Imagine that you had the opportunity to return to the past and meet with a younger version of yourself. Would you give yourself any advice? Dutch digital artist Ard Gelink decided to invent his own time machine. With the help of Photoshop, he created very realistic pictures of popular people in his youth and adulthood.

Images show the power of time, which affects everyone without exception. Note that in the selection there are also stars that probably created the elixir of eternal youth! Which of the photos was the most unexpected for you?

Freddie Mercury

Matt LeBlanc

Tom hans

Harrison ford

Emma Watson

David bowie

Richard Gere

Michelle Obama

Clint Eastwood


Johnny Depp

Jennifer Aniston

Will Smith

Barack Obama

Christina Applegate

Emmy Winehouse

Tom Shelek



Julia Roberts

Britney Spears

Michael Jackson

Rob Lowe

Cindy Loper

Brad Pitt

Tina Turner

Drew Barrymore

George Michael

Robert DeNiro

Paul McCartney

Sylvester Stallone

Courtney Cox

John Bon Jovi

Henry Winkler

Ed sheeran

Robbie Williams

Mel Gibson


Steven Spielberg

Bruce springsteen

George Clooney

Phil Collins

Lady Gaga

Mick Jagger


Lionel Richie

David Hasselhoff

And again Madonna

Kate moss