The selection of funds for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract is a delicate job. Despite the popularity of a drug such as Fosfalugel, analogues in some cases may be more effective. The reasons why patients have to look for a replacement for the drug lie in its composition. The phosphates contained in it are poorly tolerated by some people, which is a direct contraindication. And aluminum ions negatively affect the cellular structure of the brain in patients with Alzheimer's disease. In addition, the drug is undesirable to drink for the elderly and bedridden patients, as in these cases it can slow down the metabolism and lead to constipation.
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Russian analogues of the drug
In Russia, there are no drugs that are similar in action to the Phosphalugel.
On the Internet you can find information about domestic substitutes, but for the most part it is false or unconfirmed. Some sources give foreign drugs manufactured in Poland, Slovenia or Bulgaria as Russian. Most manufacturers, of course, have their branches in the Russian Federation, but this does not make domestic products, so it is more advisable to look for Fosfalugel substitutes immediately among foreign drugs.
Foreign antacid substitutes
The main function of the above drug is the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract through the neutralization of acid in the human stomach. A group of such drugs is called antacids. They are prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of varying severity: from heartburn to gastritis and stomach ulcers.
The drug in question gently affects the gastric mucosa, almost without getting into the blood, but many Fosfalugel analogues are cheaper and not inferior in quality.
For children
Almagel A - an indispensable assistant for the smallest, as it has a large number of pluses.
- does not cause hypersecretion (increased secretion of gastric juice) after discontinuation of use;
- It acts continuously and evenly;
- it is not absorbed into the blood, like Fosfalugel, but unlike the latter does not create a risk of metabolic failure;
- does not irritate the urinary system;
- children over 1 month old are allowed;
- few contraindications (serious kidney problems and Alzheimer's disease);
- It is available in the form of a suspension with a pleasant smell, which simplifies the intake of small children.
Instructions for use: 1-3 tsp. the drug 3-4 times a day (30 minutes before meals and 1 time before bedtime). More specific guidance is given by a specialist.
Gasterin - gel for oral administration, produced in dosage packets. It has no contraindications and side effects, even with prolonged use.
The instruction recommends its use as follows: 1-2 bags to dilute in 0.1-0.2 liters of water, take 6-8 times a day. Children up to six months of 0.25 sachets after feeding. From six months to a year - 0.5 sachets. After 14 days of treatment, a doctor’s consultation is required.
For adults
The following drugs are considered the most popular and safe means that can replace Phosphalugel.
Available in 2 forms: suspension in the form of a mini-sachet (sachets) and chewable tablets. Packages are also of several types, depending on the amount of the drug inside.
Indications for use are heartburn and sour belching, but the drug is also prescribed as part of the treatment of gastritis and ulcers.
Maalox is prohibited for patients with severe renal failure and hypophosphatemia, hypersensitivity to the components, as well as children under 15 years of age. The reason is slow absorption in the digestive tract, the possibility of impaired renal function and metabolism.
The advantage of Maalox is the permissibility of its use during breastfeeding and during pregnancy, but only if the risk to the fetus is less than the benefit to the mother.
It is taken about an hour after eating food in the amount of 1-2 sachets, but not more than 12 sachets per day. If the drug is in the form of tablets, then 1-2 pcs. 3-4 times a day after 1.5 hours after eating or when heartburn occurs. Not more than 12 pcs. per day. The maximum course is 3 months.
The substances included in the composition neutralize the excessive acidity of the gastric juice. Available in the form of lozenges.
Dosing schedule: with a weight of 50 kg and 1-2 tablets 60 minutes after a meal, no more than 8 pcs. in a day. For children from 6 to 12 years old and adults weighing less than 50 kg, half the above dose is recommended. Course duration no more than 14 days.
To the standard (like other drugs in this category) list of contraindications is added lactose intolerance. Reception is allowed for children from 6 years old and pregnant / lactating women.
It is indicated in the treatment of gastritis and discomfort that occurs after eating food.
The list of contraindications is relatively small:
- allergy to components;
- age under 12 years old;
- phenylketonuria - a violation of the metabolism of amino acids.
Allowed during pregnancy and lactation, but only after visiting a specialist.
Directions: Chew and swallow 2-4 tablets, take after meals and at bedtime. The maximum number of receptions is 4 times a day. If after a week there are no positive effects, you need to change the treatment.
There are other antacids, but the attending physician should deal with their selection, since most of them have special instructions for use.
- Rimma