This disease is called differently, they are embarrassed to talk about a problem, they do not want to go to the doctors for help and are delayed with treatment. But apart from the inconvenience and pain that the disease causes, it is dangerous with serious complications. Therefore, when the first symptoms of hemorrhoids appear, it is urgent to start treatment so that he does not go into a more serious stage. What causes this disease, what are the main signs of pathology, effective methods of therapy - this will be discussed in our article.
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What is hemorrhoids, how is a disease
Not everyone knows that this disease is considered one of the most common in the world. Almost every ninth adult on the planet suffers from unpleasant signs of hemorrhoids. Pathology affects people in the age range from 30 to 60 years, and men, according to statistics, are more susceptible to such a disease.
Hemorrhoids are characterized by the expansion of hemorrhoidal vessels in the rectum due to malfunctions in the bloodstream. For various reasons (mechanical or physiological), the veins become inflamed, stagnation of blood occurs in them.
The vessels increase in size, forming nodes and cones characteristic of the pathology inside the rectum, which can fall out of the anus during more severe stages. The number of such nodes varies, as does their size (from a few millimeters to 2 - 3 cm).
The causes of hemorrhoids can be different.In a quarter of cases, the impetus for the development of such a pathology is a person’s genetic predisposition.
Among other factors, there are:
- Long sitting throughout the day, inactive, which leads to increased load on the rectum. Office workers, drivers more than others are at risk of manifestations of pathology.
- Unbalanced diet. Spicy foods irritate the intestinal mucosa, reducing its functionality. A low percentage of fiber in the diet impairs intestinal motility.
- Frequent constipation causes irritation of the inner surface of the rectum and impairs blood circulation. And intensified attempts at defecation put more pressure on the vessels.
- Intestinal disorders in the form of diarrhea cause inflammation of the mucous membrane.
- Increased physical activity during lifting weights, playing sports, as well as with prolonged standing on the ground due to professional characteristics of the work, cause circulatory failures.
- Pregnancy and the period after childbirth are most often accompanied by hemorrhoids. After all, the fetus in the womb presses on the vessels, and attempts at the time of the birth of the baby increase the risk of developing more severe stages of the pathology.
- Alcoholic and caffeinated drinks, cigarettes with constant use dilate blood vessels, which contributes to chronic hemorrhoids.
- Overheating or hypothermia in the pelvic area causes malfunctions of thermoregulation, which causes stagnation of blood in the organs.
- Excess weight, especially the fatty layers on the abdomen, increase pressure on the vessels in the rectum.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system increase the risk of pathology.
- Cancerous tumors in the intestines and pelvic organs increase the load on the rectum.
- Frequent choice in favor of anal sex causes irritation of the mucosa.
- Pathologies of the liver worsen the outflow of blood, which causes increased pressure in the veins and causes thrombosis.
The severity of symptoms distinguish:
- acute hemorrhoids, with severe bouts of pain in the anus;
- chronic, having less intense symptoms.
The localization of inflammatory processes indicates the types of disease:
- external - nodes outside the anus;
- internal hemorrhoids - with cones inside the rectum;
- combined - the presence of different nodes.
There are four stages of the disease, each of which has its own signs and methods of treatment.
The sooner the patient seeks help from doctors, the more effective the therapy will be in the initial stages.
Symptoms and signs of hemorrhoids
Many people in the first stage of the disease do not pay attention to the characteristic signs of the resulting pathology. But hemorrhoids refers to those diseases that immediately become noticeable to a person, his symptoms are felt in the literal sense of the word.
Depending on the degree of development and type of the disease, the symptoms vary slightly in intensity, but remain the same and the same for all conditions.
Hemorrhoids in men
The characteristic signs of hemorrhoids in men are:
- a feeling of heaviness, the presence of a foreign body in the rectum;
- itching, burning, discomfort in the anus;
- feeling of incomplete emptying;
- pain during and after defecation;
- bleeding from the anus (blood is visible in the feces or remains on toilet paper);
- the appearance of swelling around the anus;
- hemorrhoidal nodes that are palpated or fall out of the anus;
- mucous discharge from the rectum.
The presence of any of the presented signs indicates not only hemorrhoids, but also the possibility of developing other pathologies.
Therefore, you need to contact a medical institution for a thorough diagnosis.
