Products that increase hemoglobin in the blood - list
Iron plays an important role in the human body, which is why physicians around the world are worried about the tendency for iron deficiency states to increase in people. According to data recently released by WHO, y ...
Cholesterol norm in women by age: table for 40 - 50 - 60 years
Each person’s cell membranes contain cholesterol, an organic compound produced by the body from the food it uses. Excess cholesterol compounds in the blood threatens the development of cardiovascular diseases ....
Thrush: treatment quickly and effectively
Thrush - treatment quickly and effectively is possible only if you contact a medical institution in time for qualified help. The onset of the disease is provoked ...
Noshpalgin indications for use and instructions
Indications for use of Noshpalgin are widespread. Quite often, the cause of pain of an unclear nature is a spasm of smooth muscles. Noshpalgin contains complementary components, the complex effect of which emits ...
Horsetail Field: useful properties and contraindications
Horsetail, useful properties and contraindications of this perennial plant cause constant discussion among physicians and traditional healers. People call it a whisk, horse ...
Treatment of thrush in a woman - drugs and pills
Thrush in common people is called vaginal candidiasis. This disease is not a sexually transmitted disease, it is based on yeast-like fungi that live in almost every representative of the weaker sex in ...
Thrush in women: symptoms and treatment
The appearance of symptoms of thrush in a woman and the treatment of the disease is a problem that is often encountered by women of reproductive age. Pathology is characterized by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa ...
Schizophrenia: symptoms and signs in men
According to experts, the symptoms and signs of schizophrenia in men are indicated at an earlier age than women. In addition, behavioral analysis allows ...
Hydrogen peroxide: indications for oral use in traditional medicine
Hydrogen peroxide has long occupied a special place in folk medicine. It is believed that with the help of an affordable remedy, many diseases can be cured. However, you must use peroxide ...
What is the use of sweet cherry for the body of a woman
At the end of spring, early varieties of certain berries are already beginning to ripen, pleasing with an excellent taste, and not only. They contain many vitamins, minerals and other elements, ...
Glycated hemoglobin - what shows and what is the norm?
One of the most dangerous diseases on earth is diabetes. It still cannot be completely cured, but it can be slowed down in its destructive ...
Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies - the most effective methods
Damage to the nail plate and its surrounding skin may indicate the development of mycosis. The fungus is spreading at an incredible speed, so the treatment of the disease should be started immediately. To ...
Polyps in the gallbladder: symptoms and treatment without surgery
Polyps in the gallbladder are a common ailment. About 10 percent of Russians find polyps in a particular organ. Formations are detected in the gallbladder ...
Bergamot what are the beneficial properties of the herb bergamot
A pear-shaped citrus hybrid obtained by crossing a lemon with a bitter orange is bergamot. Probably everyone knows what kind of plant this is. It is widely used ...
Crohn's disease: symptoms and treatment
One of the most poorly studied pathologies of the digestive system is Crohn's disease. Symptoms and treatment of this disease depend on the causes of its development. It mainly affects ...
Pumpkin oil: benefits and harms, how to take?
“Green (black) gold” is also the name for pumpkin seed oil in Europe. A unique product with a rich chemical composition has a positive effect on the state of the body, ...
Fungal toenails than treat - the most effective means
Feel free to wear open shoes, go for a swim in the pool, or just walk barefoot on the green grass, because you have a nail fungus? The disease, to put it mildly, ...
Prostatitis: symptoms and treatment are effective
Symptoms and methods of treatment of prostatitis should be known to every man, since more than 80% of the male part of the population faces such a problem throughout life. Prostate –...
Cholesterol norm in men by age - table
Scientists started talking about the negative role of cholesterol in the 18th century, but only at the beginning of the 20th century did Russian scientists, academician N. N. Anichkov and a group of researchers ...
Hemangioma of the spine: what is it, treatment with folk remedies
Almost every 10th person living on our planet has problems with the spine. This is especially true for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity aged 20-30 years. BUT...
Colpitis: symptoms and treatment in women
Colpitis is one of the most common gynecological diseases in women of reproductive age. It is characterized by the development of inflammation in the mucous membrane of the vagina and is manifested by itching, pain and ...
Polyps in the intestine: symptoms and treatment
If you believe the statistics, then ten percent of Russians have polyps in the intestines and stomach. Polyposis is more common in men than in women ...
Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis at home
Cervical osteochondrosis is a pathological process in the tissues of the intervertebral discs. Normally, they are resilient and elastic, but under certain conditions they lose their qualities, are compressed, can ...
Polyps in the uterus: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies
According to statistics, such benign formations in the uterine cavity as polyps are found in 10% of the female population of the planet. Their formation comes from the inner layer of the main female ...
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine symptoms and treatment
Pain in the lower back most often affects people after 35 years. In the vast majority of cases, the ailment is associated with deformation of the vertebrae and its consequences. Timely ...
