Pregnancy is a special period when the digestive system of the expectant mother is affected by hormones. As a result of their exposure, many women will learn what constipation is. To eliminate this problem, many effective medicines have been created, but not all of them are acceptable during gestation. From our article you will learn how to use glycerin suppositories during pregnancy in case of problems with bowel movements.

Is it possible to use the product in 1, 2, 3 trimesters

As a rule, constipation in pregnant women begins to appear from 4 to 6 months of gestation. But in some women, it develops already at the beginning of this period. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the specifics of the course of pregnancy.

  • Glycerin-based laxative suppositories can be used in the early stages, but it must be remembered that they affect the muscles of not only the rectum, but also the uterus. This feature can lead to hypertonicity of the latter, which is unsafe for the life of the future baby.
  • The second trimester is the safest, so doctors can turn to a wider range of drugs to treat a future mother. The use of glycerin candles in the indicated period does not harm the baby at all.
  • From about 32 weeks of gestation, before prescribing a drug, the doctor must evaluate the risks to the fetus and the benefits to the mother.In the later stages, the likelihood of premature birth and uterine bleeding greatly increases. Candles with glycerin are allowed, but they should be used only by medical prescription.

The composition of rectal suppositories

Candles consist of:

  • the active component is glycerol;
  • excipients included in the composition for maintaining the dosage form.

What is the effect on the fetus?

Glycerin suppositories have an exclusively local effect, their components do not enter the systemic circulation, which means that they in no way affect the fetus.

Specialists are convinced of the safety of these medicines, therefore, they allow their appointment to expectant mothers.

What is prescribed during pregnancy?

Doctors prefer to prescribe the drug in question to patients suffering from constipation of a psychogenic, functional or age type.

Also, candles can be prescribed to expectant mothers who have:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • damage to the mucosa of the anus;
  • anorectal stenosis.

Prolonged constipation requires a cleansing enema before the introduction of suppositories.

Instructions for the use of glycerin suppositories

In case of constipation, a laxative suppository should be set once a day 25 minutes after breakfast. The candle should be removed from the package and inserted with clean fingers as deep as possible into the rectum. After this, it is better to lie down and stay in this position until there is a urge to defecate.

The components of the drug irritate the intestinal mucosa and soften feces. This activates intestinal motility and facilitates the process of excreting feces.

As a rule, candles begin to act within 20 minutes after administration, but sometimes the result has to wait up to one and a half hours.

The official instruction for use claims that laxatives with glycerin can not be used constantly, as this will provoke a "lazy intestine" syndrome. But there are times when the intestines of the expectant mother refuses to function, and constipation during the gestation period is a more dangerous condition than the potential risk of getting used to a laxative. In such situations, the doctor may prescribe the use of one candle once every few days. It is noted that after the birth of the baby, the intestinal work stabilizes independently.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the safety of glycerin laxative suppositories, they are forbidden to use in patients with such conditions:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • renal failure;
  • acute hemorrhoids;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • appendicitis;
  • blood in the feces of any ethology;
  • malignant neoplasms or inflammatory process in the anus;
  • abdominal pain of unclear etiology.

In general, a rectal laxative based on glycerol is well tolerated by patients.

However, in some, it provoked development at the injection site:

  • itching
  • burning sensation;
  • redness of the skin.

In a similar situation, it is better to refrain from using candles.

Also, patients should understand that the use of glycerin suppositories for constipation during pregnancy is an extreme measure that should not be resorted to regularly to normalize stool. If you use the medication constantly, it will cause the body to become addictive and weaken the natural process of defecation.

Laxative drug analogues

So far, scientists have not created a single universal algorithm for eliminating constipation, especially for pregnant women.

Given the features of the condition of the expectant mother, as substitutes for glycerin candles can be used:

  • medicines with lactulose;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • enema.

Consider the features of each group of funds.

Medications with Lactulose

Medicines in this category are considered the safest and most effective for pregnant women.They do not affect other processes in the body and act exclusively in the intestine: here they are broken down by bacteria, which provokes the formation of acids. Under the influence of the resulting acids, the intestinal contents liquefy and slightly increase in volume. This stimulates intestinal motility and excretion of swollen feces.

Popular representatives of this group are:

  • Dufalac
  • Portalac
  • Normase
  • Dinolak
  • "Good luck";
  • Romphalac

The above drugs act the same and are allowed during pregnancy.

Disadvantages of drugs:

  1. The laxative effect occurs only a day after consumption.
  2. Under the influence of lactulose, gases begin to form, which provokes flatulence. To avoid these side effects, it is recommended to take 0.5 doses in one day and, if necessary, drink the other half the next day. Among all the medications of this group, the shortest of all, flatulence provokes Dinolak.
  3. Lactulose medications can harm patients with high blood sugar and lactase intolerance.

Laxative rectal suppositories

Candles based on oil or petroleum jelly are safe and effective. However, despite the local effect, they can be taken only by medical prescription.

Such medicines rarely cause side effects. The result is achieved within 40 minutes after administration.


A quick and effective method to eliminate constipation. It can be used only from 4 months of pregnancy and according to medical prescription. The volume of the pear should not exceed 0.5 l, it is better to heat the water to 40 degrees and dilute with petroleum jelly. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning once a week.

Contraindications for use:

  • history of abortion;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • blood discharge from the anus.

The usual enema can be replaced by micro-enemas "Microlax".

Despite the presence in pharmacies of a large number of laxative drugs for pregnant women, they can be used only in extreme cases. So that during the period of carrying the baby the woman does not have problems with a chair, she needs to drink the required amount of water and eat properly.