Those who spend a lot of time at the computer or are often forced to strain their eyes, need to look for ways to get rid of uncomfortable sensations. To normalize the work of the visual apparatus, they do special gymnastics, as well as enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits, which contain many valuable vitamins. But this may not be enough. To quickly remove the unpleasant manifestations of eye fatigue, you can use various drops. One of the most famous is “Artelak Splash”.
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The composition of the drug
Artelak Splash Eye Drops is a powerful moisturizer. It is available in small plastic bottles. Each tank is equipped with a convenient discharge device, thanks to which the tool can be quickly instilled into the eyes. The dropper tip is protected by a cap.
There is an alternative version of the drug - "Artelak Splash Uno." This is a similar tool, available in a different format. Drops are packaged in miniature droppers designed for single use. The advantage of this form is the absolute sterility of the solution.
The drops contain the active substance hyaluronic acid in the form of sodium hyaluronate. It is it that provides a moisturizing effect. Among the additional ingredients are sterile water for injection, sodium and potassium chlorides, disodium phosphate dodecahydrate. They create the base of the drops.
Pharmacological properties and indications for use
The drug is indicated for use by people suffering from eye strain.The solution forms the thinnest film on the cornea, which works by analogy with a natural moisturizing element - tear fluid.
In fact, the tool will serve as a barrier protecting the organ of vision. However, it does not pose a danger to the cornea, you can use it regularly.
Drops help get rid of symptoms such as:
- foreign body sensation in the eye;
- excessive stress;
- decreased visual acuity;
- itching or burning;
- fatigue;
- redness of the eyes.
Eye drops are often prescribed by leading ophthalmologists in the following situations:
- with prolonged use of the monitor (a person blinks too rarely, so the eyes suffer from a lack of moisture);
- when smoking (tobacco smoke negatively affects the condition of the cornea of the eye);
- with prolonged exposure to extreme weather conditions (in strong winds, heat);
- with discomfort caused by lenses;
- with surgical intervention on the organs of vision.
This drug will be an excellent source of hydration for everyone who is forced to strain their eyes in connection with professional activities, so ophthalmologists advise you to always keep it in your home medicine cabinet.
Instructions for use eye drops Artelak Splash
Using the tool is quite simple. At the first application, the protective cap is removed and how much time is pressed on the discharge device to bring it into action. After that, just one click will suffice.
To instill the product, the head is slightly thrown back, the bottle is turned upside down and pressed on the discharge device. The drop should fall into the conjunctival sac (under the lower eyelid). A similar manipulation is carried out on the second eye.
Important! Before the procedure, you need to wash your hands. Bacteria should not be allowed on the cap or tip. This will not allow you to keep the product sterile.
Drops can be applied regularly as needed. No need to wait until the tension in the eyes begins to affect vision. It is better to use the medication immediately in case of mild discomfort. It is enough to lower one drop into each conjunctival sac three times a day. The situation usually stabilizes in a day.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
"Artelak", like any other local remedy, is considered relatively safe. It does not enter the systemic circulation. Drops work directly on the cornea of the eye, relieving mucous membranes from dryness. This means that they can be used during the bearing of the child, as well as during lactation. It is not necessary to transfer the baby to the mixture.
Drug interaction
Patients who already use any other drops for the eyes should take into account that “Artelak Plex” forms a film on the cornea, which acts as a barrier. It not only moisturizes the eyes, but also does not allow free moisture to evaporate.
There is a negative point. The resulting film interferes with the absorption of drugs. Therefore, the simultaneous use of "Artelak" and other eye drops is impractical. It is important to interval between the introduction of different funds for at least 20 minutes.
If there is a need to use an ointment (for example, tetracycline), then the procedure is carried out strictly after instillation of "Artelak". In the opposite case, the moisturizing effect will not be noted.
All other drugs that are distributed throughout the body with blood flow do not affect the effectiveness of the drops of local action, so they can be safely combined with each other.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
The drug is effective and has virtually no contraindications. It helps moisturize the eyes and relieve unpleasant sensations associated with excessive stress. It is prescribed for both adults and children. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is allowed.
The only possible contraindication is the individual intolerance to any of the components that make up the drug, but, as a rule, this condition is extremely rare in practice.
Using the medication practically does not cause side effects. In the first 10 to 15 seconds after instillation, a slight burning sensation is possible. It will go away if you close your eyes or blink several times. As soon as the product is evenly distributed over the cornea, the discomfort disappears.
In the rarest cases, allergic reactions may occur in the form of severe burning, redness of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids. In this situation, the drug is canceled, and another medication is selected together with the ophthalmologist to moisturize the eyes.
No drug overdose data were recorded. Even if you accidentally drip more than required, the excess will not fall under the eyelid, but will spill onto the skin. In addition, the bottles are equipped with convenient dispensers, so it is difficult to make a mistake with the volume.
Analogs of eye drops
dryness and tension from the eyes can be removed with the help of special exercises or a long rest. An alternative is to use moisturizing medicines. Doctors offer analogues of drops "Artelak Splash", which work no less efficiently.
- Systein. Expensive but effective eye drops with a complex effect. The composition includes polydronium chlorides, other salts, boric acid. The tool relieves dryness syndrome, relieves irritation and eliminates discomfort due to the formation of a thin film on the surface of the cornea. Plus medication in prolonged action. It is enough to bury it only once a day.
- Gilan An effective moisturizer packaged in sterile droppers for single use. The effect of the drug is based on the addition of sodium and sorbitol to the composition of hyaluronate. Drops are recommended to eliminate dryness, tension and prevention of xerosis.
- Oksial. An Italian drug that contains hyaluronic and boric acids. By its action, it is as close as possible to "Artelak". The drug is effective for dryness and redness due to prolonged work at the computer, with magnifying devices, as well as when wearing contact lenses, which often cause discomfort.
- Blink. Another close analogue of drops is Artelak Splash. The moisturizing effect is due to the presence of sodium hyaluronate. The drug is prescribed for increased dryness, irritation, lack of its own tear fluid to protect the cornea from adverse external influences.
What tool to use for a particular patient, the doctor decides. If the ophthalmologist has listed several suitable medications, then you can buy drops based on the price of them and the convenience of packaging.