Folk remedies for lowering cholesterol
Folk remedies for lowering cholesterol in combination with proper nutrition and well-formulated drug therapy provide a quick, positive result. The high level of this substance in ...
Propolis for alcohol: what helps, healing properties and contraindications
An amazing beekeeping product - propolis has extraordinary properties that are not fully understood. This is bee glue. The extract collected from the buds of the trees, the bees transform, thanks to enzymes ...
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine symptoms and treatment
Among all disorders of the musculoskeletal system, the second highest prevalence is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Symptoms and treatment of the disease are determined by the stage of its development, so ...
No-Prescription Sleeping Pills - List
He who sleeps well, looks great, works great and thinks clearly. A dream does not just provide an opportunity to rest, it can heal as a healer, give a person ...
Diuver - indications for use, instructions
Diuver is a delicate diuretic. It, unlike the bulk of diuretics, is not dangerous for patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, because it does not wash out ...
Tetanus: symptoms in humans, incubation period and route of infection
Symptoms of tetanus in humans may not appear for a long time - up to one month. During this period, the pathogen manages to multiply greatly and become stronger in the body, ...
Parkinson's disease symptoms and signs
Parkinson's disease, symptoms and signs of the disease are well understood and described in various medical works. This is a progressive disease that causes impaired movement and a decrease in mental abilities ....
Kremlin diet table full and menu
In pursuit of a slim figure, women are forced to abandon many of their favorite foods, since most diets are based on the restriction of certain types of food. But there is ...
Flax seed: application and what it cures, benefits
Perhaps many of you think that linen is a fabric. True, the way it is, but the seeds of this plant are also used in others ...
VVD symptoms in adults, treatment in women and men
Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is the most common diagnosis. 25-30% of children and 70% of adults suffer from VSD. Today, the VSD is one of the urgent medical and social problems. Therefore...
Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies
Prostatitis is a disease that causes men a lot of trouble. Due to inflammation of the prostate, urination and ejaculation pass with pain. And the prostate becomes inflamed for two main reasons –...
Ureaplasma in women symptoms and treatment
Ureaplasmosis is an insidious asymptomatic genital infection that manifests itself only in certain cases. Often a cause of infertility in men and women. What...
ESR is higher than normal - what does it mean, and what is the norm for women by age?
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) has been used in laboratory practice since the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Polish therapist, pathologist and medical historian Edmund Bernacki suggested using ...
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for joint treatment
Joint pain significantly complicates life and interferes with a full life. Pain processes do not go away on their own. Therefore, treatment is accompanied, first of all, by anti-inflammatory ...
Edema of the feet causes and treatment in the elderly
Leg swelling is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues and can be aggravated when people consume too much salt, sit for a long time or suffer from additional problems with ...
6 petal diet - daily menu
The main part of his life, a doctor from Sweden A. Johansson devoted to the search for a solution to the problem of excess weight. As a result, she was created a diet of 6 petals with ...
Treatment of cholecystitis with folk remedies - the most effective methods
Cholecystitis is a common disease that most often occurs in the female half of the population. It is characterized by attacks of pain on the right under the ribs, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and ...
Heartburn: causes and consequences
The discomfort associated with the aggressive effect of the acid contents of the stomach on the walls of the esophagus is familiar to most people on the planet. But if the attacks are repeated regularly, then it is possible that ...
Cholecystitis: symptoms and treatment in adults
Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. Disease in one form or another occurs in 10% of the world's population, mainly in women. In this case, the patient is disturbed ...
Treatment of bedsores in bed patients at home
The treatment of bedsores in bedridden patients is a difficult task, the solution of which requires enormous labor costs and a lot of time. Defects heal slowly, often suppurate. On them...
Treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies - the most effective ways
In the absence of adequate medical care, pathologies of the pancreas carry a serious danger to human health. The possibility of healing without the use of medicines will provide the treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies.Recipes, ...
Diet for pancreatic pancreatitis ¬– sample menu
Pancreatitis is a rather serious pathological process, often leading to the death of the patient. To avoid such a development of events, it is necessary to take seriously not only the treatment, but ...
Osteopathy. What is it and what does an osteopath doctor treat
Nowadays, you can increasingly meet doctors specializing in the fields of alternative medicine. And it is desirable for each of us to know about such types of therapy, because ...
Pine uterus herb - healing properties for women
A medicinal plant, with which you can cope with various gynecological diseases, normalize the hormonal background of the body, improve the functioning of the reproductive system, this is the grass of the uterus. Therapeutic ...
Corn porridge: benefits and harm to human health
In our technological time, everyone is already accustomed to the fact that any product contains chemistry. But there are natural ones, without any additives, while ...
Yarrow - beneficial properties and contraindications
Yarrow flowering begins in May and ends in September, offering mankind many benefits, allowing you to use almost all of its parts - stems, baskets and foliage ....
