The tool calms with increased anxiety and improves sleep. You can drink "Glycine" during pregnancy to reduce psycho-emotional stress and fight stress, to improve mood. The list of contraindications for the drug is very short, but whether the period of bearing a child is included in it is difficult to determine.
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Can I take glycine during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester
The Russian company Biotiki does not mention pregnancy in the instructions as a contraindication to this drug. Another domestic company produces tablets "Glycine Ozone" with the same content of active substance. However, the instructions for use indicate that it is contraindicated for pregnant women. It is not surprising that many women cannot decide whether it is possible to take Glycine during pregnancy or whether it is worthwhile to abstain.
As a reason for the ban, manufacturers call the lack of knowledge of the effect of the drug on the fetus. For ethical reasons, extensive studies have not been conducted. In this regard, there is insufficient data on the intake of glycine in the body of the unborn child and the changes caused by it.
Also, there is another reason for declaring contraindication. The drug is included in the group of nootropics, and these are drugs that are prohibited or not recommended for pregnant women. However, glycine is both an amino acid in composition and in its role.Such a substance is formed in the body itself, participates in the metabolism, and from this point of view, it is useful for pregnant women.
The composition (active substance) of the drug
Glycine in biochemistry is also known under two names: aminoacetic and aminoethanoic acid. The substance has a small molecular weight, compared with proteins, therefore it is able to easily penetrate into tissues and biological fluids of the body.
Glycine sublingual tablets contain 100 mg of the same amino acid.
- The preparation of the company "Ozone" uses: povidone, microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate as auxiliary ingredients.
- The tablets produced by Biotiki, in addition to glycine, contain only water-soluble methyl cellulose and magnesium stearate. For 100 mg of amino acid, only 2 g of additional substances are accounted for. The tablets have a small diameter.
- Dosages of amino acids in the drug "Glycine-bio Pharmplant" - 50 and 100 mg.
- “Glycine forte” is a more concentrated medicine, as it contains 250 mg of aminoacetic acid in one tablet.
- Supplement "Glycine forte Evalar", in addition to 300 mg of amino acids, contains vitamins of group B.
In which cases a drug is prescribed
The characteristic signs of modern life are nervous tension and emotional overload. Pregnant women are not isolated from society, they have to cope with constant stress on the background of hormonal changes in the body. Hence, nervous breakdowns, depression, unmotivated aggression, increased anxiety. Falling asleep worsens, the expectant mother’s sleep is disturbed. All this “bouquet” is aggravated by the increased fatigue.
Glycine is necessary for metabolic reactions that occur in nerve cells. The body spends this amino acid in large quantities when creating polypeptides and proteins - “building materials” for the cells of the female body and fetus. Glycine is part of physiologically important substances - hormones and enzymes.
The drug is a nootropic, neurometabolic, sedative and anti-stress agent.
- Glycine has a binding role for cells of the nervous and muscle tissues.
- Amino acid is necessary to maintain a balance between excitation and inhibition - the two main nervous processes. Glycine is also important for the functioning of the immune system, neutralizing the harmful effects of a number of drugs and ethanol.
- Neurologists prescribe "Glycine" for the prevention of vegetative-vascular disorders in early pregnancy.
- The tool helps with emotional instability, autonomic dystonia, neurosis.
- The drug helps to reduce anxiety, improve memorization and increase mental performance. This is especially important for women who continue to work until maternity leave.
- Thanks to the reception of “Glycine”, the emotional stress accumulated during the day goes through and the quality of night rest improves.
Instructions for use at different stages of pregnancy
There are several ways to take this medicine. You can dissolve "Glycine" under the tongue. In medicine, the term “sublingual” is used to define this process. It is permissible to dissolve the tablet and placing it on the cheek. This method is called buccal.
"Glycine" can be taken in 1 - 3 trimesters of pregnancy only if indicated. You should also adhere to the dosages prescribed by your doctor. It is dangerous for an expectant mother to independently decide on treatment with one or another means. For example, "Glycine" in high doses has a hypotensive effect (reduces blood pressure). In this case, there is a high risk of fainting.
In which cases "Glycine" is prescribed for pregnant women and dosages:
- Memory impairment, stressful situations. Dissolve a half or a whole tablet in the morning and evening or three times a day for 2 to 4 weeks.
- Psycho-emotional stress, increased anxiety. 1 tablet 2 or 3 times a day for 7 to 10 days.
- Difficulty falling asleep, insomnia. 1 tablet half an hour before bedtime.
The maximum daily dose of “Glycine” for pregnant women is 300 mg, which corresponds to 3 tablets.
In agreement with the doctor, the drug is taken within 30 days, then take a break of 1 month.
Drug interaction
"Glycine" reduces the side effects of antipsychotics, weakens the negative effect of taking anxiolytics. These groups of drugs are anti-anxiety, antipsychotic, but sedative action often leads to a decrease in concentration and attention. Glycine neutralizes these undesirable manifestations. Also, the drug can be taken together with antidepressants and sleeping pills to reduce their effects on the body.
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Contraindications, side effects and overdose
A complete ban on taking the drug applies only to those patients who are diagnosed with hypersensitivity to glycine and / or additional components in the composition of the tablets.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding, as already explained above, are indicated in the contraindications section by some drug manufacturers.
One of the side effects is drowsiness after taking the pill. Allergic reactions in the form of redness, swelling, and an itchy rash are also possible. Overdoses are rare. In these cases, a decrease in blood pressure occurs, nausea, insomnia appear.
Glycine analogues
A metabolic agent that contains aminoacetic acid is released only in the CIS. Ukrainian pharmacists produce an analogue of the active substance - "Glycid".
There are many other drugs related to nootropics. They are group analogues of Glycine. Relatively mild action are different means "Tenoten", "Phenibut", "Mexidol". The analogues of Glycine in sedative properties are Persen and Motherwort. However, there are significant differences. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor when searching for substitutes.