Hypolipidemic diet: nutrition rules and recipes, indications, diet options for maintaining and reducing weight

A lipid-lowering diet is suitable for those who monitor their health and do not want to gain excess weight. This is an opportunity to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially ...

Treatment of tonsillitis: symptoms in adults and children, drugs, folk remedies, methods of treating acute and ...

A sore throat often accompanies ARVI and ARI. But in some cases, this is a sign of a beginning sore throat. If you do not conduct competent treatment of tonsillitis, he will go into ...

How to treat pneumonia in children and adults: is it possible to be treated at home, to ...

Inflammation of the lungs is a disease that requires an immediate reaction and appropriate therapy. After all, it can seriously harm health with improper treatment. Therefore, it is important to know how to treat ...

Nurofen Express: instructions for use, release form, composition, dosage, analogues

The modern pharmaceutical market is saturated with all kinds of anti-inflammatory drugs. One of the most famous and sought after is the Nurofen Express. It belongs to the NSAID group and is used for ...

Antigrippin-Anvi: instructions for use, composition, analogues for the symptomatic treatment of influenza and the common cold

Viral diseases can significantly worsen a person’s well-being and provoke the development of serious complications. However, the right therapeutic treatment will not only prevent the progression of serious ...

Troxevasin gel: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues

Troxevasin gel is a topical remedy that is designed to solve problems with veins. It is useful in various pathologies, including thrombophlebitis ...

Diet for pyelonephritis: table number 7, a menu of a medical diet for kidney diseases in women, ...

A diet for pyelonephritis is one of the most important conditions for fighting the disease. The correct diet, called "Table No. 7", allows you to quickly relieve inflammation, ...

Common reed: where it grows, species description, application

Common reed is a perennial plant that every person has seen at least once in his life. It is common in mid-latitudes and beyond. See...

Ketorol injections: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues

Injuries, inflammatory processes and various pathologies are usually accompanied by severe pain. To eliminate them and alleviate the condition of the patient, doctors prescribe a number of non-steroidal drugs. Ketorol, injections ...

Common cuff: planting and care, useful properties, use in medicine and cooking

“Lady’s cloak”, “armchair for dew”, “God’s tear” - this is not all the names of the ordinary cuff. Grass of alchemists - so in ancient times called the cuff false scientists, ...

How to increase potency in men in natural ways: nutrition, folk remedies, exercises to improve potency

Potency impairment is a common pathology in middle-aged and older men. Fortunately, such a condition lends itself to therapy, and the folk ...

Ursosan: analogues are cheaper and Russian substitutes, composition, instructions for the use of hepatoprotector

Due to poor ecology and poor nutrition, the liver suffers the most. To maintain it, special preparations are made. Ursosan's analogs, like the drug itself, will help lead ...

Pyelonephritis: symptoms in women, men and children, diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory kidney disease

Pyelonephritis is an infectious lesion of the kidneys, which is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the structures of the organ. The cause of the disease is the penetration into the renal pelvis and reproduction there ...

Pyelonephritis: classification, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease in children and adults

The vast majority of infections affect only the bladder. But sometimes they rise higher in the kidneys and ureters, and lead to the development of pyelonephritis. It...

Ambroxol tablets: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, dosage, analogues

At least once in a lifetime everyone has coughed. Ambroxol tablets help accelerate recovery and alleviate the patient's condition. They are approved for use in adults, ...

Cortexin injections: indications, instructions for use for adults and children, composition, dosage, analogues

In the case of an excessive load on the neurons of the brain or a previous lesion of its tissues, injections of Cortexin can be prescribed. They help repair damaged areas and easier ...

Troxevasin during pregnancy: instructions for the use of gel and capsules, composition, indications and contraindications, analogues ...

Hormonal imbalance, fetal growth in the womb are manifested by edema, varicose veins. Troxevasin is used during pregnancy to reduce negative changes in blood vessels, to avoid impairment of blood circulation. It is necessary ...

Subclinical hypothyroidism: symptoms and treatment in adults and children, diagnosis of the thyroid gland

Subclinical hypothyroidism is also called "hidden", since the disease has no obvious symptoms. This form is the initial stage of the disease and is characterized by a defeat of the normal functioning of the thyroid gland ....

Teratozoospermia: what is it and how to treat it, causes, diagnosis, teratozoospermia index

Teratozoospermia is a condition of ejaculate due to the formation of a large number of sperm cells with pathological abnormalities. This abnormality of seminal fluid leads to miscarriages, miscarriage and various pathologies ...

Spermatogenesis: stages and scheme, disorders and methods of stimulating sperm production

Spermatogenesis in the body of a man, in contrast to ovogenesis in women, occurs throughout life starting from the puberty. The process goes through several stages ...

Blood in semen (hemospermia): causes and treatment of pathology

Any changes in the ejaculate that are noticeable to the eye are an occasion to contact a urologist. One of the characteristic signs that cannot be overlooked is hemospermia or blood ...

Epilepsy in children: causes, symptoms, types of seizures, diagnosis and treatment

Epilepsy is a neurological pathology. The disease, as a rule, manifests itself in infants at an early age (3 - 5 years). In today's article, let's look at what constitutes ...

Hypothyroidism in children, congenital and acquired: symptoms and treatment of hypothyroidism

Thyroid insufficiency is a pathology of the endocrine system, which is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of thyroid hormones in the blood or their inferiority. The disease is manifested by a delay in development, apathy, ...

Hemangioma in newborns: causes, whether it is dangerous, treatment of a tumor

A vascular tumor is a colored spot with a flat or elevated surface. In itself, it is not dangerous, but it can grow into neighboring organs and ...

When a pregnancy test shows the exact result: how long will the most sensitive test determine ...

