Dishes of Asian cuisines have been very popular in Russia for many years. Among the abundance of sauces, seasonings, seaweed and seafood, a special place is occupied by Asian noodles, so beloved in the East and so unlike our pasta. Undoubtedly, one of the most interesting is glass noodles, or funchose, recipes with which you can prepare a lot of interesting and bright dishes with a unique Asian flavor.

Rice noodles and fungoza, what is the difference

Real Asian dishes are prepared not only in restaurants, but also in home cooking. And authentic products can be bought at almost any supermarket in the country. Despite the spread of Asian food in Russia, many still confuse some of its varieties, in particular funchose and rice noodles. In fact, these are completely different products, both in taste and in the method of preparation.

Rice noodles are made from rice flour, and funchose exclusively from starch, usually bean, but sometimes rice or potato.

If dry, this noodle is similar to each other, then when cooking you will definitely see the difference. Rice will become snow-white, but starch funchose will become completely transparent. That is why it is called glass.

Due to its composition and lack of flour, funchose is a more useful noodle option. Moreover, such noodles are fresh and practically have no taste of their own, but they perfectly absorb the aromas of other products. That is why funchose is rarely prepared as a side dish or an independent dish. It is usually accompanied by sauces, meat, seafood, vegetables and spices.

It is interesting: recipe for funchose with vegetables

How to fry noodles

The most popular way to make funchose is to boil and mix with other ingredients. However, the fried glass noodles are also very tasty and have an unusual crispy texture.

Since the funchose cooks very quickly, before frying it does not need to be boiled, but it will need to be soaked.

  1. To do this, pour the noodles with boiling water and leave it for 6 minutes.
  2. Then rinse with cold water and immediately fry in a small amount of hot vegetable oil for no more than 5 minutes.
  3. Add salt, black pepper to the noodles.
  4. Put on a paper towel and pat dry with excess oil.

Crispy funchose can be served with fried chicken, vegetables, seafood.

Chinese Fungose ​​Noodles with Vegetables

To make a Chinese-style appetizer, take:

  • 200 grams of noodles;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • Bell pepper;
  • 3 carrots.

Dressing for funchose:

  • clove of garlic;
  • a bunch of cilantro;
  • Art. l soy sauce;
  • Art. l rice vinegar;
  • tsp sesame oil.

Cooking like this:

  1. To get started, prepare a dressing by chopping garlic and herbs and mixing them with liquid ingredients.
  2. Cook funchose, boiling it in two liters of boiling for about 5 minutes.
  3. At this time, cut the vegetables into thin strips.

Combine all the salad ingredients in a bowl and refrigerate for a couple of hours to mix the tastes and aromas of the dish.

Shrimp and Shrimp Salad

If you want to add even more flavor to glass noodles, make a salad with funchose and large shrimp.


  • 100 grams of noodles;
  • 20 king prawns;
  • onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 2 minced cloves of garlic;
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 2 tablespoons of grated ginger root;
  • a tablespoon of fish sauce;
  • juice from 1 lemon;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of sesame oil.

So, this time we cook funchose with shrimp:

  1. Mix garlic, ginger, chili, sugar and liquid ingredients in a dressing.
  2. Boil the shrimp for 5 minutes, peel and put in the dressing to pickle.
  3. Cut the vegetables into thinner strips and sauté for a few minutes.
  4. Boil the noodles, mix with shrimp, dressing and vegetables. Let the salad soak for 15 minutes and serve.

Cooking in Korean

Korean cuisine, as well as Chinese, is rich in recipes with funchose.


  • 200 grams of glass noodles;
  • 250 grams of chicken;
  • 1 salad pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 zucchini;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 pod of hot pepper;
  • 60 ml of soy sauce;
  • 40 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 10 ml of rice vinegar.

Getting started:

  1. For a Korean style funcho dish, boil and chop the breast.
  2. Zucchini and carrots should be cut into strips. You can use a special grater for Korean salads and cut vegetables with its help into thin long strips. Chop salad pepper into strips.
  3. Crush the garlic and the sharp pod or chop into a pulp with a blender.
  4. Boil funchose in boiling water for 5 minutes. Constantly stir the noodles, otherwise the starch in its composition simply blinds it into one lump.
  5. Dilute the garlic and pepper with soy sauce, oil and vinegar to make a dressing. Mix vegetables and funchose with chicken and dressing.

Seafood Recipe

A quick, but very tasty and satisfying dish can be prepared from funchose with shrimp, octopus, squid, mussels and other seafood.


  • 1 pack of frozen sea cocktail;
  • 2 skeins of funchose;
  • 1 centimeter of chili pod;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l sesame oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l sunflower oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l oyster sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. l soy sauce;
  • 3 tbsp. l rice vinegar;
  • 1 sprig of cilantro;
  • 1 tbsp. l sesame seeds.

For this recipe, boil the funchose so that it retains the shape of the nest.

To do this, pass a thread into its middle and tie. Dip the "nest" in boiling water and turn off the heat. Cover the pan and cook the noodles for 5 minutes. Pull out the funchose from the edge of the thread and cut it.

The further algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. Chop pepper and garlic finely. Pour the sunflower oil into a wok pan, heat it, and then fry the spicy mixture in it.
  2. Next put the frozen seafood.Stir constantly and toss the food in the pan.
  3. Pour in oyster sauce and rice vinegar.
  4. Next, put in a wok boiled noodles washed with cold water. Stir the dish constantly and add the remaining ingredients very quickly, otherwise the dish will turn into a lump of paste.
  5. Pour in sesame oil and soy sauce, add chopped cilantro and sprinkle the noodles with sesame seeds.

