Depression, stress, problems with memory and concentration, insomnia and increased aggressiveness - these are the "charms" of a modern, saturated rhythm of life. If the body is not able to independently cope with such a load, external assistance is needed. Good reviews received the drug "Glycine." How to take "Glycine" correctly, what to consider during the course of treatment - more in the article.
Material Content:
Composition (active substance)
According to drug manufacturers, the amino acid (the main component of white tablets) protects the nervous system from the harmful effects of the environment. There is no official confirmation of such features of the drug, the information is based on the instructions for use and reviews of people taking Glycine.
Aminoacetic, or aminoethanoic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that is present in the proteins responsible for regulating the nervous system.
It has nootropic properties that can improve brain function, reduce fatigue and increase stress resistance.
Lack of a natural drug offers to replenish the drug "Glycine." It is available in various dosages - from 100 to 500 mg of amino acid. Packaging usually holds 50 tablets.
In what cases is the drug prescribed
Doctors can recommend the use of the drug in different cases when the body alone can not cope with increased emotional or mental stress. Correct brain function is essential for the functioning of all systems.
Indications for admission:
- constant stress;
- chronic fatigue syndrome;
- problems with memory, senile sclerosis;
- aggressiveness, conflict;
- insomnia or other sleep disturbances;
- disorders of the central nervous system;
- vegetovascular dystonia;
- arterial hypertension;
- decreased attention span;
- the period of the session for students and pupils;
- depressive disorders;
- preparation for sporting events;
- post-traumatic period (after head injury);
- hormonal disorders;
- neuroinfection;
- poor social adaptability;
- failures in metabolic processes;
- children's deviant behavior;
- encephalopathy;
- cravings for sweets, high sugar levels;
- prostatitis, problems with potency;
- drug, alcohol addiction;
- adolescence with increased excitability;
- ischemic stroke;
- alcohol intoxication.
Natural acid positively affects the appearance, even slightly rejuvenates. It improves the condition of the skin, makes it velvety, and the hair after using "Glycine" becomes elastic and shiny.
What does it mean to take glycine buccally
A feature of the drug is the method of use. The tablets do not need to be swallowed or chewed. Amino acid is best absorbed in the oral cavity.
The buccalis (buccalis - “buccal”) method means that the pill should be put on the cheek and absorbed using saliva.
Through the mucous membranes, the drug quickly reaches the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body.
You can hold the pill with your tongue near the cheek, you can just leave it in your mouth, or you can put a pill between your upper lip and jaw, where it quickly dissolves on its own. One option is sublingual administration, when the tablet must be placed under the tongue.
Drinking the medicine with water is not necessary. It is sweet and tastes good.
Instructions for use for children and adults
The smallest dosage of amino acid in a tablet is 100 mg. It is from this amount of glycine in the pills that the standard instruction pushes.
How to take glycine in tablets for an adult:
- in most cases - 1 pill twice or thrice a day for 14 to 30 days;
- with insomnia - 1 tablet half an hour before bedtime;
- after a stroke - 10 units of the drug during the first five hours, 10 tablets every day for the next 5 days and then 2 units daily until the end of the monthly course.
Newborn babies can drink pills if indicated.
For the smallest crumbs or if the children do not have the patience to dissolve the tablet, you need to crush the drug into powder.
The standard children's dosage depends on age:
- 0 - 3 years - ½ pill 2 times a day;
- more than 3 years - 1 tablet 2 to 3 times a day.
Usually the course of treatment does not exceed two weeks. The decision to continue therapy is made by the pediatrician.
During pregnancy and lactation
Amino acetic acid helps expectant mothers survive a difficult period of gestation, with constant mood swings, pressure surges, anxiety and frequent depression.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, doctors do not recommend treatment with the drug, as with any other drugs.
But then the reception of "Glycine" is possible in consultation with your doctor.
Acid in a small amount penetrates the placental barrier. She also enters the milk of a nursing mother. This should be taken into account by a woman during breastfeeding. If the child needs such therapy, he will receive it along with milk.
Drug interaction
The drug combines well with almost all medicines, because the amino acid is natural for the human body.
"Glycine" improves the absorption of antiepileptic drugs, reduces the severity of side effects while taking them.
The use of the drug with drugs similar in effect to the body (tranquilizers, sleeping pills, antidepressants) causes a weakening of their action and inhibition of the processes of the central nervous system. This point must be taken into account when starting treatment.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
“Glycine” is a safe drug that patients are allowed to take from birth to old age. There are only a few situations where the medicine is contraindicated for taking.
- The first prohibition is the individual intolerance of aminoacetic acid. But this happens very rarely, because the active component is produced by the body, so an allergy to it is an exception to the rule. But still, if after the start of taking symptoms such as a rash, urticaria, or edema appear, treatment should be discontinued.
- The second contraindication is not categorical, but advisory. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, it is better to abandon unnecessary medications, including Glycine.
- Hypotonic patients should take the drug with caution, as well as other sedatives. Amino acetic acid is able to lower blood pressure, which people with this diagnosis do not need at all.
Side effects are very rare, but you still need to pay attention to the following symptoms:
- drowsiness;
- general weakness;
- low pressure.
If the recommended dose is exceeded, the symptoms of side effects increase.
May occur:
- digestive problems, nausea, vomiting;
- pain in the stomach;
- pallor of the skin;
- decreased activity, apathy;
- sudden fatigue.
If a person mistakenly took a large dose of the drug, it is necessary to immediately wash the stomach and take sorbents. If the general condition worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor.
If you take "Glycine" correctly, take into account the peculiarities of use, dosage, contraindications and the duration of the course, then the drug will improve the brain, increase efficiency and cheer up.