Regardless of whether the pregnancy is planned or undesirable, its presence should be found out as soon as possible. And pharmacy tests of different kinds help in this ...

Atypical autism in children: symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Atypical autism is a mental disorder that occurs in preschool children. This form of the disease is characterized in that the child in most cases is well developed intellectually, ...

When the breast begins to hurt during pregnancy: how long does the tenderness and engorgement of the mammary glands ...

Every woman, without exception, is worried and inadvertently suspects the worst when her chest begins to hurt during pregnancy. In fact, there is nothing to worry about ...

Is it possible to do a pregnancy test in the evening: when is it better to do a test, which affects ...

Often the girls are worried about the question: is it possible to do a pregnancy test in the evening or will the most accurate data be available only in the morning? Let us consider this process in detail in order to ...

Cerebral palsy: causes, main symptoms, diagnosis during pregnancy, forms and treatment of cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is not a specific disease, but a combination of various symptoms. The disease can manifest itself in both mental and motor disorders, it always has ...

Prednisolone tablets: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, side effects, composition, dosage, glucocorticosteroid analogues

There are drugs whose spectrum of action includes a very large number of diseases. The instructions for use of prednisolone in tablets or solution for injection ...

Indapamide Retard: instructions for use, composition, indications, side effects, diuretic analogues

Indapamide Retard is used to lower blood pressure and reduce edema, the occurrence of which is associated with a violation of the heart and a change in the state of blood vessels. To his merits ...

Bifidumbacterin Forte: instructions for the use of powder and capsules, composition, dosage, analogues

Bifidumbacterin Forte is not a traditional medicine containing chemically synthesized substances, but a bacterium-based drug that helps normalize digestive function in various disorders ...

Linex for children: instructions for use of drops, powder and capsules, composition, dosage, analogues

The balance of bacteria in the intestines of a child is easily disturbed due to illness, malnutrition or antibiotic treatment. Linex for children allows you to restore the digestive tract and get rid of ...

Nimesulide - what helps: instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues

To achieve the desired effect of the drug, you need to know why Nimesulide helps, and in which cases it is worth paying attention to other means. He is acting ...

Thermopsis: instructions for the use of drugs with thermopsis, the healing properties of herbs

Today in the pharmacy you can buy at an inexpensive price pills created on the basis of the thermopsis plant. These drugs began to help people back in the 30s of the past ...

Nimesulide tablets: instructions for use, what they help from, composition, dosage, analogues

Nimesulide - tablets related to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs. The tool has a pronounced analgesic effect. Due to its quick effect, the medicine is an indispensable tool for strong ...

What is Viagra and how it acts on men, composition, instructions for use, analogues

Perhaps every man knows what Viagra is. It is the best-selling drug in the world for rapidly increasing potency. However, the presented “one night pill” is not ...

Tripophobia: what it is, what it arises from, how to get rid of fear

Some people suffer from various phobias that make them fear a thunderstorm, crowds, open spaces, heights, or darkness. But how to explain the fear of small holes, ...

Acute pyelonephritis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease in children and adults

The kidneys are part of the human excretory system. The proper functioning of the body depends on their health. Most often, acute pyelonephritis affects them. If the inflammatory process in the kidneys ...

Nurofen candles for children: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues

The pharmaceutical preparation under discussion has a strong antipyretic, pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Candles for children "Nurofen" are used for symptomatic therapy. The medicine eliminates the symptoms of inflammation, but its ...

Suspension "Amoxiclav": instructions for use for children, composition, dosage, antibiotic analogues

The instructions for the use of Amoxiclav suspension indicate that this medicine is characterized by the widest spectrum of action and is used in modern pediatrics for the treatment of many pathologies ....

Mukaltin for children: instructions for use of tablets, composition, dosage, analogues

Herbal medicine helps to soften an unproductive cough, in which sputum is difficult to separate. For children, “Mukaltin” is prescribed as an expectorant in the treatment of respiratory tract diseases. Two dosage forms ...

Eye drops Ciprolet: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, dosage, analogues

If the eyes are constantly watery, painfully react to touch or blinking, then most likely they undergo an inflammatory process caused by bacteria. Cyprolet - eye drops, ...

Common bruise: type description, sowing dates, application

An ordinary bruise is really the most ordinary, at first glance, plant, which is a weed! It is removed from the garden for one simple reason: it is poisonous ...

There is no menstruation, the test is negative - what does it mean: reasons for the delay of menstruation, except for pregnancy

It is no secret that malfunctions in the menstrual cycle are a sign of existing disorders within the female body. Often, women are faced with a situation where menstruation ...

Loperamide-Akrikhin: what helps, instructions for use, composition, analogues

Loperamide-Akrikhin is an effective drug that is recommended for patients with diarrhea.These pills help normalize stool and relieve a person of discomfort associated with the disorder ...

Ketorol tablets: instructions for use, composition, side effects, dosage, analogues

With pain syndrome of various etiologies, it is important to choose the optimal drug that will effectively relieve the symptom and not harm health. A popular medicine is Ketorol tablets. A drug...

Hepatitis C treatment: symptoms, prevention, drugs, the modern treatment regimen for viral hepatitis C, folk remedies

Hepatitis C treatment consists of several important aspects: diet and lifestyle, medications, ongoing monitoring by a hepatologist. The disease is characterized by a protracted course, without timely ...

Testogenon: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, composition, analogues of biologically active additives

The procreation is one of the main functions of the species. Therefore, its maintenance is so important for people. Testogenon - a unique ... helps to maintain and improve its quality.

