Mexidol: indications for use of the drug, release form, composition, analogues
For the successful treatment of diseases, it is necessary not only to eliminate the cause of the disease, but also to restore damaged tissues. So, with diseases of the central nervous system and dyscirculatory disorders of the brain ...
Treatment of atrial fibrillation: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease
Cardiac pathology is the most common problem among patients of both adult and childhood. One of them is atrial fibrillation, the treatment of which requires constant ...
Suprastin tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, dosage, analogues
To date, allergies are present in the history of many patients belonging to different age categories. Among the pharmacological products that can help with this ailment, Suprastin is isolated ...
Lower abdomen hurts after sex - why? Causes of pain in the lower abdomen after intercourse
Intimacy is not always and not everyone enjoys. After it, there may remain a feeling of dissatisfaction or discomfort. A common situation is when the bottom hurts ...
Syphilis analysis: what’s called, how much is done, how to take it, deciphering the results
The usual component of a medical examination during gestation, before surgery and even for employment is an analysis for syphilis. How is ...
Fluconazole 150 mg: instructions for use of capsules, composition, analogues of the antifungal drug
Candida yeast infection or candidiasis is one of the most common diseases. A pathogenic fungus can affect any part of the body, the oral cavity and genital ...
Arrhythmia: treatment with folk remedies and drugs, types, causes, symptoms of heart rhythm disturbance
Cardiovascular diseases take 2nd place in the list of causes of mortality. Measures in the form of timely treatment of arrhythmia and the identification of the prerequisites for its occurrence will help save lives ...
Curd diet for weight loss: a menu for 3 and 7 days, options, exit the diet
A cottage cheese diet is not for everyone. This is the best option for lovers of this product. Those who do not like cottage cheese will find it very difficult for ...
Orlistat: instructions for the use of drugs for weight loss, composition, dosage, analogues
You can deal with the problem of excess weight on your own, changing the way you eat and increasing physical activity. At the same time, you can turn to specialists for the selection of auxiliary ...
Arcoxia 90 mg: instructions for use of tablets, composition, analogues of an anesthetic drug
Arcoxia 90 - a drug that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic properties, belongs to the 2nd generation inhibitors. Most often, a medication is prescribed to relieve a pronounced ...
A non-slag diet for cleansing the body and before a colonoscopy: what you can eat, a menu of 3 ...
A necessary step in the preparation of intestinal organs before colonoscopy, ultrasound and abdominal tomography is a slag-free diet. Without it, a diagnostic study will not give the desired result. Therefore...
How to breed Smecta for children and adults: instructions for use, composition, analogues of the sorbent
Smecta belongs to those sorbents that have a gentle effect on the body, affects only pathogenic microflora. The effectiveness of the drug depends on the correct preparation and compliance ...
Azithromycin 500 mg: instructions for use, release forms, antibiotic analogues
Azithromycin 500 is a macrolide antibiotic. The medication is used to treat many diseases that are caused by pathogenic bacteria that are sensitive to this group of substances.
Composition (active substance) ...
Doppelherz Omega-3: instructions for use, types, composition of capsules
Essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) do not always enter the body in the required amounts with food, so it is so important to find an additional source of these useful substances ....
Focal pneumonia in children and adults: types, symptoms and treatment of the disease
Focal pneumonia is very common in 2/3 of all cases of pneumonia. When making a diagnosis, you can find its second name - bronchopneumonia. Find out what ...
Suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy: rectal suppositories for the treatment and prevention of the disease
Not all women have a smooth pregnancy. Almost every expectant mother is faced with health problems while bearing a child. Often during this period ...
Ciprofloxacin: antibiotic analogues, instructions for use, release form
With the onset of cold weather, the risk of not only getting a common cold, but also becoming infected with serious infections increases. Treatment of ARVI with folk remedies is not always justified. If a doctor ...
Tsindol with chickenpox: instructions for use, composition, analogues of a dermatoprotective agent
Chicken pox is a viral disease whose main symptom is a rash on the body. Appeared papules cause severe itching in the patient. Tsindol with chickenpox - a medicinal ...
How to choose an avocado?: Tips on how to choose a ripe and tasty fruit
Knowing how to choose an avocado, you can not worry about the fact that the acquired fruit will be tasteless or overripe. This exotic fruit has gained popularity not so long ago, ...
Diet for diseases of the pancreas: menu, table of allowed and prohibited products, recipes for dietary dishes
In the case of pathologies of the digestive system, one should not eat everything in a row, otherwise the situation will worsen. A diet for pancreatic disease accelerates recovery and spares internal organs. Therefore...
Duspatalin: indications for use, release form, composition, analogues
Incorrect bowel function leads to a deterioration in overall health. To eliminate the problem and normalize the patient's condition, special pharmaceutical preparations are prescribed. Duspatalin, indications for use ...
Mexidol: side effects and contraindications, instructions for the use of tablets and injections, composition, analogues of antioxidant ...
Mexidol is an indispensable tool in the treatment of many diseases - from stress and circulatory disorders in the brain to get rid of alcohol poisoning. However...
Miramistin: composition of the drug, release form, instructions for use, analogues of an antiseptic
Miramistin is an antiseptic with a wide spectrum of action. It can be used as an external, local preparation. Miramistin composition allows you to treat fungal, bacterial, viral ...
Is it possible to bathe a child with chickenpox: how and when to wash with rashes of chickenpox
Many mothers are interested in whether it is possible to bathe a child with chickenpox. Although the disease is not severe, it is long-lasting, therefore no one has canceled the observance of hygiene rules. However...
Pancreatitis: symptoms and treatment in adults - drugs, diet and folk remedies for diseases ...
Acute inflammation of the digestive gland begins with a pain attack, while chronic inflammation lasts for years with relapses and periods of well-being. Symptoms and treatment of pancreatitis in adults are determined ...
