The most reliable research method for examining the stomach is gastroscopy. It allows you to examine the entire mucous organ in different projections, take tissue for analysis and even carry out therapeutic manipulations. But what should be done for those who, for medical reasons, are prohibited from conducting the classic version of the examination? For this, there is a gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing the probe, which will be discussed in this material.

Who is shown the procedure

One of the types of such an examination can include transnasal fibrogastroscopy, when the probe is inserted through the nasal passage. It is used for particularly sensitive patients, when there is a risk against the background of the classic introduction of the development of a hypertensive crisis or a nervous breakdown.

The main type of gastroscopy without the introduction of any instruments at all is capsular endoscopy. A person just needs to swallow a capsule with a built-in video camera and a video signal transmitter. The patient is given equipment that transmits a signal, through which the readings will be taken by a specialist. A swallowed capsule is excreted from the body in a natural way, taking all the necessary data along its path to the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for such a procedure will be the following pathology of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. If for a very long time tormented by pain for no particular reason, nausea and vomiting.
  2. The presence of persistent dyspeptic disorders.
  3. Low hemoglobin level in the blood due to a lack of iron.
  4. Impaired absorption in the intestines of food substances.
  5. The possible presence of a tumor is a suspicion of this.
  6. Inflammatory processes in the intestine.
  7. Gastric and duodenal ulcer.
  8. Hidden bleeding, parasitic lesions and suspected presence of polyps.

With this procedure, the patient will not be able to undergo an MRI, and be near x-rays or strong electromagnetic fields, since they can damage all the electronics. These restrictions last only a day until the capsule is in the human body.

How is capsular endoscopy performed?

The size of the swallowing device is 11 * 26 mm and weighs 4 g, the material of which is biologically inactive.

The procedure is as follows:

  • electrodes are attached to the human body, similar to those used in ECG;
  • the device is swallowed, after which the patient can go about his business.

Read also: gastroscopy of the stomach - how to prepare?

Reading of information occurs within 8 hours after that, during which it is impossible to give the body physical activity and to move sharply. At the appointed time, you must go to the doctor to take a camera testimony, diagnose and make a diagnosis with the appointment of further medical recommendations.

Preliminary study preparation

How to prepare for FGDS? The main preparation lies in the features of nutrition. 3 days before the procedure, legumes, white cabbage and other products that cause increased gas formation should not be consumed. The ban also applies to fried, fatty foods, confectionery, sausages, smoked meats, canned food and others that are difficult to digest by the digestive system.

Exclude during this period will have to drink and reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day. This is explained by the fact that such habits provoke the release of bile and gastric juice, which will not allow to obtain reliable results.

Important: the effectiveness of the examination completely depends on the responsibility of the patient, how carefully he completed all the preparatory measures.

About a day, you need to drink funds to reduce flatulence, and in the evening before the procedure, from 16.00 to 20.00 take Fortrans, diluting 1 sachet in a liter of water.

If you are taking any medications, be sure to tell the doctor who is doing gastroscopy. There is an option to change the frequency, failure or switch to another drug. This is possible with the use of iron-containing products and others that are able to color the feces in a different color.

What can I eat before FGDS

Allowed to eat in these 3 days before the procedure, everything is boiled and mashed, and light and dietary. And on the day appointed for the examination, it is generally not recommended to use anything.

Can I drink before gastroscopy

Drinking only green tea or mineral water without gas is allowed. If necessary, the specialist prescribes an enema.

Prohibited actions before the procedure

Try not to be nervous, psychologically yourself, preparing for the procedure, especially since it is completely painless. And, as mentioned above, follow all medical recommendations on nutrition and bad habits. Otherwise, you will have to go through the FGDS in the classic version, which is not as pleasant as we would like.

Preparing for the study the night before

Preparation for gastroscopy of the stomach in the morning consists in hygienic rinsing of teeth without balms, elixirs and the absence of breakfast. For the procedure, take with you an identification document, honey. a policy (with a free examination), a medical card, direction, diaper and shoe covers (slippers).

If we talk about the pros and cons of FGDS, then the first can be attributed to:

  1. A comfortable state, both physical and psychological.
  2. The ability to see all parts of the body with an assessment of the state of the mucosa.
  3. Ease of carrying out and preparation for the procedure.
  4. Exclusion of injuries and infections.
  5. High sensitivity of equipment that allows you to take and transmit high-quality images - approximately 60,000 for the entire time the capsule is in the body, starting from the esophagus and ending with the anus.

Now about the disadvantages:

  1. Disposable capsule has a high cost.
  2. Not too high quality images taken from the folds of the walls of the body.
  3. The procedure does not allow tissue to be taken for histology. And if problems are found during this study, then it will be necessary to carry out a further classic version of FGDS.
  4. Treatment with capsular endoscopy is also impossible.

There are contraindications for carrying out a similar procedure, which include pregnancy, a suspicion of obstruction, exacerbation of epilepsy, the age of 12 years and the use of a pacemaker.

With all questions regarding the appropriateness of a gastroscopy, you should contact your gastroenterologist at your place of residence or in a private hospital. The specialist, before the appointment of the procedure, will ask you to undergo a series of laboratory tests, which are usually done with diseases of the digestive system.

Research innovation

The creation of the latest technologies is now being replaced by complex diagnostic traditional methods of the gastrointestinal tract using non-invasive devices. American scientists have created a device the size of a vitamin that can deliver a drug to a sore spot. It is also excreted from the body in a natural way.

There are models that measure the acidity of the gastric juice, the temperature in the intestine, the amount of mucus, the state of the feces and the presence of stones in the intestine. A device is being developed that can even take tissue for further examination.

Often, research into the internal state of the gastrointestinal tract is indispensable, and the option of gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing the probe is the best in the absence of, of course, contraindications. Health to you and your loved ones!