One of the most important components of the blood is hemoglobin. The norm in men by age (table) is presented below. With a decrease or increase in this component, various pathological processes begin to develop. It is important to navigate the values ​​in order to determine deviations in time and consult a specialist.

The norm of hemoglobin in the blood of men by age: table

AgeHemoglobin level (g / l)
1 month115-180
2 months90-130
6 months95-140
1 year105-140
5 years100-140
12 years115-145
15 years120-160
under 18 years old117-160
up to 65 years old130-160
over 65125-160

The norm of hemoglobin after 30 years

The norm of hemoglobin in the blood in men after 18 years is in the range of 117 -160 g / l. In the female body, the level of this substance is lower, and this is understandable, because men are adapted to perform more difficult physical tasks. The physiological norm is also considered slightly overestimated figures - up to 170 g / l. The hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the reproductive function and health of the genitals of the stronger sex, is important.

It is believed that men after 30 years are in their prime, therefore their hemoglobin level is high 150-170 g / l. But this is only on condition that a person monitors his health, leads an active lifestyle, eats properly, plays sports.

Norm after 40 years

Healthy men still have a high hemoglobin content. At this age, the level of 140-160 g / l is considered normal. If a person drinks alcohol, does not move much, eats poorly, his indicators may decrease to 110-120 g / l.

Hemoglobin after 50 years

50 years is a certain milestone. In men in adulthood, problems with the functioning of the genital organs begin, various systemic diseases occur, and the state of health worsens. In those who keep themselves in shape, hemoglobin is kept at a level of 130-160 g / l. If a person is sick, leads an unhealthy lifestyle, the content of the component decreases.

The norm of hemoglobin after 60 years

The level of hemoglobin directly depends on the number of red blood cells in the blood, because it is found in the red blood cells. After 60 years, both indicators decrease in men. The physiological norm of iron-containing protein for this age is at least 117 g / l.

Signs of low hemoglobin

Decreased hemoglobin in men is a less common phenomenon than in women. Lack of iron-containing protein in the body, which is responsible for the transport of oxygen, is accompanied by general malaise. The patient is worried about weakness, headaches, and palpitations. In men, the skin turns pale, working capacity decreases.

The main reasons for the development of iron deficiency anemia include the following:

  • the formation of tumor neoplasms;
  • diseases caused by parasites;
  • violation of the thyroid gland;
  • pathology of the digestive tract;
  • heavy blood loss (bleeding, donation);
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • strict diets, “drying”, vegetarianism;
  • excessive consumption of chocolate and caffeinated drinks;
  • alcohol intoxication.

If you do not pay due attention to lowering the level of hemoglobin in the blood and do not start correction, you can encounter very unpleasant complications. So, iron deficiency anemia often causes a violation of blood coagulability, a decrease in immunity, as a result of which the body becomes more susceptible to pathogens of various diseases.

Low hemoglobin treatment

First you need to pass tests, conduct the necessary studies to determine the cause of the deviation. The basis for successful treatment of iron deficiency anemia is diet. You must include in your diet a sufficient amount of foods high in iron. A man is recommended to eat beef, in which there is a lot of protein, liver, legumes, green vegetables, buckwheat. But dairy products should be eaten with caution, as they interfere with the normal absorption of mineral elements.

If with the help of nutrition correction it is not possible to quickly achieve the desired results, the patient is prescribed medications against anemia. Iron preparations, vitamin and mineral complexes will help to increase hemoglobin level and improve the patient's condition. An integral component of effective therapy is a healthy lifestyle, moderate physical activity.

High hemoglobin in men

A slight increase in this blood element may be normal, for example, for pilots, athletes or residents of high altitude regions. People from these categories feel quite normal with their indicators. But if the protein content increases in an ordinary person, he feels a deterioration.

The main causes of high hemoglobin in men:

  • diabetes;
  • systemic diseases of the heart, kidneys, bladder;
  • severe dehydration;
  • constant stress, nervous strain;
  • damage to the skin (burns, wounds);
  • digestive tract disease;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • hypovitaminosis (excessive content of B vitamins);
  • intoxication, poisoning with toxic substances, drugs, etc.

High hemoglobin in the blood can cause sleep disturbance when a person is disturbed by insomnia or constant drowsiness. Patients complain of frequent headaches, dizziness, apathy, irritability.

What is the danger of increased hemoglobin?

The danger of a high content of this component is explained by the fact that the blood becomes more dense and thick.This is the main reason for the formation of blood clots, subsidence of cholesterol plaques, and blockage of blood vessels. If you ignore the condition for a long period, the risk of myocardial infarction, thrombosis, stroke, heart attack will increase significantly. In addition, an excess of iron-containing protein is bad for the work of the bladder, kidneys.

It is interesting: the norm of cholesterol in women by age in the table

To normalize the indicators, diet therapy is mandatory. Limit the intake of foods that contain a lot of iron. These are red meat, beans, sweets, pastries, smoked meats, and fat milk. Experts recommend removing fatty, fried, rich in bad cholesterol foods from the daily diet. A person with high hemoglobin has a viscous, dense blood, therefore, for normal circulation, it needs enough space. If the lumen of the vessels narrows, blood clots begin to form, which is very life-threatening.

How to reduce hemoglobin in the blood?

To normalize the indicators, diet therapy is mandatory. Limit the intake of foods that contain a lot of iron. These are red meat, beans, sweets, pastries, smoked meats, and fat milk. Experts recommend removing fatty, fried, rich in bad cholesterol foods from the daily diet. A person with high hemoglobin has a viscous, dense blood, therefore, for normal circulation, it needs enough space. If the lumen of the vessels narrows, blood clots begin to form, which is very life-threatening.

It is possible to independently determine the decrease or increase in the level of protein, which takes part in the supply of oxygen to cells and tissues, only by external manifestations. To make a diagnosis and establish the reasons for the development of the pathological process, you should donate blood for analysis and undergo additional examinations. No need to self-medicate, because it can be very harmful to health. Follow the recommendations of your doctor in order to normalize the indicators as soon as possible and return to a normal lifestyle.