Candida yeast infection or candidiasis is one of the most common diseases. A pathogenic fungus can affect any part of the body, the oral cavity and genitals. Quite often, local remedies are not enough, so doctors resort to systemic antimycotics in tablets, such as Fluconazole 150 mg. The drug in this dosage is most often prescribed for the treatment of genital thrush in men and women.

The composition of the antifungal drug

Fluconazole is an antifungal agent with the same formulation in the composition. The medicine is available in capsules, 1 or 2 pieces per pack. As the name implies, each capsule contains 150 mg of fluconazole.
Starch, lactose, and magnesium stearate are used as auxiliary and form-forming components in the manufacture of the drug. The capsule shell consists of gelatin, titanium dioxide and dye E 132.

The drug is produced by domestic pharmaceutical companies, has a democratic cost and is presented in all pharmacies.

When is fluconazole 150 mg prescribed?

150 mg fluconazole is the same “magic” pill for thrush. This drug in such a high dosage is prescribed as part of the complex therapy of candidiasis in women and men. The medicine in this case acts quickly, helping to get rid of the symptoms of the disease in one go.

Other indications for use:

  • cryptococcosis;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • systemic mycoses.

The medicine is prescribed for the prevention of fungal infections in patients with chronic diseases and an increased tendency to infection with the fungus. So, the tool is used to prevent fungal infections of the throat and skin in patients with AIDS.

The drug is used to treat fungal infections of the feet and nails by a pathogen sensitive to the main active substance. However, in the treatment of dermatomycosis, a long systemic administration of the drug in a lower dosage (50 mg per day) is necessary.

Capsule instructions

The capsule should be drunk after a meal with a sufficient amount of clean water. Do not chew or break the capsule.

  • Fluconazole 150 mg capsules are usually prescribed for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. In acute thrush, it is necessary to take a therapeutic dose once.

The maximum concentration of the active substance in blood plasma is observed 30-90 minutes after taking the therapeutic dose, so the symptoms of candidiasis quickly recede.

In severe cases, when the disease is aggravated by a secondary infection (vaginitis), it is recommended to take one capsule on the first and third day of treatment.

In case of chronic thrush in women, one capsule of medication is often prescribed weekly for 4-6 weeks. This scheme is effective only if a comprehensive treatment of thrush with local action has been carried out. If a woman treats thrush with fluconazole, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of passing the fungus to a partner.

Doctors recommend joint treatment, for a man in this case it is also necessary to take either one therapeutic dose or two tablets with an interval of one day.

With mycosis of the skin of the feet, a dermatologist can prescribe taking large doses of fluconazole for a long time. Quite often, patients are prescribed one capsule of 150 mg per day for several months. The treatment of mycosis should be agreed with the doctor, since Fluconazole is active only against yeast, therefore, with some types of fungal infection, this drug is ineffective.

Cryptococcal meningitis is treated by taking large doses of fluconazole (1-2 tablets per day) for several weeks.

During pregnancy and lactation

The drug for thrush should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation. The drug quickly accumulates in the blood plasma, crosses the placenta and can have a negative effect on the fetus. The active substance passes into breast milk, therefore, with lactation, the medicine is prohibited.

Drug interaction

Instructions for use of the drug contain an impressive list of potentially dangerous and undesirable drug interactions that you need to familiarize yourself with before taking the drug.

  1. Concomitant use with cisapride is potentially dangerous for the development of side effects from the cardiovascular system.
  2. The combination of fluconazole with erythromycin is potentially dangerous, since an antifungal drug increases the cardiotoxicity of the antibiotic. In severe cases, this can be fatal due to cardiac arrest, so this combination of drugs is prohibited.
  3. Concomitant use with anticoagulants is not recommended due to the risk of internal bleeding.
  4. When taken with phenytoin, an increase in the hepatotoxicity of the latter is noted, therefore, such a combination is potentially dangerous.
  5. The drug is prescribed with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus, since an antifungal agent can reduce the effectiveness of sugar-lowering drugs.

Fluconazole should not be combined with other antifungal tablets. In the treatment of fungal vaginitis in women, candles are additionally prescribed; in the treatment of balanitis or balanoposthitis in men, it is indicated to use an antifungal cream or ointment.

Contraindications and side effects

Fluconazole helps get rid of diseases caused by yeast fungi, however, if infected with other infections, it can be ineffective, so taking the medicine should be done only as directed by your doctor.

Absolute contraindications:

  • drug intolerance;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • terfenadine therapy.

The drug is prescribed with caution in patients with renal and hepatic insufficiency. In these cases, it is recommended to consider the possibility of treatment with small doses of the drug.

The medicine is unsafe and often causes adverse reactions.

The most common negative effects that occur with antifungal medication:

  • headache;
  • anemia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • decreased appetite;
  • violation of potassium metabolism;
  • insomnia;
  • cramps and tremors;
  • tachycardia;
  • dermatitis and urticaria.

If adverse reactions occur, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of replacing the drug with an analogue of another composition. In general, with a single dose of a large dose of the drug, no side effects are observed. They occur only with the systematic administration of fluconazole.

Analogues of the drug

Fluconazole is the most popular and popular drug due to its fast action and affordable cost. Full analogues of Fluconazole - Diflucan, Futsis, Flukostat, Mikosist. These drugs have the same composition and dosage, therefore, are interchangeable.

If fluconazole is intolerant, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of taking the following medicines:

  • Itraconazole;
  • Nystatin;
  • Candidral
  • Irunin.

All these drugs are active against yeast and have the same indications for use. It is recommended that you consult with your doctor about which medicine will be the optimal replacement for fluconazole.

  • Kristina

    I never used it, when I had a fungus on my foot, I immediately started washing my feet with laundry soap and smearing them with misol gel, so my mother was able to cure the fungus, I probably did it for a couple of months and was finally able to get rid of the fungus too )