Turmeric beneficial properties and contraindications, benefits and harms for women
A spice called turmeric, beneficial properties and contraindications, recipes and other interesting facts that will be described in the article will help many women get rid of excess ...
Peppermint: medicinal benefits and contraindications
Thanks to its surprisingly fresh aroma, mint is considered one of the most famous plants used not only in cooking and cosmetology, but also in medicine. To use ...
Pumpkin: benefits and harm to the human body
We can talk a lot about the benefits and harms of pumpkins for the body. But she has much more useful properties, therefore, when used correctly, it has a beneficial effect ...
Horse chestnut: medicinal beneficial properties and contraindications
In Soviet times, chestnut trees were planted along urban alleys and highways to absorb smog and carbon dioxide. Few people know that ordinary horse chestnut, ...
Calendula: medicinal benefits and contraindications for women
Despite the fact that the use of calendula is relevant in many areas of human life, the flower has received a special demand as a medicinal raw material. Take advantage of the unique healing qualities ...
Fir oil: medicinal beneficial properties and contraindications
Green shoots, needles and fir cones are a source of rich composition volatile liquid. Knowing the medicinal properties and contraindications of fir oil, you can correctly use ...
Apple cider vinegar: benefits and harms to human health
Apple cider vinegar: benefits and harms to human health
Apple cider vinegar is called a powerful remedy for traditional medicine and cosmetology. This product has a lot of valuable qualities and at the same time ...
Thyme: medicinal benefits and contraindications
In ancient times, with the help of thyme (thyme) they got rid of many deadly ailments, in particular, consumption. Now this herb continues to be used mainly in ...
Tincture of Eleutherococcus - instructions for use
The instructions for the use of tincture of Eleutherococcus contain important information that includes important aspects of the use of the drug. Before taking the drug, you need to familiarize yourself with the methods of use, contraindications ...
Cracks in the heels - causes and treatment at home
Already getting ready for the beach season? Do not forget to take care of the beauty of your legs. After all, beautiful nails and pink feet, of course, are the subject of pride and sexuality of each ...
Bay leaf: medicinal beneficial properties and contraindications
The noble laurel was known as a valuable subtropical agricultural and medicinal crop in Ancient Rome more than 2000 years ago, and in Ancient Greece it ...
Parsley: medicinal beneficial properties and contraindications
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of parsley in human nutrition. This is a small pharmacy with the most vitamin E, which is especially needed for pregnant women and athletes. Her...
Herpes ointment on the lips: a list of cheap and effective ointments
Herpes ointment on the lips is designed to help weakened immunity cope with the manifestations of the virus faster. Drugs can vary in price, but expensive drugs are not always ...
Hawthorn: beneficial properties and contraindications
Russian nature is known for its beauty and magnificent healing plants, each of which was collected at the right time and harvested in certain ways. Some plants can be called ...
How to quickly stop blood from nose from an adult at home?
Bleeding from the nose (epistaxis) usually occurs suddenly and puts the person in a state of panic and confusion. How to quickly stop blood from the nose in the first minutes, ...
Red brush: use for female diseases
The use of the red brush in female diseases has long been proven to be effective. Moreover, you can take a decoction of this plant with completely different diagnoses.
Which female diseases ...
Dill seeds: medicinal beneficial properties and contraindications
Fresh herbs of the plant are widely used as a seasoning for food, green fruits are used to flavor marinades. In folk medicine in many countries, medicinal ...
Ledum marsh: medicinal useful properties and contraindications
Marsh rosemary, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have long been well studied by folk healers, are often called the "remedy for a hundred diseases." The plant is a low shrub with ...
Peppermint: medicinal beneficial properties and contraindications
A popular plant for the preparation of herbal medicines peppermint, has medicinal properties and contraindications. In what cases it is possible, and in which it is impossible to apply this germ, ...
How to gargle with angina for an adult and a child?
Angina is a disease characterized by local inflammation. Therefore, acting on the focus of infection can achieve rapid recovery results. In the article we will raise questions: how to gargle ...
How a pancreas hurts in a person - symptoms and first signs
The pancreas is an important part of the body, the only organ that produces insulin. In addition, she is responsible for the production of gastric juice. A number of different factors can cause problems ...
Persimmon: benefits and harms, beneficial properties for a woman’s body
Persimmon has long won the love and recognition of people from many countries of the world - Spain and Italy, Russia and the CIS countries, as well as Bulgaria. A distinctive feature ...
Folk remedies for runny nose and nasal congestion
When the cold period sets in, many get anxious due to the onset of difficult weather conditions, which will inevitably lead to colds. There are many folk remedies ...
Grape seed oil: properties and application for the face, hair, skin
The three most important areas of use of fruits and seeds of grapes: food, medical and cosmetic. The properties and application of grape seed oil are best known in cosmetology and cooking ....
Capsules of fish oil: benefits and harms for women.
If you read this article, then you understand that fish oil is a product that deserves our attention. However, before you start to use it, it is important ...
