The chickenpox virus affects almost every person. This is a very common and unpleasant disease. They also call the disease a childhood illness, but an adult can also become infected with it, while the disease is more difficult to tolerate. One of the symptoms of the virus is the appearance of itchy rashes on the skin, and they need to be treated with brilliant green or Fucorcin. Today we’ll talk about how to use Fukortsin with chickenpox, how it is better than the usual greenback, what are the indications and contraindications.
Material Content:
The composition of the drug
The product has a popular name: it can be called the “Castellani paint” (since the 19th century the first Castellani liquid appeared in Europe, it became the progenitor of the modern “Fucorcin”). The drug has a liquid form, it is used only externally as an antifungal and antiseptic. You can buy "Fukortsin" in each pharmacy without a prescription.
"Fukortsin" is an alcohol solution. It has an unpleasant phenol odor (phenol is used in the manufacture as an auxiliary substance), painted in a beautiful raspberry color. The basis of the drug consists of the following components:
- acetone;
- resorcinol;
- boric acid.
There is a slightly different composition of Fukortsin:
- ethanol (ethyl alcohol);
- phenol;
- resorcinol;
- distilled water;
- magenta;
- boric acid.
You can buy the product in a glass container with liquid inside, or in the form of a device resembling a felt-tip pen - called a “lekker”. The second option is much more convenient to use!
Indications Fucorcin for chickenpox
The liquid is widely used for fungal infections of the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. It is worth noting that the colorless version of "Fucorcin" is not endowed with all the properties of raspberry. Also, the drug effectively helps fight suppuration on the epidermis.
It is used for stomatitis, herpes, diaper rash (has a pronounced drying effect), scratches and abrasions, chickenpox.
Despite the fact that the instructions for use "Fukortsina" spells out the impossibility of using it for children from 0 to 12, many pediatricians still prescribe the drug as an aid in the treatment of chickenpox. Children are especially susceptible to infection with various viruses, including the last ailment. And “Fukortsin” is a practically safe remedy, it is used painlessly (it doesn’t even cause a burning sensation, like brilliant green). The drug dries out vesicular rashes, disinfects, relieves itching and inflammation.
As you know, chickenpox is not treated with specific drugs, the main effort is to combat the symptoms. To minimize unpleasant sensations on the skin, Fukortsin is used. An antiseptic agent quickly relieves itching, while the patient's condition improves noticeably.
Instruction for use
"Fukortsin" with chickenpox in children and adults is used pointwise. It is applied only to rashes. It is impossible to lubricate healthy skin areas. This solution of "Fucorcin" is not very convenient, because there are so many pustules that it is easier to completely paint the body with a brush! Zelenka can do this, but "Fukortsin" no.
Liquid is applied up to 4 times a day for 2-3 days. If new rashes continue to appear, it is necessary to treat the affected areas until complete recovery. It is impossible to wash off the solution from the body for several days: you need to wait until the rash dries up, and the crusts separate from the already healthy skin.
You can use the drug to treat a rash only on the skin. When lesions of the mucous membranes are used green. This indication is due to that through mucous membranes phenol more easily enters the systemic circulation and can cause intoxication of the body. If, during processing, the solution accidentally gets into the eyes or other mucous membranes, they should immediately be washed with plenty of water, then consult a doctor.
It’s not so easy to wash Fukortsin, the raspberry color remains for a long time! We offer you to learn how to get rid of bright spots:
- You can apply vegetable oil or alcohol to a cotton pad (alcohol-containing products: cosmetic tonic, vodka, and so on).
- Use a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia alcohols (2: 1 ratio).
- For the smallest patients, you can apply a skin-friendly option: grind a tablet of ascorbic acid into a powder, dissolve it in warm water (a little). Apply to fleece, erase stains.
- Not one can get rid of spots, but noticeably lighten them will help another safe tool - baby cream. Apply it to painted areas, remove with cotton wool, and rinse skin with water.
- If the whole body is colored, then the above products will work, but they need a lot! Try washing with laundry soap. The first time it does not completely remove the stains, but brightens them. So gradually, but much faster than using ordinary soap, you will take back your natural color!
