry. Finished fillet can be poured with white wine.

Oven Roasting

Medium-sized fish, baked in the oven, in a sauce of wine and sour cream, will be the easiest cooking in 30 minutes. To start, the fish must be cleaned, grated with salt from the outside and inside, put in a deep baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil and put in a preheated oven to 180 ° C. The product must be baked for 20 minutes periodically pouring eye-catching fish juice.

After time, pour half a glass of white wine and leave to simmer another 5 minutes. At the end add 200 grams of sour cream, prolonging the baking for 7 minutes. Oven baked Golec goes well with a salad with fresh vegetables.

Salting Red Loach Fish at Home


Salty red fish is considered a universal, healthy cold appetizer and goes well with any vegetables. The process of salting at home takes only 20 minutes. In an enameled dish spread fish fillet with the skin up, sprinkle with a mixture of mixed ingredients, cover with a film and set to salt for 2 days.

It is interesting: fish fillet knife

For regular salting per 1 kg of carcass, you will need:

  • sugar ─ 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt ─ 1 tbsp. l .;
  • a pinch of lemon peel;
  • odorless sunflower oil.

Loach of weak salting can be obtained if it is kept in salt for 8 hours. To make the fish softer and tastier before salting, they rub it with sunflower oil. For a piquant taste, you can add pepper, bay leaf, garlic.

Loaf Stuffing Options

So that for any housewife, the fish dish was not ordinary and well-known to everyone, there are recipes that can become the subject of her pride. A hearty, healthy fish dish can be prepared quickly and at a lower cost if you use one of the most delicious way to cook food.

With ham and vegetables


The most affordable and simple recipe for beginner housewives. To clean the medium-sized fish, remove the head, wash the fins under running water. Having dried the carcass with a napkin, salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, leave to marinate.

Essential Ingredients:

  • char ─ 1 kg;
  • sweet pepper ─ 5 pcs.;
  • ham ─ 250 g;
  • lemon ─ 1 pc.;
  • pepper, salt, dill, oil.

Finely chop the ham, bell pepper, onion, dill and mix. Then grease the fish with sunflower oil, stuff with the mixture. Make cuts on top where to place the lemon slices. Baked fish on a baking sheet, greased with butter, in the oven at 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

Kamchatka char stuffed with shrimp

To clear, wash, salt 1 kg of fish. Make oblique cuts on top and put lemon slices in them. For the filling, finely chopped onion and mushrooms, fry until ready in butter, 150 g of shrimp, boil in salted water, peel off the shell and divide into fibers.

Mix all products and place in prepared carcass. Put a greased baking sheet on the fish, sprinkle with pepper, pour olive oil or sunflower oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.Bake in a moderately hot oven for 30 minutes.

Char with almonds

Recipe for loaf of baked with cheese and almonds will not leave indifferent even an avid gourmet. First you need to gut the fish, gut the fins, trim the gills, rinse thoroughly under running cold water. Then salt, pepper, pour lemon juice and leave to marinate for a couple of hours.

For the filling, peel and chop the almonds, grate the hard cheese, finely chop the crumb of bread and dill, add 2 tbsp. l sour cream, salt and mix. Put the stuffed product in a baking dish, pour olive oil and white wine on top. Bake in a moderately heated oven for 30 minutes.

Golets fish with potatoes in mustard sauce

Small fish, gut, rinse, salt, pepper. For the filling, boil the potatoes and cut into strips, chopped chopped onion slightly in sunflower oil. Mix everything. On the bottom of the stewpan, greased with oil, put the fish stuffed with potatoes and pour mustard sauce.

Products for sauce per 1 kg of fish:

  • vegetable oil ─ 200 g;
  • ready mustard, apple cider vinegar ─ 1 teaspoon;
  • two egg yolks;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Stir well the yolk, mustard and salt. With continuous whipping, pour in a small portion of slightly warmed sunflower oil. Vinegar is added to the resulting mixture and mixed thoroughly. The dish is baked in the oven for 30 minutes at t 180 ° C.

Useful Tips

Before you cook a char, you need to check it for freshness. A pure sea or river product has a pleasant, sweet smell of algae. The gills and fins of the fish are red, its upper cover is smooth and shiny, it is firm and elastic to the touch.

In the absence of characteristic indicators, the char is considered stale and it is unlikely that something can be prepared from it. It is important to know that when cleaning and cutting fish it is convenient to use only a medium-length sharp knife or special stainless steel kitchen scissors.