Spelling - benefit and harm to the body, properties. How to cook porridge and pasta
Reading in childhood A.S. Pushkin's "Tale of the priest and his worker Balda" many probably paid attention to an unfamiliar dish - "boiled spelled", which ...
Corn stigmas: medicinal properties and contraindications for women
Corn can be considered a truly unique cereal, due to which more and more people are paying attention to its positive effect. But with the useful properties and contraindications corn stigmas ...
Feeding a lactating mom in the first month
The first month after birth is the period of adaptation of the mother and baby to new conditions. The woman’s body is debugging the production of breast milk, the digestive system of the newborn baby adjusts ...
Oregano: medicinal properties and contraindications for women
Oregano is a perennial plant belonging to the family Lamiaceae. On the territory of the Russian Federation grows everywhere.Also widely distributed in the USA, the Mediterranean, Europe. The grass has a tetrahedral stem ...
What helps from heartburn at home - pills and folk remedies
To understand what helps with heartburn, you can only find out about this pathology as much as possible. Heartburn is not a disease, but a pathological condition in which ...
Herpes zoster: symptoms and treatment in adults
An infectious disease specialist should be involved in identifying symptoms and treating herpes zoster in adults, who should be consulted at the first sign of a disease. The disease proceeds with a pronounced ...
Heartburn - how to get rid of at home?
The burning sensation in the sternum, which occurs periodically after eating, is heartburn. How to get rid of unpleasant symptoms at home during pregnancy ...
Barley: benefits and harms for a woman’s body
The benefits and harms of pearl barley are not the subject of heated debate. Most of us relate to this product, to put it mildly, cool, and consider it rather as ...
Spelled - what is this cereal? Benefit and harm. Spelled recipes
Spade in ancient times was a popular grain crop. Great soups and side dishes were prepared from it, which turned out to be very satisfying and tasty. Spelled - what ...
Herpes on the labia - how to effectively treat
Perhaps for many it will be news, but herpes on the labia is considered a safe infection. And all because this disease does not lead to impaired activity ...
Lice - how to get rid of nits at home
Infection with lice is the scientific name "head lice." This is an extremely delicate problem that they usually try not to advertise. In public opinion, it is associated with trouble and dishonesty, ...
Herpes on the lips treatment quickly: ointments and pills
Herpes virus is found in the body of 70-90% of the world's inhabitants. Everyone who suffers from a commonplace “cold” would like to know how to quickly treat cold sores on the lips and ...
Chaga - medicinal properties and contraindications for birch mushroom
The body of a fungus called chaga develops from a small spore on a tree trunk. It is filled with beneficial substances that penetrate from the juice. This truly unique creation possesses ...
Barley groats: from which cereal, good and harm, and how to cook?
Barley groats are peeled and crushed grains of a plant of the Cereals family - barley. Barley has been cultivated by people for more than 10 thousand years. Its high nutritional value, ...
Pine uterus: medicinal properties and contraindications
There are a huge number of folk remedies for the treatment of gynecological ailments, and one of them is a plant called orthilia one-sided. People called her a uterus, ...
FGS of the stomach - how to prepare, important recommendations
Most patients are wary of the gastroscopy procedure. Some simply can not cope with the excitement and refuse the examination they need. But fears can ...
Pulse rate by age in women - table
Each of us has a unique opportunity to feel the contraction of the heart muscle by the pulsation of the vein, only by touching the wrist in the place where the vein is closer ...
Goji berries - useful properties and contraindications, how to take for weight loss
Will Goji Berry Weight Help? Useful properties and contraindications for the use of the fruits of ordinary dereza are constantly becoming the subject of debate. Scientists from different countries conducted ...
Does Acne Zinc Ointment Help? Instructions for use
Zinc ointment for acne is an effective, inexpensive tool that can be bought at any pharmacy. She has proven herself in the fight against various skin defects ...
Cholesterol: the norm in women by age: table 40-50-60 years
Cholesterol is an important element for the production of hormones, vitamin D, and the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems.But the excess rate of this substance leads to cardiovascular and other ...
Cracks in the corners of the lips - causes and treatment
Cracks in the corners of the lips are popularly called "jamming." In medical terminology there are several definitions for this phenomenon, depending on the causes of its occurrence. Whatever ...
Kombucha - how to grow from scratch?
Each of us at least once in his life, but met with such an interesting product as Kombucha. The Japanese call it seaweed, resembling ...
Ultrasound of the kidneys - preparation for the study
The success of treatment of the urinary system largely depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis. Proper preparation for the study of ultrasound of the kidneys will make the right diagnostic conclusions. And if the decryption ...
Lentils - benefits and harm for women
The benefits and harms of lentils are in disproportionate proportions. Dishes from this bean culture provide an invaluable service to the female body. In rare cases, it can be ...
