Ciprofloxacin: instructions for use, release form, composition, dosage, antibiotic analogues

Ciprofloxacin is a universal medicine with antibiotic effect. It is used in various fields of medicine with one goal - to destroy the pathogenic microflora inside the body and accelerate ...

Treatment of osteochondrosis: symptoms, diagnosis and methods of treatment of the disease

Treatment of osteochondrosis, depending on its type and stage, can be either conservative or surgical. The decision is made by the doctor based on the history and ...

Is it possible to wash with chickenpox for children and adults: how and when to swim with rashes ...

Chickenpox is a common infectious disease that affects mainly children, so parents often ask themselves: “Can I wash with chickenpox?” Another ten years ...

Isoprinosine: instructions for use, analogues

Weakened immunity becomes the reason that viruses attack the body and bring unpleasant diseases. The antiviral medication Isoprinosine is able to improve protection against harmful infections. Of what...

How to treat stomatitis in children and adults at home

Despite the fact that not much is known about small ulcers and inflammations on the surface of the oral mucosa, even a person knows how to treat stomatitis ...

Actovegin: analogues of the drug in tablets, ampoules and in other forms of release

Actovegin is referred to as medicines that improve the body's absorption of oxygen. This is a kind of accelerator of cellular metabolic processes, so the medicine has found wide use for the treatment of various ...

How to increase testosterone in men by natural methods and drugs

Masculinity, courage, courage and strength are qualities that most women would like to see in their life partner. However, not everyone knows that he is responsible for everything ...

Carotid disease (African trypanosomiasis): symptoms, pathogen, vector, diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Tourists visiting different countries often have to face the risk of all kinds of diseases that are uncharacteristic of their home region. Particularly dangerous is a visit to some parts of Africa and ...

How many days is chickenpox contagious before and after the rash begins, how not to get chickenpox ...

According to statistics, about 85% of all people on the planet suffer from chickenpox at least once in their lives. This virus is very volatile. About how many days ...

Chlorhexidine bigluconate: instructions for use, disinfectant analogues

A universal antiseptic with a pronounced antimicrobial effect - this is how chlorhexidine bigluconate can be described. The chlorhexidine solution helps not only remove pathogenic microflora from certain areas ...

Nephrologist: what the doctor treats as a nephrologist, how is it different from a urologist

Few people know what a nephrologist treats and what the specifics of his work consist of. This doctor has a very narrow specialization and focuses solely on diagnosis, ...

How hepatitis C is transmitted - options, the first symptoms of the disease

Many people are aware of such a dangerous disease as hepatitis B, since according to the law, all newborns are vaccinated against it in the hospital. But this...

Ketorol: instructions for use, what helps, analogues

The drug became popular due to a strong analgesic, moderate anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. Ketorol helps with joint, headache, muscle pain. The tool is used in surgery, dentistry, orthopedics, ...

Heparin ointment: instructions for use, what helps, composition, analogues

With vascular diseases of the upper skin words, the doctor may prescribe heparin ointment. It is worth considering in more detail what specific diagnoses precede such an appointment, as well as find out ...

Vazobral: instructions for use, analogues of the drug

Vazobral is an Italian combined pharmaceutical agent that effectively improves blood circulation in cerebral and peripheral vessels, and has a psychostimulating effect. The drug is characterized by increased safety, a small list ...

Ointment Levomekol: instructions for use, what helps, composition, analogues

Levomekol ointment is known for its wound healing and antimicrobial action. It is used in such fields of medicine as dermatology, dentistry, surgery and gynecology. Deserved attention due to the fast healing ...

Pantogam: instructions for use, for which purpose

Pantogam belongs to the group of nootropics. This drug contributes to the normalization of brain functions and blood supply to its tissues. Taking a medicinal composition can improve attention and memory, as well as ...

Clotrimazole candles: instructions for use, analogues

Today, manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry offer women a variety of formulations designed to treat thrush. However, it is suppositories recognized as the most effective, ...

Uroprofit: instructions for use, capsule composition, analogues

Few modern medicines are based on natural ingredients. Uroprofit is a tool whose composition is based on biologically active substances. It is the soft directional effect that allows you to get rid ...

How to treat psoriasis? Causes and symptoms of the disease, methods of treating psoriasis at home folk ...

Those who happen to experience a disease like psoriasis are familiar with all of its unpleasant symptoms. For good, only a specialist can recommend how to treat psoriasis, ...

Suprastin: instructions for use for children and adults, release forms, composition, analogues of the drug from ...

The highly effective drug Suprastin or Chloropyramine is prescribed to prevent, as well as eliminate the signs of allergies. The medicine has a quick effect and thereby reduces the unpleasant symptoms of the disease ....

Suprastin for children: instructions for use, composition, release form, analogues

Suprastin is classified as a first-generation antihistamine. Despite the fact that the pharmaceutical industry today presents a lot of its safer counterparts, it is still ...

"Acyclovir Akrikhin": instructions for use, composition of ointment and tablets, analogues

The medication will work efficiently, but for this you must follow the instructions, do not exceed the dosages indicated by the doctor, and also take into account that any remedy ...

Trimedat: instructions for use, composition of tablets, dosage for adults and children, analogues

An antispasmodic affects the intestines and, to a lesser extent, other gastrointestinal organs. "Trimedat" helps with dyspepsia, spastic colitis, flatulence. A feature of the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is ...

Ergoferon: instructions for use for children and adults, analogues

For the treatment of infections of various etiologies, patients are often prescribed Ergoferon. This is a powerful tool that provides recovery in the shortest possible time without harming the body. His welcome ...