Funchosa with chicken and vegetables

For this dish, take:

  • 200 grams of funchose;
  • a pound of chicken breast;
  • 400 grams of fresh champignons;
  • bell pepper;
  • onion;
  • some cherry tomatoes;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt, pepper, sesame seeds;
  • 60 ml teriyaki sauce.


  1. Chicken, mushrooms, peppers and onions cut into thin strips. Boil and rinse the funchoza.
  2. In a frying pan in hot oil, fry the mushrooms for 5 minutes, add the onions and fry the same amount.
  3. Another 5 minutes will go to the chicken, which is laid out next.
  4. Add salt, pepper and quarters of tomatoes. Reduce heat and let the vegetables stew for another 10 minutes.
  5. Add noodles, sesame seeds and teriyaki sauce to the vegetables. Warm everything together for 5 minutes and serve.

With Korean carrots

Bright and tasty salad will turn out from:

  • 140 grams of noodles:
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • cloves of garlic;
  • 200 grams of Korean carrots;
  • black and white sesame;
  • soy sauce.

Boil the noodles, cut the cucumber into strips or grate on a special Korean grater. Combine the noodles, cucumber, squeezed garlic and carrots. Season the salad with sesame seeds and soy sauce.

Noodles with soy sauce

Soy sauce will perfectly complement funchose, soaking it with its bright salty taste.

For a hearty dinner with funchose, take:

  • 300 grams of glass noodles;
  • 300 grams of beef tenderloin;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 yellow salad pepper;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 tbsp. l soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil.

Getting started:

  1. Boil the noodles according to the instructions.
  2. In a pan, heat the oil and fry the meat, cut into thin strips.
  3. While the meat is fried, squeeze the garlic, cut the onions with feathers, carrots and peppers into thin strips. By the way, pepper can be replaced with green radish, it will add piquancy and piquancy.
  4. When the meat is fried, add vegetables to it and fry everything together, stirring constantly, for about 10 minutes.
  5. Then pour the soy sauce in the pan and put the funcho. Mix everything, remove heat, cover and let stand for 2 minutes.

Funchoza with Asparagus and Green Beans

Tender asparagus and green beans are great for a cool, refreshing low-calorie salad.


  • half a package of funchose;
  • 150 grams of asparagus;
  • 150 grams of green beans;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 4 tbsp. l soy sauce;
  • sesame oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • greens to taste.

We will cook like this:

  1. Boil the noodles, then drop them in a colander and rinse with cold water.
  2. Chop the carrots or grate Korean carrots. Fry it in hot sesame oil.
  3. Add asparagus and beans to the carrots, pour in a little water and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Then add noodles, soy sauce and grated cheese to the vegetables. Chop greens and put in a dish before serving.

With mushrooms and sweet pepper

Korean salad with the unpronounceable name of Chaphe is perfect for both dinner and lunch.


  • 100 grams of beef;
  • 3 dried shiitake mushrooms;
  • 3 fresh champignons;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 grams of glass noodles;
  • 100 grams of spinach;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • onion;
  • some green onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • half sweet pepper;
  • sesame seeds;
  • sunflower and sesame oil, soy sauce, cane sugar - 30 ml each.

Despite the abundance of ingredients, the cooking process is quite simple:

  1. To begin, soak in shiitake water for 3 hours. Then cut them into strips.
  2. Cut the meat into strips, squeeze the garlic to it, add sugar, sesame oil, soy sauce and put in a bowl for 15 minutes to marinate.
  3. Whisk the yolk with a pinch of salt and pour into a pan with a drop of oil. Let it spread and fry like a pancake, turn over. Then cut the resulting egg pancake into strips.
  4. Spinach should be blanched in boiling water and immediately transferred to ice water so as not to darken. Cut into strips and mix with soy sauce and sesame oil.
  5. Cook funchose, rinse, mix, like spinach, with sauce and butter.
  6. Fry both types of onions in oil in a pan, add strips of carrots and pepper and fry for another minute.
  7. Add champignons, shiitake and meat. When they cook, mix with noodles, pancake and spinach, sprinkle with sesame seeds. If desired, add more soy sauce and sugar to the dressing.

Traditional funchose dressing

A wonderful, simple, but vibrant snack made from funchose is obtained by adding traditional ginger sauce to it.

To prepare such a dish with an original dressing, take:

  • 200 g of funchose;
  • 4 cucumbers;
  • 1 ginger root;
  • 2 ears of corn;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 2 stalks of celery;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • according to Art. l honey and lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l soya sauce;
  • a pinch of hot ground chili.

Getting started:

  1. Cut the cucumber thinly, sprinkle with salt and chili, add half the prepared honey. Remember the vegetable slicing with your fingers and leave to marinate.
  2. Mash ginger with soy sauce, lemon juice, honey and salt.
  3. Boil the noodles and rinse.
  4. Cut the corn grains and fry in a pan with butter and celery slices. Add chopped garlic at the end.
  5. Put the noodles in the pan for a couple of minutes to warm them up. Add ginger dressing, pickled cucumbers, fresh chopped tomato and spinach to the languishing funchose with vegetables.

In itself, funchose is a very simple product - a minimum of ingredients and a soft fresh taste. However, with the addition of other bright colors, it can become a real work of culinary art. Get to know this noodle more closely and be sure that your friendship with it will last for many years.