Treat life situations with humor. And you will understand that living this way is much easier. In front of you selection of photo jokeswhich proves that a sense of humor is really saves us a life.

Jokes about going to work after weekends and holidays

Most recently after ten day new year holidays we went to work. And it was not easy for everyone. Almost a week has already passed since the end of the winter weekend, and many have already managed get used to to the worker schedule. Let's see relevant photo jokes.

Fancy funny life tweets

Sometimes like that funny read about different cases of other people and find yourself in these situations. Understanding that we are not the only ones changes the attitude to what happened. FROM humor live easier!

Funny comments

Let's laugh together bright and sharp comments under various photos or memes from social networks. Amazing how many people have sense of humor.

Which pictures, in your opinion, turned out to be more vital or funny for you?