A minimum of physical exertion and excessive passion for food leads to the accumulation of excess weight and many diseases - hypertension, diabetes, metabolic disorders. People suffering from such diseases are often prescribed special medications that lower blood glucose levels and help normalize weight. But sometimes completely healthy people use Glucofage to lose weight and improve well-being.
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How does Glucophage for weight loss
The drug has a powerful effect on the body:
- lowers insulin levels;
- slows down the absorption of carbohydrates that enter the digestive tract with food;
- dulls hunger, suppresses appetite;
- blocks the absorption of sugars in the intestine;
- improves glucose delivery to muscles;
- restores metabolism;
- actively affects lipid metabolism;
- lowers cholesterol.
Scientists say that when any food enters the digestive tract, the glucose level begins to rise rapidly. This is a direct signal to the pancreas, which immediately begin to produce large amounts of insulin. Its excess leads to the fact that glucose is deposited in the tissues of the body in the form of fat, and two fat cells are formed from one glucose cell.
The drug is available in the form of convex tablets, protected by a shell with a dividing notch and dose engraving. The drug is released in blisters for 15 to 20 pieces, 2 or 4 plates in one package.
Indications for use of the drug
The main indications for use:
- type II diabetes;
- overweight;
- polycystic ovary.
Most often, the medicine is prescribed as monotherapy or in combination with insulin and other drugs.
It is often prescribed by therapists, gynecologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists to prevent the development of atherosclerosis, normalize blood pressure, prevent aging and correct weight.
Instructions for use
The peak concentration of a conventional drug does not exceed 3 hours. Therefore, drugs with a prolonged action were created that eliminate the need to use the drug repeatedly over the course of one day.
How to take glucophage long
Glucophage long 500 and Glucophage long 750 - varieties of the drug under discussion. Unlike their predecessor, they have a lasting effect, as indicated by the word “long” (long) in the title. These drugs are taken during breakfast and dinner, so that a person does not suffer from hunger at lunchtime and at night.
Dosing regimen Glucofage 1000
This version of Glucofage is distinguished by an increased dosage.
- It is drunk 2 to 3 tablets per day before or during meals, washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid.
- It is impossible to grind or bite tablets.
- The medicine must be taken at the same time.
- If it happened that the time of admission was missed, you need to take a pill at the first opportunity. Do not double the norm, because the body simply can not process the loading dose of the drug.
The drug is taken in courses lasting no more than 20 days. To fix the result, after 2 months the therapy can be repeated. Only knowing how to take Glucophage correctly, you can protect yourself from the negative consequences of its uncontrolled intake.
Overdose and side effects
An overdose of the drug can be dangerous, so in no case should you increase the dose just in order to lose weight faster. This can be a health hazard.
Possible side effects:
- bloating;
- vomiting
- diarrhea or constipation;
- unpleasant feeling in the mouth;
- violation of taste;
- aversion to food;
- lack of appetite;
- itchy skin;
- hives.
To avoid the appearance of these unpleasant symptoms, you must strictly observe the dosage and take the drug only in accordance with the instructions. In the early days, it is recommended to use a reduced dose and gradually increase it so that the body is used to it. Sometimes side effects are observed only in the first days of admission, and then disappear, and the person feels satisfactorily. If over time the discomfort does not disappear, the reception should be stopped and consult a doctor. The specialist may recommend a dose reduction or an analogue.
If taking the medicine caused vomiting, fever, and severe abdominal pain, you should immediately seek medical help.
Special instructions for the use of glucophage
Serious physical activity when taking is contraindicated. Sitting idly by is also not worth it, it is best to give preference to light aerobic training.
To take the drug effectively, you need to follow a diet. The use of a large number of sweet foods and foods that contain “fast” carbohydrates significantly reduces the effectiveness of therapy.
This does not mean that while taking the drug you need to starve.
From the diet you need to exclude:
- potatoes;
- sugar;
- honey;
- dried fruits;
- sweet berries and fruits;
- sweets and other sweets.
In the diet, emphasis must be placed on foods high in fiber, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. It is also allowed to eat meat, fish and dairy products. The main thing is that the diet is balanced, but low-calorie.
How to use for children
Type II diabetes in children does not surprise anyone. Stress, eating a lot of carbohydrates, a sedentary lifestyle - all this undermines children's health. Therefore, the drug under discussion is often prescribed for small patients who are already 10 years old.
The initial dose should not exceed 850 mg per day. Parents must monitor the timely intake of medication.Depending on the results of a blood test, after 2 weeks the dose can be increased. But its maximum value should not exceed 2000 mg per day, divided into 2 - 3 doses.
Glucophage is not a dietary supplement or vitamin complex. This is a serious medicine with its contraindications and side effects.
Taking the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is strictly prohibited. If a woman plans to become a mother, then it is better to postpone the glucophage reception.
During prima, the drug can not be pregnant, therefore, protection should be very careful. If nevertheless this happened, you should definitely go for a consultation with an endocrinologist.
Also, from contraindications, you need to mention:
- age up to 10 years and from 60 years;
- heart and kidney disease;
- liver dysfunction;
- postoperative period;
- alcohol addiction;
- individual intolerance to even one of the components of the drug;
- nutrition with low daily calories.
Glucophage is a potent drug, therefore, it is forbidden to take it together with other drugs of similar action.
Siofor or Glucophage, which is better?
The main active ingredient in both drugs is metformin, which reduces plasma glucose levels. Comparing the characteristics of both drugs, it must be said that the manufacturer Siofora indicated much more contraindications to taking his products. This is the only significant difference. In general, the discussed drugs are analogues, so it is difficult to choose which one is better. It will be most rational to consult with your doctor, who will make the right choice, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.
But still, patients who took both drugs say that Glucophage acts softer, does not irritate the walls of the digestive tract and does not cause sudden jumps in glucose levels.
Correct intake of Glucofage helps to improve well-being, normalize health, raise the quality of life and remove excess weight.