Dahlias are rightfully considered one of the most decorative flowers due to the long flowering period from mid-summer to the most frosts, a variety of colors and many shapes. A representative of the astro family became an inhabitant of European gardens in the 17th century, after it was imported from Central America. Europeans appreciated the beauty and grace of the plant, taking into account the fact that planting and caring for dahlias in the open ground does not require special skills and efforts.

Varieties and types

In the wild, the genus unites under its name about 30 species, which became the basis for breeding and breeding more than 15,000 varieties, which are divided into 12 classes.

Among the huge variety of shapes and colors, the following varieties stand out:

  • Collared dahlias are varieties whose height ranges from 70 to 120 cm, with one row of outer petals covered with a second row consisting of shortened, twisted flowers of a different color. Noteworthy: Chimborazo, La Gioconda, Claire de Luna.
  • Needle - varieties that stand out twisted into a dense tube of petals that resemble needles. Popular are Danny, Pirouette, Visit, Doris Day.
  • Pion-shaped - varieties with multi-row inflorescences, the lower tier of which is represented by wide petals, and the center is short, twisted into a tube.Distributed by Fascination, Symphonia.
  • Spherical dahlias - representatives have lush, rounded inflorescences with a loose structure up to 15 cm in diameter. Doreen Hayes, Esmonde, Crichton Honey stand out.
  • Simple dahlias are varieties with simple single-row inflorescences with a diameter of 10 cm, not exceeding a height of 60 cm, among which are Yellow Hammer, Princess Marie Jose, Orangeade.

Dahlias: the nuances of growing

An unpretentious flower will adorn the garden with long and lush flowering, given a number of features:

  • providing the necessary soil composition;
  • a competent choice of seedlings and a place of cultivation;
  • timely preparation for winter;
  • regular feeding and water procedures.

Outdoor landing

Planting operations include a number of measures important for the full development of the dahlia - site selection, its preparation and the direct planting of tubers.

Soil preparation and location

When choosing a site, preference should be given to sunny places, protected from drafts, with fertile, loose soils. Acidity is not a very significant parameter, however, when there is an excess, the soil is lime, and in case of a deficiency, it is acidified with peat.

Site preparation is carried out in two stages:

  • In the fall, when digging, compost is introduced at the rate of 3-5 kg ​​per 1 m2.
  • In the spring, another portion of compost and some wood ash are scattered over the excavated area, after which the area is harrowed with a rake.

Selection of planting material

The issue of choosing planting material must be approached responsibly: the success of culture cultivation depends on this.

When buying, the following is taken into account:

  • terms - seedlings are purchased no earlier than mid-April;
  • appearance - the tuber should be fleshy and strong, without visible damage;
  • the presence of sprouts - they should be quite short.

How and when to plant?

After the soil warms up, you can begin to plant tubers in open ground. As a rule, planting is carried out in late spring - early summer.

During the procedure:

  1. The holes are dug with dimensions of 40x40x40 cm, exceeding the size of the tubers, at least three times.
  2. At the bottom is laid manure, which is sprinkled with soil.
  3. Then tubers with sprouts are placed and closed so that the stem is 2 cm deep in the ground.
  4. In the case of planting a tall variety, an additional strong support is established at this stage.
  5. Soil in the near-stem circle is abundantly watered and mulched with a layer of a mixture of sawdust and peat of 5 cm.

Dahlia Care

In order for dahlias to grow up healthy and not to waste energy on the struggle for survival, it is necessary to fulfill simple care requirements.

Watering plants and hilling

Dahlias need abundant watering 1 or 2 times a week, depending on the weather, in which it is necessary to ensure that there is no stagnation of moisture in the roots, prone to decay.

With the advent of hot summer, dahlias after each irrigation wind up, which allows you to retain moisture longer.

Loosening, weeding and mulching

To ensure a good level of air permeability one day after the next watering, the soil in the near-stem circle loosens, and weed vegetation is removed. To reduce the time and effort in these procedures, as well as to avoid the rapid evaporation of moisture, the trunk region is mulched.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

During the period of active development, dahlias need regular feeding, which is carried out twice a month with alternating mineral and organic fertilizers.