Asparagus - health benefits and harms, beneficial properties and contraindications
The benefits and harms of asparagus have long been studied. There are many facts about this product. But no matter how culinary experts from all over the world sing it, it is definitely useful ...
CRP in the blood - what is and what is the norm
Excessive CRP in the blood, what is it and what does it indicate? C - reactive protein (CRP) is an enzyme that the liver produces when ...
Dill: medicinal properties and contraindications, benefits for women
Dill is a fragrant garden plant that is used not only in cooking, but also in traditional medicine, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetology. It was used as a medicinal raw material ...
Barley porridge: benefits and harms
Alas, barley groats are not such a popular dish as, for example, buckwheat or rice. But in vain, since it has a very large number of necessary for ...
Series - medicinal properties and contraindications
The medicinal properties of the series and contraindications to its reception have been known for a long time. The plant is actively used in folk medicine to treat a large list of various diseases: diathesis, rickets, ...
Thrush tablets - inexpensive and effective
Vaginal candidiasis (thrush) is a fungal disease that affects the genital mucosa. Causing a symptom complex quite unpleasant for the patient, the fungal pathogens, meanwhile, are easily amenable to antifungal therapy ...
Kombucha: how to care and eat?
It is difficult to find a Soviet family of the mid-twentieth century, in whose kitchen there would not be a can of tea, in which a jelly-like substance floated. She was carefully “fed”, ...
Triglycerides are elevated - what does it mean and what is the norm
Everyone who cares about their health needs to monitor not only blood pressure and hemoglobin parameters, but also control the amount of TG in the blood. Triglycerides ...
TSH increased - what does it mean for women
TSH is elevated in women - what this means is necessary to know in order not to miss a dangerous pathology. The concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone may vary due to ...
Pneumonia - symptoms in adults without fever
Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult are usually quite noticeable. However, the situation changes with the atypical course of the disease, one of the options of which is the absence of its main symptom ...
Protein diet for weight loss for a week and 14 days
Fighting overweight is not just a tribute to fashion, it is a way to maintain the health and youth of the body. It is believed that a protein diet for weight loss is ...
Horseradish with honey - benefits and contraindications, recipe
In the arsenal of folk healers, there are many recipes for preparing horseradish with honey, the benefits and contraindications of which will be discussed in this material. These products are quite ...
Products containing iodine: a list for the thyroid gland
Why is it important to include iodine-containing foods in your diet? Which of them are richest in a valuable element? And how else can you fill the deficit, you will find out ...
Pearl barley, from which cereal? Benefit and harm
The beneficial properties of porridge depend on which cereal pearl barley is made from. A product is made from barley grains, which are previously cleaned of bran and polished ....
Useful properties of Brazil nuts
The beneficial properties of Brazil nuts justify the high cost of this product. He is credited with a lot of unique qualities. Therefore, despite the high cost, the number of his fans every year ...
Turnip: benefits and harm to human health
A close relative of radish and radish, a culture undemanding to growing conditions, which is used in cooking, cosmetology, and folk medicine, is turnip. In Russia they called her ...
The rate of white blood cells in women - a table of different ages
The main purpose of a woman given to her by nature is the bearing of a human baby. In this regard, their protective and adaptive functions are much more developed than ...
Blood urea is elevated - the reasons for what it means and how to treat it
High levels of urea can occur for a number of reasons. This is excessive alcohol consumption, the use of diuretics, diabetes, lead poisoning, kidney disease, cancer, pregnancy toxicosis or consumption ...
Mastopathy - treatment with folk remedies at home
Mastopathy is a common problem that about 75% of women experience from time to time. This disease is of a benign nature, but it can deliver a lot of unpleasant ...
Sand in the kidneys - symptoms in women
Sand is the smallest formation of concentrated mineral salts and proteins (no larger than 0.9 mm), which are just beginning to appear in the kidneys and have not yet ...
Pressure Reducing Products, List and Effectiveness
High blood pressure leads the list of diseases on Earth. WHO notes the increasing role of hypertension in the overall picture of mortality and life expectancy. AT...
Can I get pregnant before menstruation?
If the female body functioned like a clock, then the answer to the question “can I get pregnant before menstruation?” Would be unequivocal, no. But no one is safe ...
Spleen: where it is and how it hurts
Few of us know the function of such an organ in the human body as the spleen. But he is responsible for the immune system, counteracting pathogens ...
Burdock juice: medicinal properties and contraindications
In early childhood, we all get acquainted with a plant called burdock. Someone considers him a weed, but for someone he is a means to get rid of ...
Cardiac insufficiency of the stomach - what is it
Bad breath, belching, heartburn - these manifestations may indicate improper functioning of the sphincter. Cardiac pulp is a common disease that affects patients of different ...
Bee pollen: useful properties, how to accept and what benefits
Mankind has long known the benefits of beekeeping products - they all have unique healing properties, not only in relation to the body, but also to the soul. AT...