Herbion for dry cough - instructions for use
In the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system in adults and young patients, the cough herbion holds an honorable place. It is an ideal choice for the whole family, because ...
Passion fruit: useful properties and contraindications
Many have heard about the benefits of passion fruit, but not everyone knows what kind of fruit it is, how it looks and how it can be eaten. Its cost is quite ...
Pancreas - treatment with folk remedies at home
If the diagnosis is correct, and the disease is not started, then treatment of the pancreas with folk remedies is often quite effective. Therefore, the most important thing is to put it right ...
Crack in the anus - symptoms and treatment
A crack in the anus is a defect in the large intestine, namely the rectum, which is a small-sized mucosal rupture in the anus. It ...
Badger cough fat for children and adults - how to use?
Badger cough fat is recommended for adults and small patients as an addition to the main treatment plan. This natural medicine speeds up the healing process and increases ...
How to clean the intestines at home - 11 options quickly and without harm?
Knowing how to clean the intestines at home, you can protect yourself from various diseases. A large amount of waste products accumulates in the colon, which become good ...
Kim Protasov's diet: a detailed description of the weekly menu for every day
If you want to lose weight, while not undermining your health and not gaining extra pounds back, then you should definitely read a detailed description of the diet ...
How to treat bronchitis in adults? Effective medicines and methods
Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchial mucosa. Most often, it develops against the background of respiratory infections, but may have other reasons. To understand how ...
The remedy for nail fungus on the feet - the most effective drugs and folk remedies
Changing the shape and color of the nail plate is one of the characteristic signs of mycotic lesions. To stop the development of the fungus and get rid of it forever is a difficult task ...
Chamomile tea - benefits and harm for women
Chamomile is a medicinal plant with a strong odor that everyone knows. Most often, decoctions and infusions are prepared on its basis. And chamomile tea is not only ...
How to get rid of constipation at home and during pregnancy
According to the norms, the frequency of bowel movement should be at least 3 times a week. If this happens less often, we are talking about pathology - defecation delay, ...
How to get pregnant if it does not work out - 10 tips
In the life of most women, sooner or later, a period begins when she realizes that she is ready to become a mother. But, unfortunately, in connection with some ...
Rhodiola rosea: beneficial medicinal properties and contraindications for women and men
Rhodiola rosea is a unique plant that is ideal for those who experience psychological and mental stress, and this is only a small fraction of its use. Which ...
Beans: health benefits and harms
Beans can bring both good and bad to the body. Beans are very tasty with proper heat treatment, have a high energy value. We will tell you how they differ between ...
Carrots - benefits and harms to the body: root, tops or juice?
The attitude to many products familiar to us takes on a new meaning if we evaluate their consumer value from a medical point of view. Although the benefits ...
Green buckwheat - benefits and harm to human health
The benefits and harms of green buckwheat are vague and mysterious categories. Brown cereal is a frequent product in use, the value of which is undeniable. Let's try to figure out what of ...
Apple cider vinegar for weight loss: how to drink and take, is it possible?
For weight loss, there are many methods and methods, both with severe restrictions on food, and not so. One of the products that contribute to the normalization of weight is ...
Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment at home
Cervical osteochondrosis (SHOX) is a pathological change in the vertebrae that leads to ossification of the soft components. As a result of this, the depreciation effect disappears, hard bones rub against each other ...
Cystitis in men: symptoms and first signs
Inflammation of the bladder is mainly a problem in the female part of the population, but symptoms of cystitis can also be found in men. One of the most characteristic features ...
Low hemoglobin: causes and effects in women
Anemic conditions in women are observed more often than in men and are characterized by faster clinical development. An understanding of what causes and ...
18 folk remedies for cough for adults
The range of pharmacological cough medicines offered by pharmacies is huge. But recipes of traditional medicine do not lose their popularity, due to accessibility and safety. Provided they ...
Herb thyme medicinal beneficial properties and contraindications
Thyme or creeping thyme is a herb from ancient legends. To the north of the legendary Troy was the city of Fimbra, whose attraction was the sacred grove and the temple of Apollo ...
Water with lemon: benefits and harms, use for fasting weight loss
The benefits and harms of water with lemon are comparable to the properties of the main product, with the only difference being that in diluted form, fruit juice is less aggressive. Is he...
Walnuts: the benefits and harms, the beneficial healing properties of walnuts, partitions, oil and leaves
The rich chemical composition of this delicacy turns a familiar everyday product into an effective remedy for healing. Frequent use of the product can significantly reduce the risk of developing many diseases ....
Treatment of angina in adults at home - 5 ways
Acute tonsillitis is commonly called as tonsillitis in everyday life. This insidious disease is accompanied by an infectious lesion of the palatine tonsils and can cause a lot of dangerous complications. It is often recommended that patients ...