Cyprolet 500 mg: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues of an antibacterial drug

Thanks to antibiotic drugs, it has become possible to quickly and effectively resist the detrimental vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Typically, such drugs are used for the therapeutic treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases ....

Pantogam Asset: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues of a nootropic drug

The brain is the most complex organ in our body. If his work deteriorates, the quality of life suffers, the functions of all human systems are disrupted. Pantogam Asset helps to avoid ...

Diet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis: 5 table therapeutic diet, sample menu, recipes

A diet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis is an important component of therapy. Without proper nutrition, it is impossible to cure these diseases. And if, despite the restrictions, eat forbidden foods ...

No-Shpalgin: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues

No-Shpalgin in the instructions for use is described as a unique combined medication with high analgesic activity, designed to relieve pain of different localization, relieve spastic conditions of internal ...

Pantogam syrup: instructions for use for children, composition, dosage, analogues

Numerous irritants, the flow of information, mobile phones, the Internet put the mind of both an adult and a child to great tests. Sensory overload occurs, sleep worsens, irritability appears and ...

Parkinson's disease: what is it, symptoms and signs, causes, stages, treatment of the disease

Many have heard of Parkinson's disease, which is a serious pathology that is practically untreatable. However, most people do not even know how this very difficult is manifested ...

Yoga for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters: benefits, limitations and contraindications, exercises ...

During pregnancy, the woman’s body undergoes cardinal changes that can cause significant discomfort to the expectant mother. Needless to say, what a heavy load ...

Amoxiclav during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters - is it possible: instructions for ...

The time of carrying a child in a person is quite long, and during this difficult period, the mother does not exclude the occurrence of various diseases. Some of them require treatment ...

Tick ​​demodex on the face and body: symptoms and treatment of demodicosis in humans

The demodex mite is a permanent, invisible to the eye, inhabitant of the surface layer of the skin of humans and mammals. Under favorable conditions, it is activated, multiplies intensively and causes demodicosis. When ...

Herbion for wet cough: syrups of primrose and ivy for removing sputum for children and ...

Cough is a natural mechanism that is aimed at protecting the body. However, in the absence of the necessary treatment, it can provoke the development of a chronic respiratory disease. Therefore, experts ...

Why breast pain: before menstruation, during pregnancy, during menopause, normal and pathology

Often, women are perplexed why the chest hurts. In fact, the reasons may be the most commonplace. No need to panic and come up with scary diagnoses. This sensation has ...

Duphalac during pregnancy: instructions for use, contraindications, composition, analogues of a laxative

During the period of bearing a child, a double load falls on the woman's body. This provokes problems with the work of internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract. Using Dufalac ...

Common meadowsweet: where it grows, species description, cultivation, application

Lubaznik, meadowsweet, Ivan color is called the ordinary meadowsweet. It has healing properties. The aboveground part contains essential oils with a pleasant smell, fatty acids, catechins, steroids ....

Cardiomagnyl: Russian and foreign analogues, instructions for use, composition, dosage

Cardiomagnyl, analogues based on acetylsalicylic acid and clopidogrel, are used to dilute blood, prevent the development of stroke and heart attack. Thanks to the means, the risk of heart disease is reduced ...

Blood sugar: normal in men and women, in children and in pregnant women, ...

What is the normal blood sugar level, how ideally does the digestive system function, is there a danger in food products - these questions are increasingly and ...

Yoga for weight loss for beginners: an effective course of exercises at home

To get in shape and get a dream figure is not a single woman will refuse. Often a trip to the gym is delayed due to uncertainty ...

Vaginal dysbiosis: symptoms, treatment and prevention of bacterial vaginosis

Vaginal dysbiosis is a problem that many women face. Unfortunately, not all of them turn to the gynecologist on time, and this is fraught with serious ...

Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid: instructions for use, release form, dosage, analogues of the combined antibiotic

Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid is a highly active antibiotic drug with a combined effect, developed to treat a wide range of infectious and inflammatory pathologies and purulent processes in different tissues ...

How to take Amoxiclav: instructions for use for adults and children, release form, composition, dosage, ...

Amoxiclav is a relatively safe antibiotic-based drug that cures complex diseases caused by bacteria. Recommended for children and adults. Allowed to pregnant women, as well as lactating ....

Levomycetin tablets: instructions for use, side effects, composition, dosage, analogues

For many years Levomycetin tablets have been well known in the Russian pharmaceutical market. This tool is well established in the treatment of bacterial intestinal and eye infections ....

Vero-Amlodipine: instructions for the use of tablets, which help, composition, analogues

Pharmaceutical preparations that relieve angina attacks (antianginal effect) and lower blood pressure (antihypertensive property) are able to normalize the work of the heart and improve the state of blood vessels. One of those ...

Syphilis treatment: stages, symptoms, diagnosis of an infectious disease, treatment regimen, antisyphilitic drugs

Syphilis is a pathology that before the era of antibiotic treatment had a significant spread and serious consequences for patients. What is syphilisLues is a serious infectious disease ...

Dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis - how to treat: drugs, folk remedies, exercises

Cervical osteochondrosis is a very common problem among office workers and representatives of other "sedentary" professions. Dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis and headache are serious problems, ...

Cortexin: instructions for use for children, composition, dosage, analogues, side effects of injections

In diseases of the central nervous system in children, it is necessary to improve blood supply to the brain. Doctors in such cases often prescribe Cortexin. It is well tolerated by children and does not ...

Vitamins for kittens - which are better for the health of the pet: an overview of popular brands, composition

In the first months of life, health, immunity, and beauty are laid. That is why it is extremely important during this period to maximize the needs of your pet. And since ...

Milbemax for kittens: instructions for use, dosage, composition, analogues of tablets from worms

Helminths in kittens can cause their death. To protect little pets from worms, you need to choose only safe, but effective anthelmintic agents. That is ...

