The Chinese rose is a very beautiful flower of the family malvaceae, but it is rarely seen in modern apartments. The main reason housewives dislike this plant is the second name of hibiscus - "flower of death." Why this flower is so named is described below.

Why is hibiscus called the "flower of death"?

The people say that the flowering of a Chinese rose is a very dangerous period for the inhabitants of the house. It is believed that at the same time as the appearance of bright buds on a plant, one of the households is overtaken by a dangerous disease or even death.

Another version suggests that death awaits the home if the Chinese rose blossoms at the wrong time for this. For example, in hot summers or at the very end of winter. Hibiscus usually blooms from late spring to the last month of autumn. Less often - at the beginning of winter.

Also, many "experts" are sure that the blackening of the leaves of the plant under discussion promises a serious illness to one of the family members. After this phenomenon, all residents of the house urgently need to visit a doctor.

Signs and superstitions

Understanding why hibiscus is called the “flower of death", you will be able to get acquainted with so many signs and superstitions associated with this plant.

The most famous among them are the following:

  • If the flower appears at the girl’s home, then her marriage to any man will be short-lived, and the love relationship will be unhappy.
  • During flowering, the Chinese rose impregnates the entire house with negative energy, “sucks” positive emotions from its owners and can even bring them to depression.
  • Feng Shui thematic books note that hibiscus is able to stir up passion between spouses and generally strengthen marriage. For this, a plant with bright red flowers is located in the bedroom by the couple’s bed.
  • If a woman takes good care of a Chinese rose and selects the best place for her in the house, then she will soon become very popular among members of the opposite sex.
  • Such flowers perfectly take root in hospitals, as they feed on negative emotions and experiences of patients.

As you can see, the signs and superstitions regarding the flower in question are very diverse. Some of them even radically contradict each other.

Read also:care and propagation of hibiscus garden

Is it possible or not to keep at home?

First of all, it should be noted that all of these signs are based solely on the speculations of people. Not a single assumption of the "bloodthirstiness" of hibiscus is scientifically confirmed.

For example, in hospital rooms it grows best simply because frequent airing and a lot of light in the corridors of clinics are ideal conditions for a comfortable life of a Chinese rose. Similarly, all existing assumptions can be refuted.

If we argue from the point of view of floriculture, then growing such a plant at home is a pleasant and interesting process. Hibiscus is unpretentious. For it to grow well, enough daylight and a small amount of filtered water. At the same time, watering the flower daily is not required at all. At any botanical site, the user can find the optimal scheme for watering the plant.

If you regularly spray a Chinese rose with clean water and cut it from time to time, then a tree of amazing beauty will appear on the window of the hostess. The buds of its stunning flowers appear regularly and are delayed for 2-3 days.

Among the minuses of the plant can be noted the high cost of its cuttings, the “love” of various pests for it and active growth. Therefore, it is better to immediately allocate more space for the hibiscus with a sufficient stream of light.

Myths and truth about hibiscus

It is believed that hibiscus in a person’s room causes him a constant feeling of longing and anxiety. This is actually a myth. Perhaps there are really unpleasant emotions when such a plant appears in the house. But, most likely, because most people today are familiar with the eerie signs associated with the Chinese rose. Further self-hypnosis already operates.

But the information that such a plant is present on the coat of arms of Malaysia is true. In this place, hibiscus is loved and revered. In the capital of the country there is even a separate park in which more than 2 thousand flower specimens grow. It often hosts wedding ceremonies.

The people call the Chinese rose "Hubby Flower". It is believed that the presence of such a plant in the apartment by all possible means expels representatives of the stronger sex from it. But to refute this myth is very simple. After all, there are thousands of examples when happy wives daily admire this flower in their home.

Health benefits of hibiscus

Few people know that hibiscus is not only a very beautiful plant, but also useful for humans. The main thing is to use it correctly and study the list of contraindications in advance.

It is from the flowers of Chinese roses that delicious red tea is brewed. Hibiscus drink perfectly quenches thirst even on the hottest days, and, in addition, invigorates and nourishes with energy. If a person regularly uses such tea, then he is much less tired. The Egyptians are sure that this drink also retains youth, beauty, sexuality.

Chinese rose is very useful for men and women of any age who are faced with diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Decoctions and teas from the plant's petals help to normalize blood pressure, cleanse blood vessels and strengthen their walls. If we talk more about blood pressure, then cold tea from hibiscus lowers it, and warm tea, on the contrary, increases it.

You can apply various parts of Chinese roses and externally. For example, fresh flowers are crushed and applied to damaged skin, on which there are boils or ulcers. This tool accelerates the healing of burns.

If you use crushed flowers and leaves together, then the resulting mixture can cure even malignant ulcers. This natural medicine becomes a part of complex therapy and significantly speeds up the treatment process.


  • Gennady

    From article to article, there is a train of lies about hot and cold hibiscus, more specifically about the effect of this drink on blood pressure at different temperatures of infusion, turn on the brain a little, please, so you can add that hot potato leads to obesity, and cold to dystrophy !!!