Hydradenitis is an inflammation that develops in the sweat apocrine glands, which has its own structure, structure and located in the axillary areas of the body. The glands in the armpits are a group of large formations. They produce sweat secretion, rich in lipids, cholesterol and their own cells.

It is this type of gland that is responsible for normal sweating and giving a certain aroma, which is individual for each person.

What is hydradenitis?

An infection that enters the sweat gland causes inflammation, i.e. hydradenitis. The disease develops most often in women aged 15 years. By this time, the formation of glands ends, and their functioning begins. At 50, with the extinction of childbearing function, the activity of glandular organs gradually decreases. Therefore, children and elderly people do not suffer from this disease.

Classification of purulent inflammation

As a rule, hidradenitis is a one-sided pathology. Rarely, the pathological process affects both axillary hollows.

The following forms are distinguished:

  • nodular hydradenitis is the initial form of the disease, when against the background of blockage of the excretory duct of the gland, swelling, slight pain and redness appear. If there is no treatment at this stage, this form of the disease proceeds to the next stage of development;
  • acute form - the process progresses with the development of fever, sometimes up to 39 degrees, severe pain, hyperemia of the lesion, malaise.Inadequate therapy or a complete lack of treatment for hydradenitis is fraught with a complication of the process;
  • chronic hydradenitis is a recurring form of pathology that occurs against a background of weakened immunity, characterized by a longer course and an increase in the area of ​​damage. Relapse can occur repeatedly, especially in the presence of concomitant diseases.

The treatment process carried out in the initial stage of the disease successfully relieves inflammation. But if there is a state of neglect, purulent inflammation of the sweat glands can give serious complications and health problems.

Causes of occurrence

The main reason for the appearance of the pathology of the glands is staphylococcus, which penetrates into them through the damaged skin through the lymphatic duct.

In addition to the main reason, there are a number of factors contributing to the appearance of pathology:

  • hyperhidrosis, that is, sweating, leading to skin irritation in the problem area;
  • combing of the skin due to the presence of dermatoses, accompanied by itching;
  • microtrauma of the skin when removing hair;
  • decrease in the body's defenses;
  • a shift in the acidity of sweat fluid to the alkaline side;
  • allergic reactions of the body to body care products;
  • unbalanced diet for weight loss;
  • disturbances in the work of the endocrine glands (diabetes mellitus);
  • concomitant chronic inflammation of the internal organs, reducing immunity.

Each of these reasons can be the result of the appearance of hydradenitis, especially against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Symptoms of the manifestations of hydradenitis will depend on the following stages of the manifestation of the pathological process:

  • the stage of infiltration is the development of the initial symptoms of the disease in the form of the appearance of dense and small sizes of nodes. Their appearance is marked by minor soreness and itching. Pressure on the formation provokes an increase in pain. Nodules tend to rapidly increase in size up to 1-2 cm in diameter, turning into dense, soldered to the skin nodes, similar to nipples. As a result of this, pathology is still called the bitch udder;
  • ripening stage - the skin over the nodes becomes cyanotic, swelling appears, severe pain in their area. Pain disturbs in any position. When the nodes merge, a disk-shaped infiltrate of dense consistency is formed. Local symptoms of pathology are accompanied by fever up to 39 degrees, severe pulling pain, severe weakness;
  • stage of resolution and scarring - after 7-10 days, softening of the nodes in the center appears with their further opening and the release of pus of a creamy nature. Blood may be present in the excreted purulent contents. An opened node is an ulcer that forms a scar when healed. An opened abscess brings relief, since there is a significant decrease in pain in the lesion, the temperature normalizes, and weakness passes.

As a rule, the time from the beginning to the full resolution of the pathological process is from 2 to 2.5 weeks, and depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But, sometimes, a relapse of the disease is possible, when, along with scarring elements, new foci of inflammation may appear.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of the disease is based on the medical history and clinical manifestations of the disease. The diagnosis is confirmed by a general blood test, in which there will be leukocytosis and a high ESR. And this indicates inflammation.

In addition, a bacteriological study of the contents of the focus of inflammation is carried out to determine the pathogen.

Hydradenitis is differentiated with the following pathology:

  • furuncle;
  • carbuncle;
  • phlegmon;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lymphogranulomatosis.

After clarifying the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed treatment.

Hydradenitis Treatment

Hidradenitis requires a comprehensive treatment, which includes not only the internal use of medications. The appointment of local therapy in the form of dressings is also shown.

