Postpartum hemorrhoids are one of the most common diseases. But most clinical cases suggest the onset of the disease before pregnancy, just a wonderful period becomes a catalyst for exacerbation. If signs of intestinal dysfunction appear, you should immediately contact a proctologist.
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Causes of hemorrhoids after childbirth
The causes of an unpleasant disease are quite obvious. Almost all of them boil down to the girl’s wrong lifestyle before or during pregnancy. Sometimes pathology develops by a combination of circumstances independent of the mother in childbirth.
Why hemorrhoids develop after pregnancy:
- Improper nutrition. Junk food provokes a violation of the digestive tract, which can cause constipation. With severe straining, the mucous membrane of the rectum is injured, which can subsequently lead to serious illness.
- Weak veins. This item is explained by a person’s genetic predisposition to pathology.
- Accompanying illnesses. The gastrointestinal tract is a single system. If an organ malfunctions, the entire digestive tract will be affected.
- Bad habits. Abuse of bad habits before or during pregnancy leads to a deterioration of blood vessels, which in turn leads to the appearance of hemorrhoids.
- The severity of the fetus. A child in the uterus deforms the pelvic organs throughout pregnancy and causes poor blood circulation in them.
- Hard birth.In the labor period, the woman is very hard, which injures the intestines.
- Cesarean section. With the wrong approach to surgery, problems with veins are also inevitable.
If the patient’s history has several predisposing factors at once, the occurrence of hemorrhoids after pregnancy will not be long in coming. The main thing is to recognize the symptoms of the disease in time and immediately come for an examination.
Signs and symptoms in women
It is possible and necessary to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth at the first stage of its appearance. But how to detect early signs of the disease? The answer is simple - just listen to your body and notice a malfunction in the digestive system.
Signs of hemorrhoids in women:
- discomfort in the rectum - may be accompanied by pain, heaviness or unpleasant itching;
- violation of the act of defecation - severe constipation or upset stool;
- blood after the toilet - hemorrhoids are characterized by scarlet blood, not brown or black;
- the appearance of hemorrhoids outside the anus - they look like cones of different color in the mucous membrane.
Symptoms may vary slightly, depending on the type of disease and the location of the hemorrhoids.
External hemorrhoids do not look the most aesthetically pleasing, but are the mildest degree of the disease. It is not difficult to cure it, if you follow the recommendations of your doctor. Most often, the clinical picture is represented only by the appearance of external nodes, without pronounced pain in the intestine. Such a disease is easier to suspect, which has a positive effect on treatment.
More dangerous is internal hemorrhoids. It is he who is most often accompanied by bleeding of the intestine, as well as pain and other related symptoms. This kind of pathology requires an individual approach to treatment and regular preventive monitoring by a doctor.
Most often, internal hemorrhoids develop not because of attempts during childbirth, but because of chronically malnutrition or serious problems with the venous system.
Combined hemorrhoids
Combined postpartum hemorrhoids are the most dangerous development of pathology. It is accompanied by severe symptoms, and sometimes requires treatment in a hospital. You should not try to get rid of it yourself, since the disease can provoke a number of different secondary problems.
Breastfeeding treatment of hemorrhoids
The treatment of hemorrhoids during breastfeeding should be prescribed by a proctologist together with a pediatrician. It is necessary to choose medicines that are as sparing as possible for the baby, because all the substances enter the mother’s milk. In most clinical cases, the disease can be eliminated with the help of suppositories or ointments, as well as by changing the diet.
Suppositories for hemorrhoids are the most suitable dosage form for the treatment of the problem under discussion.
Most of them have a natural composition, as a result of which their use is allowed after childbirth and from the first days of breastfeeding.
List of drugs:
- "Procto-glivenol";
- Natalsid
- "Relief";
- "Hepatrombin G";
- Opestezin.
It is necessary to introduce a candle into the rectum through the anus, lying on the left side. Only in this position of the body will the use of the drug be the most painless. Apply suppositories from hemorrhoids should be combined with other dosage forms.
