Sparkling water is one of the most popular drinks. However, few people think about how its use affects the body.
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The composition of sparkling water
Soda is ordinary carbon dioxide water (the scientific name is carbon dioxide). It can be salty or unsalted. In the first case, not only salt is added to the liquid composition, but also some minerals - most often it is magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium. Many people don’t like the taste of such a drink due to the peculiar salinity and bitterness, but it will perfectly make up for the lack of fluid in the body and quickly provide it with reserves of useful elements.
Harm or benefit to the body
Of course, in comparison with sweet and colorful carbonated drinks, such water is much more useful, since it does not contain sugars, preservatives or dyes.
However, there are many myths about the dangers of such a liquid, here are a few options:
- Negative effect on enamel. However, studies have shown that mineral water with gas damages teeth a little more than ordinary water. Various sweet drinks like "Cola" and "Sprite" are much more harmful for teeth.
- Digestive disorders. In fact, the use of medium-carbonated water in most cases perfectly quenches thirst, prevents the occurrence of constipation, and prolongs the feeling of fullness.
- Weakening bones. I must say that such a mineral water in no way affects the state of the skeletal system.
Useful properties of soda:
- reduction in the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in plasma;
- stress protection;
- beneficial effect on the nerves and cardiovascular system;
- Prevention of premature aging.
In some cases, drinking water can cause belching and flatulence. This does not pose any danger to the body, but it causes a lot of problems, especially if a person works in a team. Therefore, it is desirable to exclude the use of carbonated mineral water before work or a visit to a public place. This is the harm of drinking such water.
Persons who suffer from diseases of the stomach should definitely consult a doctor about the advisability of consuming carbonated mineral water. Gas can adversely affect the functioning of the digestive tract with high acidity and ulcers.
How to make soda
Natural carbonated mineral water is considered the most useful. She is recruited from special sources. The liquid contains many neutral molecules that enrich the body cells with essential nutrients.
But in most cases, aeration is carried out artificially. Many are interested in the practical question - what is carbonated with water? Everything is very simple - ordinary carbon dioxide is used. But before that they used soda. The process takes place in special installations (in common people - siphons) under strong pressure. Before starting, the liquid is cooled and air is removed from it.
Can I drink during pregnancy and HB
Women who are expecting a baby or breastfeeding should not get carried away with soda. The use of such water can interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive tract and provoke constipation or bloating, from which pregnant women suffer too often. The same applies to nursing mothers: drinking mineral water with gas can negatively affect the well-being of the baby.
We make a drink at home
You can make a drink with your own hands, which is very simple.
The most common method:
- Squeeze 2 tsp. juice from fresh lemon or replace it with 0.5 tsp. citric acid.
- Pour 1 tsp into a glass. water of baking soda, extinguished by lemon juice. Pour in water.
For taste, you can add a slice of lemon.
The preparation of a drink in large quantities is done in another way:
- Take 3 tsp. soda, 6 tsp. citric acid. Stir and grind well. Powdery mass should be obtained.
- Then, if desired, you can add a little powdered sugar.
- Pour the finished composition with the required amount of water.
There is a more complicated way using yeast.
The effect is achieved due to fermentation:
- Prepare 4 liters of cold and 1 tbsp. warm water, 100 g sugar. 1 tbsp. l yeast.
- Dissolve the granules in a heated liquid and let them brew. Pour in sugar. At this point, you can add some more sweet crystals or juice for taste and color.
- Pour cold water in small portions, stirring constantly, so that all components dissolve well.
- Pour the resulting liquid into containers and close the container.
- Put the workpiece in a dark place for five days. As the drink begins to ferment, the lids will need to be unscrewed from time to time to release gas.
After 5-6 days, the drink is ready to drink. You need to store it in the refrigerator.
Knowing the whole truth about the benefits and dangers of sparkling water, you can independently decide whether to use it or not. If there are no contraindications, and drinking soda is not accompanied by unpleasant side effects, such a drink can be used without any fear.