Despite the fact that the periodic manifestations of gastritis are familiar to most lovers of junk food, they can easily be confused with signs of gastroduodenitis. And since the symptoms and treatment of gastroduodenitis in adults are always interconnected, you should contact a medical specialist as soon as possible to make an accurate diagnosis.
The disease itself will not disappear. BUT the development of inflammation in the gastroduodenal zone of the intestine is fraught with serious complications, including ulcerative lesions.
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Gastroduodenitis: causes
Gastroduodenitis is a pathological lesion of the mucosa of the duodenum of the intestine and the pyloric zone of the stomach associated with inflammatory processes. Most often, the disease occurs against the background of an exacerbation of the chronic form of gastritis, in which inflammation gradually passes to the nearby intestine.
Factors contributing to the development of gastroduodenitis are distinguished by etiological features and the type of exposure - external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous).
The list of exogenous causes includes primary factors due to a person’s lifestyle:
- irregular food intake;
- unbalanced nutrition;
- smoking; alcohol;
- the abundance of fatty, spicy and fried foods in the daily diet;
- infections of the oral cavity and throat, including carious lesions of the teeth;
- nervous shocks, stress, depressive states;
- drug abuse;
- pathogenic activity of Helicobacter pylori - bacteria that contribute to the development of gastritis and ulcers;
- genetic predisposition.
Endogenous factors for the occurrence of gastroduodenitis are considered to be secondary, since they arise as a result of internal processes in the body: changes in the level of acidity of the stomach, diseases of the digestive tract, dysfunction of the endocrine system, and a decrease in the production of mucous substances.
Gastroduodenitis can develop even with a normal level of secretory function.
The main symptoms of the disease
Under the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors, inflammation occurs on the surface of the gastric mucosa, which subsequently leads to damage and atrophy of organ tissues, as well as secretory and motor dysfunction.
Along with this, a natural consequence of the pathological processes that accompany inflammation is a metabolic disorder.
The severity of symptoms of gastroduodenitis depends on the stage of development of the disease, the localization of structural changes and the degree of damage to the digestive tract.
Typical clinical manifestations of pathology are:
- heartburn;
- nausea;
- yellow plaque on the surface of the tongue;
- pain syndrome;
- weakness;
- weight loss;
- constipation
- pallor of the skin;
- gagging;
- sleep disturbance;
- a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
Often there are additional signs of the disease - palpitations and headaches.
Diagnosis of gastroduodenitis
At the first visit of the patient, gastroenterologists examine with palpation of the abdomen and provide an anamnesis.
To make an accurate diagnosis, several types of studies are used:
- endoscopic. The method involves examining the stomach and intestines through an endoscope;
- histological - assessment of the state of the gastrointestinal mucosa and the degree of their damage;
- fluoroscopy - a method for assessing the evacuation potential of the intestine;
- Antroduodenal manometry - recording pressure in the upper gastrointestinal tract to assess the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract;
- intragastric pH-metry - measuring the level of acidity of the gastrointestinal tract to assess the secretory function of the stomach;
- diagnosis of helicobacteriosis. Determination of Helicobacter pylori infection allows you to determine the type of gastroduodenitis;
- Ultrasound of the stomach - obtaining diagnostic data through the action of ultrasonic waves on the digestive tract;
- Electrogastroenterography - an analysis of the motor-evacuation capabilities of the intestine by registering the biopotentials of the gastrointestinal tract.
In some cases, for diagnostic studies, a biopsy may be necessary - taking samples of tissues of the gastric mucosa and studying their condition under a microscope.
An accurate diagnosis and adequate therapy are the main conditions for a successful recovery.
Brief description of various forms
According to the accepted classification, the definition of the form of gastroduodenitis depends on such characteristics as the primary and secondary origin, the prevalence of inflammation, the presence or absence of Helicobacter pylori infection, the level of acidity, and the severity of clinical manifestations.
Superficial gastroduodenitis is accompanied by inflammation of the gastric mucosa and the duodenum, with swelling, redness, and intense mucus production.
Acidity is normal or elevated. The remaining structural departments of the organs are not affected. The functionality of the stomach is fully preserved.
On the surface of the mucosa characteristic erosive areas with a diameter of up to 8 mm are formed. During the period of remission, the lesions heal, at the time of exacerbations, they open again. Clinical symptoms are observed only in the acute phase of the disease.