- If you showed carelessness, opened a bottle with a solution of teeth, as many do, then you could very well stain your face or teeth. To quickly wipe off stains, a mixture of lemon juice and soda will help you. Mix a spoonful of powder with the juice of half a citrus, apply the product on the brush and brush your teeth. A stain is removed from the face by applying the prepared product to it with a cotton pad.
Remove stains from the floor with water and bleach. Fukortsin leaves the synthetic fabrics when washing with laundry soap.If you get dirty cotton sheets or clothes, then apply toothpaste to the stain, wash in 20 minutes with laundry soap!
During pregnancy and lactation
Pregnant or lactating women may also be victims of chickenpox virus. Only safe agents should be used to treat the disease, and only a doctor will prescribe them.
Despite the fact that Fukortsin is used externally, it is contraindicated for women in position and nursing mothers. The active substances of the drug quickly enter the circulatory system, through the placenta to the fetus and into breast milk. Once in the body of a fetus or infant, the substances are harmful, as they cause intoxication!
If during pregnancy or lactation a woman has chickenpox, to remove unpleasant symptoms on the skin, you need to use greenback. She does not fight itching so effectively, does not have a tanning effect, but is completely safe.
Contraindications and side effects
As we were able to understand from all of the above, Fukortsin is not the most harmless remedy. It is not used during pregnancy and lactation, it is not recommended for children under 12 years old.
As for childhood, pediatricians say that for patients from a year the substance is no longer dangerous. And a proof of this is a lot of kids painted in raspberry stains, which can be met both in the clinic and on the street!
Other contraindications include the following conditions:
- allergy to constituents;
- chronic skin diseases.
There are no contraindications when using any medications.
“Fukortsin” has no dangerous side effects. When using it, the following reactions are possible:
- A slight burning sensation. This is due to the presence of alcohol. If the wounds are not open, then this effect is absent.
- An allergic reaction, if any, occurs 10 minutes after the use of the drug. It can be expressed both by itching and rashes, which can not be confused with chickenpox. In the rarest cases, allergic swelling and anaphylactic shock manifested itself. If you suspect an allergy, the treatment with Fucorcin should be canceled, in the future, brilliant green is used. It is advisable to consult a doctor!
If the skin lesion area is extensive, then it is not recommended to use Fukortsin; Experts explain the recommendation by the ability of phenol to enter the bloodstream, and a large amount of it can cause intoxication. In case of an overdose of the solution, the patient may experience the following symptoms:
- drowsiness, lethargy;
- dizziness;
- weakness;
- respiratory failure and headache.
If poisoning has occurred, then the skin of the patient will become pale. Urgently seek help from a doctor!
In severe poisoning with toxic substances of the solution, the patient has symptoms:
- cramps, loss of consciousness;
- the eye cornea does not respond to irritants;
- the skin begins to acquire a bluish tint;
- the pulse quickens, but is weak;
- cold sweat comes out, breathing goes astray.
Especially rapidly developing signs of toxic effects in pediatric patients. In such cases, the patient urgently needs to be taken to a medical facility, where he will be immediately provided with assistance. The antidote does not exist, the treatment of poisoning is symptomatic.
Antiseptic analogs
The full analogue of "Fukortsin" in composition does not exist. If you do not want to use Castellani liquid, then you can use the same clinical and pharmacological indicators:
- "Calamine" is a lotion that is recommended for the treatment of rashes with chickenpox.
- Betadine is a good antiseptic, antifungal drug. It is applicable even to the smallest patients - from a month, pregnant and lactating women.
- Iodine is a well-known anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.We use iodine for chickenpox, but is not recommended for patients under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.
- Zelenka.
We will not write in detail about the application of each of the analogues. If you need to use each of them, consult a doctor.
It should be understood that even the most harmless-looking drugs for external use have many contraindications. They can adversely affect the body, so you can not engage in self-medication, especially if it comes to children's health. Only a specialist will prescribe a suitable and safe treatment. Good health, do not be sick!