Glucosamine Sulfate belongs to the group of chondoprotectors, the action of which is aimed at stimulating the metabolism in bone, cartilage. This is an effective drug for the treatment of joint diseases, which can be used as a prophylactic.
Material Content:
Composition of the tablets
Instructions for use states that Glucosamine Sulfate is available in tablet form, consists of the same main component.
In addition to the active substance, tablets are enriched with the following composition:
- cellulose;
- hypromellose;
- calcium carbonate;
- silica;
- titanium dioxide;
- triacetin;
- magnesium stearate;
- propylene glycol;
- stearic acid.
Auxiliary ingredients allow better absorption of the active substance, give the necessary form to the tablets.
What is prescribed Glucosamine sulfate 750 mg
Glucosamine Sulfate is a tissue regeneration stimulant. Using this drug can prevent cartilage destruction. In addition, Glucosamine Sulfate tablets help relieve weak, moderate pain, eliminate the inflammatory process. Against the background of their intake, the production of synovial fluid is normalized, and articular mobility improves.
On a note! Therapy with Glucosamine Sulfate 750 allows you to reduce the use of non-steroid drugs or completely abandon them.
Glucosamine Sulfate 750 is prescribed to combat the following pathologies:
- arthrosis;
- osteoarthritis;
- osteochondrosis;
- osteoarthrosis;
- spondylosis;
- periarthritis;
- chondromalacia.
Glucosamine Sulfate is also used for degenerative, dystrophic lesions of the joint, spine, which are manifested by the listed clinical picture:
- crunching joints;
- decreased sensitivity in the affected joint;
- pain in the articular region, spine;
- pain during movement, bending, squats.
Note! Since glucosamine is a monosaccharide, during the therapeutic course it is necessary to limit the use of sweets.
Glucosamine Sulfate is actively used after injuring tendons and joints. In addition, this medicine is prescribed to people who are professionally involved in sports, excessive physical exertion.
Instructions for use and dosage
The purpose of the tablets is made on an individual basis, based on the type of pathology, its severity, the condition of the patient, his age, the presence of concomitant diseases. Typically, Glucosamine Sulfate 750 therapy requires 1-2 tablets once a day. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 1500 mg.
Important! Glucosamine Sulfate tablets should be consumed only with food intake.
The duration of therapy usually lasts for 6 weeks. If there is a need, then an extension of reception is possible. Between treatment courses should adhere to a 2-month interval. To combat chronic diseases, with frequent relapses per year, up to 3 courses can be carried out.
Usually, improvement occurs 14 days after the start of pill therapy. At the end of the course, unpleasant symptoms completely disappear. During treatment, it is forbidden to drink alcohol. Any alcohol negatively affects the effectiveness of the active substance.
During pregnancy and lactation
During pregnancy, glucosamine sulfate therapy is prohibited. This is due to the fact that its active substance enters the bloodstream, easily passes the placental barrier. It can cause serious harm to the fetus, lead to the development of intrauterine pathologies. For the same reason, tablets are prohibited for use by lactating women.
Drug interaction
Glucosamine Sulfate is generally well tolerated with other drugs.
- with tetracyclines, the effectiveness of the antibacterial drug increases;
- with penicillins, the effectiveness of the antibiotic worsens;
- with chloramphenicol, its therapeutic effect decreases;
- with hormonal drugs, the negative effects of hormones on diseased cartilage are reduced.
Important! Glucosamine Sulfate 750 tablets should not be used simultaneously with chondoprotectors. Since this complex can cause an increase, a decrease in the effectiveness of both medicines.
Glucosamine is allowed to be taken simultaneously with any hormonal, anti-inflammatory drugs.
Contraindications and side effects
The tablet form of glucosamine has a minimal number of contraindications. The medication is not recommended for use in the following cases:
- during the period of bearing a child;
- during breastfeeding;
- in severe renal impairment;
- in children under 15 years old;
- with increased sensitivity to the active substance.
Against the background of taking the tablets, the following adverse reactions may develop:
- pain in the upper abdomen;
- diarrhea;
- bloating;
- Dizziness
- drowsiness
- weaknesses;
- skin rash;
- redness of the skin.
If undesirable reactions from the body occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for the selection of glucosamine sulfate analogues.
If treatment with Glucosamine Sulfate 750 is not possible, analogues are selected. Typically, tablets are replaced with the following medications:
- Glucosamine is a powder used to alleviate the condition with similar indications. This medication is treated for at least a month. It gives a large number of side effects;
- Glucosamine Chondroitin is a complex drug that is published in capsules. The medicine is taken in 3 capsules per day for a month. It can cause allergic reactions from the body;
- Chondroxide is used to improve the metabolic process in bone, cartilage, relieve inflammation, and prevent the formation of degenerative, dystrophic conditions.
Before replacing Glucosamine Sulfate, you should carefully read the instructions for determining contraindications, the number of side effects.
Glucosamine Sulfate is a modern medicine that can ease the course of joint diseases, prevent cartilage destruction.