Even before conception, it is worth thinking about replenishing the vitamin-mineral reserve, as this is the key to a successful pregnancy. There are vitamins that positively affect the reproductive function of men and women. That is B9. Folic acid is very important when planning a pregnancy. It is prescribed even in the treatment of male and female infertility.
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Folic Acid Preparations
Unfortunately, vitamin B9, which is so useful for the reproductive system, is not synthesized by the body. It can only be obtained from the outside - along with food or medical supplies.
The list of medicines:
- Folic acid. Dosage depends on the manufacturer.
- Folacin. The dose in 1 tablet is 5 mg.
- Folic acid "9 months." Tablets specifically for pregnant women with a dosage of 0.4 mg.
- Foliber. The product contains B9 and B12.
- Elevit Pronatal. The drug is for pregnant women and women who are planning a pregnancy. Contains all the necessary substances.
- Maltofer. B9 and iron are included in the medication; it is used to treat and prevent iron deficiency anemia.
- Vitrum Prenatal. In the composition of tablets B9 at a dose of 800 mcg, as well as other necessary elements.
When choosing a vitamin complex, you should pay attention to the concentration of B9.
Pregnancy planning benefits
Folic acid for women is not the most important vitamin, but it plays a significant role in the onset and course of pregnancy.With its deficiency, the likelihood of congenital malformations of the fetus increases. That is why the norm of this vitamin must be taken care of at the stage of planning conception.
It helps prevent the following problems:
- mental underdevelopment of the baby;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- muscle weakness crumbs;
- defects in the development of the brain and spinal cord;
- ane and hydrocephalus;
- defects of the neural tube of the fetus;
- a cleft lip of a baby;
- fetal freezing;
- miscarriage;
- preterm delivery;
- placental abruption.
Taking this vitamin increases the likelihood of having a healthy baby. We can say that this is the prevention of fetal nervous system malformations.
Folic acid for men is a male strength vitamin. With its deficiency, erectile disorders can occur that lead to infertility. The component improves sperm quality and motility, respectively, increasing the chances of conception. And also the gastrointestinal tract and brain function are improved.
Note. For men, the selenium, zinc, vitamin E and C are also important for the effective functioning of the reproductive system.
Useful properties of B9:
- participates in protein and fat metabolism, cell division;
- improves fertility;
- increases appetite;
- favorably affects the digestive tract;
- participates in the formation of RNA and DNA, which are responsible for heredity;
- normalizes the state of the nervous system, improves mood;
- prevents atherosclerosis;
- maintains the required hormonal balance;
- improves skin condition.
With a deficiency of this substance, the chromosome set in the seminal fluid is disrupted, the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome increases.
Indications for the use of vitamin B9
The following conditions may become an indication for use:
- immunodeficiency;
- unbalanced nutrition;
- frequent acute respiratory viral infections, food poisoning;
- anemia;
- chronic constipation;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- psoriasis;
- depression, mental disorders, emotional instability;
- poor condition of nails and hair;
- a lot of weight.
With a deficiency of this vitamin, health problems appear in the body. You can recognize the lack of a substance by the following symptoms: fatigue, weakness, nervousness, irritability, decreased performance, apathy, pallor of the skin, worsening of the skin, nails and hair, weight loss. A person has emotional and physical exhaustion.
If the problem is not eliminated during pregnancy, the symptoms will worsen.
Note. Deficiency of this vitamin is diagnosed in every second woman of reproductive age.
How and how much should men and women take?
In order for pregnancy to proceed normally, you need to use B9 at the planning stage. It is better to start taking 2 months before the proposed conception, then the concentration of the vitamin will be sufficient.
Take tablets with food or 1 hour before meals. It is advisable to simultaneously use ascorbic acid. For maximum assimilation of nutrients, it is important to take care of a healthy intestinal microflora.
The dosage of folic acid should be determined by the doctor, you can not decide on the doses yourself. The consequences can be serious. The norm for men is 400 mgk (this is half a tablet) per day. For women, it is a little different. At the planning stage, enough 200-400 mcg in knocking, after pregnancy - 400-800 mcg.
Note. In some cases, B9 drugs are prescribed in very large doses, when a person is deficient in this substance. The dosage may be 1 mg 1–4 times a day.
During lactation, folic acid is a source of vitality and improves the quality of milk. For nursing, the dosage is 400-600 mcg.
Duration of Admission
Women need to continue taking B9 during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, since the reserves of this substance are quickly depleted, and there is no cumulative effect after consumption. A long period of admission will not harm the fetus.
Tablets for men should be taken until a woman has become pregnant.
Side effects and contraindications
B9 drugs can not be combined with the use of antibiotics, anticonvulsants, painkillers, anti-TB drugs, diuretics or hormonal contraceptives. Cytostatics and sulfonamides also impair vitamin absorption.
Contraindication to use is:
- allergies, including food products containing B9;
- malignant tumors.
Vitamin has low toxicity, is quickly processed and excreted from the body, so an overdose is unlikely. In case of individual intolerance to the substance or exceeding the permissible doses, allergic reactions may occur in the form of itching, redness of the skin and rashes. Sometimes urticaria appears, subfebrile body temperature rises.
If, despite side effects, continue to take the drug in high doses, severe allergic manifestations in the form of anaphylactic shock, bronchospasm, and later on bronchial asthma are possible. In this case, you can not do without medical care.
In order not to experience a deficiency of folic acid, you need to eat right, include foods with its content in the diet. But do not forget that after heat treatment, the concentration of vitamin is reduced by 80%.