Bowel cleansing at home - 11 folk recipes
Now it has become fashionable to talk about the need for such a procedure as bowel cleansing. It has become a kind of wellness fashion. So we’ll find out today how necessary it is ...
Blackcurrant: useful medicinal properties and contraindications
Small round, bead-like berries of a coal color are familiar to everyone since childhood - this is black currant, whose beneficial properties and contraindications determine its composition ....
Celandine medicinal benefits and contraindications - 10 recipes
Large celandine is a medicinal plant widely distributed in Europe and Central Asia. It has several names that characterize its properties. Poetic ancient Greeks called it ...
Horseradish: benefits and harm to health, beneficial properties for the human body
Horseradish, combined with many dishes of various cuisines, has long been a favorite seasoning among the people. At the same time, not many people know which one ...
Rhodiola rosea: medicinal beneficial properties and contraindications
The therapeutic properties of Rhodiola rosea and the contraindications to its use are important for everyone who wants to improve their well-being without resorting to synthetic drugs. In his ...
Pearl barley: the benefits and harms of pearl barley
People call the queen of cereals pearl barley, reminiscent of their species selected pearls. At the same time, barley kernels are filled with a large number of elements important for our health. Therefore...
Propolis for alcohol: what helps, application and medicinal properties and contraindications
Propolis or bee glue is used by people from ancient times. In ancient Egypt, it was used as a preservative for embalming. In ancient Greece, propolis was used ...
What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds for men and women?
An excellent substitute for chips and crackers is pumpkin seeds. This product (due to its unique composition) brings great benefits to the human body. He is able to save children and ...
Rosemary: medicinal benefits and contraindications
The healing properties and contraindications of rosemary have been described by many ancient civilizations. Some peoples considered the plant sacred. He was credited with mystical abilities to influence emotions, spirit and mentality. Popularity ...
Pancreatic Inflammation: Symptoms and Treatment
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, the symptoms and treatment of which directly depend on the form of the disease. Pathology can be acute as well as chronic ....
Eleutherococcus: instructions for the use of tincture, liquid extract
Eleutherococcus is a known adaptogen. It increases endurance, activates the vitality of the body and has a rather strong stimulating effect, and therefore has a number of contraindications. Instructions for ...
Chickenpox in adults - symptoms and treatment
Despite the fact that chicken pox is considered to be an exclusively childhood disease, chickenpox in adults is a rare but possible phenomenon. The disease belongs to the category of infections, ...
Red brush: medicinal properties for women and contraindications
The red brush or rhodiola is four-parted - a medicinal plant of the family Crassulaceae. It grows in Altai and in the Sayan Mountains. Red brush, medicinal properties and contraindications of which ...
Heartburn: causes after eating, consequences if left untreated
The appearance of discomfort and burning in the esophagus is not always considered a sign of the disease. To draw conclusions about possible gastrointestinal pathologies, it is necessary to analyze the causes of heartburn and ...
Pancreas: where is it and how does it hurt in a person?
It is difficult to maintain a healthy digestive system without knowing the location and functionality of its organs. Understanding what the pancreas is, where it is and how it hurts, allows ...
Chickenpox in children: symptoms and treatment with drugs and folk remedies
Chicken pox is a childhood disease that affects mainly children from 3 to 10 years old. Due to the fact that chickenpox spreads through the air to ...
Effective folk remedies for cough for children
In the arsenal of pharmaceutical expectorants there are many drugs with dubious effectiveness and unproven safety. Therefore, some mothers try to protect their children from such drugs ....
Treatment of hemorrhoids folk remedies - the most effective recipes
According to statistics, every fifth modern inhabitant of the planet suffers from this unpleasant and dangerous ailment. But not all patients seek medical help to ...
How to lower blood sugar folk remedies?
If the patient’s blood sugar is elevated, such changes cannot be ignored.He needs not only urgent treatment, for which you can use both pharmacy and ...
Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation on the 1st, 2-3 days?
Every woman, if she wants to give birth to a baby or, conversely, to avoid the unwanted conception at the moment, should have a clear idea of whether it is possible to become pregnant ...
Hemorrhoids ointments - inexpensive and effective
Is it necessary to pay expensive when buying a quality hemorrhoid ointment? Inexpensive and effective drugs are in any pharmacy, you just need to know which one ...
Keratoma - what is it and how to treat at home
Recently, the problem under discussion has become increasingly troubling not only elderly, but also very young patients. First of all, experts explain such changes ...
Calendula tincture for alcohol - what helps?
What helps tincture of calendula? Let's get to know better this medicinal flower, which is popularly called marigold. Many people use this popular folk remedy in ...
Couperosis on the face: causes and treatment at home
Cuperosis is an unpleasant cosmetic defect associated with a violation of the microcirculation of blood in the upper layers of the skin. The treatment of this disease must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, but something ...
Thyme - medicinal benefits and contraindications
Thyme, also known as thyme, is a short, highly branched shrub with an intense, pleasant aroma. People call it “Bogorodskaya grass”, “lemon darling” and “incense”, and ...