Subtle humor about a healthy lifestyle, diet and proper nutrition

Probably, each of us at least once in his life tried to follow proper nutrition and lead a healthy lifestyle. But every second literally every other day ...

Pantogam: what is prescribed for children, instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues

Disruptions in metabolic processes in brain tissue are a serious pathology that requires immediate treatment. A similar disorder occurs in childhood, mainly ...

Meloxicam-Prana: instructions for the use of tablets, for which they are prescribed, composition, dosage, analogues

Inflammatory diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system are often accompanied by severe pain. Permanent pain significantly affects the quality of life and performance. In such cases...

"No-Shpa": dosage for children, instructions for use in tablets and ampoules, composition, analogues

If the child is overwhelmed by cramping, then the well-known No-Shpa drug will help, the dosage of the children of which is different from that required by adults. Therefore, you must be extremely careful ...

Mukaltin during pregnancy: is it possible to take in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, composition, dosage, ...

During the bearing of the child, most medicines are not recommended. But Mukaltin can be taken during pregnancy. This drug helps expectant mothers fight cough ...

Nasonex: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, analogues of the nasal spray

A runny nose does not always go away on its own or is corrected by standard vasoconstrictive drops. Sometimes it is allergic in nature, so conventional therapeutic regimens do not work. Then to the rescue ...

10 Ducane recipes for attack and rotation

The technique, developed by the French nutritionist Pierre Ducane, has a huge number of followers around the world. This is not even a diet in the usual sense of the word, but carefully worked out ...

Duphalac for children: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues of a laxative

Quite often, newborns have various problems associated with the proper functioning of the digestive tract and normal stool. A safe and effective laxative is Duphalac for children, ...

Antiviral suppositories for children: the best immunomodulators for the treatment of viral infections in children

Antiviral suppositories for children is a real salvation from viral diseases, which can lead to rather serious complications. When choosing drugs of this group, it is worth considering them ...

Bifiform: instructions for use of capsules for adults and children, composition, dosage, probiotic analogues

Bifiform medication is a medicine to restore intestinal function. Specialists prescribe it for therapeutic and preventive measures in children and adults. Average ...

Soda water: harm or health benefits, 5 facts about soda

Harmful or beneficial carbonated water will bring the body, depends on many factors. Take into account the composition of the liquid and the features of the application. The age of the person and the presence of ...

No-Shpa for children: instructions for use, release form, composition, dosage, analogues

Before prescribing this or that medicine to a child, you should know the exact dosage, the basic rules of admission, and also at what age it is allowed to use this ...

Phosphalugel: instructions for children, indications for use, composition, dosage, analogues

Antacids are indispensable for heartburn, especially if it is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If such a condition is observed in a child, then it is worth choosing the safest and ...

Acipol for children: instructions for use, release form, composition, dosage, analogues

The drug is useful for the intestinal flora, weakens or kills pathogenic bacteria. The instructions for the use of "Acipol" for children indicate that this multifactorial therapeutic agent eliminates ...

Children's Ibuprofen: instructions for use of suspension and suppositories, dosage, analogues

Strong pain, high body temperature or inadequate reaction of the body to vaccinations - parents often encounter similar conditions in children. Mostly ...

Ascorutin for children: instructions for use, dosage, for what purpose and from what age, analogues ...

A universal remedy can be used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Ascorutin is prescribed for children with hypovitaminosis, infectious and allergic diseases, other problems with ...

Bifidumbacterin for newborns: instructions for use, release form, composition, dosage, analogues

The microflora of the baby’s digestive tract in the first days of his life is in the process of normalization, which is why various digestive disorders are often observed during this period. Eliminate ...

Arbidol children: instructions for use of tablets and suspensions, composition, dosage, analogues

As a rule, it is the child’s body that is most susceptible to various diseases that are caused by viruses. During seasonal epidemics, a child’s fragile immune system may weaken, which ...

Tonsillitis in children: symptoms, treatment and prevention, classification of infectious disease

Tonsillitis develops when the tonsils are infected with bacteria, viruses, fungi, and intracellular parasites. Symptoms and treatment of tonsillitis in children depend on the form of the course of the disease, the nature of the inflammation. Causes...

Laundry soap: what they are made of, types, benefits and harms, methods of application

Dozens of new products that are released by the chemical industry appear annually on store shelves. A universal laundry soap does not lose its popularity. Its important advantages over ...

Meningitis - symptoms in children: how to recognize a disease in a child by the first signs, diagnosis, ...

Meningitis is generally called a whole complex of neuroinfections of the meninges, which often affect children. Procrastination with treatment leads to serious consequences, often fatal, therefore ...

Siberian hogweed: description of a plant, difference from poisonous species, benefits and harms, how to get rid of ...

The powerful bush received a botanical name, meaning "Hercules grass" in the name of the ancient Greek hero Hercules. The people of Siberian hogweed used to be called "borsch" for nutritional value ....

Eye drops of chloramphenicol for children: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues

Eye drops for children Levomycetin is a highly active antimicrobial medication that belongs to topical antibacterial agents. In ophthalmology it is used in babies from 2 years old, and ...

Pyelonephritis in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory kidney disease

Pyelonephritis in children is second only to respiratory infections and SARS in prevalence. Without proper treatment, the pathology becomes chronic, leading to irreversible consequences. Reasons for development ...

Augmentin suspension for children: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues

When a child becomes ill in the family, parents seek the most effective, but at the same time safe methods of therapy. For diseases caused by the activity of pathogenic bacteria, pediatricians often prescribe ...