It is interesting:treatment of hemorrhoids folk remedies - the most effective
The use of ointment is indicated if the nodes are external. Then the drug will relieve inflammation, help reduce hemorrhoidal cones. This dosage form also does not work alone, so it should be used in combination with suppositories and proper nutrition.
What ointments are indicated for the treatment of delicate problems:
- Heparin - does not enter the general bloodstream, helps restore veins, helps resorption of nodes;
- Vishnevsky - the main action is the removal of inflammation and the prevention of secondary infections;
- "Relief" - helps to quickly stop bleeding and prevent it in the future (Relief Ultra has a hormonal component, so it is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding);
- "Posterisan" - promotes the healing of microcracks in the anus;
- "Levomekol" is an antibacterial drug, therefore, it is prescribed only in case of urgent need.
These ointments are widely known among young mothers, as they have saved many women from serious bowel problems. As a rule, they are used twice a day or according to an individual prescription.
Tablets, capsules and emulsions for oral administration in the treatment of hemorrhoids are used much less often. Such systemic therapy is suitable for those patients in whom the disease has taken a complicated form.
Such drugs eliminate the problem from the inside, removing inflammation and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
What is used for treatment:
- "Detralex" - strengthens the walls of blood vessels, relieves inflammation, itching, promotes the removal of toxins from the body;
- "Troxevasin" - eliminates inflammation, prevents the development of chronic hemorrhoids;
- “Curantil” or “Aspirin” - reduce the risk of intestinal vein thrombosis;
- "Dufalac", glycerin suppositories, "Regulax" - normalize the stool.
The decision on the need for medication is made by the doctor. The specialist also helps to choose the appropriate dosage and course of treatment with drugs.
Folk remedies
Home-made medicines should not be the main treatment for hemorrhoids. You can resort to folk remedies only with the permission of a specialist and at an early stage of the disease. It is important to combine such treatment with a proper diet.
Effective recipes:
- Bath. Pour boiling water over a mixture of herbs from calendula, chamomile and oak bark. For 15 minutes, insist the medicine under the lid. Dilute the infusion with 2 to 3 liters of cool water in a basin. The colder the bath, the better. It is forbidden to immerse in hot water - this can only worsen the condition of the intestine.
- Lotion. Mix aloe pulp with a little olive oil. Wrap the medicine in a soft bandage, and then apply to problem areas for 15 to 20 minutes. Perform the procedure twice a day.
- Cold shower. It helps very well from external hemorrhoids. It is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures using cold water after each visit to the toilet. In this way, you can relieve pain, reduce the diameter of the nodes.
The main rule of home procedures is regularity. Such recipes will have any therapeutic effect only after some time. You can use folk remedies in conjunction with the use of rectal suppositories and ointments.
Therapeutic diet for the disease
Compliance with the diet is the most important step in the treatment of hemorrhoids after pregnancy. Any drug will give a temporary result without combining drug therapy with diet.
Food should be comfortable for the stomach, digestible. It is better to eat at the same time in small portions 3-4 times a day.
Sweets, fried foods, fatty meat, empty fiber (for example, in the form of baked goods, semolina) should be completely excluded from the menu. Every day, the diet should have the right fiber, which is found in vegetables and fruits, cereals. You should not use sweet juices or soda, it is better to give preference to ordinary clean water.
To select the appropriate diet, you should contact a nutritionist. It will help to develop the menu that a particular patient needs, based on his age, weight, height, lifestyle.
After eliminating the symptoms of hemorrhoids, the body should be supported through prevention. If you follow all these tips and tricks, the work of the digestive tract is fully normalized.
What should be done to prevent the recurrence of bleeding from the intestines:
- give up bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
- stick to a healthy diet;
- to live an active lifestyle;
- timely prophylactic examinations by a proctologist;
- strengthen the cardiovascular system;
- do not self-medicate;
- wash regularly with a cold shower.
A competent and timely approach to the treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth will quickly get rid of the problem. In the future it will be quite simple to maintain the result.