Means “Fortrans” effectively cleanses the intestinal tract before instrumental and radiological examinations of the rectum. His instructions contain indications of contraindications and side effects. In order to avoid disturbance of metabolic processes, the medicine should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The composition of the drug for bowel cleansing before colonoscopy

The medicine is available in powder form, packaged in bags. Each packet contains 64 g of high molecular weight macrogol 4000 polymer, as well as 1 to 5 g of potassium and sodium salts. Saccharin is used as a sweetener.

Four packages and instructions for use are put in one cardboard pack.

Pharmacological properties and indications for use

This tool belongs to the category of osmotic laxatives. It provides the most complete removal of all food residue from the intestines.

The effect of the drug is the ability of the polymer to adsorb water molecules. Long chains of polyethylene glycol (macrogol 4000) attract H2O, resulting in a huge amount of free fluid accumulating in the intestine. It presses on the walls, dilutes the accumulated mass and provides a laxative effect.

Due to the sodium and potassium salts included in the composition, the drug does not affect the electrolyte metabolism.The amount of salts that are washed out with water is compensated for by their presence in the preparation. The finished solution is absolutely isotonic with the contents of the intestine and blood plasma.

As a result of studies, it was reliably established that the polymer itself does not interact in any way with either organs or tissues. It is not absorbed from the intestines. Does not undergo any changes there. It turns out exactly in the form in which it entered the body, that is, it has only a mechanical effect.

This type of cleansing is carried out to completely remove the contents of the intestine, which may be required before surgery or to prepare for studies using an x-ray and endoscope.

How long does Fortrans act

The effect of the drug can last up to 5 hours. At this time, you need to be in a calm, comfortable atmosphere. The entire volume of the finished product is divided into several methods. After the first glass of fluid, urge begins in 1 - 2 hours.

The following bowel movements occur faster. After taking subsequent doses, the patient feels a desire to empty himself after 20 to 30 minutes. The stool during cleansing is liquid, as during diarrhea.

Instructions for use of the drug

This drug is for adults only. First you need to calculate the desired dose. For every 20 kg of own weight, you should take one whole package.

The powder of one sachet is dissolved in one liter of water until a completely clear, colorless liquid is obtained. In general, an adult will need 3-4 liters of a ready-made solution for a course of purification.

It is recommended that you take Fortrans one whole glass every quarter hour. Total full reception will take from 4 to 6 hours.

You can divide the total amount of solution into two doses. In this case, two liters will need to be drunk on the eve of the study at night, and the remaining liter or two should be taken in the morning. The last dose should be taken at least 4 hours before the study.

If the procedure in the morning, there are no divisions before and after sleep, the entire volume is drunk closer to the night on the eve of the study or operation.

Read also: tobowel olonoscopy: preparation for the procedure

Patients with impaired renal function require medical supervision. For older people, the prescribed dose is not adjusted.

Can I take during pregnancy and lactation

There is no data on any effect of the polymer on pregnancy and the development of the fetus. It cannot be argued that it is safe to feed. The experience of using the drug in pregnant and lactating women is very limited. It is also not known whether a macrogol has any effect on fertility. Decide on the appointment can only be a doctor on the basis of correlation of benefits and harms.

Drug Interactions with Other Drugs

As a result of rapid bowel cleansing, the absorption of various components may be temporarily impaired. In this regard, the effectiveness of individual drugs, which have a very short period of action and a short duration of decay, may decrease.

In order to prevent failures during the treatment, you need to inform your doctor about all the medications you take.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

The main share of contraindications occurs in diseases associated with the state of the digestive tract.

  • Cleansing can not be carried out with a stomach ulcer, toxic colitis, various violations of the integrity of the intestinal mucosa, with obstruction, the presence of adhesions, tumors, extensive lesions and perforation of the intestine.
  • Of the general contraindications - the patient’s serious condition and individual intolerance of the individual components. Allergic reactions in the form of anaphylactic shock were recorded on preparations with a macrogol in the composition.
  • Caution should be given to the appointment of patients with mental disorders, cardiac abnormalities, as well as taking diuretics and prone to the appearance of electrolyte imbalance. Special vigilance should be observed by people who have inflammatory bowel diseases.

Elderly people with impaired movement function and bedridden patients should undergo the procedure only under the supervision of medical personnel.

The intake of all solid food must be completed two hours before the introduction of the first portion of the drug. During cleansing, you can take only drinks, such as tea or coffee.

If the patient cannot refuse his medicines, then he should drink them with an hour break after taking the next portion of the solution.

  • At the very beginning of the reception, nausea and vomiting may occur. With the continuation of the procedure, the symptoms should disappear.
  • Sometimes purification is accompanied by swelling, colic, dyspeptic disorders.
  • Very rarely, allergic reactions appear in the form of a rash, redness, or an extreme degree of manifestation - anaphylactic shock.
  • In people with impaired renal function, pulmonary edema can occur due to the processing of a large volume of fluid. Patients at risk should be monitored by medical personnel.

The drug is contraindicated in any person under the age of 18 years.

There are very few cases of overdose, so the practice of dealing with this phenomenon is insignificant. When used in excess of high doses, all the symptoms of poisoning are manifested. The metabolic processes are disrupted. The patient needs to rehydrate (procedure to restore the balance of substances and fluids) intravenously. For the rest, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.


Fortrans has intestinal cleansing agents:

  • Lavacol
  • "Transipeg";
  • Forlax
  • Forteza Rompharm.

All are sold in powder form for solution preparation. In addition to macrogol 4000, each sachet contains electrolytes to restore balance.

  • A bag of Lavacol is dissolved in one glass of water. In total, you need to drink three liters of solution. The procedure ends 18 hours before the proposed intervention. For the rest of the time, only liquid food can be consumed.
  • "Transipeg" contains aromatic additives. To dilute one bag, half a liter of water is required. Adults are prescribed 2 packets of 5.9 g each. There is a children's drug with a dosage of 2.95 g. From a year to six years, 1-2 sachets are recommended, each of which is dissolved in a quarter glass of water.
  • Forlax powder includes sweeteners and flavorings of orange or grapefruit. The drug is contraindicated in children under 8 years of age. It is taken as a laxative once or twice a day. At the reception, dissolve a packet of powder in one glass of water. If you need to drink two packets a day, then one is taken in the morning, and the other in the evening. The effect of the drug persists for two days. The drug can be used to normalize the process of bowel movement for a long time. The recommended course duration is three months. If the problem persists, instrumental diagnostics are indicated.
  • "Forteza Rompharm" contains flavoring additives. The action of the drug occurs within the first two days. The drug is indicated for prolonged use (up to 3 months). Children from the age of twelve are prescribed one sachet. The recommended dose for adults is 1 or 2 packets. The contents of one packet are diluted with 200 ml of water. The preferred time is morning.

As a result of treatment, the function of evacuation of feces should be adjusted. If this does not happen, instrumental diagnostics are required.

All analogues of Fortrans have a similar effect. However, against the background of their intake, more pronounced side effects may appear.

Macrogol preparations contribute to the complete cleansing of the intestine, as a result of which its absorption capacity may be temporarily impaired.Such funds should only be taken with the consent of a doctor.