Neumyvakin - treatment with hydrogen peroxide
On the methodology for the treatment of diseases developed by Professor I.P. Neumyvakin, probably heard by many. To get rid of ailments, expensive drugs are not required, treatment is based on the use of conventional ...
Hydrogen peroxide - healing properties
Hydrogen peroxide is a clear liquid with a viscous consistency; it does not have a pronounced taste or smell. In traditional medicine, the drug is used as an antiseptic ...
Iron preparations for low hemoglobin in adults
According to competent sources, every fifth inhabitant of the Earth suffers from anemia to one degree or another. This is due to many reasons, including a violation ...
Celandine tincture on vodka, recipe and use
Treatment with alternative methods allows you to get rid of many ailments and often - much more successfully than medical exposure. We present to your attention one of the most effective home remedies, ...
Nutmeg - useful properties and contraindications
Nutmeg is not only an exquisite seasoning, it is widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of joint diseases, nervous disorders, digestive problems and others ...
Moroznik Caucasian - use and contraindications for weight loss
Caucasian Frostweed is called a perennial plant, which is famous for its beneficial properties. In nature, this beautiful flower with a long stem can be found only in the Caucasus, which ...
Sea kale - benefits and harms, medicinal properties
Laminaria is brown algae that can be safely used in your diet. The second name of the product is seaweed, its benefits, medicinal properties and harm, ...
Royal jelly: medicinal properties, how to take and store
Nature is rich in miraculous potions that can maintain and enhance human health. Royal jelly is one of such remedies, the beneficial properties of which are ...
Thrush in men: treatment at home
This infection is not a dangerous disease, but getting rid of it is quite difficult. Many try to cure it on their own, and someone turns to a specialist for help ....
Ducan Diet - Calculate Weight
Weight loss using various systems is a fashion trend that has embraced both women and men. With enviable constancy, new dietary regimes and rules are being developed. Here ...
Currant leaves - medicinal properties and contraindications
A unique gift of nature - currant leaves. The healing properties are the subject of debate among representatives of traditional medicine and traditional healers. The leaves are used for the preparation of various decoctions ...
Treatment of varicose veins on the legs with folk remedies at home
Varicose veins are a vascular pathology associated with thinning of the blood vessel wall and the formation of aneurysm-like enlargements. The disease occurs in both young and old, ...
Liver treatment: the most effective folk remedies
Despite the vital role of the liver in the physiological processes of the body, organ diseases often develop asymptomatically and manifest when the pathology has reached its limit and serious ...
Kalgan root - medicinal properties and contraindications for men
Kalgan root is used for the manufacture of therapeutic ointments, decoctions and infusions, which have a beneficial effect on digestion, skin condition. The plant will help to cope with dermatitis, respiratory infections ...
Flax seeds to cleanse the body - 7 ways to use
The gifts of nature have been used by man for centuries for healing and healing. Methods tested by many generations have not lost their relevance today. Plant materials are actively used in ...
Pickled ginger - the benefits and harms, a recipe at home
Ginger is a herbaceous plant with about 140 varieties. Asia is homeland, but it is grown in different regions of the world. The plant root is used in food, which ...
Calamine Lotion for chickenpox - instructions for use
An excellent alternative to the well-known greenback is calamine - a lotion used for chickenpox and not only for this disease. Its effect extends to many infectious ...
How to get pregnant 100 percent the first time?
Every married couple dreams of becoming parents.And it seems that for this it’s worth just stopping being protected and energetically starting to have sex. However, nature has created a female body ...
Ducan's protein diet: menu for the week, stages
Alas, magnificent female forms were popular only in the Middle Ages. Today, ladies from Rembrandt's paintings no longer inspire anyone. Now bullying is considered the height of sexuality ...
Acne Chatterbox from a dermatologist: how to do at home
Acne, be it full-fledged papular formations or comedones (black dots), is a problem of not only aesthetic, but also physiological nature. They worsen the condition of the skin, contribute to ...
White blood cells in the urine are elevated - causes in women
White blood cells are white blood cells, they are responsible for the functioning of the human immune system. There are several types that differ in the type of action. Elevated white blood cells in ...
Pertussis in adults - symptoms and treatment
Previously, this disease was considered exclusively childish. The Ministry of Health reports disappointing statistics that every year more and more adults become infected with this infection ....
Ketone bodies in urine - what does it mean for a woman during pregnancy?
Urinalysis during the period of gestation is often given - this is necessary to track changes in the body of a woman. If the analysis showed ketone bodies in ...
Treatment of panaritium of a finger on a hand
A small wound or a scratch on the finger most often remains invisible to the eye. Sometimes such an insignificant thing leads to unpleasant and dangerous diseases. If hit ...
Sesame seeds: useful properties and contraindications, recipes for taking sesame seed
The beneficial properties of sesame seeds are contained in a complex rich in nutrients, indispensable for our body. It is a combination of vitamins and minerals that makes it one of the most ...
