The best pictures are always taken randomly. And especially in those cases when the author decided to switch to panoramic mode. Often these photos come out real pearlsthat you can laugh at from the heart. For example, as the next photograph, whose hero has become the size of a mountain.
Or this one on which the legs themselves went hiking.
“Taking pictures with a goat, in no case do not take panoramic pictures! Otherwise, get something scary. "
The panorama has its own view on how the human body should look ...
... and far from the fact that you will like it.
A frame more suitable for a horror movie.
“Caterpillars” of any kind is always normal when it comes to panoramas.
An “elongated” dog.
Children are no exception.
“The photo of the cat was impressive.”
When only legs and part of the arm are left of you.
When taking such a picture, it is better to stand still.
“My mom looked like an evil troll.”
Horse. Shortened version.
The phantom "fakyu" hung in the air.
"My friend."
Parts of the body that just crumbled.
“For some reason, my aunt does not understand how to take panoramic pictures. And she gets such awful, but at the same time funny photos. Like this "Niagara Falls."
“A friend was shot right on time.”
“I think this is not the best photo of my girlfriend.”
“A friend is studying in London. He tried to take a panoramic shot for me. ”
“One of the reasons I try not to take panoramic pictures with my dog.”
“A little scary.”
One-legged Pug - for those who love surrealism.
Now, to completely break away from reality, you do not need to be a patient in a psychiatric clinic. You can just take a panoramic photo. It will be enough to see the head of a dog running along the beach on two legs.
And this “unsuccessful" panorama turned out to be very attractive!