Perhaps for many it will be news, but herpes on the labia is considered a safe infection. And all because this disease does not lead to disturbances in the activity of internal organs and cannot cause death. But it delivers a number of unpleasant symptoms, so it makes sense to tell more about the disease.

Symptoms and routes of infection

Herpes in such an intimate zone gives a lot of unpleasant sensations, not only the physical plane, but also the psychological one.

The incubation period lasts from 2 to 20 days, depending on the immunity - the weaker it is, the faster the disease will manifest itself:

  1. The appearance of a specific rash on the external genitalia in the form of small vesicles with a clear liquid inside. After 3 days, it becomes cloudy and breaks out, leaving patches of skin with ulcers and inflammation. And before their appearance, a person suffers an itch.
  2. Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin.
  3. Frequent urination.
  4. An increase in body temperature, sometimes to high limits - 39 degrees.
  5. Deteriorating overall well-being.

All this, as a rule, accompanies an ailment in an acute form lasting from 2 to 3 weeks with pronounced symptoms.

Important: the herpes virus, once in the body, will be present in it for life.

There are several ways of infection with genital herpes, but basically, it is sexual contact, regardless of its type. In this case, the incubation period is dangerous, when there are no external signs, and the infection is already present in the blood, which the person does not even know about.

There are several more options for the transmission of the disease from one person to another:

  • airborne and through personal hygiene items;
  • a newborn baby with an existing infection of a woman during pregnancy;
  • self-infection if, by negligence, cold sores on the lips are transferred to the genital area.

There are factors that predispose to the appearance of this unpleasant problem:

  1. A prolonged stay in a stressful situation, when the body's defenses are weakening.
  2. Overwork and lack of full and regular rest.
  3. Weak immunity.
  4. If it was from 2 artificial abortions.
  5. Previously transmitted sexually transmitted diseases.
  6. Indiscrimination in choosing a sexual partner.
  7. Unprotected sex.
  8. Insufficient or excessive amount of vitamins in the body.
  9. Frequent colds or hypothermia.
  10. Finding a long time on a strict diet.

With a prolonged presence in the main female organ of the spiral, the development of this disease is also possible.

Treatment methods

Since the virus of this intimate problem will be in the body all the time, it is important throughout life to carefully monitor your health, not allowing it to manifest itself.


For this, there are special drugs - immunomodulators that regulate protective forces.

They are not the only way to combat the disease, but only an addition:

  • Viferon ointment covers the affected area on the body. It contains vitamin E and interferon, helping fast healing, as well as petroleum jelly with lanolin, softening the skin;
  • by injecting Interferon Beta, the percentage of recovery increases several times, but the treatment lasts up to six months;
  • a very effective remedy called Galavit, which is sold in tablet form. They not only increase immunity, but also relieve the inflammatory process.

Such medications should be taken only under the supervision of a physician with the correct dosage calculation. After all, interferon is already produced in the body, and in order not to reduce this process, it is necessary to be based not on the introduction of the missing element, but on the stimulation of its production.

Local remedies and douching

A special place in the treatment of genital herpes is given to topical preparations. These include ointments, gels and creams. Acyclovir and Fenistil, Zovirax and Panavir, Miramistin and Viru-Merz Serol have proven themselves excellently.

They are applied as follows:

  1. Apply to pre-washed and completely dry skin, and in the exact amount indicated in the instructions or prescribed by a doctor.
  2. For processing, use a cotton swab or other natural material so as not to touch the affected area with the skin of your hands.

Important: Miramistin or Zovirax can quickly remove all the symptoms of the disease at the initial stage, applying them when the first signs appear, without using additional, more serious means.

For douching, there are fluids of antiviral and antibacterial properties - Hexicon, Septomirin and Miramistin. Processing in this way is necessary up to 3 times a day for 7 consecutive days.