Arthrosan tablets: instructions for use, composition, analogues
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a frequent guest in a first-aid kit. They have many indications, effectively eliminate pain and inflammation in joint pathologies. Arthrosan - tablets ...
Trimedat: analogues are cheaper and Russian, instructions for use, active substance
To restore normal intestinal motility, a combination therapy is indicated, including a special diet and medication. One of the most popular drugs of domestic production are Trimedat tablets, ...
Norepinephrine: instructions for use, a description of what it is in your own words
Norepinephrine is an artificial analogue of the hormone that is produced in the human adrenal glands. When it is released into the bloodstream, a narrowing of blood vessels occurs, the heart rate becomes more frequent, blood pressure rises ....
Causes of hemorrhoids in women and men, symptoms, treatment of the disease
A disease of the terminal colon is a common pathology observed in both men and women. Violations of the outflow of blood in the rectum provoke ...
Amylase pancreatic: what is it, the norm in the blood, the causes of increase and decrease
In diseases of the pancreas, a patient may be prescribed an examination, which includes pancreatic amylase. This is a very important indicator that helps to find the cause of a malfunction of the digestive tract.
Azithromycin for children: instructions for use, release form, composition, dosage, analogues
The child’s body is always more susceptible to viruses and bacteria, since the child’s immunity is only formed and does not have all the necessary antibodies. Azithromycin for children –...
Omez and Omeprazole - what is the difference: comparison of antiulcer drugs, composition, release forms
To date, the most common diseases are gastrointestinal pathologies. Against the background of environmental degradation, heavy use of heavy nutrition, frequent stresses, many diseases of the stomach suffer ...
Triampur compositum: indications, instructions for use of tablets, composition, analogues
Modern diuretics on the market, in addition to the main effect - the removal of excess fluid - disrupt the water-electrolytic balance, depriving the body of the necessary elements. "Triampur Composite" - a drug, ...
Glycine for children: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues of a metabolic agent
“Glycine” is one of the safest nootropic drugs that can be given even to newborns to normalize brain activity during developmental delays and birth injuries. This...
Ketone diet: menus, indications and contraindications, the basic principle of a high fat diet
Ketone diet is a rather interesting way to reduce weight, which was originally used in the treatment of children with epilepsy. Having lost relevance in the field of neurology, the keto-diet has gained popularity ...
Smecta: what helps, instructions for use for adults and children, release form, composition, ...
"Smecta" is a drug belonging to the group of sorbents of natural origin, which also has a protective effect on the digestive tract. This medicine is taken for bowel diseases, ...
Paracetamol and alcohol: compatibility, consequences of taking the drug with alcohol
Paracetamol is one of the most commonly used medications. This demand is due to its safety and high efficiency, allowing you to quickly reduce heat. Despite...
Gel Metronidazole: types, instructions for use, composition, analogues
Metronidazole is an antimicrobial agent widely used in dermatology and gynecology. The drug is available in various forms, but Metronidazole gel containing the same name remains the most popular ...
Vitamin D in drops for adults and children: names of drugs, how to take, dosage, instructions ...
To numerous diseases associated with metabolic processes, a deficiency of any trace element can lead. Therefore, it is important not only to eat balanced, but also to take multivitamin complexes, in ...
Avocado seed?: Is it possible to eat, benefit and harm, use
Avocados are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. In cooking, medicine and cosmetology, not only the pulp of the plant is used, but also its core. What is the use of avocado seed, ...
Omez tablets: what helps, instructions for use, composition, analogues of the drug
Omez is a popular antiulcer drug needed to treat gastrointestinal diseases. Produced in India. In our country, Omez tablets are used for many ...
Chloral hydrate: instructions for use of the powder, composition, dosage, analogues
Chloral hydrate is an old, well-studied means of controlling insomnia. The drug helps to fall asleep more quickly, while it does not significantly affect the duration of sleep.
Description of the medicinal ...
Pills for insomnia without addiction and prescriptions: a list of the best sleeping pills
Sleep disturbance is a common problem in many people, regardless of age. This condition negatively affects not only health, but also disability ...
Psoriasis: contagious or not, causes and symptoms of the disease
Psoriasis refers to chronic pathology, for which the occurrence of a skin rash of a nodular nature, covered with light scales, is typical. According to medical statistics, about 2% are affected by this disease ...
Diet by blood group 3 positive: table of allowed and prohibited products, menu
A fairly large part of the world's population has a third blood group. She appeared in a later period when people started raising livestock and started ...
Detralex for hemorrhoids: regimen and instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues
Hemorrhoids - a serious disease that during periods of exacerbation can be accompanied by severe pain and even tissue necrosis. Therefore, when the first signs of a violation appear ...
Atrial septal defect in children and adults: causes, diagnosis, treatment, surgery for congenital malformation ...
An atrial septal defect or ASD is a disease considered to be one of the most common heart defects. Symptoms, course and prognosis may vary ...
How to breed dimexide for compress: proportions with novocaine and water, application for joints
Joint pains, burns, infectious skin lesions can exhaust a person for a long time, reducing their quality of life. The presented inexpensive, but very effective medicine will help to cope with ...
Diet for cirrhosis: menus, recipes, basic rules
Against the background of absolute health, any restrictions in food seem superfluous and inappropriate. But if a serious malfunction occurs in the body, it is important not to forget about healthy ...
Duspatalin: what helps, instructions for use, composition, analogues
The question of why Duspatalin helps is of concern to many people who have been examined by a gastroenterologist. This drug acts as an effective myotropic antispasmodic for pain ...
Treatment of cholecystitis with folk remedies - effective methods, vegetables and herbs, dietary products for ...