Disease in women
The signs of the disease in men are no different from the symptoms of hemorrhoids in women. Only representatives of the fair sex, due to the physiological characteristics of the body, have additional factors that provoke the development of pathology.
During the bearing of a child, such a disease occurs in half of all pregnant women. The reason for this is the increased load on the vessels due to the expansion of the uterus and fetal pressure, additional kilograms gained during the gestation period, and not too much mobility in the last months of pregnancy.
After the birth of a child, the disease can worsen, because in the process of delivery, the muscles of the perineum are stretched, which weakens the anal sphincters. At first, women consider the discomfort in the rectum a natural postpartum state and are in no hurry to begin treatment. This becomes the reason for the transition of pathology to more severe stages.
Hemorrhoid treatment at home
Therapy directly depends on what stage the disease is at.
In the treatment of hemorrhoids, there are two areas:
- conservative;
- surgical (including minimally invasive methods).
At the initial stages, when changes in the rectum have not yet become irreversible, conservative treatment can significantly alleviate the patient's condition and eliminate most of the symptoms of the disease.
Such therapy consists of a set of measures:
- local remedies (suppositories for rectal administration, ointments and creams);
- systemic drugs;
- laxatives;
- hygiene procedures;
- increase in patient activity;
- diet correction.
Each of them, when used correctly, can reduce the unpleasant symptoms of varicose hemorrhoidal vessels.
The group of these drugs is considered the most effective in this case, because suppositories are convenient to use. In addition, the active substance quickly gets to the right place.
There are many different suppositories against hemorrhoids. All of them are divided into groups depending on their main effect on different symptoms of pathology.
Among the drugs:
- hemostatic - "Procto-Glivenol", "Relief";
- antipruritic - "Proctosedyl", "Anuzol", "Ultraproct";
- decongestants - "Proctosan", "Neoanusole";
- strengthening vessels and preventing thrombosis (angioprotectors) - “Hepatothrombin”, “Methyluracil”, “Nigepan”;
- anti-inflammatory - “Diclofenac”, “Nurofen”, ichthyol suppositories;
- painkillers and antispasmodics - “Nigepan”, “Relief Advance”, “Olestesin”.
The doctor makes the choice of suppositories for treatment based on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease in each individual patient.
The cream structure of these drugs allows you to quickly and easily apply the product to the site of localization of inflammation and pain. It is better to do this with special applicators, but you can use your fingers before washing your hands thoroughly.
The choice of ointment medicines lies with the proctologist, who is repelled by the type of hemorrhoids and its manifestations in a particular patient.
Most often, doctors prescribe:
- “Troxevasin” - relieves edema and reduces inflammation, safe, practically has no contraindications;
- heparin ointment - has a complex effect, anesthetizes, relieves itching and swelling, eliminates inflammation and prevents thrombosis;
- "Relief" - a vasoconstrictor drug that stops bleeding, anesthetizes and relieves inflammation;
- "Methyluracil" - restores damaged walls of blood vessels, heals cracks in the anus, stimulates local immunity;
- "Diclofenac" - has an effective effect on inflammatory processes, quickly eliminating them;
- Ichthyol ointment is a powerful antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, safe for use.
In addition to local medicines, it is necessary to use drugs that have a positive effect on the whole organism.
These systemic medicines:
- angioprotectors:
- analgesics;
- phlebotropic drugs.
The last group of drugs (they are also called venotonic) is the most effective.These remedies can eliminate most of the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
- improve blood circulation;
- reduce capillary fragility;
- increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
- anesthetize;
- relieve swelling.
The group of these drugs that are most often prescribed for this pathology include:
- "Diosmin";
- Detralex
- Venus
- Pilex
- Ginkor.
One of the common causes of hemorrhoids, as mentioned above, is constipation. Therefore, laxatives are widely used in the treatment of the disease.
They improve the patency of feces in the rectum and help to reduce pain in the acute period of the disease.
A proctologist prescribes a specific drug based on individual indications:
- Forlax
- Mukofalk;
- "Bisadil";
- Dufalac
- Guttalax.
Folk remedies
The healing properties of plants are also successfully used in the fight against the most common ailment of mankind.
Traditional medicine offers decoctions of herbs that have a comprehensive positive effect on the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Healing properties have:
- aloe;
- celandine;
- Birch tar;
- Oak bark;
- wild strawberries;
- potatoes;
- chamomile;
- nettle;
- yarrow;
- St. John's wort
- garlic;
- fruits of viburnum;
- plantain.
