Herpes virus is found in the body of 70-90% of the world's inhabitants. Everyone who suffers from a commonplace “cold” would like to know how to quickly treat herpes on the lips and how it can threaten health. Herpes is an ancient disease. The herpes simplex virus DNA was discovered in a human ancestor, the Boyce Parentrop. In East Africa, a site was found for these ancient hominids, who lived on Earth more than 1.2-2.3 million years ago. It turned out that it was this human ancestor who was guilty of infecting humanity with the herpes simplex virus. Eating the meat of monkeys infected with the virus, the hominid became a carrier of viruses of strains 1 and 2 and passed it on to its relatives and descendants.

The mechanism of introduction and development of the herpes virus

Herpes on the lips or the so-called "cold" causes a herpes simplex virus strain - HSV-1. It is introduced into the body through damage in the epidermis or mucosa and is localized in the epithelial, nerve and, less commonly, in the lymphatic cells. Charlotte Gouldcroft, a researcher at the University of Cambridge (UK), claims that the herpes virus infects all living organisms - from humans to corals, but "each species has its own specific set of these viruses."

The herpes virus type 1, which causes labial (labial) herpes - rashes along the red edge of the lips and inside the oral cavity, has 2 varieties.According to scientists at the University of Pennsylvania, one of the varieties of HSV-1 is of North American / European origin, and the other is Asian.

Primary infection occurs, as a rule, at an early age. In the future, the likelihood of infection with labial herpes decreases.

The virus penetrates the epithelial cells through damaged tissues, binding to receptors. HSV-1 cannot penetrate the surface of tissues without receptors.

The envelope of the virus merges with the cell membrane of the nerve cell, and the nucleocapsid (virion or spiral formation, consisting of the protein coat and DNA of the virus) penetrates inside. There, the DNA exits the capsule and begins to migrate through the nerve endings to the nerve node. Labial herpes is localized in the ganglia of the trigeminal nerve.

There DNA begins to create copies - persists. The genetic material of the herpes virus is embedded in the DNA of the cells of the nerve node and remains in it forever.

Routes of the virus and herpes symptoms

The virus has several pathways:

  • airborne droplet;
  • contact, through a damaged outer layer of the epithelium;
  • with blood or other body fluids;
  • transplacental - through the placenta.

After introduction, the virus may not manifest itself for a long time, and with a decrease in immunity, it is activated. Particles of the DNA of the virus through the nerve endings return to the cells of the epithelium and mucosa. Rashes form on their surface, turning into bubbles filled with a clear liquid. Bubbles open, serous contents flow out, dry out in the form of yellowish crusts. Under the crusts, cell division of the wound tissue occurs, and it heals.

The virus irritates the sensitive nerve endings and the patient feels:

  • itching
  • pain;
  • voltage;
  • fever at the rash site.

A sensation of itching and tingling appears even before rashes appear on the lips.

Causes of herpes on the lips

Despite the ancient history of the herpes virus, the mechanism of its reactivation and its transition to a latent state has not been fully studied.

But it has been reliably established that herpes manifests itself against the background of a decrease in immunity, which occurs under the influence of various external and internal factors:

  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • excessive insolation (exposure to UV radiation);
  • acute respiratory and viral infections;
  • severe systemic and autoimmune diseases;
  • chronic stress;
  • hypo- and hypervitaminosis;
  • malnutrition (fasting, diet);
  • chronic dermatoses;
  • contact with a patient with exacerbation of HSV;
  • taking immunosuppressants and antibiotics;
  • chemo and radiotherapy;
  • dermatological manipulations (grinding, hair removal).

Exacerbation of herpes on the lips has seasonality and cyclicality. The period from the onset of the first symptoms of labial herpes (burning, itching) to the appearance of ulcers takes from 2 to 12 days. During the initial infection, the body produces antibodies for 6 weeks, which remain in the blood throughout life. But during the period of exacerbation, their number increases, and during the "lull" - decreases. The number and type of antibodies is a diagnostic sign by which it can be established how long ago the disease was exacerbating. In some patients, an exacerbation of the disease is noted up to 12 times a year, in others - 1-2 times or less.

