Many people suffer from frequent bouts of headaches and sudden surges in pressure. One of the possible causes of such a malaise may be the clamping of vessels passing in the cervical region. To eliminate this ailment, Shishonin gymnastics was developed, aimed at relaxing the muscles and improving blood circulation in this part of the spine.

The benefits of Shishonin gymnastics for the neck

Alexander Yurievich Shishonin is a doctor with many years of experience, who created the author's system for relieving tension from the muscles of the cervical spine, which allows stimulating blood flow in the vessels. This solves the problem of lack of oxygen in the brain, and, therefore, eliminates one of the conditions that contribute to increased pressure.

Among other things, the exercises developed by the doctor are very effective for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, since as a result of the regular performance of certain movements, muscles are strengthened in the areas that cause the person pain problems. And the stress caused by his sedentary lifestyle is also relieved.

Indications for

The gymnastics of Dr. Shishonin is indispensable for the following group of people:

  • Persons whose activities are related to computer work - a long stay in a static uncomfortable position.
  • Those who talk on the phone for a long time, having the habit of pinching the device with their shoulder near the ear.
  • Citizens suffering from frequent headaches caused by cranial pressure.
  • People who have problems with the cervical spine and want to adhere to more sparing treatment methods without taking medications and therapeutic procedures.
  • Those who go through the rehabilitation period after surgery and are looking for ways to return mobility to the cervical spine.

Common symptoms that indicate the need for this gymnastics include:

  • Frequent dizziness and pain.
  • Early stages of osteochondrosis.
  • Memory lows, difficulty remembering.
  • Diseases of a psychosomatic nature.
  • Insomnia.
  • Great tiredness and apathy.
  • Discomfort in the cervical spine.
  • Neck mobility disorders.

This technique is very effective. However, its action is mainly aimed at eliminating the symptoms at the onset of the disease. With its advanced stage, exercises can be used only as an additional method.

General therapy should be prescribed by your doctor.

The main complex - all exercises

An important point is the correctness and accuracy of the exercises proposed by Shishonin. In the process of training, there should not be unpleasant sensations and any inconvenience in the neck. Any tingling, burning or pulling pain indicates a violation of the instructions.

Principles of Exercise:

  • It is very important to engage on a regular basis. During the first two weeks, at least 20 minutes should be spent per day. Further, the number of approaches can be reduced to three per week.
  • All movements should be slow and smooth. With sharp slopes, pain can occur, serving as a signal for a change in pace.
  • Each element is repeated 5 times in both directions.
  • Actions when performing the complex should not be accompanied by muscle spasm. At the very beginning, a little discomfort is possible, which disappears over time.
  • During classes, the back and head must be kept straight. To comply with this condition, the author recommends the first time to perform movements in front of the mirror.
  • Before starting the exercises themselves, it is important to warm up the muscles by tilting the head in different directions or massaging the neck.
  • Do not neglect the elements for stretching, which are performed at the end of the lesson.

The main gymnastics complex includes the following exercises:


Starting position - the gaze is directed forward, we keep our heads straight. Then we tilt it to the right and to the left, springing in the extreme position several times (that is, trying to reach the shoulder with your ear). The retention time is 10 seconds in both directions. 5 sets separately for each side.


Starting position, as in the previous version. Only now we lower the head, and pull the chin to the neck. Hold - 10 sec. Returning back - pull the chin up. We fix this position for up to 10 seconds. 5 approaches in both directions.


The neck is stretched forward, the head is fixed, and then the chin stretches first to the left, then to the right shoulder. The name of the exercise is due to the similarity of this movement with the actions of a bird cleaning its wings. At the extreme point, the position should be fixed and several springing movements should be made within 8-10 seconds. The same goes for the other side. Five approaches with returning to the initial position after each tilt.

Look to the sky

Head straight. We begin to slowly turn it first to the right, then to the left. At the extreme point, you should stop and raise your chin as if looking into the sky. Hold for 10 sec. - return to a straight position - turn in the opposite direction. And again 5 repetitions.
The back and head are on the same line. With your left hand you need to grab the right shoulder, while holding the elbow as straight as possible. The head goes towards the left shoulder before touching his chin. We fix the pose for 10 seconds. We return to the starting position. Repeat the movement in the other direction. 5 times in each direction.


The palms are connected straight and raised above the crown. The head at this time rotates in one direction and is held in the extreme position for 10 seconds. Then follows the starting position and its fixation for 1 second. Next is a repeat in the other direction. We carry out 5 approaches.


Arms outstretched like the wings of an airplane.In this position, we remain for 10 seconds. We lower our hands and relax, and then we start the exercise again. Repeat 5 times.


The arms are again extended in different directions, only now laid back. The chin is up. We make several springing movements and return to the original position, lowering our palms to our knees. Then we repeat everything 5 times.


Arms extended up parallel to each other. Hold them, then relax, doing 5 such repetitions.

If the instructions for the complex was followed, then notice the first results immediately after the completion of the exercises. Thoughts will become clearer, headache will disappear and neck mobility will increase.

Stretching after a workout

After the complex is completed, it is very important to conduct the final stage of training.

We take the left side of the head with our right hand and put it on the right shoulder. We fix it for 10 seconds, after which we return to the starting position, repeat the movement three times in the same sequence, but in the opposite direction.

Wrap your arms around the back of the head and try to bring your elbows together, tilting your head forward. We perform this position with fixation and thrice retention.
In the same position, but now the head goes to the left, and then to the right diagonally. The method of implementation and the number of approaches are similar.

Classes for the prevention of neck diseases

The technique is designed to improve neck mobility, relax the muscles located here and stimulate blood circulation in the vessels. In addition, possible clamps and pinches of the vertebrae are eliminated. Therefore, people who regularly perform this set of exercises are not at risk of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine, as well as other ailments characteristic of this zone.


Since the considered set of gymnastic exercises is aimed at getting rid of ailments that can have different stages and are associated with other internal processes, this program has a number of contraindications.

These restrictions include:

  • The period after surgery.
  • Severe osteochondrosis of the neck.
  • Strong pinched nerve.

Some people noticed a sharp jump in pressure after starting the complex. This may be due to the restoration of impaired circulation. In any case, those who suffer from high blood pressure should be careful, despite the fact that gymnastics partially solves this problem.

If you do not follow these warnings and execute the program, having the listed symptoms, then you may experience:

  • Displacement of the vertebrae.
  • Exacerbation of existing neck problems.
  • Pain of high intensity.
  • Decreased neck mobility.

To avoid possible risks, it is advisable to first consult with a specialist and obtain his approval for the use of this complex.

Shishonin's cervical gymnastics is not a panacea for all diseases associated with the state of muscles and blood vessels in this section of the spine. Therefore, before proceeding with it, it is worthwhile to carefully study the technique of performing the elements, as well as take into account contraindications and possible consequences of incorrect actions. Having serious ailments, it is better to abandon the presented method of treatment, trusting the doctor’s therapy.