Lactofiltrum: instructions for use, analogues, how to take for weight loss

Lactofiltrum is an enterosorbent that binds toxins and easily removes them from the body through the intestines. Now in pharmacies you can find a large number of such drugs. However...

Clover meadow: description, medicinal properties and application of the plant

Herbaceous perennial grows along river banks, in meadows, forest edges, along roads. Meadow clover is valued in agriculture, traditional medicine, herbal medicine. The plant enriches the soil with nitrogen, ...

Carotid paralysis: what are it, causes and symptoms of the condition, how to get rid of carotid stupor

Sleep paralysis is a sleep disorder, the characteristic feature of which is the inability to make any movement or say a word. For many years, people attributed this condition ...

How to lose weight quickly and effectively at home: the fastest way to lose weight and ...

Many women (and men) are interested in how to lose weight quickly, simply and independently, without turning to specialists for help. To achieve the desired, you will need to observe immediately ...

Neuromultivitis: composition, instructions for use of the drug in tablets and injections, analogues

The composition of Neuromultivitis consists of B vitamins, which stimulate metabolic processes in the tissues of the nervous system and improve cellular regeneration. After treatment with this drug, an increase is observed ...

Ibuklin - what helps? Instructions for use, composition, dosage for adults and children, ...

"Ibuklin" - a complex medication consisting of non-steroidal drugs that relieve inflammation. Against the background of the treatment, the fever decreases, pain and fever are eliminated. In our article in detail ...

Ibuprofen tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, composition

Ibuprofen tablets are often prescribed to relieve pain and normalize body temperature. Their widespread use is explained by the therapeutic effect and effectiveness of the drug, which are fully understood, and ...

Cortexin: instructions for use for adults and children, injections and tablets

“Cortexin” is a nootropic drug classified as a protein bioregulator. This medication helps to normalize brain processes, protects tissues from toxins, eliminates seizures and ...

Levocarnitine (L-carnitine): instructions for use, indications and contraindications, form of release

Levocarnitine is not only a drug that has become popular among the masses due to its ability to accelerate metabolism, but also an important element of internal amino acid synthesis. He is different ...

Loratadine tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, analogues

Loratadine is one of the most commonly prescribed anti-allergic drugs. It is recognized by the international community and is included in the list of vital medical supplies. Due...

Drops Sinupret: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, analogues

Acute rhinitis and sinusitis are most common in the cold season. With a running cold, runny nose, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and respiratory tract, Sinupret drops help well ...

Herbion: instructions for use against dry and wet cough

Preparations based on extracts from plants are considered safe and effective. KRKA Herbion syrups are often used in the complex treatment of colds accompanied by cough ....

Concor: instructions for use, analogues, what are they taking from?

Concor in the instructions for use is presented as a medicine of selective effect on 1-adrenergic receptors, designed to treat diseases accompanied by high blood pressure, complicated heart function ...

Phenotropil: instructions for use, analogues, what to replace

“Fenotropil” is an active medication from the class of stimulants of metabolic and energy processes in brain neurons, designed to correct higher brain functions, improve memory and ...

Kagocel's analogues: cheaper and Russian, a list of antiviral drugs

Pathogenic viruses are the cause of many pathological conditions and diseases of children and adults. Viral particles are available for medication only until penetration or after ...

Cycloferon: instructions for use for adults and children, release form, composition, analogues of an antiviral drug

"Cycloferon" belongs to a number of antiviral, immunostimulating drugs that induce interferon. This is a domestic product that has proven effective in the fight against viruses and bacteria. Known in Russian ...

Smecta: instructions for use for adults and children, what helps and how to breed, ...

Antidiarrheal, sorption and antitoxic effects of the drug are due to the properties of diosmectite. The instructions for use "Smecta" contains the entire list of indications. It is indicated that the medicine is used as ...

Phloxal, eye drops for children: instructions for use, analogues of the drug

Eye drops "Floksal" - a tool used to combat bacteria that accidentally hit the mucous membranes. The medication acts carefully, without affecting the systemic circulation, therefore ...

Eye drops Levomycetin: instructions for use for adults and children

Pathogenic bacteria under favorable conditions begin active reproduction, causing many diseases. Bacterial infections can affect absolutely any system of the human body or an individual organ, and ...

Enterol: instructions for use for children and adults, which helps, how to take and ...

The medicine is taken for diarrhea, an imbalance of microflora and intestinal diseases. “Enterol” contains unicellular ascomycetes fungi displacing pathogenic microbes from the gastrointestinal tract. The biomaterial in the composition of the drug has an immunobiological ...

Keto diet - what is it? Description, a list of keto-diet products, a weekly menu for women and ...

It is unlikely that the keto diet will appeal to the sweet tooth. But lovers of nutritious food will surely like it. The basis of the unique system are protein products and lipids - they and ...

Linex: instructions for use for children, analogues

Linex is a tool that everyone has probably heard of.But not everyone understands the mechanism of its action. This is a powerful eubiotic that can normalize in the shortest possible time ...

Can a virgin get pregnant? Chance of conception without penetration

Modern young people often get their first sexual experience in an unusual way. It can be petting or imitation of sexual intercourse, when for frictions a guy uses ...

Arthrosan: instructions for use and composition of various forms of release: injections, tablets, ointment - analogues ...

"Arthrosan" is a complex-action medication prescribed by doctors for a variety of diseases and conditions associated with joint damage. The medicine has its own list of contraindications and ...

Nixar: instructions for the use of allergy pills, active ingredient, analogues

The Spanish drug Nixar in the instructions for use is presented as one of the powerful specific medicines among the 2nd generation anti-allergic drugs, which has a speed of action and a proven ...