Ciprofloxacin tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, release form, dosage, analogues

Bacterial infections are considered one of the most common in the world. Modern pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of medicines to treat such diseases. In our article, you ...

Taiga tick: what is dangerous for humans, the carrier of which diseases is, the habitat and life ...

One of the most dangerous arachnids for humans is considered a taiga tick. How can he harm people's health and how to protect himself and his family from attack ...

Terpinghydrate: description of the substance, mechanism of action, which preparations contain

A wet cough is one of the main companions for colds. And it is necessary to fight it, since stagnation of sputum can provoke obstruction of the bronchi. For therapy ...

Radionuclides: what is it, classification, effect on the human body

Radionuclides are radioactive substances. They enter the human body from the outside, leading to serious health problems. Even in small doses, the substances have a detrimental effect ...

Contractions: how to understand that they started at the first birth, types of contractions, sensations, the interval between ...

Childbearing is a sacred process that marks the birth of a new person. Many primiparous women, even carefully preparing for the meeting with the baby, are at a loss, fearing ...

Hyperhidrosis treatment: types, signs, diagnosis and treatment methods for increased sweating

About 5 to 15% of the world's population suffers from excessive sweating. This condition is not considered a dangerous disease, but causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. Therefore, many ...

Pneumocystis pneumonia: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and possible consequences of the disease

Pneumocystis pneumonia is pneumonia caused by a conditionally pathogenic yeast-like fungus. The disease does not develop in animals, and is typical only for humans. Normal in healthy ...

Diet "7 petals": a menu for every day, the basic rules, allowed and prohibited products, exit ...

The menu for every day in the 7-petal diet is surprising and pleasing. After all, you can eat tasty, use a variety of foods and at the same time lose weight. Features and rules ...

Stevia sweetener: benefits and harms, composition, release forms and names of sweeteners based on stevia

Stevia sweetener is a salvation for sweets who are trying to lose weight, they have to go on a diet due to health problems. It has a natural origin, and accordingly ...

Polyoxidonium: analogues are cheaper in tablets, suppositories and injections, for children and adults

Polyoxidonium is a highly effective tool to stimulate immunity to fight viruses and infections. Demand for this drug traditionally rises in the fall and winter, when ...

Omega-3: what are adults and children taking, instructions for use

Recently, everyone has heard fashionable Omega-3 drugs. They are recommended in fitness clubs and beauty parlors.But many do not know what they are ...

Soy asparagus: what is it, calorie content, the benefits and harms of fuju

Soy asparagus (fuju) has long ceased to be an outlandish delicacy, firmly entering the diet of European people. Delicious salads are prepared from it or simply consumed as ...

Bifiform Baby: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues

Colic in a newborn baby is a terrible dream for any mom. The child cries, refuses to sleep, eat, bothers with legs, and it is completely incomprehensible how he can be helped ....

Metformin Canon: instructions for use of tablets, composition, dosage, analogues

Metformin Canon is a synthesized hypoglycemic drug that can lower blood sugar, correct carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body, expressed in the patient’s overweight ....

Enterofuril: what helps children and adults, instructions for use of capsules and suspensions, composition, ...

Enterofuril first appeared in Europe about fifty years ago. Periodic research has opened up its new possibilities. From the article you will learn how Enterofuril helps and ...

Omez during pregnancy: whether or not early or late, than replacing the antiulcer ...

When carrying a child in the female body, there is a restructuring of almost all organs, there is discomfort in the stomach, accompanied by heartburn, heaviness, and colic. Reception "Omez" during pregnancy ...

Dexamethasone during pregnancy: what is prescribed, release form, instructions for use, composition, analogues

"Dexamethasone" is an artificially synthesized hormonal drug used in the treatment of inflammatory processes and allergic reactions, has an antitoxic effect and anti-shock effect, inhibits the immune system reactions ....

Amoxiclav for children: instructions for use, release form, composition, dosage, antibiotic analogues

Infectious diseases are extremely dangerous for children, therefore, they require immediate antibiotic therapy. It is important to choose the most effective drug, but with the minimum risk of side effects ...

Alkaline diet: weekly menu, list of alkalizing foods, indications and contraindications

Alkaline diet is only gaining popularity in our country. For some, this is an effective method of weight loss, for others - a way to improve their health. About this...

Arbidol: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, dosage, analogues

The modern cold medicine market is filled with many drugs. The greatest excitement arises with the onset of cold weather. The drug Arbidol to a greater extent occupies a leading position as a medicine ...

Model diet: menu for 3 and 7 days, results, basic rules and contraindications, exit ...

Model diet is designed to bring your weight back to normal for a limited period of time. Because of this, she is quite strict, and therefore observe ...

How to take Bifiform for adults and children: before or after a meal, how many times a day, ...

Unfortunately, the nutritional quality of many people leaves much to be desired. A logical consequence of this are frequent problems with the digestive organs. A probiotic helps to cope with a problem ...

Omega-3: why it is useful to take for women, men, children, instructions for use

There are substances without which the human body simply cannot function. Some of them are synthesized in himself, but some must come from outside - with ...

Candles "Polyoxidonium": instructions for use for children and adults, composition, dosage, analogues

In pharmacies, there are many different immunomodulators, among them candles "Polyoxidonium". Therapists and pediatricians for the most part give preference to this medicine, because it has at least ...

Curantil: instructions for use, what is prescribed, composition, dosage, analogues

The hasty rhythm of life and addiction to bad habits necessarily affect the health of the human cardiovascular system. Various factors help reduce the negative impact and cope with a problem ...

Chips Chitos: flavors, composition, calories

Many children and some adults find the Chitos chips insanely delicious snacks with an irresistible shape. We will find out how harmful corn sticks on the domestic market are, and ...