Treatment of cholecystitis with folk remedies using natural products is not the main method of therapy. After consulting with your doctor, recipes can be used as a way to improve ...
Amoxicillin suspension: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, dosage, antibiotic analogues
Suspension "Amoxicillin" is one of the most famous and most used antibiotics. It is used to treat various diseases caused by pathogenic bacterial flora. The suspension has ...
Transferrin - which means in the analysis of blood, norm and deviations
Blood is a system of the body that is very sensitive to the occurrence of any pathologies in the body. As a result of these processes, there is a change in its biochemical composition, which ...
Cycloferon: analogues and substitutes of the drug for children and adults, release form, composition, instructions for ...
Cycloferon is a popular Russian drug with antiviral activity. However, for certain reasons, in some cases, the selection of a quality substitute is required. Cycloferon analogs are represented by inexpensive medicinal products ...
Bisoprolol: what is prescribed for, instructions for use of tablets, composition, dosage, analogues
The main reason for which Bisoprolol is prescribed is the treatment of hypertension, as well as the prevention of arrhythmias with heart palpitations. The drug inhibits the activity of the autonomic nervous system, makes ...
Injections Combilipen: instructions for use, what is prescribed, composition, analogues
Kombilipen injections belong to a multivitamin preparation, which is used for neurological diseases, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, to fill the deficiency of vitamins of group B. In view of the high concentration ...
Heparin injections: instructions for use, what is prescribed for, side effects, composition, anticoagulant analogues
Heparin is a direct anticoagulant that prevents the development of thrombosis, blocking blood vessels. Heparin injections are considered the safest and most effective form. Since with the right dosage it is possible ...
Esomeprazole: analogs of tablets for children and adults, instructions for use, composition, dosage
The presented drug is prescribed for patients with increased secretion of hydrochloric acid to neutralize the dangerous effects in the form of erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa. However, there are a number of analogues ...
Cycloferon: how to take tablets for adults and children, instructions for use, composition, analogues of an antiviral drug
In the autumn-winter period, human immunity especially needs protection and support. Cycloferon may come to the rescue. It is a well-known medicine for the treatment and prevention of ...
Treatment of multiple sclerosis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the disease
Multiple sclerosis has nothing to do with impaired memory or natural dispersal of a person, as the name of the disease may seem at first glance. This pathology ...
Sweeteners - harm or benefit? A review of the best sweeteners and sweeteners: useful properties, possible harm
Sugar sweeteners help lower your calorie intake. What sweetener to choose, if you need to give up sweets, and whether such a substitution is justified, we will try to figure it out together.
Buckwheat diet with kefir - the benefits of cereals, diet principles and a detailed menu, effect ...
In pursuit of a slim figure, many resort to a variety of methods, often quite dangerous, up to starvation. But as always, everything ingenious is simple. Normal ...
Flemoxin Solutab 250 mg: instructions for use for children and adults, the composition of tablets, analogues
Flemoxin Solutab 250 is a pharmaceutical drug that has proven itself in the fight against infections of bacterial origin. It is prescribed not only for the treatment of adult patients, but ...
Suprax: analogues are cheaper and Russian, in suspension and in tablets, the active substance of the drug
Powerful antibiotics are quite expensive. But Suprax has analogues that are cheaper than the original drug, which makes effective treatment affordable. This gives a chance to quickly get rid ...
How to take Afobazole: instructions for use, composition, analogues of a tranquilizer
Afobazole refers to mild tranquilizers that do not lead to the development of addiction. After the end of the therapeutic course, drug withdrawal syndrome does not occur. A medication is prescribed for ...
Dimexidum application: indications, instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues
Dimexide is one of the effective drugs that provide analgesic and antiseptic results. The use of Dimexide is recommended as a complex treatment of the structures of the musculoskeletal system, inflammatory pathologies ...
Fruit diet for weight loss: options, menus for 3, 7 and 14 days, pluses and ...
A fruit diet is a great opportunity to quickly get back into shape without starving yourself. This nutrition program promotes not only weight loss, ...
Ointment Acyclovir: what is it used for, instructions for children and adults, types, composition, dosage, analogues
Many do not know what Acyclovir ointment is used for. It is an effective treatment for herpes infections.
The composition of the drug
The composition of this antiviral drug includes the same active ...
Injections of “Heparin” in the stomach: what they are doing, instructions for use, composition, analogues
In the framework of this publication, we will talk about the purpose of injections in the stomach “Heparin”, for which a drug is needed, what contraindications it has. You will learn about ...
Milgamma Compositum: instructions for use of tablets, composition and analogues
Milgamma compositum is a worthy representative of B vitamins. It can strengthen immunity in a month, stop the complications of diabetes, restore beauty to the skin, and clearness to thinking.
Dimexide: instructions for the use of gel and solution, composition and analogues of an anti-inflammatory agent
Dimexide is a highly active anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial drug for local use.Designed to relieve painful symptoms and treat a wide range of skin diseases, musculoskeletal system, suppress ...
Dill water for newborns: instructions for use, composition, how to make at home
The digestive system of the newborn gets used to the new working conditions, and in this difficult period, the baby suffers from colic. In most cases, the attending physician advises for newborns ...
Meloxicam-Teva: instructions for use, release form, dosage, analogues
Among pharmaceuticals for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs are most often prescribed. Meloxicam-Teva belongs to this group of drugs. In addition to anti-inflammatory action, ...
Drops Suprastinex: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, dosage, analogues
Suprastinex is an antihistamine that helps to quickly and effectively cope with seasonal rhinitis, as well as any other allergic symptoms. According to the instructions for use, drops ...
Suprastin: what helps, indications, instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues of an antiallergic drug
"Suprastin" is one of the inexpensive and effective allergy medications. Consider what helps "Suprastin", and when it can be used.