Fermatron: instructions for use, analogues of the drug

Fermathron is recognized as one of the most effective drugs for treating various joint problems. This medicine is produced in the UK, and it is presented in ...

Linex Forte: instructions for use for adults and children, analogues

Digestion is an extremely unpleasant condition, not only causing a lot of inconvenience, but also often leading to life-threatening consequences. When dyspeptic disorders are caused by dysbiosis, ...

Asparkam: instructions for use, indications, analogues

The tool restores the electrolyte balance, disrupted by the loss of potassium and magnesium, with diseases, sports, weight loss. Best of all, Asparkam copes with cardiac arrhythmias. Domestic drug is much ...

Metronidazole - what is it prescribed for? Instructions for use, release form, analogues of the drug

Metronidazole is a common drug with antiprotozoal and antibacterial properties. Its widespread use is explained by accessibility and a wide range of effects. But to figure out why ...

Reduxin instructions for use, weight loss analogues, side effects

The unique drug Reduxin impresses with its “skills”. It is able to specifically affect the human brain, reducing appetite. And, in addition, it increases energy consumption, which ...

No-Shpa: instructions for use, indications during pregnancy, which helps, is it possible for children, analogues

The medicine "No-shpa" is known to everyone. This is not surprising, since the remedy helps in a few minutes to relieve the pain provoked by spasm. The medication is inexpensive, but helps in ...

Analogs of Midokalm in tablets and ampoules

Muscle relaxant drugs help relieve pain and spasm in arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases caused by disorders in the bones and nerves. Analogs of Midokalm contain such ...

Cyprolet: instructions for use, from which an antibiotic, analogues

Tsiprolet is an effective antibiotic that helps to cope with various pathologies. It destroys the bacteria that provoke inflammation, and thereby leads to a quick recovery ....

Prednisolone: ​​instructions for use, what is prescribed, indications, analogues

"Prednisolone" is a universal medicine of hormonal origin, which helps in cases where other medicines are ineffective. It is prescribed to many patients with a wide variety of pathologies, ...

Stomatitis in children: symptoms and treatment at home

Any diseases of the oral cavity give the child a lot of unpleasant sensations, especially when it comes to childhood stomatitis. This inflammatory process is often accompanied by a weakening of the immune ...

Ascoril: instructions for use for children and adults, analogues

An unpleasant symptom of seasonal colds is a cough. It can last a long time and bring a lot of trouble to the patient. An effective tool to combat this symptom is Ascoril ....

Cardiomagnyl: instructions for use, what is it for, analogues

The heart and blood vessels need protection, because the state of the whole organism depends on their health. Cardiomagnyl is a rather popular means of advertising due to advertising, which is often prescribed ...

"Aspirin Cardio": instructions for use, how to take, analogues

"Aspirin Cardio" is, in fact, acetylsalicylic acid, which is available in any home medicine cabinet. Very often this is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory - the first assistant for headaches and ...

Remantadine: instructions for use, analogues of the drug, which helps

Many modern pharmaceutical products for the prevention and treatment of colds and flu often have a relatively high cost. But there is a well-known drug, proven by no one ...

Duphaston during pregnancy: instructions for use in planning and in early pregnancy

An attempt by a woman to become pregnant is unlikely to succeed if her body has insufficient levels of progesterone. Such hormonal disorders affect not only the possibility of conception, but ...

Hepatitis B - as transmitted, symptoms, vaccination against hepatitis B

Viral infections are the most common human diseases. Viruses are parasites that, when introduced into the cell, destroy it, resulting in disruption of various ...

How to get rid of insomnia: the best medicines and folk remedies

Sleep disturbances are an unpleasant phenomenon that adversely affects human health. More serious than this pathology is only insomnia. How to get rid of insomnia for people of different sexes and ...

Metformin: instructions for use, how to take for weight loss, analogues

"Metformin" is a medication specially designed to moderate and safely reduce blood sugar levels, and at the same time used to reduce excess weight. One ...

Cycloferon tablets: instructions for use by adults and children, the antiviral drug regimen

The drug "Cycloferon" is a powerful remedy for viruses, which is used in the treatment of adults and small patients. For therapy to be successful, you must carefully observe ...

Amoxiclav: analogues are cheaper and Russian, the composition of the antibiotic (active ingredients)

The antibacterial drug is effective against common pathogens of angina and other infectious diseases. Structural analogues of Amoxiclav, like this antibiotic, belong to the generation of protected penicillins ....

Mukaltin: instructions for use by adults and children, how to take during pregnancy and HBV, with ...

The cough can be relieved by the inexpensive and natural preparation Mukaltin, the instructions for use of which are simple and understandable. Cough - a protective reaction of the body to the lungs ...

English diet: a detailed menu for 21 and 7 days, the principle of protein-vegetable diet

A special English diet was invented by British nutritionists. It was they who came up with such a simple and effective food system. You can eat in this way for a long time, achieving delicious ...

Infectious mononucleosis in children and adults, symptoms and treatment

The disease proceeds with fever, swollen lymph nodes and spleen. If the immune system is strong, then infectious mononucleosis passes faster or does not manifest in any way. The virus is in ...

Effective antiviral drugs for children under 1 year, 1-3 and after 3 years

Kids are especially vulnerable to viral infections of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and skin. Modern antiviral drugs for children help prevent and treat acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, chickenpox, and herpes. Interferons ...

Enalapril: instructions for use, what helps?

Probably every person feels high blood pressure throughout his life. Someone recovers it on their own, but someone needs pharmaceuticals to do this ...