Diskus Compositum: instructions for the use of injections, composition of a homeopathic preparation, analogues

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are difficult to treat. This is especially true for those cases that are associated with age-related changes. Long-term medication support often provokes the appearance of all kinds ...

Zovirax or Acyclovir - which is better: comparison of antiviral drugs, composition, release form, indications for ...

Viral diseases require quick and effective treatment, especially if they are such unpleasant ailments like herpes or shingles. Zovirax or Acyclovir: which is better and ...

Diet of Polina Gagarina: menu for the week, principle and basic rules

The famous singer has the largest fan club in Russia. Fans with great attention follow not only creativity, but also its life. When after ...

Paleo-diet (paleo-diet), autoimmune nutritional protocol: what is and is not, recipes, benefits and ...

The paleo diet brings people back to nutrition destined for nature itself. Our genes remember healthy food - one that would allow us to remain slim, not to get sick ...

Polysorb or Enterosgel - which is better for children and adults: a comparison of drugs, composition, price, ...

With various pathologies of the digestive tract, intestinal infections, poisoning with drugs, poisons, sorbents are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at eliminating toxic substances from the body. Today the most ...

Kombilipen: analogues in tablets and ampoules, composition, instructions for use of the complex of vitamins of the group ...

Combilipen demonstrates quite good results in the treatment of nervous disorders. This multivitamin combination drug is especially in demand in the treatment of neurological pathologies, as well as various ...

Arcoxia: instructions for use of tablets, composition, dosage, NSAIDs analogues

Arcoxia is a highly active, fast-acting non-hormonal anti-inflammatory medication with pronounced analgesic properties and a long-lasting effect. It is mainly used for joint inflammatory pain syndromes. Belongs to the class ...

Curantil: what is it prescribed for, indications for the use of tablets, composition, dosage, analogues

The cardiovascular system ensures the coordinated work of all organs, supplying them with oxygen and necessary substances. Violation of its work entails problems in the functioning of many systems. Quarantil ...

Omega mother (Omegamama): instructions for use, composition, analogues

Every expectant mother dreams of a healthy baby. Invaluable help in carrying a child will be provided by some drugs, often prescribed by gynecologists. Among them is Omega Mom. Description of the form ...

Acyclovir during pregnancy: indications, instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues of the antiviral drug

Acyclovir is a modern antiviral drug that has been shown to be highly effective in the fight against the herpes virus (herpes). The active substance destructively affects the pathogen, does not ...

Rehydron: instructions for use for children and adults, the composition of the powder, analogues

Water is the foundation of life. With a loss of more than 10% of the fluid in the body, pathological processes begin.There may be several causes of dehydration - severe diarrhea, vomiting, or ...

Regein for hair for women and men: instructions for using the drug for baldness

Male pattern baldness, or alopecia, is a serious problem that absolutely anyone can face. Stop intense hair loss with conventional cosmetics ...

Folic acid when planning pregnancy: how to take men and women, dosage, duration of admission

Even before conception, it is worth thinking about replenishing the vitamin-mineral reserve, as this is the key to a successful pregnancy. There are vitamins that positively affect the reproductive function of men ...

Omeganol: instructions for use of capsules, composition, analogues

Due to the nature of the modern rhythm of life, most people often have vitamin deficiency of varying severity. The lack of beneficial components and vitamins leads to the development of many ...

Loratadin Teva: instructions for use of tablets, composition, analogues of an antiallergic drug

Loratadine Teva is an anti-allergenic drug that has established itself as a vital medicine recognized by the international community. This is a new generation of tablets that is enough to take once in ...

BEACH diet: detailed description, menu in grams, the principle of protein-carbohydrate alternation, pros and cons, diet results

BEACH diet is an ideal way to lose a few extra pounds for people with weak willpower. Most of the recommended diet for weight loss provides for limiting intake ...

How to take Ingavirin for adults and children: dosage, course of treatment

In infectious diseases, the patient is prescribed drugs that can fight specific viruses. How to take Ingavirin, the doctor decides. This medication is universal. This is due to the fact ...

Acetylsalicylic acid: instructions for use, what helps, composition, dosage for adults and children

Acetylsalicylic acid is the pharmacological name of the well-known aspirin. The drug has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Widely used in various fields of medicine ...

Bisoprolol tablets: what they help from, instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues

Bisoprolol tablets are antihypertensive drugs. They are characterized by high efficiency, remain relevant in the work of general practitioners and cardiologists for many years. A drug...

Suprastin during pregnancy: is it possible to take, instructions for use, release form, composition, dosage, analogues ...

Often, during the bearing of the child, the expectant mother has various allergy symptoms. To eliminate them, the doctor can prescribe anti-allergic drugs, the spectrum of which today ...

"Polyoxidonium": instructions for use for children and adults, release form, composition, dosage, analogues

In this publication, we consider the instructions for the use of "Polyoxidonium". This is a popular immunomodulator, it is prescribed for both adults and children. We learn about the possible consequences of taking ...

What halva is made of: types and composition of halva, calorie content, benefits and harm

In ancient times, halva was a necessary product for any traveler, because it is very high-calorie and does not deteriorate for a long time. What halva is made of ...

Curantyl during pregnancy: what is prescribed, how to take it when planning pregnancy and in the early ...

The drug has beneficial effects of various kinds on the human body, and in particular - expectant mothers. Doctors often prescribe Curantil during pregnancy to prevent many ...

Polyoxidonium for children: instructions for use, release form, composition, dosage, analogues

Polyoxidonium for children was developed by Russian biochemists and pharmacologists at the Research Center of the Institute of Immunology. The medicine acts comprehensively: it regulates the immune system, inhibits oxidative and inflammatory processes, neutralizes ...

