Phosphalugel is prescribed for the treatment of a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and, unlike many other drugs, has practically no contraindications. Nevertheless, its uncontrolled intake can be dangerous, therefore, before starting treatment, you need to carefully study the instructions.

Description, release forms and composition

This preparation is a white gel uniform in consistency. It is intended for internal oral administration. Thanks to the orange flavor, it has a sweet and pleasant taste, characteristic citrus aroma. The active substance that provides the medicinal effect is aluminum phosphate.

Pharmaceutical companies produce Phosphalugel in hermetically sealed sachets of 16 and 20 g. Each contains 10.4 and 12.38 g of the active component, respectively.

In addition, the composition of the medication includes additional substances:

  • sorbitol (70%);
  • agar agar extract;
  • calcium sulfate;
  • potassium sorbate;
  • distilled water.
  • flavoring;

Dosage does not affect the structural composition of the drug. Sachets differ only in the quantitative indicator of the components that make up the drug.

Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The therapeutic effect of Phosphalugel has 3 aspects:

  1. A decrease in the percentage of hydrochloric acid in gastric secretion.As an antacid preparation, it reduces the acidity of gastric juice to a physiological norm and further supports it. The drug does not allow the appearance of alkali, nor the accelerated production of acid. The effect becomes noticeable after 30 minutes.
  2. Enveloping action. The medication protects the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines with a kind of film that prevents the absorption of irritating fluids by the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, Phosphalugel helps restore already affected areas.
  3. Sorbing effect. It is associated with the ability of the drug to absorb and then remove poisonous substances, foreign microorganisms and gases from the body. This relieves the body of toxins and decay products received from outside, thereby accelerating recovery.

In addition, the gel provides uniform progression of the digestible components through the intestines.

The pharmacokinetics of the drug is that aluminum phosphate does not violate the calcium-phosphorus metabolism, which means that it cannot cause osteoporosis. In addition, when using the product, the balance of electrolytes is not disturbed, respectively, the formation of stones in the kidneys and ureters does not occur.

Important! The advantage of the medication can be called the fact that it interferes with the X-ray examination.

Phosphalugel does not dissolve in water, and the absorption of the active substance is not more than 0.01%. In the process of neutralizing the acid, aluminum phosphate is converted to aluminum chloride. That, in turn, being under the influence of alkali, in the intestine is converted into aluminum salts, which are not absorbed by the walls of the digestive tract and are freely excreted from the body with feces.

A small amount of aluminum that enters the bloodstream passes through the kidneys and is excreted in the urine. Therefore, if the urinary system does not work well, then there is a danger of creating an excessive content of such a chemical element in the blood.

What helps Phosphalugel

Phosphalugel can be called an indispensable assistant in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of various origins.

These include:

  • peptic ulcer of both the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastritis of acute and chronic forms (the drug is used only with an increased or in extreme cases normal level of acidity of gastric juice);
  • reflux esoafalitis;
  • pancreas inflammation;
  • impaired functioning of the large intestine;
  • manifestations of dyspepsia;
  • enterocolitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • as well as malfunctions in the digestive tract, which arose under the influence of any drugs or caustic fluids.

In addition, Fosfalugel helps very well with heartburn caused by excessive smoking, frequent drinking of coffee or alcohol.

This gastric gel can also be used for prophylactic purposes in order to reduce the effects of radioactive substances that have penetrated into the stomach.

Instructions for use and dosage for adults and children

Gastric gel can be used directly from the bag or pre-squeeze the contents into a glass. It is allowed to add half a glass of water to the medicine, mix and then drink.

Note! Before opening the bag, it must be kneaded in the fingers.

The standard norm for an adult is 1-2 sachets 2-3 times a day.

Depending on the disease, you need to take either before meals, or after:

  • With a stomach and duodenal ulcer, it is necessary to drink the medicine immediately when acute pain occurs. In the future - after 1.5–2 hours after eating.
  • With reflux, the gel should be taken immediately after the meal, as well as before bedtime.
  • The same rule applies in the treatment of diaphragm hernia.
  • But with gastritis, it is important that the drug enters the stomach before eating and forms a protective film on the walls. By the same principle, they drink the gel in case of dyspepsia.
  • If the functions of the large intestine are impaired, then the drug should be delivered in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, immediately before going to bed. Moreover, if the pain appears during the day, it is allowed to take 1 additional packet of Phosphalugel.