Pneumonia: symptoms in adults without fever and cough
Among the most insidious diseases, doctors include those ailments whose development is asymptomatic. For example, the general symptoms of pneumonia in adults may be absent if the disease ...
Quail eggs: benefits and harms, how to take women and men?
Nowadays, these small spotted testicles can be found in almost any store or market. But they do not have many admirers, in ...
Golden mustache - medicinal properties and contraindications
Venus hair, home ginseng, golden mustache - as soon as the people do not call fragrant Kallisia! To our country, from the moist forests of southern Mexico, a plant ...
Hemorrhoids Suppositories - Inexpensive and Effective
The main treatment prescribed by modern proctologists for hemorrhoids is conservative. It involves the use of various drugs without surgical intervention. An effective and popular form among patients is ...
Thrombocytopenia - what is it? The norm of platelets in the blood of women
Stopping bleeding (hemostasis) is a vital ability of the body. In case of damage to small vessels, it is provided by special blood cells - platelets. A healthy person has their number ...
Meldonium: effect on the human body, instructions for use
Meldonium is a medication that regulates metabolic processes at the level of energy functions of cells. The key effect of meldonium on the body is to increase the survival of tissue cells with many disorders ...
Horse chestnut - medicinal properties, contraindications and therapeutic use
Horse chestnut is a tree sung by poets, a symbol of Kiev and used in the heraldry of the Czech Republic, Germany, and Ukraine. There are several legends about the origin of the name “horse”. According to ...
Kalanchoe: medicinal properties and contraindications, instructions for use
This unique plant combines both decorative appeal and a number of useful properties. Blooming of amazing beauty can be observed in the winter, but use ...
Are electronic cigarettes harmful or not? What is more harmful: regular cigarettes or electronic?
Having appeared on the market not so long ago, an electronic cigarette quickly became a competitor to an ordinary one.Some fans of the invention consider it a panacea for tobacco dependence, others - a fashion accessory, ...
Hemorrhoid treatment at home quickly in women
It is usually difficult to tell loved ones about such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids. And I want to get rid of it on my own in a short time, so that there is no need ...
Calendula - medicinal properties and contraindications
Calendula is also called marigold in a different way, and you can meet the plant in the Mediterranean, Volga region, Ukraine, Krasnodar Territory, Belarus and Moldova. Calendula, medicinal properties and contraindications apply, ...
Fatty liver hepatosis - symptoms and treatment: drug and folk remedies
One of the most dangerous consequences of excess body fat is fatty liver hepatosis. Symptoms and treatment of the disease are closely interconnected, since the severity of the manifestations of the disease ...
Estrogens - female hormones, symptoms of deficiency
For reproductive function in women, hormones called estrogens are responsible. They also form in a certain amount in the testicles of men, and also in ...
Fluimucil antibiotic IT for inhalation - instructions for use
If a strong debilitating cough bothers the patient for a long time, the doctor may prescribe him antibacterial therapy in the form of inhalation. The main thing is to choose for this purpose ...
How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy
Not all women manage to get pregnant quickly when they get married. And the test can not always show the fact of conception in the early stages. Absolute readings almost immediately ...
Dry mouth - what causes women?
Dry mouth or xerostomia is caused by dozens of internal or external factors. Drying of the mucosa can be caused by external factors and is easily eliminated by a change in the microclimate or ...
Gases in the intestines: reasons to get rid? Flatulence treatment
The formation of intestinal gases is a physiological process that normally does not cause much discomfort. Problems arise when it is too intense, causing painful bloating (flatulence) ...
Blood from the nose - causes in an adult in normal condition
The causes of blood from the nose in an adult lie in defects in the structure of the mucosa, features of the surrounding microclimate, or associated pathologies. Epistaxis, so scientifically designated this ...
Pain during urination in women, causes of pain after the act
Pain during urination in women is a signal of the dysfunction of the genitourinary system. Ignoring this symptom is dangerous. If you do not make a diagnosis in time and do not start treatment, ...
Expectorant medications are inexpensive but effective
Cough - a physiologically determined reaction of the body in response to irritation of the respiratory tract with mechanical particles, biological substances, or an excess of sputum. However, a cough may ...
Breast mastopathy, what is it? Symptoms and signs of mastopathy
Benign neoplasms of the mammary glands over the past 100 years have become one of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies. They are found in 70-80% of women of late reproductive age. By...
Pain under the left shoulder blade from behind from the back - causes and treatment
Pain under the left shoulder blade from behind from the back can manifest itself in different ways, be temporary or permanent, or be accompanied by other symptoms. Have a changing intensity or depend ...
Camelina oil: beneficial properties and contraindications
Useful properties and contraindications of camelina oil have been known since time immemorial. In the recent past, the tradition of cultivating oilseeds with bright orange ...
Multiple organ failure - what is it, causes
The violation of the functionality of several physiological systems of a person is a serious pathology, identified by WHO as a separate syndrome. Complex changes that occur in this case in the body are classified as ...