Ointment Levomekol: what helps, instructions for use

Many do not know why they are prescribing the remedy, and why the Levomekol ointment helps. This homogeneous mass of dense texture of snow-white or slightly yellowish color is excellent ...

Distilled water - features. Is it possible to drink distilled water and how to make it in ...

For residents of modern megalopolises, distilled water has become more accessible - it is prepared in domestic distillers. Why is such water needed, what are its advantages and ...

Stomatitis in adults, treatment at home, medication and folk remedies

Treatment of stomatitis in adults should be carried out only under the supervision of a qualified doctor. Severe forms of the disease can provoke a lot of complications, including general intoxication of the body and damage ...

How to take Enterosgel for adults and children? Instructions for use, composition, analogues

Enterosgel belongs to the group of sorbing agents. It is used in the treatment of various kinds of intoxications and other conditions that develop due to the presence of harmful substances and pathogens ...

Periodontitis: causes, symptoms and treatment of periodontal inflammation

Tissues that allow teeth to stay in the gums are collectively called periodontal. And periodontitis is an inflammatory process that affects these areas. Most often, such a problem ...

Clotrimazole: instructions for use of ointment, tablets, drop and spray

“Clotrimazole” is familiar to many as a pharmaceutical preparation in the form of ointments or creams with a strong antifungal effect, used externally. However, pharmacology offers a wide selection of remedies for this ...

Bilateral pneumonia in adults and children: symptoms, diagnosis, duration of treatment, rehabilitation

Bilateral pneumonia is a severe disease that causes damage to both lungs. The disease is dangerous because with untimely and incorrect treatment it can provoke the occurrence of numerous ...

Grandaxinum: instructions for use, for what purpose, analogues

Grandaxinum is a medication tranquilizing drug that reduces anxiety, suppresses fears and emotional and mental stress. Included in the group of anxiolytic drugs, or ataraxics (anti-anxiety drugs), II ...

Burpy - what is it, the technique of proper execution, the benefits of losing weight

Weight loss or the desire to be in good shape are directly related to physical activity. Burpee is a unique physical complex that allows you to use almost all muscles at once. Seemingly ...

Treatment of rosacea on the face: causes, symptoms, drugs and treatments for rosacea

Redness and abscesses arising on the forehead, cheeks and chin due to the development of rosacea are the main culprits of the appearance of complexes relative to their own appearance. Similar defects, or how ...

Folic acid for men: benefits when planning a pregnancy, instructions for use

In addition to vitamin and mineral complexes, expectant mothers are prescribed folic acid. But this enzyme, also called vitamin B9, is also important at the planning stage ...

Can kvass be pregnant: recommendations in the first, second and third trimester

During pregnancy, a woman must be especially careful about the choice of dishes and drinks. It is important to build on not only taste preferences, but also their beneficial ...

Ketorolac: instructions for use, analogues, which helps

Ketorolac is a highly effective, non-narcotic drug with significant analgesic effect, and related to non-hormonal drugs with anti-inflammatory activity. Additionally reduces heat and prevents ...

Drinking diet for 7 days: menu, basic principle, features, pros and cons, contraindications

Drinking a diet for 7 days is a simple and quick way to adjust weight without tiring workouts. The basic principle of a drinking diet for a week The main principle is to ...

Ibuprofen: indications for use in adults and children, release form

Ibuprofen is a fairly popular medicine, which is distributed throughout the world. This is one of the best analgesics that stop inflammatory processes. It remains to find out what the indications for the use of Ibuprofen are. Forms ...

Diet for psoriasis - Pegano and Fire: product tables of what you can and cannot ...

Diet for psoriasis plays a significant role in the treatment of the disease. Eating on the recommendations of specialists, it will be possible to cleanse the skin from psoriatic rashes and get rid of other painful ...

Movalis: analogues are cheaper - in injections and in tablets

In the fight against pain caused by the inflammatory process, people are looking for effective analgesics. Movalis is considered one of the most effective and affordable drugs in the fight against ...

Badger fat: medicinal properties and contraindications, use, and from which it helps

Therapy of various diseases with natural gifts of nature is by no means a rarity; more and more people are resorting to it. The main criterion for the selection of such funds is considered to be ...

Nimesulide: instructions for use, what is prescribed?

You cannot tolerate acute pain: you must immediately take measures to eliminate it. Many as an "ambulance" resort to the drug "Nimesulide." How does it affect ...

Hydradenitis (hidradenitis): causes, symptoms, treatment

Hydradenitis is an inflammation that develops in the sweat apocrine glands, which has its own structure, structure and located in the axillary areas of the body. The glands in the armpits are ...

Japanese diet for 14 days, daily menu, food table

The results of those who have tried the Japanese diet are staggering. Slenderness of a geisha becomes understandable and affordable! The menu of the Japanese diet for 14 days is quite budgetary, but it really requires ...

Nurofen: instructions for use of syrup, tablets, suppositories and gel

Fever is a harbinger of many diseases. Getting to the treatment of pathology, it is necessary to bring down the fever and remove pain symptoms that can worsen the patient's condition. The drug "Nurofen" quickly ...

"Troxevasin": instructions for use, analogues, how to apply ointment, tablets, gel

If a state of health requires strengthening vessels in any part of the body, medications from the venotonic category are used. Troxevasin can also be attributed to them. Release form and composition A drug...

Gastroenterologist - what treats and what kind of doctor?

Gastroenterology is the section of medicine that deals with the study of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. These include the stomach, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, and intestines. Gastroenterologist –...

Postpartum hemorrhoids: signs, symptoms, treatment with breastfeeding

Postpartum hemorrhoids are one of the most common diseases. But most clinical cases suggest the onset of the disease before pregnancy, just a wonderful period becomes a catalyst ...