Release forms and composition
Suprastin ...
Halva for breastfeeding - is it possible or not? The benefits and harms of halva for lactating ...
The birth of a baby and subsequent breastfeeding is a tremulous, but at the same time crucial period in a woman's life. At this time, on the diet of a new mother ...
Deionized water: what is it, production, use, difference from distilled water
Hearing the name "deionized water", a person unfamiliar with chemistry will only shrug. In fact, such a liquid has long been used in many fields of industry and medicine.
Combilipen tablets: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, analogues
Combilipen tablets are a medication consisting of a complex of vitamins of group B. This composition is widely used to treat neurology. Moreover, the dosage of the active components of Combilipene is quite large ....
Ointment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy: list of drugs, instructions for use, contraindications
An uncomfortable and painful delicate problem, which is usually silent, hemorrhoids is now recognized as the most common disease that affects men and ...
Phenibut for children: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues of a nootropic drug
Sleep disorders, irritability, hyperactivity disorder, developmental delay, neurosis are far from a complete list of disorders in the nervous system, in which doctors strongly recommend ...
Enterosgel for children: instructions for using the paste, composition, dosage, enterosorbent analogues
Often at a young age, poisoning occurs with various substandard food products, as well as allergic reactions to drugs and other irritants. For the quickest cleansing of the body ...
How is measles in children and adults: the first symptoms and signs of the disease
Measles is an acute infectious disease of viral etiology with a high degree of contagion. Despite the fact that pathology is considered a childhood disease, the infection also affects the adult population ....
Midokalm: analogues are cheaper and Russian, in tablets and ampoules, composition, instructions for use
Diseases of the back and spine affect men and women, the elderly and even children. Timely referral to a doctor, treatment, including the use of anesthetics, so ...
Diet for intestinal dysbiosis in adults and children: menus, basic rules, allowed and prohibited ...
Modern doctors are heatedly debating the question of whether dysbiosis is a disease or condition of the body, as well as regarding the causes of its occurrence. But in ...
Diet for liver diseases: what you can and cannot eat, menus and dishes
Diet is an important recovery factor for the liver. At this time, refuse heavy, toxin-rich food.
Symptoms and causes of liver disease Should consider how much work ...
26 most unusual diseases in the world that will surprise you
No one likes being sick. Even commonplace acute respiratory infections and flu significantly spoil the mood and often put a person out of action. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Peace...
Augmentin for children: instructions for use, composition, dosage, release form, analogues
The advantage of this medicine is its high efficiency and protection against destruction in the digestive tract. Instructions for use "Augmentin" for children contains detailed instructions on ...
Flemoxin Solutab for children: instructions for use of tablets, dosage, composition, antibiotic analogues
Children are more susceptible to infectious diseases than adults. And it is far from always possible to cope with the disease by folk methods with the help of plentiful drinking, drinking decoctions of herbs, ...
Vegetovascular dystonia - symptoms and treatment in women with folk remedies, drugs, exercises
Many doctors do not consider VVD as an independent disease. This is a chronic violation of the relationship of the central nervous system with the autonomic. Pathology has many symptoms, most often manifested in ...
Cholecystitis: symptoms and treatment in adults of a chronic and acute form of the disease, proper nutrition and ...
Cholecystitis is an inflammatory process of the gallbladder, which is characterized by wave-like symptoms. The stage of exacerbation may occur as a result of stress, errors in the diet. This article details ...
Bars "Rot Front": the composition of sweets, calories, a variety of tastes
Sweet Front Rot bars have been produced at a confectionery in Moscow since the middle of the last century. Why, over the half-century history of its existence, dessert has not lost love ...
Furuncle on the face: how to treat, causes and symptoms of furunculosis on the face
A boil on the face is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a serious skin disease that needs to be treated. Such a purulent-necrotic lesion affects not only the hairline ...
Ubiquinone compositum: instructions for use, composition, analogues
Homeopathic medicines are gaining more and more popularity every year as effective and safe remedies. Despite the ambiguous attitude of doctors to such medicines, many patients ...
Ingavirin: an analogue is cheaper for children and adults, the composition, instructions for use of the antiviral drug
Among antiviral drugs, expensive drugs are popular. But there are also analogues of Ingavirin, which are not inferior in effectiveness to the original remedy. But replacing one drug with another ...
The 10 largest servings of food ever made in the world.
Which of us doesn’t like to eat? Food is what brings us joy, brings us together, helps to cope with stress and warms our body at the same time ....
Phenibut tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, analogues of a nootropic agent
Some diseases, as well as age-related changes, can provoke serious disorders in the functioning of the brain and nervous system. To stabilize the state, increase the stability of the central nervous system to ...
Mildronate - analogues of the drug are cheaper in tablets, capsules and injections, instructions for use
Mildronate - a drug that stimulates the metabolism in tissues, is used in the treatment of pathologies caused by the presence of decay products and a lack of nutrients in the cells. The only drawback ...
Azithromycin: antibiotic analogues, composition, instructions for use of tablets and suspensions
The drug is effective against a wide range of bacteria, is relatively harmless and is prescribed in a short course. Structural analogues of Azithromycin in the form of suspension and tablets contain the same active ...
Tertiary syphilis: symptoms and signs, diagnosis, treatment regimen for sexually transmitted disease
Tertiary syphilis occurs in those individuals who for some reason did not receive timely treatment at the first detection of the disease. Sometimes pathology goes into this stage ...
Meloxicam: what helps, release forms, composition, analogues of the drug
What helps meloxicam? The drug relieves the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It is an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal action that will help relieve pain ...
The most high-calorie dishes and foods in the world, the use of which must be reduced
It doesn't matter if you want to gain weight or just want to find out which foods are the most high-calorie ones. This information is sure to come in handy in life. Maybe someday you will see ...