There is no consensus on the appointment of children. If possible, pediatricians try not to prescribe this drug for children under 6 years of age, but this is more likely due to insufficient data on the effects of aluminum phosphate on a growing organism, rather than any negative consequences.

The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the child:

  • For babies who are not yet six months old, the maximum one-time volume of medicine is ¼ sachet, use one part immediately after feeding.
  • Children from six months and older can be given after each meal 2 teaspoons of Phosphalugel. The maximum dose per day is 2 packets.
  • After 6 years, small patients no longer need a special dosage, and they are prescribed the same volume of Phosphalugel per day as adults.

During pregnancy and lactation

During the bearing of the baby and during the period of breastfeeding, it is possible for the mother to use Fosfalugel, but only if absolutely necessary. But the total mass of the drug entering the body during the day should be reduced. In addition, the duration of treatment should be reduced to a minimum.

Alcohol compatibility

The toxic effect of ethyl alcohol can be reduced if you take 2 sachets of Phosphalugel in advance.

If intoxication has already occurred, then the optimal dosage is 40 mg every 3 hours. The next day, such emergency measures are no longer needed, it is enough to take 1 packet three times a day.

In other words, the use of Fosfalugel with alcohol is permissible and even desirable, since this medical tool reduces the negative manifestation of ethyl alcohol on the body.

Drug interaction

M-anticholinergics (for example, Metacin or Atropine), on the contrary, enhance the actions of both the Phosphalugel itself and its analogues.

In addition, aluminum phosphate inhibits the absorption of certain drugs.

These include:

  • tetracycline-based antibiotics (Xenocin, Rondomycin and others);
  • antibiotics with fluoroquinolone as the active substance (Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, etc.);
  • Ranitidine;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Digoxin;
  • cardiovascular glycosides, for example, Digitoxin, Celanide, Adonis bromine;
  • Bumetanide;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Furosemide;
  • sodium fluoride;
  • as well as preparations containing iron, some others.

These drugs are best taken not at the same time as the stomach gel, but with a difference of 2 hours.

The possibility of co-administration of other drugs and a gastric gel should be consulted with your doctor. In addition, at the same time you cannot drink any acidic drinks with Fosfalugel, including fruit juice and wine. Between their use and reception of the gel, a time period of at least 2 hours is mandatory.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Almost the only side effect of Phosphalugel is constipation. It is manifested quite rarely and mostly susceptible to it are people of advanced age, as well as those who move very little. To normalize the intestines, it is enough to drink more pure water (coffee, tea and other drinks in this situation can not).

If the prescribed norm of the drug is exceeded, constipation also occurs, since there is a sharp slowdown in intestinal motility. To get rid of such consequences, an increase in the volume of fluid consumed is no longer enough. Have to take laxatives.

In some cases, uncertainty in movements, memory impairment may appear. This is a sign of kidney failure. You must stop taking the medicine immediately. Deferoxamine course will help to cope with the negative consequences.

Despite the beneficial effect of the drug on the digestive tract, its use is contraindicated in such diseases:

  • acute or chronic form of renal dysfunction;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • and also the drug should not be drunk in case of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients that make up the drug.

In addition, elderly people and patients suffering from heart failure and cirrhosis are at risk.

Note! Phosphalugel can be taken by people with diabetes.

Phosphalugel analogues

In drugstores, other drugs are sometimes found that are substitutes for this medicine.

These include:

  • Gefal antacid suspension;
  • Gelfos;
  • Alfogel, the Russian analogue of Fosfaflugel;
  • and aluminum phosphate;
  • Gasterin (although it’s almost impossible to find such a medicine);

Despite the fact that the principle of action is the same for all these drugs, Fosfalugel is estimated by gastroenterologists to be much higher than its analogues.

In addition, if you are allergic to any of the active substances, you can use other medicines that lower acidity and remove toxins:

  • Enterosgel;
  • Maalox;
  • Omez or other drugs based on opemrazole;
  • Almagel;
  • Smecta, etc.

However, it is impossible to replace the medicine by yourself in any case, because these medicines have a completely different principle of action and may not have the desired effect or even harm. Only a specialist can determine the permissibility of their use.