Glucose (from the Greek word glykys - sweet) belongs to the class of carbohydrates, being an important source of energy for the human body. At the same time, the concentration of a substance in the blood is regulated by complex mechanisms, but increased and decreased indicators are cause for concern. Ideally, there should be no glucose in the urine. But sometimes it is still found in analyzes, which indicates rather serious problems.

What glucose shows in urine

To be precise, there is still sugar in urine, but in very small quantities, so it is not found in ordinary laboratory studies. In completely healthy individuals, glucose is filtered in the glomeruli of the kidneys and is almost completely absorbed into the blood in the renal tubules.

In the case of hyperglycemia, the kidneys simply can no longer absorb the excess sugar in the blood. As a result of this, so-called renal glucosuria often appears.

A urine test for sugar is prescribed in such cases:

  • when there is a possibility of impaired renal function;
  • there is a suspicion of diabetes mellitus or it is necessary to control its course / treatment effectiveness;
  • various kinds of endocrine diseases were found;
  • in late pregnancy.

2 to 3 days before the study, it is necessary to remove “heavy” food, alcohol, sweet foods from the diet and abandon drugs to the maximum. This will provide an opportunity to get the most informative and truthful answer.

As a rule, the average morning portion of urine is collected. In some cases, a daily analysis is required. To do this, all urine is collected in a separate container for 24 hours and mixed. For research, you need to include no more than 150 ml of selected urine.

Normal indicators and deviations

Sugar in urine in a noticeable concentration appears only with a significant increase in its level in the blood, while the lower threshold in adults is 8.8 mmol / l, in children - 10 - 12.6.

Normally, the concentration of sugar in the urine is very low - only 0.07 - 0.09 mmol / l.

Urine sugar levels below 1.8 mmol suggest that there is no cause for concern. These numbers are considered the upper limit of physiological glucosuria. If elevated levels of glucose in the urine are detected, this means that a doctor's consultation is necessary to determine the causes of this condition and prescribe treatment.

Types of Glucosuria

There are two main forms of glucosuria, which are divided into several types.

The physiological form is:

  • Alimentary - a short-term excess of standard indicators due to a meal rich in carbohydrates, with a high glycemic index (occurs after 0.5 - 1 hour after eating, disappears within 3 - 4 hours);
  • emotional - increased sugar due to stress, nervous strain;
  • during pregnancy.

The pathological form is usually distinguished by:

  • extrarenal - with various diseases of the brain, liver, decompensated diabetes mellitus, malfunctioning of the hormonal system;
  • renal (renal) - appears as a result of lowering the threshold of the kidneys.

The latter type is primary (congenital pathology) and secondary (acquired).

A pathological form of the disease is especially dangerous to health.

Reasons for sugar increase

Only a doctor can understand the reasons for the increase in glucose levels.

Read also:pain when urinating in women

The most common options are:

  • stress, tantrums, nervous strain, cramps;
  • carbohydrate-rich foods;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • physiological changes in the body during the period of gestation;
  • diabetes;
  • acute form of pancreatitis;
  • brain tumors, meningitis;
  • fever;
  • hormone production disorders;
  • poisoning;
  • chronic form of pyelonephritis;
  • nephrosis;
  • renal failure;
  • glycogenosis;
  • taking certain drugs.

In both cases, both men and women are worried about extreme thirst and dry mouth. Also among the common complaints often appear constant drowsiness, frequent urination, decreased performance, peeling of the skin.

The child has a sharp weight loss, craving for sweet foods, fatigue, lethargy. The kid often asks for a drink, constantly goes to the toilet in a small way.

What diseases indicates

A one-time increase in indicators is not a basis for making a diagnosis. To do this, we need a general clinical picture, anamnesis and re-delivery of tests after some time.

The list of diseases in which sugar in urine rises is quite extensive:

  • diabetes of both types;
  • acromegaly;
  • tubulopathy;
  • renal failure;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

The treatment of these diseases is very complex and lengthy. In some cases, for example, with type 1 diabetes, the patient is shown a lifelong injection of insulin.

How to normalize glucose in urine

The increase in glucose in urine, recorded only once, is not a cause for concern. Sometimes it’s enough to remove the provoking factors, as everything falls into place. A constant excess of standard indicators, as a rule, is accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being. Characteristic symptoms appear, according to which the doctor can diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

In any case, with an increased level of sugar, the patient is prescribed a therapeutic diet:

  • Unhealthy, sweet and “heavy” foods are excluded from the diet, and carbohydrate meals are limited.
  • Food should only be cooked steamed or in the oven. Cooking is also acceptable.
  • The use of vegetable and animal fats should be limited.

The diet must be agreed with the doctor, since a lack of glucose leads to hypoglycemia.

The people also have a lot of tools that help lower sugar levels. Especially good reviews were collected by a decoction of oat seeds. 0.5 cups of seeds are poured into 500 liters of boiling water and boiled over a minimum heat for 6 - 7 minutes. The drink is consumed daily before breakfast, lunch and dinner, 100 ml each.

Features of the analysis during pregnancy

It must be borne in mind that glucosuria in pregnant women can be both pathological and physiological in nature. In the first case, the causes of the failure are various diseases that are ultimately accompanied by hyperglycemia.

The risk group includes women:

  • with poor heredity (one of the relatives had diabetes);
  • over the age of 30;
  • overweight;
  • having a history of impaired carbohydrate metabolism;
  • mothers of newborns weighing more than 4.5 kg.

In the second case, glucose in the urine during pregnancy is caused by physiological changes in the work of the body of the future mother:

  • due to the increase in renal blood flow and filtration volumes, the renal tubules simply do not have time to do their work on time;
  • in rare cases, the ability of the tubules themselves to reabsorb;
  • due to changes in hormonal levels, the amount of substances that increase glucose levels increases.

This condition is called physiological glucosuria. As a rule, she is diagnosed only at the end of the second and beginning of the third trimester. The excess of permissible norms is insignificant and, moreover, is revealed from case to case. Blood sugar is within normal limits. This condition does not threaten the health of the mother and the unborn child.

Only a doctor can accurately determine the causes of glucosuria, therefore it is not worth it to engage in self-medication or hesitate to visit a specialist.