Until now, flower growers have not been able to accurately answer the question of which lands are the birthplace of the heliotrope. Mediterranean or South American countries? One way or another, but he quickly gained popularity in Europe. Not only because of the beauty of the flowers, but also because of their pleasant smell. Surely, in the novels you read the lines that the dress of the beautiful lady exuded a delicate aroma of the heliotrope. This is a delicate smell that has something in common with vanilla. Today the heliotrope flower is not difficult to grow both in the summer cottage and at home.
It should only be remembered that this plant is photophilous. Indeed, even its name in translation means - "turning after the sun."
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Heliotrope growing requirements
Let's talk about how to plant heliotrope seeds at home and wait for flowering.
Breeders bred a lot of varieties, but the flowers are usually purple or dark blue, and the leaves of the plant are wavy or wrinkled.
How to pick up a pot
Initially, small heliotrope seeds are planted in one box. After emergence, when young plants acquire the first leaves, they are transplanted into separate pots. It is necessary that the container diameter be at least 10 cm, otherwise the heliotrope roots will become crowded over time. It is also desirable that the pots are strong enough. In warm summer weather, they can be transferred to the balcony or transported to the country, and kept outdoors.
Correct soil
The heliotrope does not belong to moody plants, so any prepared soil suitable for flowers is suitable for it. If you are preparing the soil yourself - it is advisable to mix river sand and peat in a ratio of 1: 4.
Preliminary, it is recommended to calcinate the soil on a baking sheet or pour it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect.
Then fill the box with a moist soil mixture and begin planting.
It is believed that small heliotrope seeds can simply be scattered on the surface of the earth. But nevertheless it is better to cover them slightly with soil, literally crush on top with soil.
After that, the box is covered with film or glass and put in a fairly warm place where the air temperature does not drop below + 20C. If the seeds are of good quality, seedlings will appear within 1-2 weeks. If this does not happen, you can wait another 10 days. It happens that old, not too high-quality seeds germinate a little longer.
Periodically raise the film or glass, ventilate the mini-greenhouse.
With the advent of sprouts, it is important to provide plants with good lighting. If the daylight hours are still short, special lamps can be used.
The best place to place seedlings in the apartment is the windowsill of the south or south-west window.
After the first leaves appear, young heliotropes dive: transplanted into separate pots. After another 2 weeks, any complex fertilizer intended for seedlings can be added to water for irrigation.
Heliotrope: home care
Many lovers of flowers for the summer plant heliotrope in flower beds or transport containers with them to the cottage. But caring for a flower at home is also not difficult.
Watering and feeding
You need to place the flower in a well-lit place. Otherwise, its leaves will turn pale, and the flowers will fade. In the warm season, you need to try to keep the earth around the plant moist, that is, watering should be regular, preferably with stagnant water. The plant responds well to spraying.
In winter, watering is reduced, but still you can not allow the complete drying of the soil. You can pour water into the pan so that the plant receives it as needed.
The heliotrope has been fed since the beginning of spring and continues to periodically fertilize until the end of autumn. Both mineral and organic fertilizers are used twice a month.
Proper winter care
Those summer residents who plant the heliotrope on sites usually grow it as an annual. But this plant can be a wonderful indoor flower. True, in winter, the rules of care will have to be slightly changed. Watering is reduced, as mentioned above. They try to lower the temperature in the room to +18 C. It is important to ensure the flower has a long daylight hours with the help of artificial lighting.
If all conditions are met, the heliotrope will delight you with flowering even in the cold season.
Care after flowering
If you want to propagate heliotropes using seeds, you need to wait for the moment when the flowers fade, and in their place there will be boxes. They are collected, seeds are extracted and put in a bag. They must be stored in a dry place until spring.
The plant itself is gradually transferred “to winter mode”, reducing watering and lowering the temperature in the room.
Heliotrope propagation methods
At home, reproducing the heliotrope is not so simple. This is best done using cuttings. For this purpose, choose a strong healthy plant. In February, a strong shoot is separated from it and divided into cuttings. This can be done using the secateurs. It is advisable to pre-treat with “Kornevin” the section that will fall into the soil according to the instructions.
Cuttings are planted in pots, in moist soil. At first they need regular watering.
You can also propagate flowers with seeds collected from their own heliotropes. But in this case, germination may disappoint. Therefore, it is better to start sowing a little earlier than usual. If the experience is unsuccessful, you will have time to rectify the situation by using planting material from a trusted supplier.
Plant diseases and pests
The heliotrope often affects fungal diseases, usually gray rot.It is important to capture the disease at the very beginning and treat the plants with fungicides.
At home, heliotrope pests are less likely to threaten. Dangers are aphids, whiteflies and spider mites. To combat them, you need to purchase insecticides. Well established "Actellik". If the lesion is severe, treatment according to the instructions is performed twice, with an interval of 7-10 days.
And let a healthy, beautiful and fragrant flower make you happy for many months!