Currently, most people over 50 suffer from joint diseases. A lot of traditional and non-traditional methods are used to improve their well-being. The substance glucosamine contained in medications and dietary supplements allows you to maintain youthful ligaments and joints.
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What is glucosamine?
Glucosamine (glucosamine) is the union of monosaccharides in the form of carbohydrates, an amine, which has the peculiarity to accumulate in the cells of bones, joints, cartilage, nails, heart valves. The tissues of the musculoskeletal system produce natural glucosamine, glutamine. But in older people, athletes and bodybuilders, as a result of high stress on the joints, fragile bone tissue, ligaments and tendons, they experience excessive pressure. Often, glucosamine is used to restore damaged joints and strengthen them.
This substance is obtained from the outer cover of mollusks, crustaceans. Often used for this shell of shrimp, lobster, crab. By decomposition of water, the necessary component is released from organic matter. But some people have an allergic reaction to a substance extracted in this way.
Sometimes, for the production of glucosamine, plants are used, for example, corn, wheat. Its husk is subjected to grinding, fermentation. Typically, a substance obtained in this way does not produce an allergic reaction.
You can receive a dose of glucosamine while eating.A large amount of it contains beef, seafood, cheese, red fish. But, to maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system, this amount is not enough. Doctors recommend taking supplements, drugs with glucosamine.
The mechanism of action on joints and ligaments
The action of glucosamine as a stimulant of the recovery process in a damaged joint is widely known. After penetration into the body, it promotes the synthesis of hyalouranic acid, which nourishes cartilage, lubricates the ligaments.
As a result of glucosamine treatment, the following effect on the body appears:
- damaged joints are restored;
- cartilage decomposition is prevented;
- metabolism in cartilage tissue improves;
- the inflammatory process is removed;
- pain of medium and light intensity is eliminated;
- tumors are reduced;
- tissue sensitivity disappears;
- the previous mobility of the hardened joint returns;
- liquid absorption improves, which is an important point. Together with it, cartilage tissue is enriched with nutrients;
- untimely cartilage aging is prevented.
In addition, the substance plays a leading role in the processes of cartilage structure. Medicine believes that glucosamine in combination with chondroitin gives better results.
Why does the body need a substance
Previously, there was a statement that glucosamine does not bring the expected benefits to the body. Serious studies have occurred to date, during which the undeniable benefits of this substance have been proven. Preparations based on it are not only used to strengthen joints, prevent the occurrence of joint diseases, but also to treat arthritis, osteochondrosis, and pathologies of the spine.
The following therapeutic effects of glucosamine-based drugs are distinguished:
- actively resists the formation of osteoarthritis, eliminates its symptoms, relieves pain;
- slows down irreversible tissue damage, which helps preserve the functionality of the joint;
- favorably affects the elasticity of the skin, promotes the healing of damaged tissue, does not allow wrinkles to develop, reduces their number, depth;
- reduces pigmentation;
- prevents the development of certain types of oncological formations. Proven effective against skin cancer;
- It is an excellent antioxidant, eliminates free radicals.
Interesting! Due to the influence of glucosamine, the inflammatory process is removed not only in the joints, but throughout the body. The greatest effectiveness is observed in the treatment of inflamed intestines.
Drugs that include glucosamine
To date, there are many drugs based on glucosamine. Most of them are additives for joints and ligaments. Sometimes, due to their high healing effect, they are used as a medicine. There are different types and forms of glucosamine on the market.
Types of Glucosamine
The following types of glucosamine are presented on the pharmaceutical market today:
- Glucosamine hydrochloride;
- Glucosamine sulfate.
Glucosamine sulfate is based on sulfuric acid salts, a monosaccharide. The components of the drug are unstable to aggressive environmental influences, rapid destruction. To stabilize it add sodium chloride, sodium chloride.
Note. Particular attention to the presence of sodium chloride must be paid to people suffering from high blood pressure.
Glucosamine sulfate is often prescribed to combat the following joint diseases:
- arthritis;
- arthrosis;
- osteoarthritis;
- osteochondrosis.
Often this type of glucosamine is used as a prophylactic for osteoporosis, with high physical and domestic stress. To achieve a stable positive effect, the drug should be taken for at least 4 months. Sometimes a therapeutic course reaches six months.
Long-term therapy with glucosamine sulfate can reduce or completely eliminate pain in the joint, restore its mobility, strengthen the musculoskeletal system.
Glucosamine hydrochloride consists of 80% of the basic substance without any impurities, does not cause an allergic reaction. The drug corrects metabolic processes in the joints, improves the synthesis of connective tissues, indicators of joint fluid, reduces pathological changes.
The drug is used to combat the following conditions:
- hip lesion;
- knee joint diseases;
- spinal osteochondrosis without orthopedic complications.
While taking Glucosamine hydrochloride, an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect was noticed. The usual course lasts about 6 weeks, it may increase. If there is a need to repeat the course of treatment, then a 2-month break is required.
Release Forms
Glucosamine has various forms of release for the convenience of the user.
The substance is distributed through pharmacies in the form of:
- enteric-coated tablets, which allows the active component to reach the small intestine without destruction by hydrochloric acid. One tablet contains 750 mg of active ingredient;
- Glucosamine Maximum capsules, which have 750 mg of the active ingredient;
- Glucosamine Don injection solution in ampoules of 2 ml. For 1 ml of the prepared solution, 200 mg of the active ingredient are accounted for;
- powder for suspension, glucosamine sulfate. Each sachet contains 1,500 mg of the drug.
How to take medicines
Instructions for use indicate different ways of taking Glucosamine in accordance with the form of the drug:
- tablets drink 600 mg three times a day, or 750 mg twice a day. The course of treatment lasts 1.5 months. If necessary, the therapy can be extended. Up to 3 courses are allowed during the year. Tablets should be taken with food;
- intramuscular administration of the drug is prescribed to relieve the acute stage. Subsequently, the patient is transferred to the tablet form. Injections are given three times a week at 400 mg. The usual therapeutic course is 1.5 months. Then there is a break and the appointment of glucosamine in tablets;
- the powder is dissolved in 1 tbsp. warm water. The solution is taken throughout the day at regular intervals.
If treatment is carried out by internal use of the drug, then improvement is noted after 14 days. When injected, the result is noticeable on day 4. Therapy is prescribed only for patients over 12 years of age.
Important! It is forbidden to drink alcohol during treatment with glucosamine, as this reduces the effectiveness of therapy.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding
To date, the effect of glucosamine on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus has not been fully studied. In this regard, the drug is contraindicated in pregnancy. For the same reason, it is not recommended to prescribe the drug during breastfeeding.
Contraindications and side effects
Glucosamine-based drugs are contraindicated in the following cases:
- with individual intolerance to the active component;
- during the period of bearing a child;
- while breastfeeding;
- with severe pathologies of the heart;
- with hepatitis;
- with liver failure;
- with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
While taking Glucosamine, it is recommended to minimize sweet foods.
With prolonged treatment with glucosamine or as a result of exceeding its dosage, side effects may develop in the form of:
- stool disorders;
- nausea
- digestive upsets;
- vomiting
- colitis;
- bloating;
- pancreatitis
- itching
- skin rash;
- urticaria.
In the event of an unwanted reaction from the body, you should stop taking the drug and get medical advice.
Glucosamine is a modern drug that has not only a preventive, but also a therapeutic effect on the musculoskeletal system.