Most often they talk about the indispensability of folic acid during pregnancy, but the drug is useful for girls in other periods of life, and it is also often required to maintain health for the stronger sex.
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Why folic acid is needed for women and men
Folic acid is not indispensable when planning a pregnancy. The substance under discussion facilitates conception. And further contributes to the healthy development of crumbs. It is necessary for him in the first trimester of an "interesting situation." After all, the tool affects the formation of the central nervous system. The health of the fetal nervous system depends on the vitamin in general.
Therefore, if a girl goes to her gynecologist and even reports indirect signs of pregnancy or her suspicions about this, she will probably be immediately prescribed folic acid.
Vitamin has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin (making it smoother and fresher), hair, nails (improving their structure).
It normalizes the hormonal background of a woman, and, in addition:
- reduces the likelihood of the appearance / development of dangerous tumors;
- normalizes menstruation (this is especially true for girls in puberty);
- helps to cope with postpartum depression faster;
- stops (or rather - somewhat delays) menopause.
We should also talk about the benefits of folic acid for men.Such a substance, for example, contributes to the active growth of hair in different parts of the body during puberty.
If vitamin B is not enough in the body of a young man, then this situation can negatively affect sperm synthesis. First of all, the number of low-quality sperm cells is increasing. This can lead to numerous hereditary ailments in the child.
Daily requirement
In order for the vitamin to bring the human body exclusively benefits, you will have to take folic acid strictly according to the scheme prescribed by a specialist. Interestingly, some of it accumulates in the liver. This "prudence" of the body allows you to prevent a serious shortage of substance for 4 to 6 months. If the vitamin does not continue to enter the body naturally (along with food), then you will need to take it separately in the form of pills.
In this case, you need to know exactly the daily rate of the substance for different situations. So, the body of an adult man needs 0.4 mg of vitamin per day, women 0.2 mg. In the "interesting position", this figure rises to 0.4 - 0.6 mg per day. The maximum dosage from these data is especially relevant for the period of lactation.
Signs of Vitamin B9 Deficiency and Excess
If there is a lack of the substance under discussion, then it will be possible to notice even the appearance of a person. The condition of the skin and hair will begin to deteriorate, causeless weight loss may occur. Against the background of his shortage, men and women often suffer from insomnia, depression, and suffer from a constant feeling of depression. If the patient suddenly noticed that his lips, eyelids and / or gums became slightly paler in color, such changes can also be considered signs of a deficiency of B9.
Most often, the first symptoms of vitamin B9 deficiency in the body can be noticed only after 20 to 30 days. The exact timing will depend on the human diet. The very first manifestations are irritability, loss of appetite, weakness even after a good rest.
Sometimes, even with proper balanced nutrition, vitamin B9 may be lacking in the human body. Most often, the cause of such a deficit is one or another ailment. For example, prolonged dysbiosis or any liver disease.
It happens that a person decides to cope with depression as soon as possible and begins to take it in an increased amount. Over time, this leads to an excess of substance. Excessive amounts of vitamin in the body are no less harmful than its lack. In this case, one can also talk about possible unpleasant consequences and signs.
Excess of it can be determined at home by the following signs:
- Unreasonable bitterness / taste of metal.
- Violations in the normal operation of the digestive tract.
- Small rash on the skin.
- Hyperactivity.
In order not to encounter such problems, you should always strictly follow the instructions for the use of a healthy vitamin. Usually it is put in a box with the drug. Or you can always find the information you need on thematic resources.
What products contain
A lot of vitamin is found in red meat. This is beef, as well as meat liver. Therefore, such products must be included in the menu of each person - both a child and an adult. For example, you can cook beef and liver 2 times a week.
Of other products, it is possible to find an important substance in the composition of cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, tuna and salmon. This list also includes peanuts, walnuts, oranges, birch leaves, currants, dandelion, mint, pumpkin, broccoli (and other types of cabbage), carrots, spinach, green salad of various varieties, and legumes.
With any treatment with high temperatures, more than 90 percent of the vitamin is completely destroyed. Therefore, it is advisable to eat the listed products in raw form (of course, this advice does not apply to meat and fish).
Drugs That Contain Folacin
The most convenient dosage form is folic acid tablets.It is easy to understand their dosage and take such a drug according to the recommended scheme. Currently, it is also the most budgetary medicine. One tablet will be enough to replenish the daily intake of a useful substance. If a woman previously had a vitamin deficiency, in the first trimester you can consume up to 2-3 pieces a day. The decision to change the dose is made by a specialist.
It is also available in the form of the Folacin medicine, which contains 5 mg of the substance immediately. Apo-folic is also similar in dosage and cost. Drugs are never prescribed for prevention, and are used only for acute deficiency of a substance in the body and the treatment of various serious ailments.
If you choose the complex drug "Folio" for taking, then you do not have to worry about the means with iodine. Folic acid contains 400 micrograms per tablet. It is optimal for prevention.
Usually, acid is included in special vitamin-mineral complexes for expectant mothers in the right amount. This, for example: "Elevit", "Prevent", "Materna". Of the drugs, the vitamin in question is absorbed better than from food.
How to take vitamin B9 medications when planning pregnancy
If parents are preparing to conceive a child, then vitamin B9 should be taken in advance. It is best to go to the doctor for this and ask him to prescribe a suitable drug. And then - strictly follow its instructions for use.
Usually, when planning a representative of the fair sex, 1 mg of funds per day is prescribed. But this provided she does not suffer from a lack of vitamin. Otherwise, the recommended dosage can be increased by 2 to 3 times.
It will be enough for men to take 0.7 - 1 mg of folic acid per day. It is advisable to start drinking the vitamin a couple of weeks before conception.
Interaction with other substances
If a woman takes oral contraceptives, then she needs more of this important vitamin. In this case, you need to adjust the recommended dosage with your doctor. Any anticonvulsant drugs have the same effect.
Contraindications and side effects
It is forbidden to take folic acid for babies up to 3 years old, as well as for people suffering from liver and kidney diseases. The list includes individual intolerance to the substance and increased patient irritability. With caution, you need to use preparations with vitamin B9 in the composition for various types of anemia.
In rare cases, taking folic acid can cause gastrointestinal tract disorders, halitosis and taste, and respiratory failure. Usually, taking a substance within the normal range is not accompanied by any side effects.
Remember the importance of folic acid is necessary not only on the eve of conception or during pregnancy. This substance is necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. If it is not possible to consume a sufficient amount of vitamin with food, it is worth taking it for prophylactic purposes in the form of tablets, but only after consultation with the doctor.