Secondary syphilis: symptoms and signs, treatment
The primary stage of syphilis, when the formation of chancres occurred, in the absence of proper therapy is followed by secondary syphilis. It develops 2 to 3 months after ...
Canned corn: benefits and harms, calories, BZHU
Canned corn is a common ingredient in cooking salads, but does it make sense to give preference to it, ignoring fresh cucumbers, herbs or cabbage? Do not lose ...
Diet for kidney stones: medical tables No. 6, 7 and 14, permitted and ...
Diet with kidney stones does not belong to too strict types of nutrition. Each "table" is characterized by its own characteristics, which take into account the differences in the chemical composition of stones ....
Antibiotic Amoxicillin: instructions for use, which group of antibiotics belongs, release forms for children ...
The first drug for the treatment of bacterial diseases - penicillin - became the progenitor of other antimicrobial agents. More recently, the antibiotic Amoxicillin, one of the most therapeutically ...
Measles incubation period in adults and children, its duration, symptoms of the onset of the disease
In recent years, the world has again faced a disease such as measles. This happened due to the refusal of many people from routine vaccination. In today's article ...
Amlodipine: analogues and substitutes with the least side effects
The drug is used to treat hypertension, secondary hypertension and angina pectoris. Analogues of Amlodipine with an identical active substance in the composition are used for the same indications. The greatest ...
Diet after removal of appendicitis in adults and children: a menu by day, the basic rules of nutrition ...
Diet after the removal of appendicitis is a prerequisite for a full rehabilitation. Carefully monitoring the diet, listening to the reaction of the body even to the allowed foods, you can successfully establish ...
Diet for exacerbation of gastritis: what you can eat, the basic rules, menu of the therapeutic diet table No. ...
Diet with exacerbation of gastritis is aimed at reducing the load on the stomach. If you apply therapeutic nutrition at the first symptoms of the disease, this will help the body recover faster.
The main ...
Treatment of cirrhosis of the liver: causes and symptoms of the disease, the most effective drugs and treatment methods, prophylactic ...
One of the most formidable liver diseases is cirrhosis. Late detection and untimely treatment of this disease leads to serious consequences, so it is very important to know how ...
Metabolic diet: detailed description, diet phases, daily menu
The metabolic diet today is widespread.Its action is not only based on food restrictions, but also on the restoration of hormonal balance in the body. Therefore...
Enterofuril: analogues are cheaper and Russian, in suspension and in capsules, the active substance of an antidiarrheal drug
If you approach the acquisition of medicines wisely and replace the expensive antidiarrheal Enterofuril with analogues, an order of magnitude cheaper than the original, but not inferior to it ...
Parkinson's disease: symptoms and signs of the disease, causes, treatment, prognosis and prevention
Today, the symptoms and signs of Parkinson's disease have already been fully studied, but modern medicine has not yet established the true mechanisms that cause this neurological disorder ....
Arrhythmia: symptoms, types and causes, treatment of heart rhythm disorders
Arrhythmia is a malfunction of the heart, as a result of which it begins to contract incorrectly: faster, slower, irregular, irregular. The normal heart rate is 60-80 beats for an adult, ...
Rosart: instructions for use of tablets, composition, analogues of a lipid-lowering drug
Impaired lipoprotein balance and increased levels of "bad" cholesterol in the blood are associated with a risk of developing atherosclerosis and heart pathologies. To maintain health, you must first of all ...
Afobazole and alcohol: compatibility, effects of taking a tranquilizer with alcohol
It often happens that a person combines drugs with alcoholic beverages. "Afobazol" refers to sedatives, and it, like other medicines, needs to be washed down. Today...
Sleepy tablets from Leovit: instructions for use, composition, dietary supplements analogues to improve sleep
Probably every person faced sleep disturbance and problems falling asleep. Stresses, a busy work schedule, a lot of worries - all this loads the nervous system ...
Ointment Cycloferon: instructions for use, composition, analogues of an antiviral agent
Cycloferon is an ointment that belongs to the category of antiviral drugs. It is particularly effective due to its high biological activity. It is used as an immunomodulator. The drug has anti-inflammatory, ...
Ducane cheese cakes - 6 recipes
Many years ago, the French physician Pierre Ducant developed a special diet for people who want to lose weight. His nutritional complex is based on protein foods, as well as a ban ...
Omeprazole for heartburn: does it help, is it possible to take it constantly, with which drugs can be replaced
Heartburn is a very unpleasant feeling that gives a person a lot of discomfort and can spoil a good mood after a tasty and hearty dinner. However, this trouble is not ...
Duspatalin: cheap Russian analogues in capsules and tablets, the active substance of the drug
The drug Duspatalin today is becoming increasingly popular. But buying it is not so simple for certain reasons. However, on the shelves of pharmacies you can easily ...
Manka: health benefits and harms, contraindications
Semolina is familiar to everyone since childhood. It is served on the table in kindergartens and school canteens. Moms convince the guys that from this porridge they will grow ...
Milgamma: indications for the use of injections and tablets, composition, instructions, analogues of the complex of vitamins of group B
The human body needs a lot of substances for full and healthy functioning. One of the most important substances is vitamin B, which improves the conductivity of nerve impulses. Best...
Diet for cholelithiasis: what products can and cannot be, 5-table medical diet menu
Compliance with the diet for cholelithiasis is the main condition for a full, life that is not overshadowed by poor health. It is necessary to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet even during the period of remission. BUT...
Flaxseed flour with kefir: how to take to lose weight and cleanse the body
Sometimes the most effective means in order to lose weight, cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and feel great, are at hand. These include, for example, ...
