Dogs can be loyal friends and full members of the family. And a person’s affection for a dog (unlike the same cats) is almost always mutual. Scientists have found that facial expression of four-legged pets is enhanced when the owner pays attention to them.
Photos in which the worlds of man and dog intersect
The proximity of people and their pets leads to the fact that they to some extent become similar to each other. This similarity can be observed in different cases. But the most revealing are photographs taken just at the right time - when, for example, a dog covers his head or other part of a person’s body. We have collected a collection of such photos. Everyone who likes dogs will like it. And those who doubt whether to make a four-legged friend or not, they will convince: no animals are funnier than dogs.
We do not know how this handsome man managed to fly high into the air. But it looks like they helped him do it. huge ears. By the way, pay attention to the angry host in the background. It is not surprising that the dog decided to run away: if you want to escape, you will fly with your ears!
From this angle, the coincidence of the dog's face and the owner's face turned out to be ideal.
Take a look at the expression on this dog’s eyes. She looks at the road as if actually driving.
It is unclear what harmonizes more: the dog’s look with the pose of the driver, or the color of her eyes with his shirt.
This dog, apparently, is trying to master the difficult art of walking on two hind legs. Well, wish him success in striving become like the human race.
Hoping to catch a bright soap bubble.
Even if this is a coincidence, it turned out to be very successful!
As he fell, this dog seemed to recall dog safety. It looks like he deliberately slips his neck on the ground so as not to break it for himself.
This four-legged reveler chose the perfect place as a restroom.
Another coincidence of the parameters of the body of the owner and his four-legged friend.
Remember the ears and noses that some young fashionistas so love to put on their Snapchat photos? So, having a pet, you can not worry about creating such photos - with a small dog they will be obtained by yourself.
This dog actually does not have two heads - just the owner keeps on a leash two pets, one of which is sandwiched between the legs.