Friendly French bulldogs are called a smaller copy of their English counterparts. Such dogs are in excellent contact with children and love to take part in various family activities, and are calm about guests. At the same time, they will defend their masters if the latter is really in danger.
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Breed description
Anyone who decides to get such a dog should study the description of the breed, the nature of the future pet, its various features. For example, experts recommend keeping a French bulldog at home. They do not need a private house with a large surrounding area. This friendly kid will have enough regular walks in the yard and home games.
The French usually live 10-12 years. During this period, the dog grows only to a small "room" size. She has a large head with a rare transition between the forehead and nose, short legs, a wide chest, and a strong rounded body.
Males usually grow no higher than 35 cm, females - no higher than 30 cm. The maximum weight of the first is 15 kg, and of individuals of the opposite sex - 12 kg. There are a variety of colors of such breeds. They can be black, and white, and cream, and reddish, and brown, and even brindle.
Caring for a Frenchman is quite simple, but it is difficult to train. Dog training can also cause problems. French bulldogs are called by experts one of the most naughty dogs.
These animals have good health.If problems arise in this area, then most often the French suffer from dermatitis (most often the disease occurs in the area of folds on the face), allergies, kidney and urinary tract diseases. The latter are most often found in those dogs that the owners have been feeding exclusively dry, cheap food for a long time.
Origin history
It is believed that French bulldogs were bred to participate in battles with other animals. But thanks to their kindness and friendliness, they gradually moved into the category of decorative pets.
Some scientists are sure that among the ancestors of the modern French, there were not only English, but also Spanish bulldogs. Representatives of the latter breed, unfortunately, have not survived to the present time.
Despite its name, the dogs of this breed are from England. Their first mistresses were professional dressmakers. The main task of the pets was to catch small rodents that spoiled the fabric, threads and ready-made garments.
Further, many famous dressmakers moved to live in France, taking with them their small dogs. The local nobility appreciated the friendliness and outward appeal of the miniature good bulldogs. As a result, every month a new breed has become more and more popular, and the prices of such dogs are actively growing. Within a couple of years, only representatives of the upper layers of society could afford such a pet. The name of the breed is due to the fact that it was officially registered in France.
The French came to Russia only in the 20th century. They quickly became popular among the local nobility, and prices for such dogs only continued to rise. But during the Second World War, almost all representatives of this breed in Russia disappeared. For example, in 1946, only one French bulldog lived in the capital. Sklifosovskaya took up the revival of the breed in the country in the 60s of the last century. For this, animals from Hungary and Poland were brought into the country.
The nature and behavior of French bulldogs
Representatives of the breed in question are very calm by nature. They have low activity, such dogs are not particularly playful. The dogs also lack a sense of fear, so in a critical situation they will not panic and behave inappropriately. All actions of the Frenchman will be clear and thoughtful.
These pets get along well with the youngest members of the family, but for a comfortable "communication" with strangers and other animals they need at least a short adaptation. So that the Frenchman can calmly get along with another dog in the house, they must live next to a very young age.
It is interesting that the representatives of the breed in question very subtly feel the emotional mood of their master and can protect him in a dangerous situation, support him when a person is sad.
If we talk about the negative traits of the character of the French bulldogs, then their sensitivity should be noted here. For example, a dog may fall into a real depression simply because the owner does not pay enough attention to it. Loneliness is unbearable for the French. They constantly require owners to care, love, affection, joint games.
Breed standard and puppy selection
Purebred French Bulldog puppies should have a strong large head with a wide forehead. The occiput is not very pronounced, but the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly noticeable. Cheeks and cheekbones are expressive. The muzzle is short and covered with numerous shallow folds. Thick lips cover teeth completely. The bite of such a dog should be flat without a gap. The lower incisors are larger than the upper ones.
The nose is large. The nostrils are obliquely upward. The dog's eyes are set wide and low. They are round and somewhat convex. The ears are medium sized with a stiff vertical cartilage.
The body is strong, rectangular. But not elongated! The barrel-shaped chest is voluminous and muscular. Wide strong back.
Such dogs have a thick, low-lying tail; they should not rise above the back line. Paws are strong. Hind - elongated with pronounced muscles, but not too prominent.
When buying a French bulldog puppy, you need to pay attention not only to compliance with the described standards, but also to the general condition of the baby. He should look cheerful, healthy, cheerful. Some breeders offer inexperienced customers a “mini version” of the Frenchman. So they try to sell an undernourished or sick dog, making it an attractive advertisement. Miniature French Bulldogs do not exist.