Sinus arrhythmia in a child: types, causes, symptoms, treatment of heart rhythm disturbances in children
When the heart hurts, it becomes especially scary, because there is a danger to life. And when a small baby heart causes alarm, the danger of the situation increases. Sinus arrhythmia in ...
Bradyarrhythmia: what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment of heart rhythm disturbances in children and ...
Normally, the human heart contracts 60-80 times per minute, but there are changes in the correct rhythm, bradyarrhythmia is one of them. With such a pathology, the stimulating impulse ...
Ferro-foilgamma: instructions for use, composition, analogues of a multivitamin complex with iron
The lack of Fe in the body is not the only, but the most common cause of anemia. An antianemic drug will help prevent the development of pathologies and ensure a normal physiological state of a person, ...
Ingavirin and alcohol: compatibility, is it possible to drink alcohol when taking an antiviral drug
Ingavirin is one of the most popular antiviral agents for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections. Colds are not conducive to holidays, but there are situations when, even during an illness, you don’t ...
Folic acid: benefits and harm to the body, instructions for use of vitamin B9
This vitamin B group with a water-soluble texture has an effect on the functioning of the necessary receptors. With regular use of folic acid, the benefit extends to all vital ...
Frostbite: signs and first aid to the victim, the right steps to provide first aid and what ...
Among the many varieties of lesions of the skin and muscle system, one of the most dangerous is frostbite. A long stay in the cold can not only cool the skin, ...
Azithromycin suspension for children: instructions for use, dosage, composition and analogs of the antibiotic
Antimicrobials are prescribed by pediatricians only in special cases when the child’s body cannot cope with an infectious disease on its own. In this case, the suspension for children ...
Candles Paracetamol for children: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues
Currently, suppositories are considered the safest antipyretic drugs for children. The rectal form eliminates the appearance of side effects from the stomach. Contacting directly with the mucosa ...
Chicken pox rash in children and adults: what it looks like, at what stage appears, than ...
A rash with chickenpox causes the patient discomfort and severe itching. If the papules are not handled correctly, an infection can be introduced. In this case, suppuration of the wounds occurs, increases ...
Is it possible for adults and children to bathe with chickenpox: how and when to take water procedures ...
Chicken pox is a viral disease that occurs mainly in children. The peculiarity of the ailment is the appearance of small pimples, which gradually begin to fill with liquid. Today we’ll understand ...
Amlodipine-Prana: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues
Statistics in recent years indicate an increase in the number of people with blood pressure problems. The sad result of this in some cases is atherosclerosis and coronary disease ....
Phenazepam: OTC analogues and substitutes, non-prescription and non-addictive, instructions for use, composition
A sense of anxiety, a feeling of internal tension, psychological discomfort are conditions familiar to many. You can choose the analogues of "Phenazepam", acting softer than a strong tranquilizer, not causing drowsiness and addiction ....
Cuckoo - washing the nose according to Proetz: description, preparation for the procedure, indications and contraindications, possible ...
Probably everyone heard about the cuckoo nose washing procedure. It was developed specifically for the effective treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis and is a complex of hygienic and ...
De-Nol: indications for use, composition, analogues of antiulcer drug
De Nol is a new generation antiulcer drug. It has a bactericidal, antiviral and gastrocytoprotective effect on the body. But before using this medication, you need to read the instructions ...
Gout on the legs: symptoms of the disease in women and men, diet, effective medications, treatment in ...
Many people suffer from joint diseases now. Gout on the legs is one of the most common ailments of all time, which is characterized by the deposition of excess urine salts ...
De-Nol: analogues are cheaper and domestic, instructions for the use of anti-ulcer drug
Irregular eating, dry food are typical causes of stomach pain and digestive problems. An integrated approach is required: the elimination of bad habits, a review of the diet, taking the prescribed ...
Diet for obesity: menu of the treatment table No. 8 according to Pevzner to normalize metabolism ...
Obesity is a problem of our time. People have the opportunity to eat everything, in any quantity, while semi-finished foods are especially popular today! If obesity is not related ...
Heparin ointment for bruises: how quickly it helps, instructions for use, composition, analogues
Bruises, injuries, falls, injections - all this very often leads to the formation of bruises. They not only hurt, but also spoil the attractiveness of the skin. Heparin ointment ...
Kagocel for children: instructions for use of tablets, composition, analogues
In the autumn-winter season, a surge in the incidence of acute respiratory infections is traditionally observed. About 90% of them are viral in nature. Parents are looking for different ways to protect their child from ...
Maple syrup disease: what are they, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment of hereditary fermentopathy
Many did not even hear about maple syrup disease. This is a rare hereditary disease associated with metabolic disorders.
Description of Maple Syrup Disease Urine disease with odor ...
Antibiotics for pneumonia: a list of effective drugs for adults and children in tablets and injections
Pneumonia often has a very unpleasant and severe course, leading to complications. Sometimes it develops imperceptibly, and is found only in the later stages. Some 70 more ...
Levomekol: ointment analogues Russian and foreign, composition, instructions for use
There are drugs for which trust is not able to weaken either time or competition in the pharmacological market. These include the right ointment Levomekol, analogues ...
Mildronate 500 mg: instructions for use of capsules, composition, analogues
"Mildronate" 500 milligrams - a tool that improves metabolism and increases tissue energy supply. Its effect is due to the presence in the composition of a synthetic ingredient that is identical to that substance that is naturally occurring ...
Sumamed for children: instructions for use of the suspension, tablets and capsules, composition, dosage, antibiotic analogues
Sumamed is an antimicrobial drug prescribed as part of the complex treatment of infectious diseases of bacterial etiology. This medicine has the ability to inhibit the functionality of a wide range of bacteria, ...
