Pregnant women often face the issue under discussion. She greatly complicates the life of the future mother. It is very important to start treatment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy in time, otherwise the woman’s condition will only worsen from month to month, and childbirth will provoke a sharp exacerbation of the disease.

Causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

There are various causes of the manifestation of the disease in expectant mothers. Most often, the disease appears in the second half of pregnancy. This is because the already significantly enlarged uterus exerts strong pressure on the hemorrhoidal venous plexus.

To aggravate the situation and provoke the rapid development of the disease, malnutrition, heredity, and not an active lifestyle can also. If the expectant mother suffers from severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, has tumors that impede the normal circulation of blood in the pelvis, they can also lead to hemorrhoids.

Less likely, a problem may appear in the first and second trimester. At the very beginning, this is because the girl suffers from frequent constipation, which leads to an increase in the body's progesterone. From 13 weeks, a pregnant woman can spend a lot of time in bed due to toxicosis and overall poor health. A passive lifestyle can just lead to stagnation of blood in the pelvic veins and, accordingly, to hemorrhoids.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

In order to notice a serious problem in time and begin the correct treatment, expectant mothers should carefully study all the symptoms of hemorrhoids. First of all, common signs should be noted.


  • discomfort in the anus and the entire anus;
  • discomfort (or pain) when using the toilet;
  • minimal bleeding during bowel movements;
  • inflammation of the rectal mucosa.

The remaining symptoms will vary, depending on the type of ailment.

External hemorrhoids

With this type of problem, even before the appearance of noticeable external nodes, the girl will feel constant itching in the anal area, notice blood on toilet paper. Shortly after the first symptoms, hemorrhoids around the anus begin to be easily palpated. They can be noticed even on their own without the help of a doctor.

This type of disease causes severe discomfort only during periods of exacerbation. The rest of the time, he is practically not felt by the future mother.


With the internal type of problem, it feels moisture in the anus, an unpleasant sensation of an extraneous object appears in the rectum. Under load (for example, tugging during bowel movements), nodes may fall out. They must be returned manually.

When neglected, such hemorrhoids give the pregnant woman severe pain. A woman cannot sit and even walk, suffers from severe bleeding. Dropout nodes can no longer be set back.

Combined hemorrhoids

This type of ailment combines the symptoms of internal and external. In the acute stage, the girl notices spotting or complete bleeding from the anus. And also: to feel burning and itching, heaviness in the problem area, the presence of a foreign object in the anus, pain while visiting the toilet, which can also give off to the abdominal organs.

During the period of remission, burning and pain are minor, they can be easily tolerated. Miniature sacs are felt in the anus.

How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Understanding how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy, it is very important to immediately contact a specialist. In this period that is important for every woman, in no case should you choose medicine for yourself on your own. Some popular advertised drugs can harm a baby that has not yet been born.


Rectal suppositories from hemorrhoids during pregnancy act immediately in several directions. They constrict blood vessels, facilitate the process of bowel movement, relieve and prevent inflammation, and relieve or completely relieve pain.

The following are included in the list of the best candles from the discussed ailment allowed to women in an “interesting position”:

  • Relief This is an inexpensive remedy that quickly anesthetizes and heals cracks. True, it is forbidden for diabetes.
  • Natalside. Made exclusively from safe, natural ingredients. Heal wounds, stop blood, fight inflammation, facilitate bowel movements. Allowed for use at any stage of pregnancy.
  • Hepatrombin. Allowed from the second trimester. Help even with running forms of the problem. Can be used for prevention. Effective against all types of ailment.


Often, the doctor prescribes the expectant mother and ointments for hemorrhoids. They are especially convenient to use with the external type of the disease, when inserting candles can be unpleasant and even painful. Topical ointments for prolapse of hemorrhoids.

The best drugs from this group:

  • Ichthyol. Relieves pain, destroys dangerous microbes, reduces inflammation, dries, prevents suppuration and even improves blood circulation in the treated areas. Such an ointment copes with the symptoms, but is not able to completely cure the disease. Therefore, it should be only an addition to the main complex therapy.
  • Heparin. Relieves inflammation, prevents blood clots from forming, and copes with existing blood clots.Some active ingredients of such an ointment anesthetize well and quickly.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. It activates blood circulation in problem areas, kills pathogens, increases local immunity and relieves inflammation.
  • Fleming's ointment. Natural product without contraindications (except for intolerance to its ingredients). It is used for a mild form of external ailment. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels in the problem area, dries damaged areas, anesthetizes.


For the treatment of hemorrhoids in expectant mothers, capsules and tablets are also prescribed. Often they become the main way to deal with the problem, and ointments and suppositories only complement it. Such drugs primarily have a venotonic effect.

The best drugs from this group:

  1. Detralex Reduces the extensibility of blood vessels and increases their tone. Normalizes blood flow in the rectum. Reduces the size of hemorrhoids. Relieves the main symptoms of the problem.
  2. Troxevasin. Reduces vascular fragility, improves the tone of capillaries / veins. The use of such capsules for longer than 3 days improves blood circulation in the problem area, reduces the size of hemorrhoids, relieves itching, pain.
  3. Aescusan. This is a therapeutic solution for oral administration, which includes safe herbal ingredients. It copes with blood stasis in the vessels, generally reduces the severity of symptoms.

