Harmful or beneficial carbonated water will bring the body, depends on many factors. Take into account the composition of the liquid and the features of the application. The age of a person and the presence of diseases in him also matter.
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Health Benefits of Soda Water
For the production of sparkling water using high-quality fluid from wells or springs. Turning it into soda is easy. To do this, it is enough to add carbon dioxide to the water, which is called carbon dioxide in everyday life. In this case, as a result of the interaction of chemical elements, carbonic acid is synthesized. The product acquires a slightly acid reaction with a pH of about 3-4 units. There are natural sources that produce natural gas liquids. Carbon dioxide is one of the least harmful preservatives.
Soda has a number of advantages:
- saturates the body with moisture;
- strengthens the walls of the intestines and stomach;
- It has a mild laxative effect;
- depending on the situation, increases appetite or relieves hunger;
- refreshing;
- possesses antibacterial properties;
- increases the secretion of gastric juice;
- in the presence of an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract helps to get rid of viscous secretions;
- improves the general condition of the body.
The taste of sparkling water depends on its chemical composition. Different types of soda affect the body in different ways. Sugar-free sparkling water reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol and the level of glucose in the blood, reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.In addition to ordinary salt, in the composition of salty soda you can find various minerals: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium. Such a liquid is useful in that it replenishes the body with useful trace elements, has a therapeutic and preventive effect. If, instead of ordinary drinking water, soda is used to prepare tinctures, then the therapeutic effect of the drug increases.
How to drink, so as not to harm the body
Drinking carbonated drinks is much nicer than regular water. But drinking soda with various colors, flavors, preservatives, sugar, or sugar substitutes is undesirable. Such a product contains a lot of calories. It does not quench thirst, but increases the urge to drink. It’s not scary to indulge yourself with sweet water from time to time, a couple of glasses of Coca-Cola or lemonade for the holidays will not have a serious negative impact.
For regular use, it is better to choose a slightly carbonated mineral water without additives. In the absence of health problems, it is appropriate to drink no more than 0.5 liters of mineral water per day.
You cannot completely replace ordinary drink with it.
Help with weight loss
Soda slows down the process of digesting food. Feeling of saturation lasts longer, intestinal motility improves. These properties of the product are used by those who want to get rid of extra pounds. It is appropriate to use mineral water during fasting drinking days. On an empty stomach they recommend drinking 2 cups of liquid half an hour before breakfast. After eating, repeat the action. The stomach will be filled, will not pursue a feeling of hunger.
When losing weight, choose sparkling water carefully:
- Do not use a product with a high level of mineralization. The most suitable indicator is about 3-4 g / l.
- Do not use a liquid that contains sugar, flavorings, dyes.
Most likely, magnesium sulfate or sodium sulfate table water is suitable. Its composition is different from ordinary drinking fluid, so the product is selected depending on the individual characteristics of the person. Consultation with a doctor before losing weight is a must.
Is it possible to give a drink to children
Sparkling mineral water for children is contraindicated. You can drink soda for children over 5-6 years old, but in limited quantities. It’s not scary if a 2 or 3 year old baby quenches thirst with an effervescent liquid once a month. Unsweetened varieties are chosen. And the smaller the child, the more restrained they supplement the diet with this drink. Therapeutic and curative types of carbonated mineral water are allowed to be drunk only as prescribed by the doctor.
A large number of minerals overload young fragile kidneys. Carbon dioxide increases the amount of gastric juice, and this can trigger the development of peptic ulcer. And soda also causes abdominal pain and bloating in children. Bones suffer from sweet pops, because some components of the fluid wash calcium out of the body. Milk and sour-milk drinks are the best substitute for harmful soda.
Interesting facts about soda
Curious data about the drink:
- Sweet soda "deceives" the body. It would seem that the drink will not be harmful to the figure. But not in the case of soda. Indeed, in a liter of sweet sparkling water on average contains a fifth of the daily calorie intake.
- Soda with flavors and dyes can provoke allergic reactions. There are rashes of different intensities, an allergic rhinitis, in severe cases, bronchial asthma may develop. Allergy sufferers should be especially vigilant when choosing an effervescent product.
- Ancient healers wrote about the natural sources of sparkling water. In the writings of Hippocrates can be found chapters on the benefits of effervescent fluid. He recommended drinking it, as well as swimming in such water.
- Only in the XVII century, natural sparkling water began to be bottled. The drink was expensive, and the bubbles quickly evaporated.
- Coca-Cola is the most popular and expensive brand of non-alcoholic carbonated products. Special machines with varying prices for Coca-Cola were developed by the manufacturer. The devices were installed in the USA. They changed the cost of the drink depending on the ambient temperature. Thanks to special settings, the device automatically increased the price when it got hotter. Now such devices are almost never used.
Contraindications and possible harm
Soda can cause flatulence, bloating or annoying burping. It causes discomfort, leads to awkward moments. Carbon dioxide irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, provokes increased secretion of gastric juice.
You can not drink sparkling water to people who suffer:
- liver and kidney diseases;
- diabetes mellitus;
- Obesity
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
The mineral contains acids that flush calcium from the body. Among them, the most dangerous is phosphoric acid, but citric, malic and others also have a negative effect. In some cases, mineral water can cause changes in blood pressure, disturbances in the functioning of the heart, nervousness, insomnia and other problems. For any adverse reactions, stop using the product.
Whether carbonated water is harmful to health depends on its composition. The danger is represented by sweet varieties of effervescent product. Such a fluid leads to fluctuations in the level of glucose in the blood, disrupts the pancreas and the endocrine system, and can cause diabetes. Sugar also destroys the protective layer of tooth enamel, which increases the risk of tooth decay and other dental problems. When buying mineral water, the main thing is to choose and use it wisely. And then the effervescent liquid will only benefit.