Kumquat what is this fruit. Useful properties of dried kumquat
Recently, among the usual fruits on the shelves of supermarkets there are unusual fruits. Many of them look so exotic that it is completely unclear how they are ....
Zelenin drops - indications for use, instructions
Drops of zelenin, the indications for use of which conquered patients suffering from many diseases, including cardiovascular ones, have been known since the last century and remain in demand now. One ...
How to raise hemoglobin at home quickly?
Hemoglobin is a complex protein that is responsible for supplying tissues and organs with oxygen. The level of this substance in the blood is an important indicator of the health of the body. Malnutrition, stress, ...
Dried figs - benefits and harm to the body
Many people are distrustful of exotic fruits and are in no hurry to introduce them into their diet. The same figs growing in the subtropics, in dried ...
Flax seeds for bowel cleansing, recipes
Today, there is a lot of talk about slagging the body, incredible conglomerates of stool, stagnant in the intestines, and toxins that slowly poison each person from the inside. The opinion of doctors on ...
Green feces in an adult - reasons
If your stool color suddenly changes, you should not immediately panic - the reason may be absolutely not serious. Anxiety will be appropriate with a constant unusual ...
Maggi Diet - 4 Weekly Daily Menu
A delicious and varied diet with which you can live your whole life exists. It will not only allow for four weeks to restore the harmony of the figure, but also will ...
Gastroscopy of the stomach - how to prepare for the examination of FGDS?
Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS, gastroscopy) is a method for diagnosing pathologies of the upper gastrointestinal tract using a gastroscope. The device is a hollow tube, inside of which is placed a fiber optic ...
Honeysuckle - useful properties and contraindications for the body
Honeysuckle is a small, neat shrub that is famous not only for its beauty, but also for its healing qualities. Its berries, which have a pleasant taste, as well as flowers, ...
Golden root - medicinal properties and contraindications
Golden root - a plant with thick roots surrounded by thin additional rhizomes. It can grow in one place for decades, so it is known to many people as Rhodiola ...
Aloe in ampoules - instructions for use in cosmetology and gynecology
Over the centuries, aloe has been recognized as one of the most beneficial to plant health. Correctly made preparations based on it are used in various fields of medicine. One ...
Daikon: useful properties and contraindications
In Russia, among the adherents of healthy eating, Japanese radish has become popular. Nutritionists recommend finding out the beneficial properties of daikon and contraindications. The root crop is used for weight loss and treatment ...
Hemoglobin norm in men by age - table
One of the most important components of the blood is hemoglobin. The norm in men by age (table) is presented below. With a decrease or increase in this component, they begin to develop ...
Figs: benefits and harm to the body
Figs helps fight hypovitaminosis, gives vitality, improves bowel function. With it, they cleanse the body of toxins and increase the secretion of breast milk. Fig tree fruits ...
Ginger with Lemon and Honey - Health Recipe
Lemon, honey and ginger are often used to relieve symptoms of the common cold and flu. Each of the ingredients has unique natural healing properties, and when they are combined, ...
Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation, what is the chance and probability?
The female menstrual cycle is a complex chain of processes in the body, regulated by hormones. Normally, in the middle (usually 12-15 days from the start ...
Ginger - useful properties and contraindications
Ginger, whose beneficial properties and contraindications have been known for a long time, has firmly established itself both in medicine and in the cooking of modern man. Thanks to 400 unique compounds, ginger ...
Adult diarrhea - home treatment
The problem of more frequent stools is always taken by surprise and can seriously spoil plans for the day. Therefore, the question is how to treat diarrhea in adults at home ...
Watermelon - the benefits and harms to human health
Watermelon belongs to the melon family, and is used in every country. The ancient Arabs considered it to be the most useful melon crop, washing out ailments from the body and harmful ...
Grapes: benefits and harm to the body
The taste of grapes is liked by many people on our planet, but few of us know how much positive this culture gives our body. After all, even in ...
Aloe with honey - medicinal properties and contraindications, what heals?
To enhance immunity, normalize the gastrointestinal tract and quickly heal wounds, use a combination of honey and aloe. There are many effective folk recipes based on them ....
Dietless colonoscopy diet - menu
Before colonoscopy, the colon must be completely cleaned, as this is a necessary condition for a successful process. Compliance with food recommendations is usually required for one to two days and ...
Money Tree: medicinal properties and contraindications
A money tree is considered a symbol of well-being, prosperity in the house, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are little known to a wide circle of owners of a unique plant. Money tree is the best filter for ...
Celandine for papillomas: how to use and treat
Papillomas are pathological growths of the surface layers of the skin caused by the human papilloma virus. Neoplasms provoked by some types of HPV are able to malignant, turning into a malignant tumor. Therefore, their ...
Celandine for warts - instructions for use
Celandine (warthog) is a dicotyledonous oligotypic plant belonging to the poppy family. Grass is considered weedy and is not cultivated agriculturally. It grows in temperate countries ....
