With vascular diseases of the upper skin words, the doctor may prescribe heparin ointment. It is worthwhile to consider in more detail what specific diagnoses precede such an appointment, as well as learn about the effectiveness of the use of this tool and its analogues.

The composition of the drug

Regardless of the country of manufacture and the company, the ointment with the name under discussion always has a similar composition.

  • The main active ingredient is heparin sodium. In one gram of ointment, its content is 83.3%.
  • The second most important and the number per 1 g of ointment is anestezin (benzocaine). Its action is aimed at reducing the sensitivity of the skin and, as a result, inhibition of pain. In grams, the amount of benzocaine does not exceed 4%.
  • Also included is benzyl nicotinate - 0.08%. Such a low content is due to the high activity of the substance. In combination with sodium heparin, it helps to increase blood circulation.

Additionally, the ointment contains:

  • glycerol - has the effect of tissue dehydration, relieving swelling;
  • Vaseline - to prevent cracks and restore the hydro-lipid protective function of the skin;
  • stearic acid - as a thickener;
  • peach oil - to reduce the inflammatory process;
  • emulsifier No. 1, water - are binders;
  • nipazole and nipagin are natural preservatives.

What helps heparin ointment

Heparin ointment is a combination of active substances that target blood vessels, preventing the formation of blood clots. Already formed clots with proper use of the drug resolve.

Efficiency is increased by benzyl nicotinate, which helps to expand the lumen of the veins, due to which the amount of absorbed active substances increases. An additional anesthetic effect helps to feel the rapid relief of pain.

So what helps heparin ointment? The list of indications for use is quite large.

  1. Thrombosis with inflammation of the walls of the veins. Ointment is suitable for treatment and prevention.
  2. Phlebitis caused by the introduction of medicinal compounds directly into a vein. This is a common type of disease that, in the absence of the necessary treatment, progresses to the degree of thrombophlebitis with the formation of blood clots.
  3. Hemorrhoids inflammation. Including, after childbirth.
  4. Trophic ulcers due to varicose veins. As a rule, skin damage is localized in the lower legs and is chronic.
  5. Elephantiasis of the extremities or their swelling.
  6. Inflammatory processes of the lymphatic vessels.
  7. Superficial mastitis - inflammation of the tissues around the mammary gland, and not inside it.
  8. Surface infiltrates are various types of tissue seals.
  9. Edema, hematomas and bruises without damage to the integrity of the skin.

It is interesting: application of formic alcohol

Instructions for use of the drug

Heparin ointment is applied externally. It is applied to the damaged surface of the skin several times a day. About 7 g of the pharmaceutical product, which is rubbed into the skin, is distributed over 7 - 9 square centimeters.

  • For the treatment of hemorrhoids, a tightly fixed bandage made of natural tissues or a special anal swab is used.
  • In diseases associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin, ointment processes the areas around the lesion.

Healing of bruises can take from 3 days to one and a half weeks, hemorrhoidal inflammation - up to two weeks. If pain remains after a course of treatment, a specialist consultation is required.

During pregnancy and lactation

The purpose of the ointment during pregnancy can be canceled if there is an allergic reaction to one of the substances that make up its composition. It is worth considering that therapy with the agent under discussion can cause bleeding, which threatens to terminate the pregnancy.

Use heparin ointment should not be in the first week after birth.

The period of breastfeeding does not impose restrictions on the use of the drug. The instructions noted the lack of information on the penetration of funds into breast milk.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose


  • hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  • age up to 1 year;
  • external skin lesions;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • ulcers of the skin;
  • increased bleeding of tissues or hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • decreased platelet count or decreased blood clotting;
  • reduced hemoglobin (anemia);
  • increased vascular permeability;
  • malignant neoplasms, polyps, ulcerative lesions of the stomach;
  • violation of the normal functioning of the liver or kidneys;
  • postpartum or postoperative period less than a week.

High blood pressure, prostate adenoma, or other functional disorders of the outflow of urine are a serious reason for drug withdrawal. Its use in these cases should be carried out with extreme caution.

The use of ointment can cause side effects:

  1. Allergic reactions: skin rash, swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, lacrimation. Redness, hives, or itching in the area of ​​application may also occur.
  2. Edema of external tissues due to overflow of blood vessels and sluggish outflow of blood.
  3. Hemorrhages in the outer layers of the skin of varying severity.
  4. Decreased white blood cell count.
  5. Contact dermatitis.
  6. The disappearance of hair at the place of application of the drug, as well as a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin.

Long-term use of heparin ointment causes hemorrhagic changes that can result in local hemorrhages. With a similar consequence of the use of the drug, the method of therapy should be changed by the doctor. In addition, the specialist prescribes treatment for the symptoms that have appeared. For this purpose, it is possible to prescribe a 1% solution of protamine sulfate, which is able to neutralize the side effects of heparin.

If long-term treatment is expected, before starting it and in the process you need to take a blood test and assess the condition of the liver and kidneys.

Such measures are necessary for:

  • monitoring coagulation indicators;
  • determination of the number of white blood cells;
  • exceptions of hypoaldosteronism - a decrease in the level of enzymes produced by the adrenal glands.

The use of heparin ointment under the age of six years can lead to metglobinemia - a disease that is characterized by a decrease in the effectiveness of hemoglobin. As a result, the child will experience constant headaches, tachycardia will appear, and the supply of tissues with oxygen will deteriorate.

An overdose of the drug is extremely unlikely, however, when applied to a large surface area of ​​the skin, it is not recommended to use more than one tube of ointment per day.


The main active substance of the agent under discussion is sodium heparin. It is also found in other pharmaceuticals, which, after consultation with a doctor, in some cases can replace heparin ointment.

A comparison of the prices of analogues and the content of heparin in them is given in the table.

Drug nameActive substance, mg per 1 gPrice
"Heparin ointment"83,3From 27 rubles for 25 g
Venitan Forte71,4From 270 rubles per 50 g
Venolife25From 289 rubles for 40 g
Lyoton8,3From 314 rubles per 30 g
Lavenum8,3From 209 rubles per 30 g
Trombless83,3From 233 rubles per 30 g

The most similar in content can be considered "Trombless". However, neither he, nor any of the other analogues of the agent under discussion has a local anesthetic effect.

The low cost of heparin ointment, compared with the "rivals", is a significant advantage, which in combination with efficiency and safety makes it the drug of choice in the treatment of diseases caused by blood clots.