Gerberas are bright inhabitants of window sills, which always delight the owners with rapid flowering. Gerbera room, home care which is correct, reproduces well and maintains a constantly healthy appearance. Having learned the tricks of caring for a plant, you can always see bright flowers on your windowsill.

How to care for indoor gerberas?

Sophisticated gerbera care is not required. The main thing is to know the basic requirements of the plant and provide it with conditions close to natural. To cope with this, following the recommendations, even a beginner grower can do it. Under the conditions of the apartment, the flower of gerbera Jameson is planted mainly.

Lighting and temperature

Gerbera needs a lot of light, but at the same time, direct sunlight should not be allowed to hit it. In the warmer months, the ideal place would be a glazed balcony or loggia, which are well lit, but slightly shaded so that the flower does not get burns. In winter, the gerbera will need some backlighting. To do this, you can use ordinary fluorescent lamps or special phytolamps, the light spectrum of which is selected so as to stimulate the growth of the flower and make it stronger. The second option is preferable. The maximum length of daylight hours is 12 hours.

The temperature in the room for a gerbera is very important.

It grows normally, and even more so blooms, it can only if the air is warmed up to 20-24 C. The flower does not tolerate heat well.Do not put it very close to the battery.

Read also:gerbera indoor at home

Watering and feeding

The southern plant (a gerbera originally from South Africa) is demanding on moisture, so regular watering is necessary. Water must be at the same temperature as the air in the room. If you water a flower with cold water, then it will begin to hurt and, most likely, will die.

Excessive moisture in the soil will also not benefit the plant. If the gerbera is transfused, then the leaves will rot in the outlet. In addition, worm pests dangerous to the flower easily start in the soil. It should be watered along the edge of the pot so that water does not get into the outlet.

Depending on the season, top dressing is carried out with various fertilizers.

In the spring and summer periods, the plant is actively increasing its green mass, and it requires top dressing with the use of nitrogen fertilizer. It is necessary to breed the product 2 times more than indicated in the instructions, otherwise it will harm the flower. When the gerbera blooms, potassium fertilizers are used, which are also diluted in more water than indicated in the instructions. In winter, feeding is not done.

Soil requirements and transplantation

Plant transplantation is required from time to time (1 time in 3 years), and you need to know exactly what soil for gerbera is needed. The soil for gerbera is applied nutritious.

In order for the plant to receive everything necessary, it is best to prepare the soil yourself, for which such components are used:

  • peat;
  • sheet earth;
  • purified sand;
  • moss sphagnum.

It is strictly forbidden to add humus or compost to the composition. To improve the quality of the soil, a complex mineral fertilizer is introduced in a small concentration.

  1. A new plant pot is required so that there is no spore of any pathogens that can easily lead to the death of the plant.
    A flower pot needs a spacious one and with a tray having a stand so that it does not come in direct contact with the bottom of the pot.
  2. It is optimal to transplant a gerbera in February, when it is still at rest. The best way to transplant is to reload while maintaining an earthen coma on the roots. You can’t cut off or trim the roots.

Reproduction of room gerbera at home

It is not so difficult to propagate indoor gerbera, so a beginner grower can cope with the task, if the plant is in order. For reproduction, 3 methods are used.

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Planting seeds should be in the spring in loose soil. The soil in the pot must be dried. Seeds are sown on it and then, sprinkled with sand, moisten the soil with a spray gun. Then the pot is tightened with a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. The container with seeds should stand in a warm, bright place.

After seed germination, which occurs after about a week, the polyethylene is removed. Diving seedlings is carried out in phase 2 of these leaves. The plant will bloom in the year of planting. Growing gerbera seeds is a fairly common method.

Bush separation

This method is used only if the bush is large. It is permissible to separate from it a small root with developed subordinate roots and two leaves. Plant a new plant in a pot with well-moistened soil and put on a sunny windowsill.

Leaf breeding

With this dilution, a sheet with a knot is cut off from the bush. The place of cut is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon and the leaf is planted in a pot with warm (warmed) soil. After about a week, the leaf will take root. After that, it must be dug from the soil and the resulting root divided into 2 parts, which are planted in the ground. Such plant propagation is possible in the period from May to July. Its success is not 100%.

The main problems when growing

When cultivating a crop, a beginner grower may encounter two main problems.

Why do leaves turn yellow?

Gerbera leaves turn yellow in three cases.

  1. Excessive humidity. If the flower is regularly poured, a violation occurs in its root breath and yellowing of the leaves occurs. To solve this problem, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of watering, and allow the soil to dry.
  2. Whitefly defeat. Treatment with a special drug allows you to get rid of the pest.
  3. Spider mite. Another pest that causes the plant to turn yellow. To eliminate the problem, the leaves are sprayed several times with clean water. When this does not give the desired result, processing of the flower with a special preparation from the pest is required.

It is very important to timely detect and eliminate the reason why the leaves turned yellow. If the normal state of the flower is restored in a timely manner, then it will release new leaves and bloom in due time.

How to achieve magnificent flowering?

If the gerbera has not bloomed in due time, it is necessary to push it to this. First you need to increase the light intensity, and slightly increase the soil moisture. Then you need fertilizer with potassium and phosphorus.

You should also carefully consider the flower outlet and soil. If mold or pests are found, they must be treated. Regardless of the variety, this will be the impetus for active flowering.

Gerbera Diseases and Pests

With the cultivation of gerbera, usually there is no difficulty, but sometimes the plant can be affected by pests or diseases. Of the diseases most often occurs fusarium. With this problem, the leaves dry out, and if no urgent measures are taken, the gerbera dies. It is not difficult to treat the flower and it is enough to shed the soil with a weak solution of manganese.

  • After staying on the street, a gerbera may encounter powdery mildew, which looks like a white coating on the leaves. The disease is treated with a weak solution of manganese, with which the plant is sprayed.
  • Of the pests, gerberas can be attacked by whiteflies, spider mites and scale insects. To get rid of them, the flower is treated with a drug, directed action.
  • Providing his gerbera the right care, the owner gets the opportunity to admire beautiful flowers for more than one year.