A characteristic feature is the appearance of thickening of the mucosa with the development of growths and cysts.Accompanied by severe pain and vomiting. In the absence of treatment, it is transformed into oncological pathology.
A kind of erosive gastroduodenitis. It is characterized by constant erosive bleeding.
It is accompanied by the death of the endocrine glands, hydrochloric acid deficiency and changes in the structure of the epithelium. Often leads to cancer.
Symptoms of a disease of this form combine the manifestations of its other varieties. The main condition for development is Helicobacter infection.
This form is also known as type C gastritis. Inflammatory processes on the mucosa occur under the influence of bile, which is thrown from the duodenum into the stomach. It is accompanied by a low level of acidity.
In most cases, reflux is the result of alcoholism or drug abuse.
Atrophic changes in tissues lead to the degeneration of cells into malignant.
An acute form of pathology that develops as a result of food intoxication. Accompanied by severe pain, nausea and salivation. Requires treatment in a hospital setting.
Chronic gastroduodenitis and exacerbation of the disease
The chronic form of gastroduodenitis is characterized by a long course of the disease with periodic exacerbations and remissions. At the time of exacerbation of the disease, typical clinical signs of pathology are observed. During periods of remission, symptoms are usually absent.
If chronic gastroduodenitis is accompanied by incomplete classical remission, exacerbation phases occur once every two years. In the absence of exacerbations for two years, we can talk about positive dynamics. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to draw conclusions about a full recovery in such cases, since small inflammatory foci on the mucosal surface still remain.
Complete recovery in the chronic form of gastroduodenitis is ascertained in the absolute absence of inflammatory areas on the surface of the mucosa.
Adult Treatment
The complex of therapeutic measures provides for drug exposure, diet and physiotherapy.
Drug therapy
Drug treatment is especially important during an exacerbation of gastroduodenitis. The main types of drugs with high acidity are antisecretory proton pump inhibitors, antacids and histamine blockers. Exposure to drugs can normalize the production of hydrochloric acid.
With a reduced level of acidity, agents that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid are indicated.
To eliminate dyspepsia and reduce symptoms, prescribe antispasmodics and prokinetics.
In the presence of bacteria Helicobacter pylori antibiotics are included in the treatment regimen.
Regardless of the form of the disease, therapy must necessarily include protective agents that protect the walls of the stomach from the damaging effects of gastric juice and help restore the structure and functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.
Folk remedies
The use of folk remedies has two main goals - suppressing acid exposure and protecting the mucosa from damage.
Medicinal herbs such as yarrow, calendula, coltsfoot leaves, nettle, flax seeds, calamus root, celandine and birch leaves are shown as plant materials for the preparation of medicinal decoctions.
During remission, it is appropriate to use funds from plantain, blueberry shoots, sage leaves, mint, pharmacy chamomile, and St. John's wort.
Diet for gastroduodenitis
Depending on the level of acidity, the diet for gastroduodenitis may be different.
Basic dietary requirements:
- both drinks and dishes should be warm;
- the consistency of dishes should be soft, and the constituent products should be cut into small fractions;
- recommended up to five small meals per day at regular intervals;
- intervals between meals should not be more than three hours;
- banned - spices, fast food, canned goods, snack products, pickles, fatty dishes, pastries, chocolate, as well as strong drinks, including coffee and tea.
During periods of exacerbation of the disease, legumes, vegetables containing fiber, millet, mushrooms, as well as immature or sour berries and fruits should be excluded from the diet.
Smoking during an exacerbation of gastroduodenitis can cause the development of a critical condition of the patient.
Disease prognosis
With adequate therapy, the prognosis of gastroduodenitis is quite favorable. And in the period of remissions and after recovery, you should adhere to the doctor’s recommendations, follow a diet, abandon bad habits and systematically undergo examination by a gastroenterologist.
Ignoring medical prescriptions entails the development of a number of pathologies of the digestive system — pancreatitis, dysbiosis, enterocolitis, and can lead to the occurrence of tumor processes.
Preventive actions
Prevention of gastroduodenitis involves compliance with the nutritional and motor regimen, as well as a healthy lifestyle.
Important factors that prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases are:
- compliance with the diet;
- refusal of late dinners;
- the exclusion of alcohol and smoking;
- support for motor activity;
- positive psycho-emotional attitude;
- lack of nervous shocks;
- strengthening immunity;
- full sleep.
Adhering to the recommended rules of lifestyle and nutrition, you can return not only the health of the digestive tract, but also the whole body. And most importantly - keep it to a very old age.