Antiviral agents

In the acute form of the development of the disease, antiviral drugs are prescribed that destroy a part of the envelopes of viral cells, stopping their further development:

  • with the help of Acyclovir, the DNA activity of herpes cells is suppressed, using it when vesicles appear;
  • Famciclovir is considered a powerful remedy, especially if the ailment appears frequently. At the same time, the drug eliminates the neuralgia caused by this virus;
  • Groprinosin tablets are taken up to 3 months, significantly increasing the protective functions of the body and destroying the DNA of the pathogen;
  • in the acute phase, Valtrex is used, which suppresses the activity of the virus.

How to treat herpes should be decided by a specialist, which will protect against undesirable negative consequences from illiterate medication.


During the treatment of genital herpes, it is not advisable to eat citrus fruits, tomatoes, sugar, beef meat, drink milk, coffee and alcoholic beverages.

The best products for a speedy recovery are sea kale, apples, hard cheese and low-fat yogurt.

It is interesting:cold sore ointment: list

Folk remedies for the treatment of herpes on the labia

Similar methods of getting rid of an unpleasant illness should be in the form of an addition to the main treatment.

The most effective and popular are the following:

  • Aloe from the age of 3 years - it is necessary to cut one leaf, cutting off the upper shell and thoroughly kneading the pulp. Take a clean napkin, blot it in the juice obtained and apply it to the problem area.
  • A broth of fresh berries of viburnum - crush and pour hot water, leaving it for 3 hours alone. Drink the resulting composition 3 times a day instead of coffee or tea.
  • Pour fresh milk into young birch buds by boiling over medium heat for about 7 minutes, then cool and dunk gauze or natural tissue into it, then make lotions up to 6 times a day in the affected areas.
  • In drug stores, a ready-made tincture of echinacea is sold, which perfectly improves immunity. When the first signs of the disease appear, start drinking 20 drops 3 times a day.
  • Pepper-horseradish tincture is considered an excellent remedy against this ailment - half-fill a 1 liter jar with chopped hot pepper and horseradish root, pouring vodka to the edge there. The composition is infused for 2 weeks with regular shaking. After the required time, strain the tincture and take 20 ml for breakfast and dinner.

A combination of onions and apples with linden or buckwheat honey is very effective, where all the ingredients are mixed, pre-chopped apples and squeezed juice from onions. This mixture is used after meals three times a day for 30 g.

Pregnancy and lactation treatment

Self-medication is strictly prohibited while carrying a baby to get rid of genital herpes. As a rule, the doctor prescribes a combined regimen, which includes local treatment of the affected area, ozone therapy, enzyme preparations, irrigation of the vagina with ozonation solutions and high-pressure oxygen treatment in the pressure chamber.

Read also: indications for the use of ozone therapy intravenously

If frequent exacerbations of the disease are observed, then the doctor may prescribe preventive therapeutic courses for up to several months. This method reduces the number of relapses to 70%, while weakening the symptoms.

To infect the baby during breastfeeding, if the mother suffers from genital herpes, it is impossible. This can happen through the hands, so it is very important to monitor your hygiene.

As mentioned earlier, the appointment is made by a specialist, but an important point is proper nutrition. You should exclude from the diet any fried, salty, spicy, sweet dishes and fast foods with sweet soda. Focus on fresh vegetables and fruits, which, of course, are not allergic.

If a nursing mother first has herpes on the labia, feeding will have to be stopped for the duration of treatment due to the use of immunomodulators.

Relapsing herpes will not be a hindrance to feeding, since local drugs and vitamin complexes will be used for its treatment.

It is interesting:herpes zoster

Preventive actions

To protect the body from the development of genital herpes, just follow the simple rules:

  • you must have one sexual partner;
  • use condoms to protect the genitals;
  • eat rationally and balanced, preferring natural and healthy foods without preservatives;
  • drink multivitamin complexes twice a year;
  • remove the intrauterine device in time.

And, of course, watch out for personal hygiene, especially when the virus appears on your face. All this will protect against the development of such an unpleasant and intimate disease as herpes on the labia.Health to you and your loved ones!