Antibiotics for sore throat in an adult in tablets
Angina is an acute infectious disease that affects the tonsils. The disease is often found in both children and adult patients. To quickly cope with the disease, the doctor ...
Radiation therapy in oncology: what is it and what are the consequences
Radiotherapy is a cancer treatment method based on the use of ionizing radiation. It was first used in 1886 against an Austrian girl. The impact was ...
Stomatitis in adults: causes and treatment at home
Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa caused by a bacterial, fungal or viral flora. The disease can occur in various forms, more often occurs in children or people, ...
Cholagogue with stagnation of bile - list of herbs, pills, herbal preparations
Violation of the production and outflow of bile from the gallbladder is a problem characteristic of a number of pathologies of the liver and bile duct (biliary) tract. Potentially, it can cause ...
Antipyretic drugs at high temperature in adults
High temperature can permanently knock a person out of the working rut. And it is possible to cope with it without quality medicines only in rare cases. Which ones to use ...
Mustard oil - useful properties and contraindications
In the world there are many products that are good for food, and are used as a medicine, and even used to maintain beauty. One of those is ...
Frequent urination in women without pain, causes of urge
Often, women begin to suffer from such a problem as the constant and painless urge to visit the toilet room “little by little”. This may indicate the presence of a disease, ...
Nausea after eating - causes in women
The feeling of discomfort in the stomach is provoked by many factors. The cause of nausea after eating can be either a harmless irritation of the mucous membrane of the internal organs with spicy dishes, or ...
Pain under the right shoulder blade from behind from the back - causes and treatment
It is always difficult to diagnose the causes of pain under the right scapula from behind from the back, since this symptom accompanies many diseases, including a fracture of the scapula. So...
Reflux esophagitis: symptoms and treatment with pills, diet and folk remedies
Heartburn and a feeling of discomfort in the throat are among the main signs of inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the esophagus, and need treatment by qualified specialists. Moreover,...
Milk thistle: useful properties and contraindications for the use of oil
These lilac flowers growing along the roads, many people consider a useless weed. In fact, this herb is able to give a person both health and beauty ....
Milk thistle oil: benefits and harms, how to take for the liver
Using the cold pressed method, milk thistle oil is obtained, the raw materials for which are the seeds of this plant. Regular use of the product guarantees getting rid of various diseases, where ...
Antibiotics for sinusitis in adults
Sinusitis is a serious ailment, with the appearance of the very first symptoms of which you need to start treatment as soon as possible. This will help to avoid dangerous consequences. If...
Treatment of bronchitis at home in adults
Every adult has experienced coughing at least several times in his life. This phenomenon is often a symptom of bronchitis. This is a dangerous inflammatory disease that requires ...
Drops in the nose from nasal congestion - a list of effective drugs
Runny nose often bothers both children and adults.It can accompany infectious diseases or, for example, turn out to be a symptom of an allergy. To be able to quickly eliminate the problem, you need to keep ...
List of broad-spectrum antibiotics of the new generation
The treatment of bacterial infections today is not possible without the use of antibiotics. Microorganisms tend to become resistant to chemical compounds over time, and older drugs are often ineffective. Therefore...
Sesame oil - useful properties and contraindications
Sesame or sesame oil is used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology and technology. The beneficial properties and contraindications of sesame oil were known to people more than 6 centuries ago ....
Maggi curd diet: menus and recipes
The popular Maggi curd diet allows you to quickly lose extra pounds and at the same time not harm your body. One of its most important advantages is satiety ....
ACE inhibitors - list of drugs
Hypertension and the associated damage to the liver, kidneys, and brain are the scourge of our time. The number of deaths from high blood pressure significantly exceeds mortality from ...
Bronchitis symptoms and treatment in adults with drugs and folk remedies
The bronchi are the most important component of the human respiratory system. If an infection gets into the body, the active production of mucus begins in it. This leads to the discussed ailment ....
Fenugreek - beneficial properties for women, contraindications
The sages of the East asserted: “If only everyone knew how useful this herb was, it would be worth it like gold.” Such a high praise was given to the fenugreek plant, ...
Jerusalem artichoke: benefits and harm to the body
Jerusalem artichoke or earth pear is a food and medicinal plant, a relative of sunflower. His homeland is in the north of America, where the plant is still found in the wild today ....
Gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing the probe
The most reliable research method for examining the stomach is gastroscopy. It allows you to examine the entire mucous organ in different projections, take tissue for analysis, and even ...
Cystitis: symptoms and treatment in women, drugs and pills for cystitis
In most cases, chronic forms of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary sphere are the result of an unprofessional approach to therapy. A disease cannot be eliminated if the symptoms do not coincide and ...
Clover red - medicinal properties and contraindications
Clover red, medicinal properties and contraindications, the use of which in folk medicine will be discussed below, the people have talking names - scrofulous grass, feverish ...
