During the period of bearing a child, women have problems with the selection of medicines. Most of them are forbidden to use at this time. The use of Furacilin during pregnancy is safe for the mother and the baby, so doctors and patients often give preference to him.
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Is it possible to take furatsilin in 1, 2, 3 trimesters
Furatsilin refers to topical preparations. It does not have a systemic effect and is prohibited for use inside. Therefore, it is safe to use at any stage of pregnancy.
The composition of the drug
The active component of Furacilin is nitrofural. It relates to local antimicrobial agents. The substance is able to pass through the shell of the bacteria, where it increases the duration of the interphase. As a result, cell reproduction stops. The therapeutic effect extends to streptococci, staphylococci, shigella, clostridia, Escherichia coli, salmonella and other pathogens of infections.
Due to the possibility of using the drug in various ways, it is available in several forms. This allows you to choose the most optimal way to use the drug.
In pharmacies, you can find furatsilin in the form of:
- alcohol solution with an active substance concentration of 0.066%, packaged in 20 ml in vials with a drip nozzle;
- tablets for dissolution in water with 20 mg of the active ingredient and 80 mg of sodium chloride in blisters of 10 pcs., each in a box - 1 or 2;
- alcohol-based liquids with a concentration of 0.066% in ampoules of 10 ml;
- powder for dissolution in water, where 100 mg contains 20 mg of the active ingredient, packaged in 10 individual bags;
- an aqueous solution of 0.02% active ingredient in a 200 ml bottle;
- ointments with 0.02% of the active component in a dark-colored glass container with a mass of 25 g.
The abundance of various types of release allows for the treatment in a convenient form. The solutions are intended for washing and short-term exposure, and the ointment can be fixed to achieve a lasting effect. Therefore, furatsilin is considered a universal drug for the treatment of infectious lesions of various localization and nature.
In what cases is the drug prescribed
Due to the universal action and different forms of release, the medicine has a wide range of uses. The diseases against which furatsilin is used include:
- stomatitis;
- purulent wounds;
- empyema of the pleura and sinuses;
- blepharitis;
- pressure sores;
- gingivitis;
- for the prevention of bacterial complications during skin grafts;
- osteomyelitis;
- burns of 2-3 degrees;
- conjunctivitis;
- minor injuries of the skin (scratches, cuts, abrasions, cracks);
- inflammation of the middle and outer ear in the acute phase;
- boils localized in the external part of the auditory meatus.
For each disease, the optimal form of drug release is selected. This allows you to enhance the effect of treatment and accelerate recovery. It also makes therapy convenient for the patient and caregivers.
Instructions for use at different stages of pregnancy
The method of use of the drug depends on the diagnosis of the patient. The instructions for use indicate all methods of treatment with furatsilinom.
Attention! When contacting a specialist, the doctor selects the most optimal exposure option for each specific case.
For minor injuries of the skin, a solution based on alcohol or water is used. They washed the place of damage. In some cases, wet dressings are used, wetting the gauze in the preparation and applying it to the affected area.
With empyema of the pleura or maxillary sinuses, their washing is prescribed. It is carried out using a ready-made 0.02% solution or after self-dilution of the ointment with distilled water 1: 1. In some cases, to take the drug, take 1 tablet and dissolve it in 5000 such doses of purified water or saline. The resulting mixture is sterilized at a temperature of 100 ° C for half an hour, then cooled to a comfortable state.
For infections of the excretory system, an aqueous solution is used. It is prepared for 20 minutes, unlike what is used for sinusitis and pleural empyema. It is also possible to dilute 1: 1 ointment with distilled water and carry out the procedure with the resulting product.
An alcohol solution is used to treat otitis media. Before use, it is heated to a comfortable state. If you cook it yourself, you will need 70% alcohol, and the dilution will be 1: 5000. The procedure is carried out every day, 5-6 drops are instilled into the ear.
For colds, Furacilin is recommended to rinse the nose. For this, an aqueous solution prepared from 1 tablet and 1 cup of boiled water is suitable. The mixture should be warm. It should be inhaled, and then poured through the nose. In some cases, a syringe without a needle is used for these purposes, with which the medicine is administered.
If the patient is painful to swallow, he is prescribed to gargle with Furacilin. For this, a dilution of 1 tablet in 1/2 cup of warm purified water is also suitable. The procedure is carried out every 2-3 hours to achieve the optimal therapeutic effect.
With damage to the oral mucosa, it is recommended to rinse. To do this, 1 tablet is diluted with 100 ml of pure water, and the patient collects the resulting mixture in his mouth. A few seconds it is worth holding the drug inside, and then thoroughly rinse and spit out.
In infectious diseases of the eyes, the conjunctival sac is washed with an aqueous solution. In some cases, lubrication of the eyelids with ointment is prescribed. This allows the active component to stay longer in the problem area and act on the pathogen.
If the patient has a cold or thermal burn, he is prescribed an ointment. It is applied in a course of 2-3 days at the site of damage. This dosage form can also be placed under dressings for several days.
The effect of furatsilin on the fetus
The medicine has no systemic effect. It does not enter the bloodstream, but acts locally. Therefore, furatsilin is absolutely safe for the fetus and does not have a negative effect.
Contraindications and side effects
Furatsilin has a high level of safety. But due to local application, it is not recommended for use in chronic allergic dermatoses, for bleeding wounds and in the presence of hyperreactivity to nitrofural. Otherwise, the patient may worsen.
The medicine is able to provoke the occurrence of side effects. Some patients noted the appearance of dermatitis, which stopped after the end of the course of treatment. Such patients are recommended to use analogues instead of the original remedy.
Antimicrobial analogues
Among local antibacterial drugs, there is no complete analogue of Furacilin. But there are drugs with a similar effect. In the form of solutions, iodine (water and alcohol form), diamond greens, hydrogen peroxide and boric acid are considered as such. But they are not used for rinsing cavities, but are only applied to skin lesions.
Chlorhexidine and Miramistin also have an antiprotozoal and antibacterial effect. They can be used both for treating wounds and for rinsing the throat and mouth. They are also approved for use while bearing a child.
Among ointments, Levomekol is considered to be analogues. It destroys pathogens and helps with burns. But use in pregnant women with this drug is limited.
Furacilin is a universal and safe remedy for various infectious diseases. The medicine has several options for release, which allows you to choose the most optimal form for the treatment of a particular patient. It has no structural analogue, therefore, to replace it with another drug, you should consult a specialist.