Lizobakt: instructions for use for children and adults, analogues

With ENT diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature, the use of local antiseptics is recommended. These drugs are designed to combat pathogenic microflora and maintain immunity. One such medicine is ...

Testosterone: level and norm in men, how to increase in natural ways and tablets

It is believed that male strength is determined by the quantitative indicator of testosterone in the body of a man. The lack of this hormone, as well as its excess, can cause serious damage ...

Cialis: instructions for use, analogues to increase potency

Disorders of sexual function occur in men of any age. This condition is characterized by an absent or weakened erection, as well as premature ejaculation. To treat such disorders, ...

Uterine endometriosis: what is it, symptoms and treatment

Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease. According to statistics, every 4 women aged 25 to 50 years suffer from this ailment. In today's article we’ll talk ...

Human anthrax: symptoms and signs, how anthrax is transmitted

Anthrax is a serious illness that often ends in a person dying. The main source of infection is livestock and wild animals. In today's article, consider the main symptoms ...

Aspirin: instructions for use

Aspirin is a non-steroidal drug with a wide spectrum of effects. It is used not only for pain or fever, but also for diseases of the cardiovascular system. However...

How does chickenpox begin in children: incubation period, first signs and symptoms

Many mothers want in theory to understand how chickenpox begins in children, and what actions to take at the first signals of its appearance. This disease occurs ...

Chickenpox in children and adults: symptoms, treatment, prevention of chickenpox virus infection

Among the most common infections affecting the child's body is chickenpox. In order for her to get sick, it is enough to make contact with a sick person. It provokes a disease ...

Folic acid during pregnancy: dosage, how to take women and men when planning pregnancy

Most often they talk about the indispensability of folic acid during pregnancy, but the drug is useful for girls in other periods of life, as well as it is often required ...

Hepatitis C: symptoms and treatment, how is it transmitted?

This disease is called the "silent killer" for the lack of characteristic signs and a high risk of complications. Chronic hepatitis C is most difficult to treat. Modern therapy, thanks to antiviral ...

Clotrimazole ointment: instructions for use for women and men, analogues

The tool is intended for external treatment of fungus. In the instructions for clotrimazole ointment, you can find a complete list of microbes sensitive to the drug. The medicine destroys the cells of the fungus or ...

Grenadine Syrup (Grenadine): composition, taste, how to cook at home. 5 cocktail recipes with ...

Thick and sweet grenadine syrup is added to alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. It not only adds sweetness to the drink, but also makes its color more saturated ...

Prostate adenoma in men: symptoms, diagnosis, effective methods of treatment

Prostate adenoma in men, the symptoms whose treatment has been well studied today, manifests itself mainly in people of mature years and is manifested by hyperplasia of the paraurethral glands. Competent therapy is capable of ...

Nutrition for pancreatitis: a list of products, a menu for chronic and acute pancreatic inflammation

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. This disease is painful for a person in both acute and chronic form. Constant pain, debilitating nausea, periodic vomiting ... Without ...

Community-acquired pneumonia - what is it? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia

The term "community-acquired pneumonia" means a whole group of diseases characterized by common localization and similar signs of manifestation. However, the causes of the disease, its course and further prognosis in each ...

Treatment of knee arthrosis: drugs, exercises, folk remedies, diet

Periodically aching pain in the knee joint while walking can signal the presence of such an unpleasant disease as arthrosis. The disease develops due to the destruction of cartilage, ...

Milgamma injections: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, the composition of vitamins, analogues

Very often, neurological ailments are accompanied by intolerable pains, from which, it seems, there is no deliverance. Nevertheless, for such situations there is a quick and easy way out - injections ...

Injections Mexidol: instructions for use, what is prescribed, analogues

Mexidol injections can help in various situations related to problems of the nervous system, and not only. The list of indications for use is quite wide, but the decision to ...

Proper nutrition for weight loss: menus and recipes for the day, week

Of great importance in the process of losing weight is proper nutrition, a well-composed, balanced menu and a complete rejection of certain products. The basic principles of good nutrition for weight loss Even regularly ...

Atarax: instructions for use, for which tablets, analogues are prescribed

Increased anxiety, nervous tension - conditions that complicate professional activities, family life, rest. Atarax helps to cope with unreasonable fears and nervousness. Mild sedative, anxiolytic ...

Flebodia 600 or Detralex - which is better for varicose veins? Comparison of drugs: composition, price, indications ...

To find out what is best with varicose veins Flebodia 600 or Detralex, it is easier by comparing the characteristics. Compare the features of the composition, indications, cost of drugs. Find out whether it is possible to reduce ...

Chickenpox in adults: symptoms, signs and complications, treatment and prevention of the disease

Chicken pox refers to the so-called childhood diseases, which are typical for babies. In childhood, it proceeds quickly and easily, without causing a strong ...

Ascorutin: instructions for use, indications, why and how to take, analogues

Ascorutin contains vitamins necessary for full human life. Thanks to them, the medicine serves to prevent various diseases, and is also included in the course ...

What white chocolate is made of: composition, benefits and harms. 5 homemade cooking recipes ...

The first samples of white chocolate were made in 1930. Nestle has developed a new recipe for a popular treat. It is noteworthy that in Russia products without cocoa beans ...

Sweetener Fit Parad: benefits and harms, composition, types, properties, diabetes

“Fit Parade” is a sweetener that is sold on store shelves and is positioned by the manufacturer as a completely natural and healthy product. Is it really so, you can ...

