Gedelix Syrup is designed to treat cough in children and adults. It helps reduce the duration of the disease and makes you feel better. The convenient dosage form is suitable for use by the smallest patients.

Gedelix syrup: release form, composition

The action of the drug is based on natural substances from plant extracts.

Gedelix Cough Syrup contains:

  • squeezing from ivy leaves;
  • star anise oil obtained from the fruit of a plant;
  • sorbitol solution;
  • glycerol;
  • hyetellosis;
  • macrogol glyceryl hydroxystearate;
  • water.

The combination of various components in the composition of the product provides a powerful positive effect and a pleasant taste that children like. It is bottled in 100 ml bottles, which are packed in small boxes of thin cardboard. The syrup has a pleasant herbal odor and a viscous texture. Due to the addition of sorbitol during storage, a precipitate may appear, but it does not affect the quality of the product.

Pharmacological properties and indications for use

The drug contains several extracts, each of which is responsible for its healing property.

Therefore, the syrup has a complex effect on the epithelium of the respiratory tract, which is manifested by several effects:

  • mucolytic (liquefaction of sputum);
  • expectorant (facilitates the removal of pathological secretions from the bronchi);
  • antispasmodic (relieves spasm, allowing you to breathe freely).

In addition to the main action, the components of the drug have a healing and antioxidant effect, which allows you to restore damaged lung cells after the disease.

The substances in the composition of the drug help relieve inflammation, which reduces the risk of complications and the transition of the disease into a chronic one.

Saponins, which are contained in syrup, have a detrimental effect on bacteria and fungi, which are the main cause of pathologies of the respiratory system. After their destruction comes recovery. And flavonoids establish blood circulation, which helps get rid of harmful microorganisms. They also accelerate the elimination of fluid from the body, which reduces the temperature and improves well-being.

Indications for treatment with syrup stem from its medicinal properties.

Gedelix is ​​prescribed in the following conditions:

  • ARVI, ARI, flu;
  • exacerbation of chronic bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • cough with sputum of unknown etiology.

The use of the drug for these diseases allows the elimination of pathological secretions from the lungs, which prevents the multiplication of bacteria in it. This helps alleviate the condition from the first days of treatment.

At what age can children be given

Gedelix for children in the form of a syrup is safe to use from the first days of life. This is due to its natural composition and convenient dosage form. The syrup does not cause aspiration, as can happen when taking pills. It can be added to the water and the child is drunk from the bottle. This is especially convenient for those patients who still eat breast milk or a mixture and do not take food from a spoon.

Sweet sweet taste makes syrup not just a medicine, but also a real treat.

Treatment does not create unpleasant memories for the child, he does not begin to be afraid of doctors or potions. This is especially important for maintaining a healthy attitude towards doctors at an older age.

What cough to take syrup: dry or wet?

The active components in the composition of the drug dilute sputum by increasing its amount. With a wet cough, the pathological secretion is liberated liberally and excreted easily, so the use of syrup will not alleviate the patient's condition, but will even worsen it. A large volume of mucus will be eliminated gradually, which will increase the number of seizures. This will add anxiety and inconvenience to the patient.

Therefore, Gedelix is ​​prescribed only with a dry cough or in the presence of tightly separated sputum.

Due to its viscosity and small amount, it has a sticky consistency and literally clings to the bronchi. This causes mucus to discomfort the patient, and the inability to remove it adds anxiety.

Gedelix syrup: instructions for use for children

Detailed instructions for the use of syrup for children and adults are in printed form inside the package. Its abridged version is located outside, right on the box. All dosages shown are approximate. The exact amount of the drug is selected by the attending physician individually, based on the disease, age and condition of the patient.

Dosage for children by age

The frequency of administration and the amount of medication is determined based on the diagnosis and age of the patient.

Average dosages for children are:

  • up to 12 months - 0.5 scoop (2.5 ml of syrup) once a day;
  • from 1 to 4 years - half a spoon from the package (2.5 ml of the product) three times a day;
  • from 4 to 10 years - 0.5 scoop (2.5 ml of the drug) 4 times a day;
  • from 10 and older - a full spoon (5 ml of medicine) four times a day.

For children who do not eat with a spoon, the syrup is diluted with water and given through a bottle in the form of a drink.

Usually the course of treatment does not exceed a week. After the signs of the disease have disappeared, the medicine continues to be taken for 2-3 days to consolidate the effect.

How to take syrup - before or after a meal?

Due to the sweet taste of the medicine, it is not recommended to use it before meals. Otherwise, the child may refuse to eat. Therefore, syrup is given after dinner.Many children like it and are suitable as a delicious dessert, which also relieves cough.

Drug Interactions with Other Drugs

Gedelix is ​​not used simultaneously with drugs that suppress the activity of receptors in the bronchi. They prevent the natural discharge of sputum by blocking the cough reflex. As a result, the pathological secretion accumulates, bacteria multiply in it, which aggravates the course of the disease and increases its duration.

Proper storage conditions for syrup

Under the influence of sunlight, the components of the syrup can change their properties. Therefore, the bottle must be stored in a dark place, away from sources of open flame. Heating the medicine above 25 degrees is not recommended. Also badly affects the drug freeze. To store the package is high enough so that the children could not get it and drink the product.

Contraindications, side effects

A syrup has a large number of useful properties, but its active substances can cause complications in some conditions.

Therefore, it should not be used when:

  • the presence of an allergic reaction to substances in the composition of the drug;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • a history of laryngospasm;
  • arginine succinate synthetase deficiency.

All past and chronic diseases should always be reported to the doctor before prescribing medicines. If among them there is a contraindication to the use of the drug, he will select a replacement among the analogues of the drug.

On the background of taking Gedelix syrup, side effects may occur.

Most often they are associated with individual reactions of the body and manifest in several forms:

  • allergic reactions (urticaria, Quincke's edema, itching, rash);
  • dyspeptic disorders (vomiting, nausea, diarrhea);
  • pain in the abdomen.

When the first signs that the medicine is not suitable appear, you should consult a doctor to replace the drug.

Sometimes unpleasant effects occur against the background of an overdose. In this case, the symptoms are limited to intestinal disorders: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastroenteritis. In severe cases - increased nervous excitement. In this situation, the patient is corrected with the selection of a new portion of the drug or substitution with an analog.

The syrup does not contain glucose, therefore it is approved for the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus. It is replaced by sorbitol, which is equivalent to just 0.15 bread units.


A drug that is absolutely identical in composition to Gedelix does not exist. But there are drugs with a similar effect.

These include:

  • Herbion;
  • Prospan;
  • Broncholex;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Tripifemol;
  • Aktifed Expectorant.

They act as mucolytics, causing a similar effect as from Gedelix syrup. But their composition is different, so they may have age restrictions, more side effects and contraindications. Many of the analogues are based on chemicals, not natural extracts. This leads to a stronger toxic effect affecting the liver. Therefore, it is preferable to use the drug that the doctor prescribed, taking into account all the features of the course of the disease, the age of the patient and the state of his body.

Of the most suitable analogues of the drug is worth mentioning Prospan. Its composition repeats that of Gedelix, and both funds are issued in the same country.

Only the production technology differs. The price of the original drug is slightly higher, therefore, in fettered financial conditions, it is worth consulting with a doctor about replacing the drug with a similar one with a lower cost.

Gedelix syrup is a unique cough remedy that is collected from natural ingredients and gently but effectively affects the children's body. It is approved for use from birth, which indicates its safety. A convenient form of release allows you to use the medicine for the smallest patients through a bottle. A sweet taste makes the treatment not only quick, but also enjoyable.