Schisandra chinensis: medicinal properties and contraindications
Schisandra chinensis is the oldest relict vine, which, due to the high content of natural adaptogens, is a valuable medicinal plant. The healers of ancient China have well studied the healing properties and ...
Belching after eating - causes and treatment
Belching is the process of expelling excess gases from the stomach through the oral cavity. This phenomenon normally occurs in all healthy people. However, constant heavy burping ...
Ointments for bruises and bruises and swelling - high-speed
A high-quality effective ointment from bruises and bruises, and swelling with quick action should always be in your own medicine cabinet. After all, injuries of muscles, skin and ...
Rhodiola rosea - medicinal properties for women, contraindications
The healing properties and contraindications of Rhodiola rosea began to be actively studied by official medicine only in the late 1960s. Until this time, scientists were not given the opportunity more ...
Common agrimony - useful properties and contraindications
Useful properties and contraindications of common repes are determined by a whole complex of active components included in it.Separately, these substances are not so active, but in the aggregate ...
Baking soda: useful properties, application and treatment
Baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate) or sodium bicarbonate is a natural, non-toxic natural remedy. The beneficial properties of baking soda, the use and treatment of many diseases with its help are known ...
Flaxseed oil - useful properties and contraindications
The beneficial properties and contraindications of linseed oil were well known to our ancestors. Once this product was considered ordinary and was constantly present on tables at residents of the middle ...
Duodenal ulcer: symptoms and treatment
Severe pain in the upper abdomen can be a manifestation of serious intestinal pathologies, which are extremely difficult to get rid of without medical help. Moreover, the symptoms ...
Lumbar sciatica: symptoms and drug treatment
The main physical exertion to which a person is exposed lies on the spine. Not surprisingly, back pain, especially in the lumbar region, is familiar to most of the world's population. In a timely manner...
Cumin - medicinal properties and contraindications of Black cumin
Not only the bright aroma that gives the dishes piquancy and richness, cumin is different. It is also filled with a large number of elements important for our body. Cumin, healing properties ...
Flaxseed oil for weight loss - how to take?
Sometimes, to get rid of excess weight, it is enough to normalize the digestive system and lipid metabolism, without exhausting yourself with strict diets and excessive sports training. Cope...
Flaxseed oil - benefits and harms, how to take
Flax is one of the oldest cultivated plants on earth. Archaeologists have found flax seed food and linen in the Neolithic settlements. The centuries-old history of oil ...
Adrenal glands - symptoms of the disease in women
Women's health status largely depends on the level of hormones and the functionality of the organs responsible for their production. Timely detected symptoms of adrenal gland disease in women ...
Pumpkin seeds benefit and harm for women
Pumpkin is a healthy vegetable, parts of which are used not only in cooking, but also in traditional medicine and cosmetology. Most often these are seeds. They...
Antifungal drugs - inexpensive but effective
Nail and foot fungus is a problem that many face. Discomfort, itching, smell, inability to seem barefoot in public places like a bath or a swimming pool –...
Black cumin oil: benefits and harms, how to take
Black cumin has gained fame a very long time ago due to its healing properties. Moreover, its oil is able to fight against diseases that cannot be dealt with ...
Treatment of cystitis in women: drugs are inexpensive and effective
Cystitis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the bladder caused by pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora under conditions of weakened immunity. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the genitourinary system, the disease ...
Shifts legs at night - causes and treatment
Convulsive contractions of the calf muscles can occur in people of any age, but the older generation is most affected. In fact, cramping is not independent ...
Gastric ulcer: symptoms and manifestation
Peptic ulcer - the formation on the inner surface of the stomach of a poorly healing defect, the size of which can reach three cm or more. It is characterized by a relapsing course. Exacerbations occur ...
Bronchial asthma: symptoms and treatment in adults
Due to the increased sensitivity of the respiratory tract, the development of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the bronchial tree can occur under the influence of not only external but also internal stimuli ....
Sarcoidosis of the lungs - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of the disease
According to information provided by WHO, the list of respiratory tract injuries most dangerous to human health includes lung sarcoidosis. What is it - a question of interest not ...
Blood pressure: normal age, table
Any change in blood pressure parameters affects the overall well-being of a person. But if the deviations are significant, the health consequences can be serious. And although there is a table ...
Bran for weight loss: how to use with kefir, oat, rye or wheat
Bran contains a large amount of fiber. Therefore, they are so useful for the human body and are included in many modern diets. How to use bran for ...
Wheat bran: benefits and harms and how to take?
Do you know how to take wheat bran, the benefits and harms of which have been repeatedly considered by leading nutritionists? The effect of this product is mixed. With the right approach, it helps ...
Bay leaf healing properties and contraindications, use for hair and weight loss
Modern housewives are well acquainted with the lavrushka. This ingredient is used in cooking to improve the taste and aroma of various dishes. But few people know that the plant ...