Paracetamol: composition, instructions for use, release form for children and adults

An agent with antipyretic properties should always be in the medicine cabinet, especially during seasonal colds. Doctors recommend the use of pharmaceuticals with paracetamol in the composition. What is it like ...

Folic acid (vitamin B9): instructions for use, for which women and men need it, how ...

Folic acid, folacin, or vitamin B9 is a compound that is produced by the human body, and it is also present in some foods. For the first time this enzyme was ...

Glycine: how to take tablets for adults and children, which means buccally, indications and instructions for ...

Depression, stress, problems with memory and concentration, insomnia and increased aggressiveness - these are the "charms" of a modern, saturated rhythm of life. If the body is not able ...

Ranitidine - what helps? Indications and instructions for use of tablets, analogues

The tool helps to eliminate the causes, symptoms and consequences of gastrointestinal diseases that occur against a background of changes in the secretion of gastric acid. Most patients need to know how the medicine works, ...

Sinus arrhythmia of the heart: what is it, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

According to WHO statistics, approximately 15% of all heart pathologies are arrhythmias. In the last decade, this figure has been growing steadily, and if earlier from such ...

Hemorrhoidal thrombosis: symptoms, treatment methods for hemorrhoids complications

Hemorrhoids refers to the type of disease that is very difficult to tell about to native people, and even to a doctor. But if you do not start the treatment of the disease ...

Diet for gastric ulcer: menu, list of food products for gastric ulcer

Diet for gastric ulcer is an integral and strict condition for the patient. From its observance depends on how successful the treatment will be and the prevention of relapse. This article...

Autism in children - signs of symptoms, what is it and how is it diagnosed?

Autism, or Kanner’s syndrome, is a mental disorder that occurs against a background of low social adaptation. Children with such a disease do not seek interaction with others ...

Amoxicillin tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, analogues

Some diseases can be eliminated only with the use of special medications - antibiotics. These are means that can destroy pathogenic microorganisms in a short time, which ...

Detox diet for cleansing the body and losing weight: program and menu for 3, 7 and 10 ...

A unique detox diet allows everyone to not only say goodbye to extra pounds, but also to cleanse their body of pollution accumulating over years. The result is improving ...

Diet for pregnant women: to reduce weight, with gestational diabetes, salt-free diet for edema, ...

The usual course of a woman’s life changes dramatically at the moment when she finds out about her interesting situation. From this day on, she needs to take care not only ...

Syphilis: symptoms in men and women, pathogen, pathways of infection, treatment, prevention

Many people mistakenly believe that syphilis in men and women is a consequence of sexual promiscuity. This is a fallacy, and despite the fact that it is often transmitted ...

Scarlet fever in children: symptoms and treatment, what is this disease and how is it transmitted?

Scarlet fever is a very common infectious disease in children aged 2 to 11 years. But an adult can become infected, provided that ...

Mononucleosis in children and adults, symptoms and treatment

Mononucleosis is a painful process that proceeds in an acute form against the background of damage to the spleen, liver and lymphatic system, as well as changes in the composition of the blood. Consider the main ...

Dicyclylene: instructions for use of oral contraceptive, composition, analogues of the drug

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of contraceptives, one of which is Dicyclylene. It not only protects a woman from an unwanted pregnancy, but also helps ...

Compress with dimexide: instructions for use of the concentrate for solution preparation

"Dimexide" is a popular pharmaceutical product used externally to reduce pain and stop the processes caused by inflammation. The solution also has pronounced antibacterial qualities. Compress with ...

Dexamethasone, eye drops: instructions for use, for which it is prescribed for adults and children, analogues

Ophthalmic drug - a corticosteroid substance, similar in action to hormones. Best of all, Dexamethasone eye drops help with inflammation of the membranes of the eye, allergic conjunctivitis. The drug is often prescribed ...

Diet for liver disease: allowed and prohibited foods

Diet for liver disease is a mandatory method of complex therapy. Doctors recommend adhering to dietary restrictions throughout the year in order to restore organ functions, and avoid ...

Dexamethasone: instructions for use, for what purpose, release forms, analogues

Dexamethasone is a hormonal drug, and is used in various branches of medicine. It belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids and in its chemical formula is close to the hormone ...

Treatment of pneumonia in adults and children: symptoms, diagnosis, possible complications, drugs and duration of treatment

Pneumonia (Pneumonia), which is also called pneumonia, is a disease of an infectious nature, proceeding against a background of pronounced symptoms. Pathogenic microorganisms localized in the organ, has ...

Signs of pneumonia in a child: how to determine pneumonia by the first symptoms and start treatment

Pneumonia is an inflammatory process that affects the lung tissue. This is due to the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the body. Such a pathology is dangerous in that it develops rather quickly, ...

Erespal syrup: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, analogues

Colds are perhaps the most common among the population. During the year, they can overtake repeatedly, accompanied by various symptoms and complications, therefore, with treatment, do not delay ...

Diclofenac: analogues are better and safer - list, release forms

There is a bias against strong painkillers. Many patients are also concerned about the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Diclofenac. Diclofenac analogs of selective action are considered relatively safe ...

Nimesil: analogues are cheaper - in powder and tablets, the active substance of the drug

A strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic agent is in demand for rheumatic diseases, toothache, and colds. Most adults pay attention to the safety of this group of drugs. Encouraging ...

Dexamethasone tablets: instructions for use, for what purpose, analogues of the drug

Dexamethasone tablets can, in a sense, be called a panacea. It is valued for its low allergenicity and excellent anti-inflammatory properties, it is used in the treatment of a huge number of diseases practically ...