Suprastinex and Suprastin - what is the difference: a comparison of allergy medications, composition, release forms

Everyone who has experienced an allergy knows that finding your own drug to relieve unpleasant symptoms is not easy. Many antihistamines have side effects and do not ...

Flemoxin Solutab 1000 mg: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, analogues

In the absence of an adequately selected therapeutic treatment, many infectious diseases threaten the patient with a large number of serious complications. Specialists often prefer the drug Flemoxin Solutab 1000 ...

Atkins diet: menu for 14 days, a table of allowed and prohibited products, a detailed description of the stages ...

The Atkins diet has been popular for over 50 years. It is used by both Hollywood stars and ordinary women who dream of a slim figure. From this article you will learn ...

Diet for nursing mothers: good nutrition by month, a table of products that are prohibited during breastfeeding

After the birth of a baby, much changes in a woman’s life. In particular, change is about nutrition. A diet for nursing mothers is the key to the normal development of crumbs and lack of ...

Tahini halva: what they are made of, benefits and harm to the body, calorie content

Tahini halva is an oriental delicacy, and very useful. It contains many nutrients that help internal organs and systems function normally. What is Takhin made of ...

Amoxiclav 875 mg + 125 mg: instructions for use by adults and children, the composition of tablets, ...

With the advent of winter, therapists have more work to do. Frosts, lack of vitamins and sunlight affect not only the mood, but also on the condition ...

Cavinton: instructions for use, release form, composition, dosage, analogues

Cavinton is a popular drug for the treatment of cerebrovascular disorders. The medicine has a wide therapeutic effect, so it contains a large list of indications for use. The drug is widely ...

Analogues of Curantila of Russian and foreign production: list of drugs, instructions for use.

Curantil is an imported drug that has established itself as an antithrombotic agent. Its price is quite high, so in pharmaceuticals there are analogues of Curantil, differing in budget price. Composition, active ...

Afobazole: what helps, the instructions for the use of tablets, composition, analogues

Anxiolytics are drugs that reduce anxiety and eliminate general emotional anxiety. The second name of the group is tranquilizers. Such drugs are used for the symptomatic treatment of conditions accompanied by anxiety, ...

Duphaston: side effects, instructions for the use of tablets, composition, analogues

The drug Dufaston, the side effects of which will be discussed later, normalizes the hormonal background of the female body. The drug is successfully used at the stage of pregnancy planning and ...

Buckwheat fasting day - how to spend it correctly: options, benefits, contraindications

The human body, especially the digestive system, periodically needs to be "cleaned" or rest. An unloading day on buckwheat just can lead to clearing of accumulated in ...

Analogs of Bifiform: cheap similar preparations for children and adults, a list of inexpensive probiotics

Bifiform refers to drugs whose action is aimed at normalizing intestinal microflora, restoring the number and quality of lactobacilli.As a result of treatment with this medication, the immune system improves, ...

Maggi's egg diet for weight loss: a menu for 2 and 4 weeks in the table, allowed ...

Maggie's egg diet got its name from its creator Margaret (abbreviated as Maggie) Thatcher. It was in her old notebook that records about the system were discovered ...

Augmentin: antibiotic analogues for children and adults, instructions for use, release form, dosage

Augmentin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic drug. It is used in pediatric and therapeutic practices in the treatment of cystitis, joint diseases, as well as respiratory diseases. Analogs ...

Loratadine: what helps, instructions for the use of tablets and syrup, composition, analogues of the drug

People suffering from allergies know that with exacerbation of this pathology one cannot do without antihistamines. There are a huge number of such medicines, the main thing is to make the right choice ...

Injections Polyoxidonium: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, dosage, analogues

Polyoxidonium - injections that are very popular for treatment in the pediatric and therapeutic department. They contribute to the improvement of the protective functions of the body. Often this drug is prescribed ...

Glucosamine Sulfate 750 mg: instructions for use of tablets, composition, analogues

Glucosamine Sulfate belongs to the group of chondoprotectors, the action of which is aimed at stimulating the metabolism in bone, cartilage. This is an effective drug for the treatment of joint diseases, which ...

Children's Ibuklin: instructions for the use of tablets, dosage, composition, analogues

In case of viral diseases in children, fever, pain syndrome of various etiologies, Ibuklin is prescribed for children. But, taking this medication, it should be remembered that with a violation ...

Diet for constipation: table number 3 medical diet according to Pevzner, a menu for children and ...

A diet for constipation can significantly improve a person’s condition and establish a normal digestion process. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations made. The essence of the diet "Table No. 3" for constipation The main thing...

Nail psoriasis: causes, symptoms and treatment, drugs and folk remedies

Nail psoriasis is an unpleasant disease that gives a person a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. The patient feels himself an outcast in society, as he is embarrassed by the ugly appearance of those affected ...

Paracetamol: dosage for children, release form, analogues

During a flu or a cold, adults rarely go to the doctor, but small patients need specialized help. The dosage of "Paracetamol" for children differs from the standard, ...

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids: how to use, instructions, analogues

In medical practice, heparin ointment has been used for a long time. Its main advantage is the ratio of high efficiency to a small number of adverse reactions, but, despite ...

Fluconazole: analogues are inexpensive, imported and Russian, release form, composition, dosage

Fluconazole is a medicine used to treat fungal skin diseases. This remedy belongs to drugs of a high price category. Therefore, the question often arises about the analogues of Fluconazole ....

Arkoxia tablets: instructions for use, what helps, composition, dosage, analogues

Arcoxia tablets appeared on the pharmaceutical market not so long ago, however, they are already in quite high demand now. This drug is already actively used in therapeutic ...