Clenbuterol syrup: instructions for use for children, composition and analogues of a bronchodilator drug
Children often cough, and there are many causes for this symptom. Sometimes after examination, the doctor diagnoses bronchospasm or identifies its initial stage. Treat similar pathologies ...
Vitamin D for children: which drug is better, indications, dosage, signs of vitamin D deficiency in ...
A lack of vitamin D in children leads to the development of dangerous diseases, including rickets. In general, a deficiency of this vitamin is rare, as it ...
Atenolol Nycomed: indications, instructions for use of tablets, composition, analogues
Atenolol Nycomed is a classic medicine that reduces cardiac output and also regulates the heart rate, which allows you to normalize your blood pressure. It has a positive effect on ...
Psoriasis creams: a list of the most effective hormonal and non-hormonal drugs, method of application
Psoriasis can occur in people of different ages, gender. This disease occurs on any part of the body. So that the pathology does not acquire a chronic course, a cream from ...
Enixum: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues
Thrombotic disorders in an advanced state with a probability of 25% will lead to death. To prevent such consequences, many antithrombotic drugs are already on the market, one ...
Klenzit-C for acne: instructions for use of the gel, composition, analogues of a dermatotropic agent
Klenzit-S for acne is a safe combined gel gel consistency pharmaceutical product developed for topical treatment of acne and inflamed comedones, as well as preventing the appearance of acne.
Candles Natalsid: instructions for use for children and adults, the composition of suppositories, analogues
According to the instructions, Natalside candles are used for both adults and adolescents, starting from the age of 14. For the treatment of children, this drug is not prescribed.
Useful tips from scientists and doctors to help you extend your life
Specialists in the field of medicine shared important information about what simple ways you can extend your life. These tips will help you stay healthy and beautiful, ...
Duphaston tablets: instructions for use, what is prescribed, composition, analogues
Hormonal imbalance does not always require special therapy. Violation in an unreleased stage can be eliminated with the help of substitution treatment based on synthetic hormone substitutes. Duphaston tablets ...
Suprax 400 mg: instructions for use of tablets and capsules for adults and children, composition, ...
Suprax 400 is a cephalosporin antibiotic prescribed for the treatment of many diseases caused by pathogens. The drug treats respiratory, urinary, biliary tract, skin diseases.
Release Forms ...
Dragee Sinupret: instructions for use for children and adults, the composition of the herbal preparation, analogues
Modern pharmacies are filled with a wide variety of synthetic medicines, but patients nonetheless prefer to use natural herbal preparations. Sinupret Dragee is a medicine created ...
Dimexide gel: instructions for use, what helps, composition analogs
Dimexide gel is an effective local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory. Thanks to this drug, many patients forget about their pain, can lead a full-fledged image ...
Phenibut: analogues of Russian and foreign, active substance, instructions for use
In the age of information glut, more and more people are faced with neuralgic and neurotic diseases, which Phenibut and its analogues help to cope with. They have a powerful ...
8 ways to deal with stress as recommended by psychologists
Life is full of difficulties and troubles that are simply impossible to avoid. She really often hits people hard, and not everyone can cope with these blows. Next ...
Valaciclovir: instructions for use of tablets, composition, analogues of an antiviral drug
Valaciclovir is a modern analogue of the antiviral drug Acyclovir. It includes a derivative of the active substance, which in the body turns into an active compound. Thanks ...
Chocolate diet for weight loss: a menu for 7 and 3 days, the basic rules, the way out ...
The Chocolate Diet is a nutritional program that sweets will especially enjoy. What could be better than enjoying your favorite chocolate and losing weight so fast?
The main ...
Ampicillin Trihydrate: instructions for use of tablets for adults and children, composition, analogues
There are a number of drugs whose pharmacological action is aimed at eliminating colonies of pathogenic microorganisms. Ampicillin Trihydrate, which is prescribed during therapy, also belongs to such therapeutic medicines ...
Kareprost for eyelashes: description of the product, instructions for use, composition, analogues, side effects, contraindications
Many girls dream of a charming expressive look. “Kareprost” for eyelashes comes to the rescue - a tool that improves their growth, density and quality. The active substance of the drug ...
Polysorb: analogues, composition, instructions for use of enterosorbent
The drug adsorbs and removes gases, toxins of various origin from the body. A similar mechanism of action for analogues of Polysorb, although the composition may vary significantly. And also exist ...
A carbohydrate-free diet for losing weight and drying your body: a table of products, menus, pros and cons, a way out ...
A carbohydrate-free diet is popular with active people. The term “drying” is often misleading. Many people think that a diet is based on reducing fluid intake. This is not true.
Paracetamol for children (suspension): instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues
Young children often suffer from colds and acute respiratory infections, which are accompanied by high fever. This symptom often scares parents, but experienced mothers know which drugs ...
Enterosgel during pregnancy: instructions for use in the early and late stages, composition, analogues of enterosorbent
Food poisoning, intoxications of various nature, skin diseases, allergic reactions - these problems can be solved by taking the enterosgel intestinal adsorbent. It incorporates harmful ...
Early symptoms of diabetes: what should alert you
A timely diagnosis is the key to recovery. Unfortunately, many people do not like to monitor their own health because of what they often overlook ...
Diet for duodenal ulcer: menu of the therapeutic diet table No. 1A, a list of allowed and ...
Many people, after diagnosing their gastrointestinal diseases, think that now they will no longer be able to eat deliciously. In fact, even a diet for ulcers ...
Cycloferon in ampoules: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, dosage, analogues
"Cycloferon" is an antiviral agent. Due to the immunomodulating property, it is widely applicable for the treatment of many ailments. In this article, we propose to consider the instructions for the use of Cycloferon in ampoules.
Nasonex: analogues are cheaper for children and adults, instructions for use, the active substance of the drug
Mometasone as part of a hormonal agent reduces inflammation, irritation and swelling of the nasal mucosa. Nasonex analogues are also used to get rid of the symptoms that arose in response to ...