Choosing a puppy from the breeder, you need to make sure that he has passed a comprehensive veterinary examination, and also has pedigree documents that give the animal the right to participate in thematic exhibitions.
Features of keeping a dog
Such decorative dogs constantly need the attention of the owners. If you let go for a walk unattended, the animal can get into an unpleasant or even dangerous situation.
The French can comfortably live in a small city apartment. They will not suffer from the lack of large space for games.
Daily it is necessary to organize walks in the fresh air for the dog. For example, you can go together to the forest, park or just play in the yard.
If the walk takes place in a new place, where there are many other animals and people, it is better to put a muzzle on the dog. His behavior in such conditions can be unpredictable.
Care, health and feeding
It is convenient that the wool of the bulldogs discussed does not need any special complicated care. It is enough to comb it thoroughly once every 10 days using a special massage brush.
Also, once every couple of months, the animal needs to be bathed using a special shampoo from the pet store. The rest of the time, it is enough to remove dirt after a walk with a damp cloth.
Proper care of the French Bulldog includes regular visits to the veterinarian. Even if the animal does not bother anything, this should be done as a preventive measure in order to notice the disease in time.
It is especially important to properly feed the French bulldogs. These dogs need a balanced diet. When compiling a diet for a pet, one must take into account his tendency to allergic reactions.
Just taking the puppy home, you need to decide what kind of food to feed him - dry or natural. You cannot mix both types.
If the choice is made in favor of ready-made dry food, you should choose premium products for the animal, not trying to save on its health.
Making a natural menu will be somewhat more difficult. It will need to include lean meat (it will take approximately half the ration), cereals, and sea fish, and eggs (best of all, only yolk), and vegetables (pumpkin, cabbage, carrots), and fruits (you can not use only grapes and citruses). If meat offal is used, they must be cooked.
In a special place for the Frenchman, a bowl of clean fresh water should always be prepared. But the amount of salty and sweet treats in his menu needs to be minimized or completely eliminated.
Representatives of the breed under discussion are prone to overeating. Therefore, the owners of such dogs will have to constantly monitor the size of their servings. If the animal is an adult (over 10 months old), then it is fed only twice a day - after waking up and before bedtime.
So that the Frenchman does not have problems with being overweight, it is necessary to establish in the house a ban on supplementing the dog from the master's table. With his compassionate sad look, the bulldog can easily beg for the most delicious and harmful pieces for him.
Parenting and training
The French are real stubborn. The mind allows them to easily remember all the commands of the owner. But stubbornness sometimes prevents them from fulfilling.
In order for the training and education to be effective, the dog owner will have to repeat the same lesson several dozen times.
Only approximately 40 times the animal will be able to finally understand and remember what is required of him and begin to ideally follow this. However, after some time, most likely, the pet will again want to try to evade its duties. At this stage, you will have to repeat all the material studied and re-educate the dog.
Pros and cons of the breed
The breed in question has its pros and cons. It would be useful for a person who decides to become the owner of a Frenchman to carefully study both lists.
- One of the main advantages is its compact size. It is easy to carry a kid with him on business trips and trips, as well as to keep him even in a small one-room apartment.
- Despite the miniature, if necessary, such a dog will become a strong protector for the owner. In battle, she becomes strong and sometimes even ruthless.
- French bulldogs never bark over trifles. Therefore, conflicts with neighbors will not arise with such a pet.
- French wool has no unpleasant odor, does not stain everything around, does not require complicated regular care.
- There is no need to stop the tail of the dog.
- The French are happy to play even with the smallest children. The main thing is to monitor such entertainments from the side and not leave the pet with the baby alone for a long time.
- The miniature and short hair of such a bulldog does not allow him to easily tolerate too high and low temperatures. In the summer they often get sunstrokes, and in the winter they catch a cold.
- The French swim badly, as they have a lot of weight and a large head.
- In the folds on the muzzle, dogs often develop a fungus. Therefore, this place should be regularly inspected and treated with a damp cloth.
- During sleep, animals often release gases and snore loudly. This is due to the structural features of their gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.
- If you strongly offend the bulldog or hurt him, the dog may bite.
How much does a French bulldog cost
It is impossible to say unequivocally how much a French bulldog costs. Its price depends on a variety of factors. For example, the percentage of compliance with breed standards, the presence of famous parents (winners of various famous exhibitions), the popularity of the nursery, color, etc.
The average cost of a puppy of the breed in question in Moscow is 30-35 thousand rubles.
If you properly care for the French bulldog and carefully monitor its health, it will not bring any problems to the owner. Such a dog will be a great friend for the whole family. He will play with children and adults, support the hosts in difficult times.