Diuretics for edema: legs, face, hands
Many people experience unpleasant symptoms of puffiness throughout their lives, which indicates both a serious illness and simply a slight malfunction of the body. Get rid of ...
Treating a cold at home is quick and effective!
Nasal congestion is a signal that it is time to urgently take action. Treating a cold at home quickly suppresses the main symptoms, inhibits further ...
Atherogenicity coefficient increased - what is it and what does it mean?
Studying the results of diagnostic studies, doctors insist on a thorough examination of those patients who have an increased atherogenic coefficient. What is it, it is important to know everyone, not indifferent ...
Folk remedies for constipation are fast and effective.
The modern life rhythm, errors in nutrition, stress lead to the fact that such a delicate problem as constipation is becoming increasingly important among different social and ...
Constipation in adults - causes and treatment with folk remedies
A common problem is constipation in adults. The causes and treatment of such an ailment are described below. It is possible to cope with constipation with the help of folk remedies at home.
Nasal congestion without a cold: causes and treatment
Temporary disturbance of nasal breathing is not always regarded as a disease. While prolonged nasal congestion is regarded as a symptom of the development of pathological processes. Usually causes and treatment ...
Runny nose: treatment with folk remedies quickly and at home
Manifestations of the common cold are regularly encountered by everyone. It occurs for many reasons - non-infectious or infectious. In the first case, getting rid of it is not easy and ...
Gastroduodenitis: symptoms and treatment in adults - diet and drugs
Despite the fact that the periodic manifestations of gastritis are familiar to most lovers of junk food, they can easily be confused with signs of gastroduodenitis. And since ...
Human pressure: normal age, table
Violation of the norm of blood pressure worsens the patient’s condition, and in some cases completely confuses him to a hospital bed. For the adult population it will be useful to know what should ...
Icelandic moss: medicinal properties and contraindications
Not every medicinal plant can boast the same power of healing potential as the Icelandic Cetraria, popularly known as "Icelandic moss."
Knowing and skillfully using ...
Aloe - medicinal properties and contraindications
The medicinal properties and contraindications of aloe attract the attention of doctors and pharmacists.The juice of the plant has a life-giving power and brings considerable benefits. Based on aloe, they produce various ...
Laxatives for constipation for the elderly
Laxatives for constipation for the elderly are selected taking into account the characteristics of a middle-aged body. In old age, many diseases accumulate, in which some medications can be ...
Cornmeal - 8 recipes for dishes from flour, the benefits and harms and differences from ...
Cornmeal has been known for its benefits since ancient times. Nowadays, most housewives underestimate its nutritional qualities and are rarely used for cooking. Of...
Dementia in the elderly - symptoms, treatment and care
Impaired memory and thinking, decreased interest in the world around us, changes in behavior that occur in old age are often mistaken for signs of aging.
Then how timely ...
Intestinal colonoscopy: preparation for the procedure, diet
Modern technologies have opened up new opportunities in the diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system, as they allow not only to determine, but also to visually assess the condition of the digestive tract from the inside. If...
Burdock - healing properties and rules of application
The healing properties and rules of using burdock are described in collections of traditional medicine. Burdock is a natural first-aid kit in which there is a remedy for any misfortune. Tinctures, ...
Coughing - effective cough suppressant
How to treat cough in adults?
To understand what to do if the cough does not go away, which effective cough remedy to choose, you should know the basic rules of therapy.
Basic principles
Constipation What to do - urgently at home in an adult
If constipation occurs, what to do urgently and how to get rid of this problem as quickly as possible, it will be useful for everyone to know. There are many methods, not only ...
Echinacea: medicinal properties and contraindications, instructions for use
Echinacea, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which for 300 years of use in medicine and cosmetology have been studied quite fully, is very popular. "The evening sun", "golden ...
Hemlock - medicinal properties and contraindications of grass
Hemlock is a weed and poisonous plant. In our country, it is not considered pharmacopoeial, but in many European countries it is officially recognized as a medicinal product. Proponents of unconventional methods ...
Bee bread: useful properties, contraindications and how to take
The bee workers present us with many gifts, helping with various diseases of the body and soul. One of them is bee bread or in a different way bee bread that fills us ...
TSH norm in women by age, table
Changes in the emotional level, behavior or well-being of women are often associated with deviations in the hormonal sphere. And not without reason - this is possible if the TSH norm in women ...
Diet for high cholesterol in women
The human body produces so much cholesterol, which is enough for the normal functioning of all systems and organs. But with an improperly organized food system, the substance under discussion in ...
Red root - medicinal properties and contraindications
An interesting plant with graceful racemose crimson-purple flowers and fluffy fruits in the shape of a coin is called penny or red root, whose medicinal properties and contraindications are capable ...
Detox: what is it? Diet and program at home
Recently, the word "detox" has been increasingly used in fashion magazines and on television. What is it and why do we need a special cleansing program ...