Polysorb for weight loss - how to take and how much
In the modern world, there are many ways to lose weight, from the traditional diet to exotic methods from the category of tablets with worms. One popular method ...
Celandine: use in traditional medicine
Celandine (jaundice, warthog, wart grass, golden grass) is a common plant in our latitudes that has been used since ancient times to treat various diseases at home. The main ...
Chicory soluble: useful properties and contraindications
The beneficial properties and contraindications of chicory are a frequently discussed topic among the followers of a healthy diet. Let us consider in detail the features of this product in order to accurately study the alleged ...
What is ant alcohol used for? Acne Directions
The use of formic alcohol as a single drug and as one of the therapeutic ingredients in the manufacture of ointments and solutions, is widely practiced in various fields of medicine. Ant ...
The latest generation of statins - drug names
According to medical statistics, more than 56% of all deaths in Russia are caused by diseases of the circulatory system. One of the main factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular mortality, a violation ...
Trans fats - what is it, a list of products
If you are responsible for your health and a rational approach to nutrition is close to you, then our article will be useful for you. Having familiarized with her ...
Celandine: useful properties and contraindications
Celandine is a dicotyledonous plant of the poppy family, growing in countries with a temperate and warm climate, including in the Russian Federation. Has a rounded stem ...
Allergic rhinitis - symptoms and treatment in adults
What is allergic rhinitis? Allergic rhinitis is one of the forms of the local abnormal reaction of the body with high sensitivity to various types of allergenic agents, in which ...
Lapis pencil from papillomas and warts
Instructions for the use of lapis pencil gives an idea of the properties of the drug, and also explains how to use it and what effect should be expected. This information ...
Chokeberry: medicinal properties and contraindications
The fruit shrub, which is popularly called the chokeberry, is a plant full of surprises. Firstly, the healing properties of Chokeberry are so pronounced and varied that for the needs ...
Cleaning vessels with folk remedies
Cleaning vessels with folk remedies, freeing them from cholesterol is a topic that deserves attention. And no matter how hard the advertisement tries to convince us to buy pharmaceutical products, far ...
Pancreatitis: symptoms and treatment in adults
Pancreatitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas caused by an etiological factor. The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. Acute conditions are surgical ...
Cholesterol statins: benefits and harms, how to take
Today, 5 main classes of drugs are used to treat conditions that are accompanied by the accumulation and deposition of cholesterol (cholesterol). Among them, statins from ...
Acne streptocide ointment - instructions for use
Streptocide is one of the most ancient and tested means of combating skin infectious and inflammatory diseases. Meanwhile, its use in the usual powdered form is not ...
Erythromycin acne ointment - instructions for use
Instructions for use of erythromycin ointment
Erythromycin ointment for acne Erythromycin ointment for acne is an external antibiotic agent that contains an antibiotic from the group ...
How to lower blood cholesterol with medicines and folk remedies
Back in the mid-18th century, when studying the structure of stones formed in the gallbladder, a previously unknown substance was isolated. After 20 years, he was named ...
Perioral dermatitis, treatment: ointments and folk remedies
Human skin performs many important functions in the body. It is involved in heat and gas exchange, the release of toxins, is a barrier to harmful environmental influences. Diseases ...
Cold Allergy - Symptoms and Treatment
How does an allergy to cold manifest?
Cold allergy is a pathological condition of the body that occurs in people with abnormal intolerance to low temperatures.
It occurs in the following cases: If ...
Radevit ointment for wrinkles - instructions for use
One of the means used in cosmetology to eliminate wrinkles is Radevit - an ointment, the instructions for use for which are used as indications for skin ...
Allergic conjunctivitis - symptoms and treatment
In 2013, the Russian Association of Allergologists and Clinical Immunologists announced disappointing data. According to foreign epidemiological studies, 15 to 40% of adults in ...
Red spots on the face: causes in women, men and children
Red spots on the face are a rather unpleasant symptom that negatively affects the appearance and self-esteem of a person, interferes with communication with people around, leads to ...
Bulimia: classification, causes, treatment
The term "bulimia" in recent years has become increasingly popular. It can be found both in scientific and in near-medical literature, as well as on the pages ...
Furuncle - treatment at home
A furuncle is called an acute inflammatory-purulent formation on the skin, starting with inflammation of the hair follicle with subsequent involvement of subcutaneous tissues in the process, which causes golden or white ...
Flax seeds for weight loss: how to take?
The healing properties of flax seeds have been known since ancient times. The plant is used in folk medicine to treat diseases of the stomach, constipation, to reduce blood glucose levels ...
Furuncle: causes and treatment of furunculosis
It happens that even a person with perfect skin once finds a painful abscess on some part of the body. This is the boil. An annoying cosmetic defect is not always harmless ...