Injections Meloxicam: instructions for use, composition, analogues

Meloxicam injections are a medication that refers to non-steroidal drugs that have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic effects. It is used as a symptomatic drug used to treat rheumatoid ...

Cabbage diet for weight loss: a menu for 7 and 3 days, options, pros and cons, ...

For lovers of this popular vegetable, this way of losing weight will be only a joy. The cabbage diet in spring is especially relevant when you need to put your weight in order, ...

Duphaston: how to take, indications, instructions for use of tablets, composition, analogues

Duphaston is a synthetic analogue of progesterone belonging to the group of progestogens. This hormonal agent is widely used in gynecology. With its help, various pathologies based on ...

Piracetam injections: instructions for use, composition, analogues of a nootropic drug

Piracetam is a well-known medicine used in the treatment of a number of disorders in neurological, psychiatric and narcological practice. The drug is available in various forms, in a hospital setting ...

Health and Beauty Secrets: Products That Make You Younger

We all would like to turn back the clock. Of course, everyone wants to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible. Here is a list of products that will make you ...

Antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab: instructions for use for children and adults, dosage, composition of tablets, analogues

In spring and autumn, the number of infectious diseases increases significantly, the treatment of which requires the use of drugs with more "heavy" artillery. Antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab is prescribed mainly for ...

Eye drops Ciprofloxacin: instructions for use, composition, analogues

When choosing medications, experts recommend paying attention to such parameters as safety, tolerability and effectiveness. Ciprofloxacin eye drops meet all reliability parameters, and ...

Acipol: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, analogues of probiotic

Dysbacteriosis that occurs against a background of various factors is a serious disease that brings a number of inconveniences, in particular, stool disorder, increased gas formation and deterioration of the skin integument ....

Biseptolum: instructions for use of tablets for adults and children, composition, dosage, analogues

Biseptol is a medication that belongs to the group of sudfanilamides. It contains two active substances - sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, due to which the drug ...

How to take Kagocel for adults and children: indications, instructions for use of tablets, composition, antiviral analogues ...

In the epidemic period, it is important to know how to protect yourself from the disease. The drug "Kagocel" is productive as a means of preventing colds and eliminating them. However, before ...

Glycine tablets: how to take adults and children, composition, analogues of a metabolic agent

“Glycine” is one of the most popular nootropic drugs prescribed for people of any age category. This medicine refers to complex metabolic agents. Glycine tablets normalize ...

How is pneumonia transmitted from person to person, is pneumonia contagious, symptoms of the disease

Despite modern developments in the field of medicine and the emergence of new antibacterial drugs, mortality from pneumonia is increasing. Most people fear this disease. Consider how ...

Injections Arthrosan: instructions for use, what is prescribed, composition, analogues

Inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system are diagnosed regularly in people aged 40-50 years, as well as in those who are actively involved in sports or hard physical work ....

Unitiol: instructions for use, composition, analogues

Unithiol in the instructions for use is characterized as a highly active pharmacological detoxifying agent (antidote), designed to stop the effects on the body structures of organic and inorganic hazardous substances ...

Linex or Bifiform - which is better: drug comparison, composition, dosage, probiotic analogues

Quite often, after antibiotics, patients have an impaired balance of intestinal microflora. Such a disorder entails unpleasant consequences, in particular, digestive problems. Modern ...

Phosphalugel: instructions for use for children and adults, which helps, composition, analogues

Phosphalugel is prescribed for the treatment of a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and, unlike many other drugs, has practically no contraindications. Still uncontrollable ...

Furosemide: instructions for the use of tablets and injections, composition, dosage, diuretic analogues

With edematous syndrome, one cannot do without a diuretic drug. This is Furosemide. He effectively copes with the task, but has many contraindications that need to ...

Polyoxidonium tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, dosage, analogues

Polyoxidonium acts as a new immunomodulator and antioxidant, which carries out several mechanisms of exposure, while increasing the body's resistance to various infections. However, before taking it should ...

Kanefron drops: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, analogues

The drug "Kanefron" - drops prescribed for various infectious and inflammatory processes of the urinary system. "Kanefron" contains natural components of plant origin, has minimal contraindications and proven ...

40 unhealthy foods and dishes that you should discard as soon as possible

The human body is a mysterious thing at any age. With age, the metabolic rate decreases significantly. Wrinkles, gray hair appear, we are more at risk ...

De Nol: side effects and contraindications, instructions for use, composition, analogues of antiulcer drug

Sharp pain in the epigastric region after eating can be a sign of peptic ulcer. You can cope with the symptoms of the disease only by destroying the pathogen - Helicobacter ...

Vitamin D for adults: symptoms of shortage and overdose, indications how to take, the best vitamin preparations ...

Usually, parents give vitamin D drugs to their babies as a prophylactic for rickets. However, this substance is necessary for men and women in any ...

Gel Ibuprofen: instructions for use, what helps for what is prescribed, composition, analogues

Ibuprofen gel for external use is a popular and often used tool to relieve pain in muscles, joints and ligaments. Causes of appearances may ...

Nimesil: how to breed powder for suspension, instructions for use, analogues of NSAIDs

The therapeutic drug Nimesil is extremely in demand for pain discomfort of various etymologies. However, often this medicine is prescribed to eliminate fever, fever and other manifestations of inflammatory ...

Suprastin: analogues of an allergy drug for children and adults, instructions for use, release form

Suprastin belongs to the first generation antihistamines. This is one of the most popular medications for allergies. Despite its high effectiveness, it often causes drowsiness and ...

Sparkling water: harm or benefit to the body, composition, how to make soda

Sparkling water is one of the most popular drinks. However, few people think about how its use affects the body. Composition of sparkling waterGasification is ...