Is cold on lips dangerous?

The disease, to which many relate, as a cosmetic problem can pose a serious danger not only to health, but also to the life of the patient. The patient during the period of exacerbation and during the asymptomatic course of the disease is a threat of infection of the people in contact with the virus. In historical documents, the prohibition of the Roman emperor Tiberius on kisses is mentioned, since the herpes virus infection had the character of a local epidemic.

Read also:cold sore ointment

The virus remains viable at high (+ 52 ° C) and low (- 70 ° C) temperatures for 1-5 days. Therefore, you can get infected by using common utensils, hygiene products, bedding, and even when in contact with metal surfaces - door handles, coins.

A nice bonus is the fact that antibodies formed to the body against HSV-1 do not allow you to get infected:

  • herpetic keratitis (eye damage);
  • herpetic panaritium (lesions of the periungual tissue);
  • herpes of gladiators (damage to the skin of the face, ears, neck).

But antibodies to HSV-1 are specific and do not reduce the risk of infection with other strains of the virus.

Against the background of a decrease in immunity, and especially immunodeficiency, a “cold” on the lips can cause such severe lesions as:

  • herpetic meningoencephalitis;
  • brain abscess
  • liver damage, up to cirrhosis.

Aggravating factors are:

  • age - children or elderly;
  • immunodeficiency conditions;
  • severe systemic diseases;
  • malignant diseases (cancer).

Primary infection of the herpes virus during pregnancy can cause a risk of having a baby:

  • premature
  • with Down syndrome;
  • with cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy);
  • deaf and dumb;
  • visually impaired or blind.

Can the virus be cured completely?

The disease may not occur for years. Only 18% of virus carriers know that there is a “time bomb” in their bodies.

Since the virus most of the time is in an inactive state inside the nerve cells, and its DNA is embedded in the DNA of the cell, it is impossible to get rid of it using modern methods and means of medicine.

It is possible to quickly cure herpes only with the appearance of rashes, eliminating its symptoms.

But, at the end of the 20th century, the scientific literature showed the encouraging results of gene treatment of many diseases, including herpes. Today, from the research stage, this method of "cleaning" cells from the DNA of the virus has moved to the stage of mass clinical trials.

Employees of the University Medical Center in Utrecht under the leadership of R.Ya. Lebbinka managed to create guiding RNA molecules based on the bacterial nuclease CRISPR / Cas9. Once in the cells of the human body, they recognize the DNA of the herpes virus and "cut" it. One such "incision" reduces cell infection by 50%, and two almost completely destroy the virus. The method needs refinement, but there was a hope to completely rid a person of herpes viruses.

Read also:Herpes zoster: symptoms and treatment in adults

How to quickly get rid of herpes on the lips?

For the treatment of herpes on the lips, complex treatment is used:

  • drug therapy;
  • diet therapy;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • alternative methods of treatment.

The earlier treatment is started, the less noticeable are the manifestations of herpes. Complex treatment makes it possible to quickly cure herpes on the lips and avoid complications.

Virus pills

Pharmaceuticals can only eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

With the medical treatment of herpes, the following pills for herpes are used:

  • antiviral - Herpevir, Doconazole, Valtrex, Valaciclovir, Famvir, Tromantadin, Famciclovir, Acyclovir;
  • anti-inflammatory - Piroxicam, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen;
  • antibiotics - with the addition of a secondary infection.

Anti-inflammatory drugs not only relieve swelling and redness in the area of ​​rashes, but also reduce pain.

The use of immunomodulators for labial herpes does not have a proven effect.


To eliminate the visual manifestations of herpes virus infection, ointments with antiviral properties are used - Acyclovir, Acyclovir - Acre, Zovirax, Viru-Merz, Devirs, Panavir, Fenistil Pencivir, Gerperax, Gizvosh, Gossipol, Alpizarin ointment, ACIC.

The effectiveness of treatment with external drugs increases with the early onset of symptoms of the disease.

To eliminate burning and tingling, Bepanten ointment is used. To “dry” the vesicles and prevent the penetration of a secondary infection, antiseptics are used - Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Methylene blue, Diamond green, Alcohol iodine solution.