Alpizarin: instructions for use of ointment and tablets, composition, analogues

Alpizarin is an active low-toxic antiviral medication of plant origin, which has the additional ability to suppress the vital activity of bacteria, fungi, inhibit their growth, relieve the inflammatory process and strengthen local ...

Badger fat: application, what it helps from, medicinal properties, release forms

Badger fat is especially appreciated by both traditional and folk medicine. In ancient times, it was actively used to treat colds, lung ailments, and other diseases. Everything about...

Mildronate - what is it prescribed for? Instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues

Mildronate or meldonium is an artificially synthesized substance. In its properties and effects on the body, it is similar to ordinary vitamins. Mildronate is involved in intracellular metabolism, ...

Midokalm: instructions for use, release form, indications and contraindications, active substance, analogues

Midokalm is classified as a direct muscle relaxant. For the most part, this medication is used in neurological practice and is recognized to be effective in more than 30 countries ...

Alanine aminotransferase elevated - what does it mean? The norm of ALT in women and men, the reasons for the increase ...

Before donating blood fluid to the level of transaminases, it is important to correctly prepare for the analysis and become familiar with the AlAt norm in men and women. After all, alanine aminotransferase is ...

Pancreatin tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, analogues

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a wide range of products that help improve digestive activity. But not all of them are affordable and suitable for each person ....

Miramistin for the throat: instructions for use of the solution and spray, antiseptic analogues

Our world is full of all kinds of bacteria, germs and viruses that cause various diseases in the human body. Scientists of the Soviet Union in the 70s of the last century succeeded ...

Kanefron tablets: instructions for use, composition, analogues of the drug

If there is a need to restore the healthy functioning of the urinary system, but do not want to clog the body with synthetic medicines, the best option is Kanefron tablets. They are made of medicinal ...

Low-carb diabetes diet: product table, weekly menu

Diabetes is a disease caused by metabolic disorders of a chronic nature. The topic of diabetes is widely raised by healthcare, however, unfortunately, even half of patients still do not know ...

Diet table 9: foods, menus for diabetes and gestational diabetes

There are many methods regarding proper nutrition for endocrine diseases. Diet table 9 was compiled by the famous physician of the USSR M. Pevzner. Its task is to normalize the number of applicants ...

Piracetam: instructions for use, analogues of the drug in tablets and injections

Piracetam is an effective medicine and the main representative of the group of neurometabolic stimulants (nootropics), designed to improve higher mental functions. With high therapeutic efficacy it is used in therapy ...

Enterosgel analogues: cheaper Russian and foreign drugs, similar in application

Intestinal sorbents are taken orally in case of poisoning with food, drugs, alcohol, poisons. Enterosgel, analogues of the drug, doctors also prescribe for allergic and parasitic diseases. Enterosorbents help ...

How does chickenpox manifest? The first signs and symptoms in children and adults, the incubation period, treatment ...

If chickenpox does not pose any serious danger to a child’s body, then for an adult, such a seemingly innocuous disease is ...

How to lose weight without diets? 6 tips to lose weight and remove your stomach

How to lose weight without diets, without exhausting yourself with heavy physical exercises and without starving? Everything is much simpler than it seems, and everyone can find the perfect figure ...

Diet for heartburn: proper nutrition, foods for heartburn

The right choice of foods and drinks, sparing nutrition are the easiest ways to avoid burning behind the sternum. A patient who has a diet prescribed for heartburn by a doctor should adhere to ...

Polysorb for weight loss: how to take it to cleanse the body and reduce weight

Enterosorbents allow you to cleanse the body of metabolic products, toxins and other harmful substances. One such drug is Polysorb. By the force of influence, it is significant ...

Medication for pancreatitis: medications for the treatment of acute and chronic pancreatic inflammation

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas. It arises due to the fact that the enzymes necessary to ensure digestive processes are not produced in sufficient quantities. With such a disease ...

Diet for gastritis: food, menus for exacerbation and chronic stomach disease

Gastritis is a common disease that occurs in people of different ages. Forms of the disease depend on the causes: habits, constant medication, poor nutrition, heredity. Necessary ...

Is pneumonia contagious or not? Classification of the disease by localization and type of pathogen. As transmitted, measures ...

Every year, approximately 450 million people of all ages fall ill with pneumonia: a combination of circumstances allows microscopic enemies of different types to successfully and aggressively attack the body. Naturally, and ...

Rice diet for weight loss and cleansing the body of salts: a menu of 3, 5, 7 ...

Rice is called a natural filter, because This product is capable of adsorbing toxic substances. With its help, the body was purified in ancient China. Popular in our time ...

Duphaston: what is prescribed for pregnancy planning, instructions for use, composition, analogues

Hormones regulate the work of the whole organism, and female reproductive function depends directly on them. Duphaston is a hormonal drug containing an analogue of progesterone, the most important hormone that provides ...

How to treat osteochondrosis at home, which doctor to contact, medication

Diseases of the spine and joints are affected by office workers and workers whose work is associated with physical activity. They all turn to doctors of various specialties to find out ...

Psoriasis: causes in adults and children, symptoms, treatment

Skin pathologies are an unpleasant phenomenon not only from the aesthetic and physiological, but also from the psycho-emotional side. People prone to psoriasis often suffer from numerous complexes ...

Potassium alum: instructions for use, harm and benefit

Potassium alum today is actively used in cosmetology. They help to cope with a wide variety of common problems. For example, with fungal skin lesions, stomatitis, acne and ...

Diet "Ladder": description, menu for 5 days, how much you can lose weight with the help of a miracle diet

The name of the diet "Ladder" arose for a reason. Its author suggests in the process of losing weight to overcome several steps at once, which will lead to a noticeable weight loss. Recommended ...