  1. At the beginning of the month, ammonium nitrate is added at the rate of 15 g per 1 m².
  2. In the second half - a solution of bird droppings, prepared in a ratio of 1:20.

Important! After the formation of the first kidneys, nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers are replaced by phosphorus-potassium fertilizers - 15 g each of superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 10 l of liquid.

Shaping and Garter

Pasynkovka, allowing you to form a beautiful bush of 2-3 powerful stems, is carried out throughout the season as the formation of lateral sprouts. A mandatory procedure is to tie tall dahlias to the support installed during planting: strong winds or rainfall can break the hollow stem of the plant.

Advice! If the dahlia's stalk is broken, immediately support the damaged shoot with a branch, after which it should be well fixed.

Such a treatment in the form of applying a tire will save the plant, which will necessarily thank the grower with its flowering.

Plant pruning

Dahlia bush is trimmed to achieve high quality inflorescences, which will be much larger if only 2-3 shoots are preserved. After the buds are formed, no more than 2 pieces are left on each peduncle. Mandatory is the removal of lateral shoots in tall varieties and faded inflorescences, which allows to accelerate the process of budding.


When growing dahlias, one must not forget about the observance of crop rotation: cultural representatives return to their former place of growth no earlier than after a three-year period.

Dahlia Care in the Fall: When to Dig Tubers for the Winter

When the first frosts come, the tubers of the plant are to be dug up:

  1. The stems are shortened to 10 cm in height and covered with foil to prevent moisture from causing the development of rot.
  2. After 2-3 days in the dry morning, the plant is dug up with a distance of 30 cm from the central shoot.
  3. Under the lump of land are the villas.
  4. The tuber is pushed out of the soil and carefully cleaned of it.
  5. After the excavation is completed, the tubers are washed off from the remains of the soil, which may contain pathogens and larvae of pests.

Caution! Procrastination with the excavation of tubers, when short-term heat returns after a cold snap, can lead to the awakening of the kidneys, which is unacceptable.

Plant protection against diseases and pests

Among pests on dahlias, slugs and earwigs are often noted, which attract lush stems and buds of culture. To combat them, a folk remedy is applied weekly - a decoction of wormwood.

In attacks of aphids, thrips, ticks and caterpillars, planting is treated with a systemic insecticide as a protective measure.

Of the diseases that often affect dahlias, the most common is rot. The reason for the development of this disease is an excess of moisture, the prevention of which is the best preventive measure.

Breeding dahlia

Dahlias breed in a generative and vegetative way.

Seed way

If the owner of the land does not have time or desire to dig up and store tubers every year, then annual dahlias can be grown, which are so-called conditionally - the name implies the annual sowing of dahlia seeds, which are cultivated in the garden as an annual crop.

The direct procedure for sowing seeds in open ground is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  1. Seed material is sown in shallow grooves, then the crops are moistened.
  2. After the seedlings form two pairs of real leaves, the seedlings are seated.

Tuber division

The procedure is carried out in the second half of April for 1-1.5 months before planting in open ground:

  1. Germinated tuber is planted in a nutrient substrate so that it protrudes above the soil level by 2-3 cm.
  2. Planting is maintained in a well-lit place with a temperature of 18 ° C.
  3. After kidney formation, the tuber is divided into parts, each of which must have at least one kidney with a root neck.
  4. Then the shares return to the same tank where they grow.
  5. When the side shoots reach a height of 10 cm, they are removed, and the delenki are planted in open ground.


Lateral shoots that are cut before planting delenok can be used as cuttings:

  1. Cuttings are planted in a container with nutrient soil.
  2. The box moves to a darkened place, and plantings are systematically watered.
  3. After rooting, new specimens are planted in garden soil.

Thus, there is nothing difficult to care for dahlias. If you follow all the recommendations, the gardener will become the owner of beautiful flowers that adorn the garden with their fluffy hats from July to autumn frosts.