Herpes ointment is not always convenient to apply during the day - it is visible on the lips. Therefore, no less effective, but more inconspicuous products are produced - gel, cream and spray.

Creams and sprays for colds on the lips

The popular Acyclovir is released not only in the form of tablets and ointments. There is a cream Acyclovir with a light consistency. For external use, Epigen Spray, Propolis Spray, Fenistil Pencivir Cream, Zovirax Cream, Lipster are prescribed.

British scientists have investigated the effectiveness of Acyclovir cream and a new generation of cream - Fenistil Pencivir. It turned out that the new drug penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and lasts longer. At the same time, safety is maintained for uninfected cells.

Corvalol cauterization helps speed up the healing process. It works effectively if applied immediately as a sensation of tingling in the lips, and in combination with antiviral tablets of Herpevir.

Those who do not believe in the effectiveness of external herpes medications should be aware that scientists have confirmed the need for their use. A study of the skin in places of habitual rashes under a microscope showed that the virions of the virus are secreted not only inside the cells of the epidermis and mucous membranes, but also outward with the contents of the opened herpetic vesicles. Applying an ointment or cream reduces the likelihood of infection of others and helps to destroy a certain amount of viruses.

In addition, changes in the immunity of the skin and the ability of its resistance to the introduction of the virus occur in the rash. Preparations for local therapy increase skin resistance, reduce the time for the appearance of rashes.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of labial herpes are prescribed according to individual indications and can vary throughout the treatment period.

Homeopaths recommend using:

  • Rhus toxicodendron - the drug relieves itching and burning in the rash;
  • Acidum nitricum or Graphit - during the appearance of bubbles with liquid;
  • Anise;
  • Belladonna;
  • Lizereum.

The homeopathic doctor selects drugs not only depending on the severity of the process, but also taking into account character traits, causes of the disease and hereditary factors.

The effectiveness of treatment with homeopathic medicines has no scientific justification.

Effective methods of traditional medicine

Traditional medicine is used in the complex treatment of the disease and in the case when the patient's condition does not allow the use of pharmacological preparations.

The most effective remedies are:

  • celandine juice, which needs to lubricate the affected areas of the skin. Put one layer of juice, let it dry and repeat the procedure. Juice is used once a day, preferably in the evening;
  • garlic with honey. A clove of garlic is crushed, mixed with honey and applied as a compress to the rash site;
  • aloe juice. Aloe leaf is cut along and pulp is applied to the wounds. Fix in the form of a compress. Wounds can be lubricated with aloe juice 3-4 times a day;
  • egg film. Break a fresh chicken egg, pour out the contents, and remove the film from the inside of the shell, which is attached with the inside to the wounds on the lips. Change the film 2-3 times a day.
  • To disinfect and accelerate epithelization, use alcohol tincture of calendula.

Application of tea tree oil, fir, sea buckthorn oil helps speed healing and soften crusts. Care for crusts includes the use of lotions from medicinal plants and beekeeping products - propolis, tincture of corn, honey.

Traditional healers recommend using compresses from ginger juice and lemon for herpetic eruptions.

Pregnancy and lactation treatment

During gestation and breastfeeding, the permitted funds for labial herpes are much less, since systemic drugs can affect the fetus or excreted in breast milk. Therefore, external treatments for the disease or alternative methods of treating herpes are most often recommended.

An effective and safe remedy for herpes is Panavir. This medicine is based on an extract of solanaceae plants and is approved for use even in the last stages of pregnancy.

Classical antiviral treatment is acceptable if herpes virus infection threatens the life of the fetus.

How to speed up the healing process?

In order for the above treatment methods to work faster, the patient's immunity should be increased. The effectiveness of immunomodulators has not been proven, so you can use vitamin preparations that accelerate tissue regeneration and have antioxidant properties.

A comprehensive treatment regimen should also be used - use internal and external medications, physiotherapy methods.

Preventative measures

As a preventative measure, they recommend:

  • hardening;
  • walks in the open air;
  • increased physical activity;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • balanced diet;
  • intake of vitamin and mineral complexes.

The most effective way to prevent labial herpes is to prevent direct contact with the carrier of the infection.