Important! To begin to carry out therapeutic measures at the initial stage of inflammation, that is, at the stage of infiltration, when the process is just beginning to develop. Relief of symptoms will prevent further progression of the pathology.

Traditional treatments

Therapeutic measures for the treatment of hydradenitis are carried out conservatively or surgically.

If a lump of small size and painful to the touch appears under the arm, they begin to carry out treatment, which includes:

  • skin sanitation around the site of inflammation with alcohol or 5% iodine solution;
  • wet dressings on the site of inflammation with alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2;
  • dry heat to the armpit;
  • drug therapy with antibiotics - Doxycycline, Ampicillin, Erythromycin;
  • restorative treatment - taking vitamin complexes, aloe, eleutherococcus;
  • with relapse - immunostimulating agents.

The treatment of ripened hydradenitis is carried out only surgically, when the pathological lesion is opened, and the abscess is removed along with the subcutaneous tissue.

Folk remedies

The treatment of hydradenitis is successfully supplemented by recipes of decoctions and infusions from plant materials. Medicinal plants in this case are used for external use.

The following herbal remedies give a positive effect:

  • freshly squeezed plantain juice - a gauze napkin is moistened with juice and applied to the affected area for a quarter of an hour up to 4 times a day. You can use fresh leaves of the plant, previously mashing them to the allocation of juice;
  • the leaf of a 3-year-old aloe is washed in running water, cut into 2 halves and applied with a fresh cut to the focus of inflammation;
  • fresh celery leaves are washed with water, knead until juice and are applied to the inflamed gland 3-4 times a day;
  • An infusion is prepared from an equal number of chamomile flowers, calendula, eucalyptus leaves. The mixture is poured with boiling water and infused. The affected area is washed with infusion several times a day.

Treatment with traditional medicine in combination with traditional gives good results in terms of stopping the progress of the disease and resorption of the inflamed gland.

Diet and physiotherapy

Hydradenitis under the arm requires not only drug therapy, but also a full balanced diet that increases the body's resistance to infections.

Patients suffering from inflammation of the apocrine glands should be on a special dietary diet, excluding the following products from use:

  • any spices;
  • alcoholic and colored carbonated drinks;
  • spicy dishes;
  • smoked and canned foods;
  • flour and confectionery.

Such a restriction in the diet should be observed for at least 3-4 months from the moment of illness. Recommended foods rich in trace elements and vitamins. These are vegetables and fruits, as well as freshly squeezed juices from them.

A good result is given by therapy of the infiltrative form of hydradenitis with physiotherapeutic procedures, of which the following are used:

  • UHF;
  • Ural federal district;
  • SMV therapy.

These procedures reduce the inflammatory process, relieve swelling, improve blood microcirculation and have a bactericidal effect. Physiotherapy is prescribed only on the recommendation of a specialist, taking into account the clinical manifestations of the disease.

Hygiene rules for hydradenitis

Since staphylococcus is the main causative agent of the inflammatory process of the axillary glands, it is important to prevent the spread of infection to healthy tissues.

To do this, observe the following rules:

  • body hygiene with a warm shower;
  • after its adoption, wipe the armpits with a cotton pad dipped in furatsilin;
  • bedding and towels should be for personal use only;
  • when hygiene measures use antibacterial detergents;
  • to exclude hair removal in the axillary region, using epilation or shaving until the inflammation is completely removed;
  • clothing should be made of natural fabrics, breathable and absorb sweat.

Compliance with these hygiene rules will prevent the spread of the pathological process to neighboring parts of the body.

Complications and consequences

A complicated course of the disease is possible against the background of concomitant chronic pathologies of the internal organs or, if untreated, hydradenitis. The generalization of purulent inflammation is fraught with the development of an abscess or phlegmon. This is already a serious pathology, requiring surgical treatment and recovery for a long time.

The spread of infection in the lymph nodes of the axillary region is fraught with the subsequent development of lymphadenitis, which can be complicated by lymphostasis.

But the most serious consequence of the disease is sepsis, that is, the pathogen entering the bloodstream, which entails the development of a condition that can threaten the patient's life.


The basis for the prevention of hydradenitis is the purity of the body and, in particular, of the axillary areas, especially in overweight patients. Daily hygiene measures in these areas will prevent inflammation.

Shaving unwanted hair from axillary hollows with shaving is recommended only if necessary and with subsequent treatment of the skin with disinfectants.

Exclude the use of low-quality cosmetic products for body care, as well as agents that provoke the development of allergic reactions of the body. Pay more attention to improving immunity, which will increase the body's resistance to various infections and improve the quality of life.