It is interesting: Oak bark
To prepare a decoction, you must:
- Pour the crushed components with boiling water at the rate of 30 g of raw material per 1 liter of water.
- In a water bath, heat the mixture for 15 minutes and let cool for about 1 hour.
- Strain through cheesecloth.
Ready broth is used for its intended purpose. From it you can make candles, use for baths, enemas and compresses.
Baths with herbs, infusions
For hygienic sitting baths, decoctions of herbs are used.
To do this, you need to dilute the broth with water in a large bowl (bowl, bowl). In this solution, you should sit with your buttocks apart for 10 to 20 minutes.
The water temperature in such a bath can be 15, 30, and 40 degrees. Cold solution is not recommended for people with inflammation in the pelvic organs.
It is also possible to use a steam bath when the water is heated to 75 - 80 degrees. It is clear that in this case it is not necessary to sit in the vessel, but just hang over it, the treatment is carried out with steam.
Enema and lotions against the disease
A decoction can be used as an enema.
The procedure is simple:
- 150 - 200 ml of the solution pour into the syringe.
- Insert the tip into the anus and insert into the rectum.
- Squeeze the contents inwards.
- Lie down for 10 to 15 minutes so that the solution does not spill out.
For lotions, a cotton ball or a piece of bandage is impregnated with a prepared decoction of medicinal herbs, and then applied to the site of the lesion.
Features of treatment for external, internal, combined hemorrhoids
The proctologist chooses drugs depending on the type of pathology.
- In the presence of external hemorrhoids, it is convenient to use local ointments, compresses and lotions, as well as systemic drugs as therapy. This type of pathology is characterized by acute pain, so the use of analgesics is mandatory.
- The presence of internal cones and nodes causes bleeding, which leads to the use of hemostatic drugs of local and general effect. Enema can be done only if there is no inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.
- Combined hemorrhoids are an insidious type of pathology that requires an especially careful selection of medications. Treatment is prescribed by a proctologist based on the individual diagnosis of the patient.
Pregnancy and lactation treatment
How to treat hemorrhoids in women bearing a child? When choosing a drug, it is necessary to put the safety criterion for the future mother and fetus first. Therefore, you can’t decide on the prescription of the medicine yourself, this should be done by the doctor.
There are many medications that are allowed to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy:
- candles with sea buckthorn oil;
- heparin ointment;
- "Venarus" in tablets;
- suppositories "Natalsid";
- Fleming ointment;
- candles with propolis;
- ointment "Levomekol";
- local preparations "Relief", "Hepatrombin G" (only in the 2nd and 3rd trimester);
- laxatives "Lactulose", "Portalac", "Microlax";
- probiotics "Linex", "Acipol";
- sedentary baths with herbs (water should not be hot).
These methods of treating hemorrhoids can also be used during breastfeeding, but only after consulting a doctor.
Diet for hemorrhoids
Changing the nutritional diet is one of the important components of the complex treatment of pathology.
What rules should be followed in order to achieve the expected effect?
- Introduce more fiber-containing foods. This is dried apricots, apples, grapes, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage.
- Drink a sufficient amount of water, at least 1.5 liters per day.
- Every day, eat fresh dairy products.
- Enrich the body with vitamin food, fresh vegetables and fruits.
For the prevention of constipation, products that cause them should be excluded.
Among them:
- flour products;
- fatty broths;
- eggs
- gelatin-containing dishes;
- strong alcohol;
- long-term dairy products;
- potatoes;
- pear;
- semolina;
- radish;
- pasta.
If any of the dishes acts as a fortifier, then you need to abandon it or reduce the amount of consumption.
Preventive actions
The best way to defeat a disease is to prevent it from appearing. Therefore, it will not be out of place for anyone to learn about the rules for the prevention of hemorrhoids.
- Complete nutrition containing a high percentage of fiber-rich foods. It is necessary to minimize the use of spicy food, strong drinks.
- The optimal drinking regimen is 8 glasses of pure water per day.
- Timely visit to the toilet.
- Correct defecation, without attempts, with washing after the process.
- Physical activity improves blood circulation to the pelvic organs.
- Getting rid of extra pounds reduces blood pressure.
A correct lifestyle will help to avoid unpleasant symptoms of the disease, and timely diagnosis will help to quickly and effectively eliminate the signs of hemorrhoids.