Smecta in case of poisoning: instructions for use, dosage, enterosorbent analogues
Smecta in case of poisoning is one of the best medicines. This drug is an antidiarrheal drug that has an additional adsorbing effect. For poisoning or diarrhea ...
Diet for hepatitis C: what can and cannot be eaten with viral hepatitis, menu ...
A diet for hepatitis C along with taking medication prescribed by your doctor is an important part of treatment.It is not very strict, but it must be observed constantly.
Diet Kovalkova: detailed description, steps, menus, allowed and prohibited products
Among the many unhealthy weight loss systems, the Kovalkov diet stands out. It is focused not on eliminating a cosmetic problem, but on a long-term result, improving the overall ...
Boil ointment: list of drugs, instructions for use, indications and contraindications
Boils most often occur due to inflammation of the hair follicles. Usually the pathogenic microorganisms that cause this process are concentrated on the skin of people. But when they add up for them ...
Phenibut and alcohol: compatibility, consequences of taking a nootropic drug with alcohol
It is no secret that pharmacy drugs do not combine well with alcohol. Some of them are completely forbidden to be taken together. Find out if you can drink Phenibut and alcohol ...
Radioactive iodine: what is it, how is it used for treatment, consequences of use
In large quantities, radioactive iodine is very dangerous. During atomic accidents, he did a lot of trouble, causing terrible mutations and cell death in the human body ....
Ointment Levomekol: indications for use for children and adults, composition, analogues, instructions for use
Some drugs can be considered almost universal. Ointment Levomekol in indications for use has a wide range of pathologies in various fields of medicine. This medication is used ...
8 situations in which it is worth giving up water
Since childhood, people are taught to consume large amounts of fluid. Everyone knows that you need to drink at least two liters of water per day. However, some lose ...
Droppers with glucose: what is prescribed for, instructions for use, indications and contraindications
Glucose in droppers is used to saturate the body with energy. This substance is easily absorbed by the patient, allowing him to quickly "put on his feet." This article describes how to ...
Euphorbium Compositum: instructions for use for adults and children, analogues
Homeopathic remedy “Euphorbium Compositum” is used in the treatment of various ENT diseases. The drug gives good results even during pregnancy. Before use, it is worthwhile to study the instructions in detail.
The composition of the medicinal ...
Fukortsin with chickenpox: instructions for use, composition, antiseptic analogues
The chickenpox virus affects almost every person. This is a very common and unpleasant disease. They also call the disease a childhood illness, but an adult can also become infected with it, ...
The causative agent of syphilis is pale treponema: a description of the type of bacteria, causes and symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease
The causative agent of syphilis is a gram-negative bacterium that looks like a spirochete. It is called pale treponema. The pathogenic microorganism received its name for the white upper shell, as well as ...
The cuckoo procedure: what is it, what is it prescribed for and how is the washing of the sinuses carried out ...
The cuckoo medical procedure has nothing to do with a famous bird. This is the name of the medical washing of the nose, which at the beginning of the 20th century was developed by an American doctor ...
6 anti-cellulite body wraps at home
Among the many modern procedures to improve the appearance, anti-cellulite wrap has gained considerable popularity. This technique is highly effective and easy to use. Carry out wraps equally successfully ...
Detralex: composition, release form, dosage, instructions for use
About 35% of the world's population suffers from various diseases of the veins, and many treat such disorders apathetically, justifying their age. But modern medicine allows you to successfully treat ...
ATS diet: transcript, menu of medical tables according to Pevzner
The medical nutrition system developed by the learned nutritionist M. I. Pevzner in Soviet times does not lose its significance today. Every ATS diet or ...
Muesli bars: composition, calorie content, benefits and harms
Proper nutrition is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. A muesli bar is a great alternative to chocolate and sweets.
Composition and calorie content of muesli bar
The main component of the bar is ...
Meloxicam: indications for use, release form, instructions, analogues of NSAIDs
Meloxicam belongs to the group of nonsteroids that relieve the inflammatory process, severe pain syndrome. Indications for use of meloxicam are rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis. This tool has a lot ...
Dextrose: instructions for use, for which droppers and injections are prescribed
Dextrose is an indispensable substance that is a kind of "fuel" for the human body. It ensures the normal functioning of the brain, central nervous system. Intravenous administration of the drug allows for ...
Diet by blood type: basic principles, author of a diet, allowed and prohibited products for 1, ...
Blood type diet is a new direction in the field of nutrition, quite popular among various sectors of society. It was created thanks to many years of research by scientists and nutritionists ...
Mildronate: side effects and contraindications
Mildronate (in other words meldonium) is a drug aimed at maintaining tissue metabolism. Recognized as one of the most important vital drugs in the Russian Federation. The use of Mildronate, whose side effects ...
Azithromycin: side effects, contraindications for the use of antibiotics
In this publication, we will pay special attention to the side effects of Azithromycin, contraindications. Consider the possibility of using an antibiotic for patients of all age groups, pregnant and lactating women.
Release Forms ...
Miramistin with thrush: how to use it for women and men, can it be used for candidiasis in ...
Miramistin is a popular antiseptic available in every home. Widespread due to a number of properties that help get rid of viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Miramistin at ...
Diet after removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy: menu, table of allowed and prohibited products, dietary ...
Most patients believe that the diet after removal of the gallbladder and laparoscopy is very limited, scarce and complex. However, in fact, you can eat quite tasty ...
Amoxicillin for children: instructions for use, release form, composition, dosage, antibiotic analogues
Children's immunity is extremely susceptible to various bacteria and viruses, especially in the cold season. In case of inflammation and bacterial diseases, doctors prescribe for children ...