Clove spice: useful properties and contraindications
Useful properties and contraindications for cloves are described in treatises of traditional medicine in Asia and the Middle East.In many modern European countries, the plant is considered pharmacopoeial, ...
Saffron: beneficial properties and how to take
Saffron is known not only as a seasoning, but also as a medicinal plant. It was used as incense in ancient Egypt, the Middle East and ...
Hypocholesterol diet - 9 options
A cardiologist usually recommends such a diet to patients. A large amount of cholesterol in the blood negatively affects the general condition of a person, and also worsens the work of the heart, blood vessels, contributes ...
Meadowsweet: useful medicinal properties and contraindications
This healing plant can be called unique. Indeed, in folk medicine, almost all of its parts are used. For example, the roots and flowers of meadowsweet. Useful properties and contraindications ...
Lingonberry berries - useful properties and contraindications
The healing power of some plants is so high that it surpasses many medications in its effectiveness. Given and correctly using the beneficial properties and contraindications of lingonberry berries, ...
Lyme Disease - What Are It, Symptoms and Treatment
This dangerous infectious disease can affect a patient of any gender and at any age. But more often its manifestations are seen in children under 15 years old and ...
Treatment with soda according to Neumyvakin: how to take
Using the healing powers of conventional products, you can not only maintain health, but also recover from many diseases without the use of traditional medicine. One of those ...
Carambola - what kind of fruit and how to eat it?
Now, not only traveling to distant countries, but in a nearby supermarket, you can find quite exotic fruits next to apples and oranges. Only many ...
Burdock root: useful properties and contraindications
Greater burdock is well-known and widely distributed throughout the world. The plant gained its popularity not only thanks to fruits, intrusively clinging to clothes. And useful ...
Gluten-free diet: weekly menu and grocery list
Today, a gluten-free diet is used for various purposes. She is prescribed by a doctor to some patients to prevent the development of complications of celiac disease, while others independently choose the discussed nutrition system, ...
Dry cough in an adult, treatment with folk remedies
Many believe that coughing is the result of a cold, but in fact the cause may be a much more serious problem. Reflex cough tremors are possible due to ...
Hoble - what is it and how is it treated
Among the pathologies to which the organs of the respiratory system are subject, obstructive lesions stand apart, due to the specifics of the clinical manifestations. For this reason, such diseases are little known, and patients ...
Chamomile: medicinal properties and contraindications
The nature of our planet is very rich in various plants that benefit people. This includes chamomile, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are widely used by traditional healers ....
Hemoglobin norm in women by age - table
The qualitative level of the blood composition is constantly changing over the course of life. A special table of hemoglobin norms in women by age will help prevent the appearance of pathological indicators in ...
Lump in the throat: reasons that it could be?
The causes of a coma in the throat can be very diverse, from psychosomatics to the oncological process in the body. Patients complain of difficulty trying ...
Chamomile - useful properties and contraindications
Chamomile is the most studied medicinal plant. She has been the guardian of human health since ancient times. The first description of a healing inflorescence appeared back in the 5th century ...
Beaver stream - from what diseases and application
For beavers, for certain, the majority only knows that these are rather large rodents living in freshwater, gnawing trees and building huts.But people versed in ...
Red viburnum: useful properties and contraindications
Traditional medicine praises viburnum. It is considered an elixir of vigor and health. The healing possibilities of the bush are almost endless. However, we turn into skeptics. Consider the useful properties and ...
Chamomile pharmacy: medicinal properties
The medicinal properties of chamomile are as well known as the plant itself is spread all over the globe. Nevertheless, the true healing potential of the flower can ...
Gluten free: what is it and why is it harmful
Not every food benefits us, both in terms of body shape and health. For example, we all know how harmful salty and fried foods, sweet soda ...
Atrial fibrillation: causes, symptoms and treatment
Changes in the work of the atria cause malfunctions of the heartbeat and indicate physiological pathologies of the heart. The causes, symptoms and treatment of atrial fibrillation are interrelated concepts. To ...
Cholesterol-lowering and cleansing vessels
Atherosclerosis, characterized by damage to arteries and impaired blood flow, is considered one of the causes of most cardiovascular diseases. Pathology develops against the background of deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, ...
Corn sticks: how to do, harm and benefit. Corn Stick Dessert Recipes
Dried foam from cornmeal, and this, in fact, are corn sticks, is loved by children of all ages. Recently, their assortment on the shelves of food ...
Epstein-Barr virus - what is it, symptoms and treatment
It is not always possible to determine the danger posed by some diseases. A striking example is the Epstein-Barr virus. What is it, few know, although according to statistics, most ...
Schizophrenia: symptoms and signs in women
Mental illness, which is difficult to treat, inhibits emotional functions, disrupts the processes of thinking - this is schizophrenia. Symptoms and signs in women depend on the type of disease, ...
Schizophrenia: symptoms and signs
Symptoms and signs of schizophrenia can begin to manifest at any age, but most often the disease occurs after 15 and up to 25 years. Interestingly, by ...