Flax seed: useful properties and contraindications
Flax is an amazing plant that since ancient times has been used by humans not only as a food product, but also for the preparation of medicines from the arsenal ...
Follicular keratosis in a child - treatment
Our skin, like a mirror, reflects the processes taking place in the body. Peeling, pigmentation, itching, pustules and pimples eloquently indicate some pathologies. Because young mothers are so ...
Antivirals are inexpensive but effective for adults and children
It’s easy to catch a cold at any time of the year. In winter and early spring, the body is weakened by a lack of vitamins, in the fall unsettled weather can play a trick and ...
Koumiss - what is it? Useful properties of koumiss, what and how to make
Today, store shelves offer products from all over the world. There is no problem in buying French cheese or Georgian wine, tropical fruits or ...
Seborrheic keratosis of the skin: what is it and how to treat it
Keratoses are a group of diseases of the skin of non-inflammatory origin. Pathology is manifested in the appearance on the skin of benign neoplasms from single or multiple coarsened and keratinized tissues ...
Propolis tincture: medicinal properties and contraindications
The use of various drugs synthesized chemically is often associated with their toxic effects on the body. Therefore, many seek to preserve the traditions of traditional medicine. On one ...
Anthelmintic drugs for humans with a wide spectrum of action
Helminthiasis is ubiquitous and is diagnosed in patients of different ages. You can get worms when working with soil, caring for pets, or eating food, not ...
Nevus - what is it
Approximately 75% of people of the Caucasian race have nevuses on their bodies (nevoid tumor). On average, an adult can count at least 20 nevi, and ...
Brewer's yeast with sulfur instructions for use and reviews
The article “Brewer's yeast with sulfur, instructions for use and reviews” will tell you what this biologically active supplement is, introduce you to its main ...
Snoring in men: causes and treatment
Snoring - a specific sound made by sleeping people occurs in 30% of the population. They often include smokers, older members of society, as well as people, ...
The use of propolis tinctures for alcohol. Instruction manual
Propolis is a beekeeping product created by insects from the sticky substances of birch buds and other natural components, contains more than 16 groups of organic substances, which ...
How to get rid of snoring in a dream for a man: folk remedies at home
According to statistics, more than 45% of men over 30 snore in their sleep. Many do not even think about how difficult and dangerous this medical disease is, what ...
Carob. What it is? The benefits and harms of carob
Carob is one of the most wholesome sweets among healthy nutritionists. In terms of taste, it is very reminiscent of cocoa, but in properties far exceeds ...
Nogtivit - instructions for use
Nogtivit is a medicine intended for the soft and painless removal of nails affected by the fungus. Under the action of the ointment, the keratinized layer of the nail softens. After that, you can ...
St. John's wort grass: medicinal properties and contraindications
St. John's wort is a herbaceous plant of a perennial type, having a two or four-sided stem, small whole-edge leaves and single yellow flowers. About fifty plant species are known ....
Agave, Agave plant at home, healing properties
Agave plant has been known to Europeans since the discovery of the New World. Its homeland is the central part of the American continent: Mexico, the southern part of the USA, Latin America. The indigenous inhabitants of the New ...
St. John's wort - useful properties and contraindications for women and men
St. John's wort is a valuable medicinal plant, widely distributed in the northern hemisphere. It is absolutely not noticeable in appearance, but has truly life-giving power. Useful properties of grass ...
Sea-buckthorn oil - properties and application
By sending the query "sea buckthorn oil instructions for use", you can get a huge number of links to pages describing the healing properties of this natural product. Orange berry extract includes ...
Suppositories with sea buckthorn from hemorrhoids and in gynecology
Sea buckthorn is one of the most popular medicinal plants, which is used in almost all areas of traditional and traditional medicine. Many berries are made on the basis of this berry ...
What is feijoa? Useful properties and contraindications of feijoa fruit
Feijoa for the Slavic man is exotic, and the inhabitants of the tropics familiar fruit, often eaten. A fruit tree grows in a subtropical climate, it is used not only in ...
Sea buckthorn: useful properties and contraindications for treatment
Sea buckthorn is a tall shrub or tree, the height of which reaches 3-7 meters. The leaves are long, narrow, with a green color on top and silver on the bottom. The roots are developed, leaving ...
Seizures in the corners of the mouth, causes and quick treatment of seizures and cracks
Seizures in the corners of the mouth (scientifically - angular cheilitis) is an inflammatory disease that occurs at least once in a person’s life. Accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, ...
Spinach: benefits and harms for a woman’s health
Spinach is an annual plant. According to the botanical classification, it belongs to the genus "spinach" of the "amaranth" family. Its use as a food product originated in Persia. However useful ...
Fish oil - a natural elixir of youth and health
Fish oil is a benefit that nature itself has given us
Almost everyone knows the winged lines from the poem, saying that "The whole scientific world knows how useful fish oil is!" It turns out ...