Folk remedies

Natural remedies against hemorrhoids are considered the safest. But not for pregnant women! During this period, it is very important to consult a doctor about taking any herbs and other alternative medicines. Any even the most harmless at first glance plant and decoctions / infusions / baths from it can cause serious harm to the expectant mother and her baby.

For oral administration, you can cook a paste of prunes, dried apricots, and raisins (300 g of dried fruits in total), as well as 1 tbsp. honey. All ingredients must be ground in a blender. The resulting paste to take 1 tbsp. l before each main meal.

Other homemade natural medicines:

  • Pour 2 tbsp. l berries of viburnum 1 tbsp. boiling water. Simmer for 35 minutes. Bring boiled water to the original amount. Drink 1 tbsp. l 3-4 times a day between main meals.
  • According to the above scheme, prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp. boiling water and 1 tbsp. l crushed dried drupe leaves. Take 1 tbsp. l 3-4 times a day in the form of heat.
  • Squeeze juice from rowan berries. Take it for 3 tbsp. l 3-4 times a day, washed down with clean cool water. You can add sugar to sour juice.

You can make suppositories yourself. For example, for sea buckthorn candles, you will need to twist a cotton pad with a tight tube, dip it in sea buckthorn oil, and then use it as intended. Keep - at least a quarter of an hour. In the pharmacy, you can also buy ready-made natural candles from sea buckthorn oil. They are more convenient to use.

Another recipe for homemade "candles" - from freshly squeezed celandine juice. A cotton swab is dipped into it, after which it is inserted into the anus for half an hour. After 3 days, the duration of the procedure can be increased to 45 minutes, and after another three days - up to 60 minutes.

Raw potatoes are also used as healing natural candles. From it you need to cut out a figure of a suitable shape and size, and then insert it into the anus. You can simply apply slices of raw potatoes to a sore spot. The procedure should last at least an hour. Every 15 minutes, you should change the slice of the vegetable to fresh.

If pregnant baths are not prohibited, you can do them with the addition of various plants. To prepare an effective medicinal product, nettle grass, chamomile flowers and plantain leaves in dried form (20 g each) are taken. The mixture is poured with 2 liters of boiling water and infused for at least 2.5 hours in a warm place. Then it is added with water to a total volume of 5 l. In a warm (not hot!) Liquid, you need to sit for 7-8 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily for 10 days.

It must be remembered that such baths are strictly contraindicated with increased uterine tone.

To prepare lotions, pour 2 dessert spoons of flax seeds with 500 ml of water and cook the mixture under the lid for 20 minutes. The cooled medicine must be filtered. Cotton swabs are moistened in it and applied to the problem area. It is advisable to leave the lotion for 2 hours.

Therapeutic diet for hemorrhoids

A prerequisite for the effective treatment of hemorrhoids is a special diet. The menu includes a large number of products that positively affect peristalsis. For example, boiled / raw beets, as well as any fresh vegetables. It is advisable to eat beetroot salad daily (from boiled or baked vegetable) seasoned with any vegetable oil.

It is useful to add any greens to the diet. The main thing is not to cut it too finely. Better - tear with your hands.

Mandatory are cereals (oat, millet, buckwheat, barley), nuts, whole grain bread, bran, dried fruits. It is advisable to include fermented vegetables, fresh fruits, berries, sour-milk drinks (especially koumiss), seaweed in any form in the menu.

Read also: what is koumiss

If the future mother has such an opportunity, you should make sour-milk drinks yourself from pharmacy starter cultures. Then she will be able to include in her diet the most useful fresh kefir and yogurt without any extra additives.

You need to eat at least 5 times a day. Desirable - at the same time. A prerequisite of the diet is compliance with the correct drinking regimen. At least 2 liters of fluid should be drunk per day. Otherwise, the intestinal walls will absorb water from the feces, making them very hard.

Possible complications of the disease

If the expectant mother does not begin to treat hemorrhoids in time, constant constipation and fissures on the intestinal mucosa can provoke the development of other dangerous inflammations that affect various organs. Also, stool resulting from irregular bowel movements excrete toxic substances that can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Running hemorrhoids often leads to pinching of the resulting painful nodes. In this case, only the operation will help the woman solve the problem. Any surgical intervention during pregnancy is dangerous for the baby.

Constant bleeding can lead, for example, to anemia and other serious problems.

Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Particularly important is the prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. She will protect the woman he is a possible disease.

First of all, you need to properly organize the nutrition system in order to prevent constipation and normalize the digestive tract. To do this, increase the amount of fruits and vegetables consumed, reduce portions of fatty meat, muffin, spicy, pickled, salty dishes.

Mandatory for the prevention of problems is physical activity. It will be enough daily walking for long distances and morning exercises.

It is useful for the expectant mother to lie on her back with a raised basin. For example, laying a pillow under it. The duration of this procedure is 15-20 minutes daily.

You will need to give up long work in a standing and sitting position. It is very important to avoid hypothermia.