Treatment of insomnia: causes, treatment with folk remedies and drugs

Sleep disorders are one of the most painful symptoms of neurosis and other similar disorders. If such a phenomenon occurred only one or several nights, then ...

Mediterranean diet: foods, menus for the week, diet principle

The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the options for a healthy wholesome diet. This system is characteristic of the Mediterranean, but recently (when seafood, vegetables, greens became available ...

Mexidol: for what tablets and injections are prescribed, instructions for use, analogues of the drug

"Mexidol" refers to medicines that can be resorted to in various situations associated with deviations in the functioning of the nervous system. The drug has a wide list of indications, ...

Dukan Diet, 7 Day Menu Attack, Allowed Products

On the Ducan diet, attack is the most important step. It is with her that the whole process of weight loss begins. This is also the most difficult stage, at which ...

How to take Nimesil: instructions for use, powder composition, analogues

Fever and acute pain require immediate intervention and effective medications. To quickly remove unpleasant symptoms, often used strong medications, which include "Nimesil." Of...

Oatmeal Diet - Fast and Effective: Weekly Menu

A popular oatmeal diet is an easy and affordable way to lose weight. Experts recommend adhering to such a nutrition system for no more than two weeks. BUT...

Green buckwheat: the benefits and harm, how it differs from the usual, how to sprout green buckwheat and ...

Brown grains are not a natural state of buckwheat grains, as many people think. They become so after frying fresh greenish kernels, which they do to extend ...

How to treat gout: symptoms of the disease, folk remedies and drug treatment, which doctor to contact

Mention of gout is found in ancient medical treatises. Hippocrates, describing this disease of joints in his scientific works, called it "a trap for legs." By...

Signs of chickenpox: how does chickenpox begin in children and adults, the first symptoms, prevention of the disease

Chickenpox or chicken pox (Varicella zoster virus) is an acute infectious process caused by type 3 herpes virus. Most people suffer this disease in childhood ...

Elevit Pronatal: instructions for use, the composition of vitamins for pregnant women, analogues

The drug is specifically designed in Germany for expectant mothers - already expecting a baby or planning to become pregnant, as well as nursing women. Multivitamin Elevit Pronatal provides ...

Chickenpox in children: symptoms and treatment; how it begins, how it looks and how long the disease lasts ...

Causes, typical signs, symptoms and treatment of chickenpox in children is an urgent problem for parents. Pediatricians argue that the vast majority of young patients tolerate without problems ...

Measles: symptoms in children, the first signs of a viral disease, treatment, prevention

This viral infection is more common in babies, sometimes affects adults. The predominant symptoms of measles in children depend on the stage of the disease - initial or primary. Among...

Allergy to the sun (photodermatosis): causes, symptoms, treatment in adults and children

The summer period, created for relaxation, new experiences and a pleasant time, can bring not entirely joyful consequences in the form of an allergy to the sun. This phenomenon ...

Sex during pregnancy: is it possible to do what is useful and what is harmful, postures for ...

Many people try to avoid sex during pregnancy, because of the fear of accidentally harming the long-awaited baby or mom herself. But, according to experts in intimacy in ...

Omez: what is prescribed, how to take? Instructions for use, analogues of the drug

Medicines that help get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract are appearing more and more every year. Reluctant to try new means, buy Omez (a certified medication ...

Tick-borne encephalitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of viral disease

Together with the pleasant impressions of a walk in the fresh air, after a sortie on a picnic, you can bring home a “surprise” in the form of a dangerous bloodsucker. A tick bite threatens ...

Polysorb: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, analogues

In order to quickly remove dangerous toxins from the body that have got there for various reasons, it is necessary to take effective sorbents. Preparations of this group in a large assortment are presented in ...

Pneumonia: types, symptoms and treatment in adults and children, prevention of pneumonia

Even today, in the age of progressive development of medicine, pneumonia remains a dangerous disease. Due to the high probability of a sad outcome in the absence of timely therapy, it should be promptly ...

Pills for motion sickness in transport: a list of drugs for children and adults

Motion sickness (kinetosis, motion sickness) is a fairly common problem that almost every third inhabitant of the planet faces. This is a very unpleasant condition, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness ...

Vent pipe for newborns: what you need, how to use it correctly

The vent pipe for newborns is an indispensable tool for crumbs and parents in the difficult period of “colic”. Such an accessory helps to quickly and painlessly remove from the intestines ...

Erespal: instructions for the use of syrup and tablets, the composition of the drug for cough, analogues

"Erespal" is a modern medicine for the treatment of many pathological processes that occur accompanied by cough in people of different age groups. It differs from other antitussive and ...

Eye drops Artelak Splash: instructions for use, composition, analogues

Those who spend a lot of time at the computer or have to strain their eyes often need to look for ways to get rid of uncomfortable sensations. To normalize the functioning of the visual apparatus ...

Omeprazole: what is prescribed for, instructions for use, analogues of the drug, contraindications

"Omeprazole" is an effective tool that is used to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. It is actively prescribed by gastroenterologists in inflammatory processes that are associated with penetration into the body ...

Miramistin during pregnancy: is it possible to use the drug in 1, 2 and 3 trimesters, instructions ...

A new generation of antiseptics quickly helps with the symptoms of many infectious diseases. Miramistin during pregnancy is used topically, externally as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. The solution is safe, in use ...

Amoxiclav: instructions for use for adults and children, release forms, antibiotic composition, analogues

As statistics show, most common diseases are the result of a bacterial invasion of the body. The list of the most important drugs recommended by WHO for the treatment of bacterial infections, ...


