The vent pipe for newborns is an indispensable tool for crumbs and parents in the difficult period of “colic”. Such an accessory helps to quickly and painlessly remove accumulated gases from the intestines and relieve the child of discomfort. In order not to harm the crumbs, the tube must be correctly selected and applied.
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What is a gas vent for babies for?
Almost all parents experience with their own problems the problems of excessive gas formation and periodic constipation in a newborn. Their cause is the still not fully formed gastrointestinal tract and insufficiently developed intestinal microflora. Problems begin around the age of 3 weeks and end in 2.5-3 months.
Together with food, the child captures air bubbles that accumulate in the digestive tract and lead to the appearance of severe pain. Special medicines and accessories help to alleviate the condition of the crumbs and relieve it of painful sensations. A rectal tube for newborns stands out among them. Such an accessory helps to quickly remove accumulated gas from the intestines and eliminate pain, as well as stimulate normal stool.
How to choose the right tool
Today, a huge selection of the discussed accessories is on sale. Their choice primarily depends on the age of the child. This information can be found on the packaging of the accessory. It is very important to use a tube strictly corresponding to age.Too small accessory can be useless for the baby, and a large one can even seriously damage the intestines.
All modern tubes are divided into three types:
- Long probe.
- Rectal probe with special limiter. It is equipped with a special nozzle that prevents the insertion of the product too deep.
- Short (catheter). Such a tube takes into account the structure of the intestine and is equipped with a limiter.
Ordinary long rectal probes have the simplest structure - a round tip for insertion into the anus and an opening on the other hand to release air. Their main advantage is the low price. The absence of a limiter makes the use of the accessory difficult. Using it, you can easily injure your child. Parents should use such a product as carefully and accurately as possible.
Plastic or rubber gas vent tubes with a limiter allow you to safely carry out the procedure for ridding the baby of gases, without fear of too deep penetration. Rubber options are more expensive, as they are reusable. True, doctors recommend choosing plastic tubes for your child and throw away the used accessory immediately after the procedure. Disposable items are more hygienic and safer.
The best options for vent tubes are considered to be the third type - short catheters. They are as safe as possible, so they are created taking into account the structure of the intestines of the child. Among the minuses of such accessories can be noted their high cost, as well as the need to fix the baby in a stationary position at the time of the procedure.
Rules for using a gas outlet pipe
Several rules are known on how to use the vent pipe for newborns and still not hurt the baby.
It is required to act according to the instructions:
- To wash hands.
- Cover the baby with a waterproof diaper.
- Lubricate the tip of the product with petroleum jelly or other similar means.
- Place a baby under 6 months old on his back and press his legs to his chest. Place crumbs over this age on the left side and also tighten the limbs.
- Carefully carry out the introduction of the tube into the anus. If the baby is younger than 6 months, then you can enter the product a maximum of 1.5-2 cm, if older - by 4 cm. For convenience, you can pre-define the permissible boundaries on the handset.
- Keep the accessory for 8-10 minutes.
- To understand whether gases escape, the end of the accessory should be lowered into a bowl of water.
- If you need to achieve bowel movement, you can slightly twist the product.
- As soon as the baby begins to poop, you need to remove the accessory and again press his legs to his chest.
- At the end of the procedure, thoroughly wash the crumbs of the ass and grease it with a hygienic product. Https: // V = BBUwRtYfAlw
How often can I use
To use the discussed accessory is too often unacceptable. It does not solve the problem, but only facilitates the condition of the child. Very frequent use of the product can cause the rectum to become addicted to external stimulation. As a result, without such an accessory, the baby will no longer be able to fully empty the intestines and independently get rid of gases.
To prevent such negative consequences, it is worth using a special tube no more than three times a day. Between the procedures should take at least 4-6 hours.
If the specified amount of time has not passed, then it is better to alleviate the condition of the child by other means. For example, to massage the baby’s tummy of the crumb (always clockwise!), Twist it with legs on the principle of a bicycle, give the baby medicine. Carminatives that alleviate the condition of the newborn during colic include Bebinos, Espumisan (special for children), Bobotik, and some others.
It is important that the nursing woman follows a special diet and does not eat foods that worsen the baby’s condition, correctly put her son or daughter to her breast, after feeding, each time she keeps the baby with a “column” to let out the swallowed air.
DIY gas vent for newborns
If it is not possible in the near future to go to the pharmacy, and a gas outlet is needed right now, you can do it yourself. For example, from an ordinary rubber enema. For this purpose, the bottom of the product is cut off. Through the hole will be released gaziki. An enema tip moistened with boiled oil is inserted into the anus. It is very important that you thoroughly wash and sanitize the accessory before use. Especially if the enema was stored without special packaging.
It is even easier to build a piece of thick paper. To do this, cut a rectangular blank from the sheet. Her parameters: 5.5 by 3.5 cm.
Twist a dense tube from the resulting workpiece. The inner diameter of its hole should be about 2 mm.
Precautions and contraindications
In order not to hurt the baby, you need to insert a gas outlet into the anus with extreme caution. At its tip should be a sufficient amount of moisturizer.
It is forbidden to keep the product in the rectum for longer than a quarter of an hour. Otherwise, it will only be possible to worsen the condition of the baby.
There are some contraindications to using the accessory. These include: congenital bowel obstruction, swelling of the rectum, bleeding and inflammation in the anus.
If you choose the right vent pipe (high-quality and in size) for your child, and use it strictly according to the instructions, then there will be no harm to the baby’s health. It is very important to use the product only occasionally when it is really necessary. If a reusable accessory is selected, it should be thoroughly washed and disinfected after each use.